Plexippus setipes Karsch, 1879

Prószyński, Jerzy, 2017, Remarks on the genus Plexippus C. L. Koch, 1846 (Araneae: Salticidae), Ecologica Montenegrina 13, pp. 39-69 : 63-64

publication ID 10.37828/em.2017.13.5

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scientific name

Plexippus setipes Karsch, 1879


Plexippus setipes Karsch, 1879 View in CoL

Figures 2G View Figure 2 1-I View Figure 1 , 4 View Figure 4 L-M, 5M-Q, 6M, 7L1-L3, 9A - E, I - M, R-U Morph “setipes-1” Figs 2G View Figure 2 , 4L View Figure 4 , 5 O-Q, 9L-M, U; Morph “setipes -2” Figs 4L View Figure 4 1 View Figure 1 , 6M, 7L View Figure 7 2 View Figure 2 , 9E View Figure 9 , 9K-K1,T

Plexippus setipes Karsch, 1879g: 89 View in CoL [Holotype from Japan, collector Hilgendorf].

Plexippus setipes Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 View in CoL 364, pl. 9, f. 131, pl. 13, f. 363 (f).

Plexippus setipes Prószyński 1973: 120-122 View in CoL , f. 61-63 (but not f. 64-66 = P. cf. strandi View in CoL ).

Plexippus setipes Zabka, 1985: 436 View in CoL , f. 481-486 (m).

Plexippus setipes Bohdanowicz & Prószyński, 1987: 117 View in CoL , f. 228-232 (mf) = “ P. setipes View in CoL -1”).

Plexippus setipes Peng & Li, 2003b: 755 View in CoL , f. 4A-F (mf) = “P. setipes-2”.

Plexippus setipes Żabka & Gardzińska, 2017: 233 View in CoL , f. 5A-F, 6A-B (mf).

Material. " Plexippus setipes Karsch 5 2768 Japan " Zool Mus. Berlin, Alcohol Collection 4 females - syntypes.

5 Authenticity of the holotype specimen is confirmed by the name of collector - Franz Martin Hilgendorf who was lecturer at the Imperial Medical Academy Tokyo (1873-1876), later worked in the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Of the other hand, similarly named specimen from "Chinchoxo" (= Faktory and Stationion of Deutschen Afrikanischen Gesellschaft (1873-1876), in N of Cabinda, Angola), cannot be collected by Hilgendorf and cannot be cannot be conspecific with holotype. Specimens labelled Menemeroides illigeri [unpublished collection name on preparations by Dahl] - (drawn by Prószyński 1973: 120-122, f. 64-66, not Menemerus illigeri Audouin, 1826 ) is Plexippus sp.

Documentation studied. Summary of world's literature provided by "Monograph of Salticidae ( Araneae ) of the World 1995-2016. Part I & 2" by Prószyński (2016 a, b) and current literature.

Remarks. Existing descriptions of P. setipes are incomplete and diagnostic drawings are confusing, depicting apparently three different morphs. I assume that female type specimen of this species ( Figs 7L View Figure 7 1 View Figure 1 , 9A View Figure 9 , I-J) collected by Hilgendorf in Japan is the only unquestionable female of this species. I hypothesize that female illustrated on Figs 2H View Figure 2 , and 9C View Figure 9 from Japan may be conspecific because of indistinct median streak on abdomen, therefore matching male may also be P. setipes ( Figs 2H View Figure 2 , repeated on 9B). It is characterized by unusual transverse white belt, following red one, in anterior eyefield, occurring also in Vietnamese specimen ( Figs 7L View Figure 7 3 View Figure 3 , 9D View Figure 9 ). Male palps of these specimens are shown on Figs 9 View Figure 9 R-S – (the latter looking somewhat differently). Differences of palps of all three morphs lies in slightly different shapes and proportions, which are not clear cut and may be interpreted in various way, therefore identification of males should be based on color pattern characters, which are, however, imprecisely documented for some specimens.

Distribution. Japan, Vietnam.

Morph P. "setipe s-1" from Japan (by Bösenberg & Strand, 1906, Bohdanowicz & Prószyński, 1987, Ono, Ikeda & Kono, 2009: epigyne) differs from P. setipes by distinctly longer ducts ( Figs 9 View Figure 9 L-M), and exaggerated swelling of prolateral edge of embolar basis is moved somewhat more anteriorly ( Figs 4L View Figure 4 , 9U View Figure 9 ).

Morph P. "setipe s-2" from China differs strikingly from P. setipes by longitudinal median white streak on eyefield in male, not transverse ( Fig. 7L View Figure 7 2 View Figure 2 ), length of ducts is intermediate between two remaining morphs ( Figs 9 View Figure 9 K-K1), difference of palp shown on figs 4L1 and 9T are rather vague.

Uncertain species from Krasnovodsk and Lenkoran. – see P. strandi (below). Prószyński 1973: 120-122, f. 61-63 illustrated epigyne of two species mounted in permanent slides by F. Dahl and labeled Plexippus setipes , from Lenkoran ( Azerbaijan) and Krasnovodsk ( Turkmenistan), while resembling superficially epigyne of P. setipes , they are much closer to P. strandi by shorter ducts and prominent bulge of armature of pheromone exuding opening. It is not possible to identify them without knowledge of general body appearance and color pattern.














Plexippus setipes Karsch, 1879

Prószyński, Jerzy 2017

Plexippus setipes Żabka & Gardzińska, 2017: 233

Zabka, M. & Gardzinska, J. 2017: 233

Plexippus setipes

Peng, X. J. & Li, S. Q. 2003: 755

Plexippus setipes Bohdanowicz & Prószyński, 1987: 117

Bohdanowicz, A. & Proszynski, J. 1987: 117

Plexippus setipes

Zabka, M. 1985: 436

Plexippus setipes Prószyński 1973: 120-122

Proszynski J. 1973: 122

Plexippus setipes

Karsch, F. 1879: 89
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