Disasterina Perrier, 1875

O’Loughlin, P. Mark & Waters, Jonathan M., 2004, A molecular and morphological revision of genera of Asterinidae (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 61 (1), pp. 1-40 : 19-20

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24199/j.mmv.2004.61.1



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scientific name

Disasterina Perrier


Disasterina Perrier View in CoL

Figures 2g View Figure 2 , 5f View Figure 5 , 10e–f View Figure 10 , 12a–b View Figure 12

Disasterina Perrier, 1875: 289 View in CoL .— Livingstone, 1933: 5–7.—H.L. Clark, 1946: 138.— Spencer and Wright, 1966: U69.—A.M. Clark, 1993: 218.— Liao and Clark, 1995: 131–132.— Rowe, 1995: 35.

Manasterina H.L. Clark, 1938: 157–158 View in CoL .—H.L. Clark, 1946:

139.—A.M. Clark, 1993: 220.— Rowe, 1995: 36. New synonym.

Diagnosis. Rays 5; body thin, covered by thick integument; form medium to long-rayed stellate, rays with wide base, tapering strongly, flat actinally, height low convex; abactinal plates thin, on broad upper rays predominantly irregular in shape, size and arrangement, loosely imbricate or contiguous or not contiguous leaving non-plated spaces; plates on lower rays in few irregular longitudinal series, sometimes weakly notched and crescentiform; interradii thin distally, small non-papulate plates in perpendicular or zig-zag series to margin; papulae few, irregular on rays; abactinal spinelets lacking or rare or few, glassy, sacciform, short or long; superomarginal plates small, not in distinct series; inferomarginal plates project widely, loosely contiguous, with distal fringe of few large sacciform spinelets; actinal interradial plates in oblique series; proximal actinal interradial areas frequently not plated; interradial actinal plates with 1–2 long sacciform spines; superambulacral plates irregularly present mid-ray and distally, lacking complete series; superactinal plates present as single plate struts.

Type species. Disasterina abnormalis Perrier, 1875 (monotypy) (junior synonym: Habroporina pulchella H.L. Clark, 1921 , by Livingstone, 1933).

Other species. D. ceylanica Döderlein, 1888 ; D. longispina (H.L. Clark, 1938) ; D. odontacantha Liao, 1980 ; D. spinosa Koehler, 1910 .

Material examined. D. abnormalis . New Caledonia, AM J5042; Queensland, Cairns, J4947 (2); Hayman I., J5699 (1); J5904 (4); J5957 (1); J7315 (1); Torres Strait, Murray I., Z6748 (1); N Western Australia, Rowley Shoals, WAM Z6749 (2); Scott Reef, Z6753-5 (3).

D. longispina . Western Australia, Houtman Abrolhos, WAM Z6758 (1); Z6760 (2).

D. odontacantha . Fiji, UF 2391 (1); UF 1116 (1); UF, 1874 (1); Guam, UF 1253 (1).

Description with species variations. Body thin, rays 5 ( abnormalis 5–6); interradial margin deeply incurved, concave or acute proximally, form medium to long-rayed stellate; rays with wide base, tapering to narrowly or widely rounded end; body flat actinally, low convex abactinally; distal interradii wide and thin ( abnormalis ), or narrow and thin, rays rise distinctly from thin margin; body covered with thick integument; size medium ( abnormalis up to R = 38 mm) to small ( spinosa up to R = 14 mm); pedicellariae possibly present ( longispina ); none fissiparous.

Abactinal appearance irregular; abactinal plates on broad upper rays thin, irregular in form, size, arrangement; plates not distinguishable as primary and secondary, intergrade from large to small; plates weakly imbricating or contiguous or not contiguous leaving non-plated spaces on rays; lacking carinal series; plates on lower rays in few irregular longitudinal series; distal thin interradii with small rounded non-papulate plates in irregular series perpendicular or zig-zag to margin; plates on rays sometimes weakly notched for papulae and crescentiform ( spinosa ); papulae on rays only, single, few and sparse, large or small, irregular; disc not regularly bordered ( abnormalis ) or almost regular border ( longispina , odontacantha ); low domes sometimes present on abactinal plates ( longispina ); abactinal plates frequently bare, or with few sacciform spinelets around disc ( abnormalis ), or sometimes with 1–2 spinelets, short proximally, long distally ( odontacantha ), or with 1–4 spinelets variable in form from digitiform to long, pointed or rounded, principally on ends of rays ( longispina ), or with 1–3 long sacciform spinelets proximally and on rays ( spinosa ); clusters of 2–4 undifferentiated spinelets possibly act as pedicellariae interradially ( longispina ); glassy convexities present on abactinal plates ( abnormalis , longispina , odontacantha ); superomarginal plates small, not in distinct series, bare ( abnormalis , longispina ) or with 1 ( odontacantha ) or few long spinelets ( spinosa ); inferomarginal plates project prominently, some elongate and almost entirely projecting ( abnormalis , longispina , odontacantha ), each plate with transverse distal fringe of 1–6 integument-covered long sacciform spinelets.

