Arge yildirimi Haris et Kaplan

Kaplan, Emin & Haris, Attila, 2021, New Species Of Arge Schrank, 1802 (Hymenoptera, Argidae) From Turkey, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67 (4), pp. 341-347 : 342

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.67.4.341.2021


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scientific name

Arge yildirimi Haris et Kaplan

sp. nov.

Arge yildirimi Haris et Kaplan sp. n.

( Figs 1–5 View Figs 1–6 )

Arge frivaldszkyi: KAPLAN et al. 2018 (misidentification).

Type material. Holotype: Lice: Yalaza, N 38° 20’ 16.33ʺ, E 40° 40’ 35.45ʺ, 921 m, 25. 04. 2018, 1 female, leg. Emin Kaplan. Deposited in the Rippl-Rónai Museum, Kaposvár, Hungary. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Eğil: Yatır, N 38° 08’ 09.41ʺ, E 40° 08’ 56.18ʺ, 836 m, 28. 03. 2019, 1 female; Kocaköy, Ambar, N 38° 16’ 07.99ʺ, E 40° 28’ 29.61ʺ, 733 m, 24. 04. 2018, 1 female; Lice, Beni, N 38° 20’ 07.29ʺ, E 40° 38’ 57.00ʺ, 1124 m, 25. 04.2018, 1 female; Kutlu, N 38° 21’ 37.62ʺ, E 40° 46’ 28.39ʺ, 825 m, 28. 04. 2018, 1 female; Oyuklu, N 38° 19’ 44.71ʺ, E 40° 45’ 31.90ʺ, 939 m, 28. 04. 2018, 1 female; all leg. Emin Kaplan (3 in Rippl-Rónai Museum; 2 in Bingöl University ) .

Female: Head, including antennae and mouthparts, bluish black. Thorax predominantly orange, bluish black are: legs, tegulae, prosternum, mesosternum, metasternum, katepimeron, metapleuron, mesoscutellum, metascutellum, and metanotum. Abdomen predominantly orange, bluish black are: first tergite, narrow anterior margin of second tergite, last abdominal segment and ovipositor. Wings weakly infumate, subcostal area strongly infumate; veins, including costa, subcosta and stigma black. Head behind the eyes moderately expanded. Gena about as long as diameter of anterior ocellus, clypeus triangularly excised, clypeal excision about 0.4× as deep as clypeal median length. Frontal basin triangularly elongated down to level of antennal sockets and clearly carinated. Labrum with straight anterior margin. Labrum, clypeus, inner orbits and frontal area shallowly and densely punctured, shiny. Temples and vertex smooth and shiny. OOL: POL: OCL: 9:11:11. Temples, vertex not carinated posteriorly. Gena with short sharp carina. Mesonotum, mestascutellum and mesopleuron smooth and shiny. Mesoscutellum with minute, moderately dense punctures, shiny. Basalis and cubitalis of anterior wing meet in one point on subcosta. Abdominal tergites with fine coriaceous surface sculpture, shiny. Hind tibial calcars subequal and about as long as width of hind tibia. Hind tibial spur: apical width of hind tibia: 10: 9. Hind tibia with an additional submedian spine. Claws simple. Head and thorax covered with short, sparse, white pubescence. Lancet slender with 18 serrulae ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–6 ). Length: 7.6 mm.

Variation: one paratype has 2 small and rounded orange spots on sides of mesoscutellum. Length: 7.6- 8.6 mm.

Male: Unknown.

Etymology: The new species is dedicated to Professor Dr. Erol Yildirim (Ataturk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Erzurum, Turkey).














Arge yildirimi Haris et Kaplan

Kaplan, Emin & Haris, Attila 2021

Arge frivaldszkyi:

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