Symphora flavicollis (Haldeman, 1848)

Webster, Reginald P., Sweeney, Jon D. & DeMerchant, Ian, 2012, New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Mycetophagidae, Tetratomidae, and Melandryidae, ZooKeys 179, pp. 215-242 : 226-227

publication ID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Symphora flavicollis (Haldeman, 1848)


Symphora flavicollis (Haldeman, 1848) Map 15

Material examined.

New Brunswick, Carleton Co.,Jackson Falls,Bell Forest, 46.2200°N, 67.7231°W, 27.VI-6.VII.2008, 6-12.VII.2009, R. P. Webster, mature hardwood forest, Lindgren funnel traps (2, AFC); same locality and forest type, 28. VI– 7.VII.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguère, Lindgren funnel trap (1, RWC). Queens Co., Cranberry Lake P.N.A, 46.1125°N, 65.6075°W, 29. VI– 7.VII.2011, 7-13.VII.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster, old red oak forest, Lindgren funnel traps (2, RWC). Restigouche Co., Dionne Brook P.N.A., 47.9030°N, 68.3503°W, 27.VI-14.VII.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster, old-growth northern hardwood forest, Lindgren funnel trap (1, NBM). Sunbury Co., Burton near Sunpoke Lake, 45.7658°N, 66.5546°W, 27.VII.2007, R. P. Webster, red oak and red maple forest, u.v. light (2, RWC); Acadia Research Forest, 45.9866°N, 66.3841°W, 30.VI-8.VII.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguère, mature (110-year-old) red spruce forest with scattered red maple and balsam fir, Lindgren funnel trap (1, RWC). York Co., Charters Settlement, 45.8430°N, 66.7275°W, 12.VII.2005, R. P. Webster, regenerating mixed forest, beating foliage (1, RWC); Canterbury, near Browns Mountain Fen, 45.8978°N, 67.6273°W, 3.VII.2005, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguère, mixed forest, beating foliage (1, RWC); 15 km W of Tracy off Rt. 645, 45.6848°N, 66.8821°W, 4-16.VI.2010, R. Webster & C. MacKay, old red pine forest, Lindgren funnel trap (1, RWC).

Collection and habitat data.

Symphora flavicollis was found in a mature hardwood forest with sugar maple and American beech, a red oak and red maple stand, an old red oak forest, an old-growth northern hardwood forest, a regenerating (20-year-old) mixed forest, mixed forests, a mature red spruce forest, and an old red pine forest. Adults were captured in Lindgren funnel traps, at ultraviolet light, and by beating foliage. Majka and Pollock (2006) reported this species from various coniferous and hardwood forest types in Nova Scotia. This species was collected during June and July.

Distribution in Canada and Alaska.

MB, ON, QC, NB, PE, NS ( LeSage 1991b; Majka and Pollock 2006).









