Homalernis Meyrick, 1908

Suzuki, Shinya, Jinbo, Utsugi, Yagi, Sadahisa & Hirowatari, Toshiya, 2024, A new species of Homalernis Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Tortricinae) represents the first record of the tribe Schoenotenini in Japan, Nota Lepidopterologica 47, pp. 113-123 : 113-123

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/nl.47.120384

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Nota Lepidopterologica by Pensoft

scientific name

Homalernis Meyrick, 1908


Genus Homalernis Meyrick, 1908 View in CoL

Homalernis Meyrick, 1908: 620. Type species: Homalernis semaphora Meyrick, 1908, by monotypy. View in CoL


Homalernis is characterised by the following features: hindwing veins R s and M 1 widely separate, M 3 and CuA 1 short stalked at the base (Fig. 4 B View Figure 4 ); male genitalia with a deeply bifid uncus and a valva with both the costa and sacculus extended into projections (Fig. 2 A, C View Figure 2 ) and female genitalia with a pair of wedge-shaped signa in the corpus bursae (Fig. 3 A, B View Figure 3 ).

Homalernis is similar to Diactenis Meyrick, 1907 in wing venation with all veins free in the forewing, the M-stem well-developed; and the hindwing with a very slender median cell (Fig. 4 A View Figure 4 ). The two genera also share a bifid uncus in the male genitalia. The female genitalia of Diactenis are easily distinguished by the absence of a distinct signum in the corpus bursae. The female genitalia of Homalernis shares with Syncratus Common, 1965 a twisted ductus bursae and a pair of similar signa, although the signum is a round plate with a blade-like process in Syncratus . Metachorista Meyrick, 1938 shares with Homalernis a valva with the costa and sacculus ending in distal projections in the male genitalia; and a similar shaped signum in the female genitalia, However, Metachorista has a hindwing with R s and M 1 stalked; prominent hami in the male genitalia; and only a single signum in the female genitalia.


Adult (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Head coarsely and densely covered with scales. Parietal portion to frons densely covered with thick scales. Antennae approximately 1 / 2 length of forewing, with short sensory setae, scape basally covered with scales covering frons. Labial palpus approximately 1.5 times length of eye diameter, second palpomere broadening towards tip, apex covered with coarse hair-like scales. Forewing costa slightly curved basally, slightly concave medially and gently curved toward apex, apex roundish pointed and projected, termen strongly oblique, lightly curved, dorsum straight, except for curved basal part; patches of raised scales tufts at end of cell. Hindwing: slender and long, rather sparsely scaled except along veins, especially on underside, approximately 3 times as long as wide; costa curved basally, slightly concave medially, and straight and slightly oblique in outer half, apex rounded, termen rather straight and oblique below apex, dorsum rounded.

Venation (Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ): Forewing: discal cell approximately 3 / 5 length of forewing, narrow at base and widening distally, slightly curved to dorsum, all veins separate except distal half of 1 A + 2 A, R 1 to R 4, R 5 to M 2 nearly equidistant; M 3 and CuA 1 slightly curved basally, CuA 1 from angle of cell, CuA 2 from 3 / 5 of cell, 1 A + 2 A with basal fork. Hindwing: cell approximately 2 / 5 length of hindwing, slender and elongated, slightly broadened from base to middle, apical half tapering distally; R s and M 1 separate and remote at base, M 1 to M 3 equidistant, M 3 and CuA 1 stalked at base, from apex of cell, CuA 2 from distal 1 / 8 of cell, slightly sinuate to termen.

Male genitalia (Fig. 2 A – F View Figure 2 ): Uncus long and narrow, bifurcated apically and slightly fused basally. Hami absent. Socius somewhat slender and long, hairy. Gnathos sclerotised, lateral parts broad, with five raised and pointed spines with non-bifurcated apices. Valva membranous; costa strongly sclerotised, dorsoposterior projection elongated to approximately 0.5 times length of valva, with dense and strong setae; sacculus sclerotised, saccular projection elongated to approximately 0.3 times length of distal edge of valva, sparsely covered with fine hairs. Transtilla slightly thick, concave dorsomedially. Vinculum ending in sharp point. Phallus slender and tubular, cornuti several tiny thorns.

Female genitalia (Fig. 3 A, B View Figure 3 ): Papilla analis long and slender. Apophysis posterioris and apophysis anterioris short, approximately 1.6–1.8 times longer than Papilla analis. Ductus bursae very long and narrow, posterior 1 / 3 straight, anterior 2 / 3 twisted, with a slightly sclerotised ring near ductus seminalis. Corpus bursae ovate and large, with a pair of signa, basal round plates with a flatten blade-shaped projection inwardly.


India, Japan (new record),? Malaysia.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile












Homalernis Meyrick, 1908

Suzuki, Shinya, Jinbo, Utsugi, Yagi, Sadahisa & Hirowatari, Toshiya 2024


Meyrick E 1908: 620