Actinal interradial plates in oblique series; proximal actinal interradial areas frequently not plated.

Actinal spines per plate: oral 4–8; suboral 1–3 ( odontacantha 0); furrow 3–6 proximally, webbed; subambulacral 1–3; adradial bare ( abnormalis , odontacantha ) or with spines; actinal 1 or 2 ( spinosa ); interradial actinal spines long sacciform.

Superambulacral plates irregularly present mid-ray and distally ( abnormalis , longispina ), lacking complete series; superactinal plates present as single plate struts ( abnormalis , longispina ).

Distribution. Indo-West Pacific, South China Sea (Xisha Is), Ceylon, Bay of Bengal (Andaman Is), Indonesia, New Caledonia, Guam, Fiji, northern Australia, western Australia.

Remarks. Molecular data have not been obtained for species of Disasterina and the genus is reviewed on morphological grounds. Specimens of D. ceylanica and D. spinos a were not seen and morphological data were obtained from the original descriptions and figures by Döderlein (1888) and Koehler (1910).

Species previously assigned to Disasterina fall into two morphological groups, those close to the type D. abnormalis and retained here in Disasterina , and D. leptalacantha and D. praesignis (with junior synonym D. spinulifera ) which are close to Tegulaster emburyi and are removed to Tegulaster . Disasterina differs from Tegulaster in having: body thin and low, not thick and high; abactinal plates thin and loosely contiguous, not thick and imbricating; non-plated abactinal spaces present, not absent; median band of irregular abactinal plates on rays wide, not narrow; distal interradial plates at margin in irregular perpendicular series, not longitudinal and thus crossed angled series; superomarginal plates small and irregular, not large and in distinct series; covering integument thick, not thin. The form and patterns of spinelets and spines are similar in the two genera. Disasterina also shares some morphological characters with Indianastra gen. nov. below, in particular spination, limited presence of superambulacral plates and presence of series of superactinal plates. The morphological differences between Disasterina and Indianastra are detailed under the latter.

Manasterina longispina H.L. Clark, 1938 View in CoL was described from a single specimen and the genus distinguished from Disasterina View in CoL by size, single minute spinelets on some abactinal plates, long spinelets on rays distally, openly spaced abactinal plates, and absence of non-plated proximal actinal areas. None of these characters is of generic value. The long spinelets on distal ray plates is unique to the species. M. longispina View in CoL is intermediate in size amongst species of Disasterina View in CoL ; species of Disasterina View in CoL sometimes have spinelets on abactinal plates; and the extent of non-plated abactinal and actinal body wall varies amongst specimens of M. longispina View in CoL and amongst species of Disasterina View in CoL . Manasterina View in CoL is synonymised here with Disasterina View in CoL . Clusters of 2–4 undifferentiated interradial spinelets with their distal ends angled together and contiguous were observed on preserved D. longispina View in CoL material, and possibly act as pedicellariae.

Livingstone (1933) considered D. spinosa View in CoL to be inappropriately assigned to Disasterina View in CoL but gave no reason. The single long sacciform spinelets on abactinal plates distinguish the species but are not grounds for rejecting its generic placement. Disasterina ceylanica Döderlein (1888) View in CoL was reassigned to Tegulaster View in CoL by Livingstone (1933). Disasterina View in CoL and Tegulaster View in CoL have some common characters but the reassignment is inappropriate.

Material from the University of Florida extends the distribution of D. odontacantha from China to Guam and Fiji.


Australian Museum


Western Australian Museum


Florida Museum of Natural History- Zoology, Paleontology and Paleobotany












Disasterina Perrier

O’Loughlin, P. Mark & Waters, Jonathan M. 2004

Manasterina H.L. Clark, 1938: 157–158

Clark, H. L. 1938: 158

Disasterina Perrier, 1875: 289

Liao, Y. & Clark, A. M. 1995: 131
Rowe, F. W. E. & Gates, J. 1995: 35
Clark, A. M. 1993: 218
Clark, H. L. 1946: 138
Livingstone, A. A. 1933: 5
Perrier, E. 1875: 289
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