Argentinomyia andina Montoya & Wolff, 2020

Montoya, Augusto L. & Wolff, Marta, 2020, Description of six new large species of Argentinomyia Lynch-Arribalzaga, 1891 and redescription of Talahua fervida (Fluke, 1945) (Diptera, Syrphidae, Syrphinae), ZooKeys 929, pp. 19-51 : 19

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scientific name

Argentinomyia andina Montoya & Wolff

sp. nov.

Argentinomyia andina Montoya & Wolff sp. nov. Figures 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 15 View Figure 15

Differential diagnosis.

Face yellow pollinose and pilose. Metafemur extensively brown, only slightly orange on apical 1/6. Tibiae yellow with a dark ring near the middle, more prominent on the metalegs. Third and fourth tergum with a pair of broad subquadrate maculae, reaching the lateral margin in their full width, fifth tergum with a pair of small maculae in the basal corners. Argentinomyia puntarena sp. nov. is similar to A. andina sp. nov., but differs in having the face white pollinose and pilose; metafemur orange on basal 1/5 and apical 3/5, metatibia extensively brown, only orange brownish on basal 2/3; fifth tergum without maculae.

Type locality.

Colombia, department of Antioquia, Sonsón municipality, Vereda Norí municipal rural settlement, Norí Mountain hill, forest, 05°48.580'N, 75°16.142'E, alt. 2896 m a.s.l.


Male. Head (Fig. 1A, C View Figure 1 ): Black metallic, covered with yellow pollinosity, oral tips, ocellar triangle, and a large triangular macula on the frons, yellow pilose, pile on front black, on gena and face golden yellow, on the occiput yellow except the dorsal pile black, frontal triangle coppery metallic. Antennae brown, orange-red ventrally, rounded, as long as wide, the lower basal corner of basoflagellomere, ratio 1.0:1.2:2.3, arista orange, dark brown toward the tip. Thorax (Fig. 1C View Figure 1 ). Black, the scutum shining, with iridescent to coppery yellow reflections, with two median brownish pollinose vittae on anterior half, pile mostly yellow, with long black pile before the scutellum. Wing (Fig. 1C View Figure 1 ). Slightly smoky, the stigma brown yellowish, marginal maculae slightly brownish at apex of cells r and m; membrane microtrichose, except for extensive bare areas on basal half (cells c, sc, r1, dm and bm); tegula and basicosta black pilose, alula extensively bare medially, calypter whitish yellow, border whitish tawny, fringe yellow tawny, plumula yellow, halter white, knob white. Legs (Fig. 1C View Figure 1 ). Yellow to brown, pro and mesofemora brown, only slightly yellow on apical 1/3, respectively, metafemora brown, only slightly orange on apical 1/6, tibiae yellow with a dark ring near the middle, more prominent on the metalegs, tarsi brown, yellow pilose below, black pilose above. Abdomen (Fig. 1B View Figure 1 ). Elongate, black, with five pairs of lateral orange maculae reaching the apical 5/6 of the tergum, first tergum shining black, second to fourth tergum with a pair of broad subquadrate maculae, reaching the lateral margin in their full width; fifth tergum with a pair of small maculae in the basal corners. Pile orange on the sides basally, black down the middle and on the apical terga, as well as in the maculae; male genitalia as Fig. 2 View Figure 2 .

Female. (Fig. 1D-F View Figure 1 ). Similar to male except for normal sexual dimorphism. Abdominal maculae triangular and comparatively shorter than in the male, apically rounded, second to fifth tergum with maculae only reaching the apical 3/4, but not reaching the lateral margin in their full width. Frons shining above with a white pollinose transversal macula below. The female of Argentinomyia andina sp. nov. is similar in appearance to Talahua fervida , but T. fervida has a pair of small basolateral maculae on the sixth tergum and maculae on second to third tergum are longer than in A. andina sp. nov.

Length (N = 2). Body 11.2-11.5 mm; wing 10.8-11.1 mm.


The specific epithet andina (nominative, adjective feminine) is derived from the Andes South American mountain chain system where the type specimens were collected.


Argentinomyia andina sp. nov. (N = 8) is distributed on the west slope of the Central Cordillera in Northern Colombian Andes (Antioquia) at elevations between 1800-2700 m. a.s.l., in the provinces of Cauca (Fig. 15 View Figure 15 ).

Type material.

Holotype. COLOMBIA ♂, Antioquia, Sonson , Nori . Original label: "Colombia, Antioquia, Sonsón, vereda Norí / Nori mountain hill, Forest ; 5°48.580'N, 75°16.142'E, 2896 m / 1-12.iv.2018, Malaise trap, Leg. A.L. Montoya and J.P. Carmona / CEUA 103430 ". "HOLOTYPE / Argentinomyia andina / Montoya & Wolff 2020" [red, handwritten except first line]". The holotype is in good condition and deposited at the CEUA, Medellín, Colombia. GoogleMaps Paratypes. COLOMBIA • 1 ♂ same data as for holotype (CEUA) but differs on: Net, 2.vii.2018, Leg. J.P. Carmona, J. Sauceda, J. Vallejo (CEUA 103385); 2♂, same, except;, Leg. A.L. Montoya; J. Sauceda; M. Posada (CEUA 103552-53); 1♂, Antioquia, Santa Elena, Vereda El Placer, El Robledal, 6°13.717'N, 75°30.267'E, 2480 m a.s.l., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish, 1-5.iii.2007, Leg A. Vélez (CEUA 103551); 1♀, Antioquia, San José de la Montaña, Vereda El Congo, Sector La Laguna, 6°45.827'N, 75°42.104'E, 3100-3200 m a.s.l., Páramo, Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish, 10-11.ix.2011, Leg. L. Rios (CEUA 69016); 1♀, same, except; 46.013'N, 75°41.979'E, 3100-3183 m a.s.l., Malaise, 4-14.ii.2017, Leg. C. Henao; A. F. Sepúlveda (CEUA 103635); 1♂, Sonsón, Vereda San Francisco, Las Palomas A Mountain hill, 5°43.606'N, 75°15.371'E, 2749 m a.s.l., Forest, Net, 1-12.iv.2018, Leg. A.L. Montoya, J. Carmona (CEUA 103434).


Argentinomyia andina sp. nov. inhabits pristine Andean forest and Páramo ecosystems in Colombia, being particularly abundant in forest.













