Cryptorhopalum punctifrons, Herrmann, Háva & Kadej, 2015

Herrmann, Andreas, Háva, Jiří & Kadej, Marcin, 2015, New Dermestidae (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea) from Peru., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13, pp. 67-74 : 70

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11537709

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scientific name

Cryptorhopalum punctifrons

sp. nov.

Cryptorhopalum punctifrons sp. nov.

( Figs. 2 View Figs a-e)

Type material. Holotype (feMale) labelled: “ PERU, pr. Leonce Prado , Tingo Maria 3 km SE bosque reservado de la UNAS, 9°19’S- 75°59’W, 674M, 8.IV.2013 R.Constantin & L.Huaman Cuespán ” ( MUSM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes (2 females) labelled with exactly the same collecting data as the Holotype (1 MUSM, 1 AHEC) GoogleMaps .


Female habitus as in Fig. 2a View Figs . Measurements (in mm): TL 3.1, PL 0.7, PW 1.7, EL 2.5, EW 2.1. Whole integument deep black with a very slight metallic shine. Head extremely dense and coarsely punctated, naked ( Fig. 2d View Figs ). Median frontal ocellus present. Eyes large without any visible microseta. Maxillary palpi black, labial palpi light brown. Antennae 11-segmented, with a 2-segmented antennal club, yellow brown, the whole club, the first antennomere and the dorsal half of the second black ( Fig. 2b View Figs ). Pronotum with sparse, recumbent dark pubescence; finely and sparsely punctated; continuously narrowed from the hind edges towards the head and conspicuously bulged in the front margin. Elytra with deep and coarse punctuation, the sparse pubescence consists of dark, bended and more or less recumbent strong hairs. The small triangular scutellum naked and without punctuation. Epipleuron black. Abdominal segments densely and coarsely punctated, deep black, with dark recumbent pubescence ( Fig. 2c View Figs ). Legs black to dark brown, the edges of the tibiae with a row of dark brown spines each, conspicuously bulged ( Fig. 1e View Figs ).

Male so far unknown.

Differential diagnosis.

The new species resembles very much to Cryptorhopalum nevermanni Pic, 1936 and Cryptorhopalum equisoleae Sharp, 1902 because of the coarse and deep elytral punctuation in combination with the slight metallic shine of the elytrae and the conspicuous bulged front tibiae. This combination separates these three taxa from all other species known so far within Cryptorhopalum Guérin-Méneville, 1838 . C. punctifrons can easily be distinguished from C. nevermanni as well as from C. equisoleae by the punctuation of frons and pronotum.

Etymology. The name regards to the extremely dense and coarse punctuation on the frons of the specimen.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Západoceské muzeum v Plzni


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