Trigonopterus wangiwangiensis Riedel

Riedel, Alexander & Narakusumo, Raden Pramesa, 2019, One hundred and three new species of Trigonopterus weevils from Sulawesi, ZooKeys 828, pp. 1-153 : 1

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scientific name

Trigonopterus wangiwangiensis Riedel

sp. n.

102. Trigonopterus wangiwangiensis Riedel sp. n.

Diagnostic description.

Holotype, male (Fig. 102a). Length 2.14 mm. Color of antennae ferruginous; legs and head dark ferruginous; remainder black. Body subovate; in dorsal aspect and in profile with distinct constriction between pronotum and elytron. Rostrum dorsally coarsely punctate-rugose, with distinct median ridge; with sparse rows of suberect slender scales; epistome short, posteriorly with transverse ridge. Pronotum with subapical constriction; disk coarsely punctate, scabrous; each puncture with erect, slender-clavate, curved scale. Elytra with striae deeply impressed; each puncture with erect, slender-clavate, curved scale; intervals carinate, subglabrous, weakly microreticulate. Meso- and metafemur with small denticle, profemur edentate. Metafemur subapically without stridulatory patch. Abdominal ventrite 5 flat, microreticulate, sparsely setose. Penis (Fig. 102b) hardly asymmetrical; tip medially weakly extended; basal orifice ventrally simple; apodemes subequal to body (1.1 ×); ductus ejaculatorius with distinct bulbus. Intraspecific variation. Length 2.06-2.14 mm. Female rostrum slender, dorsally in apical 1/2 subglabrous, densely punctate-rugose; epistome simple.

Material examined.

Holotype ( MZB): ARC2808 (GenBank # MK260248), SE-Sulawesi Prov., Wakatobi Reg., Wangi Wangi Is, Matahora, 05°20.302'S 123°36.680'E, 32 m, 26-V-2012. Paratypes ( MZB, SMNK): 14 exx, ARC2809 (EMBL # LT603142), ARC2810 (GenBank # MK260249), same data as holotype.


SE-Sulawesi Prov. (Wangi Wangi Is). Elevation ca. 30 m.


In thin leaf litter of lowland forest.


This epithet is a Latinized adjective based on the type locality Wangi Wangi Island.


Trigonopterus wangiwangiensis Riedel, sp. n. was coded as " Trigonopterus sp. 385".