Dichotomius Hope, 1838

Rosa, Cecilia Lozano De La, Cupello, Mario & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2024, The dung beetles of Venezuela (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): catalogue and updated distribution, European Journal of Taxonomy 959 (1), pp. 1-272 : 89-90

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.959.2677

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scientific name

Dichotomius Hope, 1838


Genus Dichotomius Hope, 1838 View in CoL

Dichotomius Hope, 1838: 321 View in CoL (original description). Type species: Scarabaeus boreus Olivier, 1789 View in CoL , by original designation; see Martínez (1951).

Pinotus Erichson, 1847a: 108 View in CoL (original description). Type species: uncertain. Usually claimed to be Scarabaeus carolinus Linnaeus, 1767 View in CoL (e.g., Lacordaire 1855; Luederwaldt 1929; Nunes & Vaz-de-Mello 2019), but, as argued by Martínez (1951), this nominal species was not among the two expressly assigned to Pinotus View in CoL by Erichson (1847a). Martínez (1951) stated that Pinotus talaus Erichson, 1847 View in CoL was the actual type, and this was indeed one of the two species expressly assigned to the genus by Erichson (1847a). However, why Martínez believed that talaus View in CoL specifically was the type is unclear. Regardless, if no type species had been fixed prior to 1951, Martínez’s (1951) act should be interpreted as a valid subsequent designation of P. talaus View in CoL as the type species of Pinotus View in CoL under Art. 69.1.1 of the Code ( ICZN 1999). Bouchard et al. (2024), unaware of Martínez’s act, recently designated the same nominal species as the type, but Martínez’s designation would take precedence over theirs. To settle this issue, it must be determined whether no type species fixation indeed existed prior to Martínez (1951).

Brachycopris Haldeman, 1848: 125 View in CoL (original description). Type species: Scarabaeus carolinus Linnaeus, 1767 View in CoL , by original designation.

Pseudoheliocopris Ferreira, 1970: 3 View in CoL (original description). Type species: Pseudoheliocopris freyi Ferreira, 1970 View in CoL , by original designation, not P. cornutus Ferreira, 1970 View in CoL by original designation as informed by Nunes & Vaz-de-Mello (2019).

Dichotomius View in CoL – Agassiz 1846: 353 (catalogue). — Erichson 1847a: 108 (synonymy with Pinotus View in CoL ). — Lucas 1920: 237 (cited as synonym of Pinotus View in CoL ). — Blackwelder 1944: 206 (cited as synonym of Pinotus View in CoL ). — Martínez 1951: 139 (comments); 1959: 80 (catalogue for Argentina). — Pereira 1954a: 57 (key). — Roze 1955: 44 (checklist for Venezuela). — Halffter & Matthews 1966: 257 (catalogue, distribution). — Vulcano & Pereira 1967: 577 (key). — Howden & Young 1981: 13, 123 (key, redescription). — Halffter & Edmonds 1982: 137 (catalogue, distribution). — Blanco 1988: 40 (catalogue). — Kohlmann & Solís 1997: 344 (redescription). — Medina & Lopera-Toro 2000: 306 (key). — Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 193 (checklist for Brazil). — Medina et al. 2001: 138 (checklist for Colombia). — Ratcliffe 2002: 15 (checklist for Panama). — Ratcliffe et al. 2002: 49 (key). — Kohlmann 2003: 49 (list). — Hamel-Leigue et al. 2006: 15 (list). — Sarmiento-Garcés & Amat-García 2009: 286 (description); 2014: 25 (redescription). — Vaz-de-Mello et al. 2011a: 20 (key). — Carvajal et al. 2011: 129, 320 (diagnosis, list). — Krajcik 2012: 91 (list). — Solís & Kohlmann 2012: 6 (checklist for Costa Rica). — Boilly & Vaz-de-Mello 2013: 109 (key). — Ferrer-Paris et al. 2013: 96 (list). — Chamorro et al. 2018: 77, 94–95 (list for Ecuador); 2019: 10, 109 (catalogue). — Pardo-Díaz et al. 2019: 1–4 (characteristics). — Cassenote et al. 2020: 1 (distribution, diagnosis). — Nieto et al. 2020: 136 (report).

Pinotus View in CoL – Lacordaire 1855: 98 (redescription, type species designation). — Harold 1869b: 124 (redescription); 1869d: 1009 (catalogue).— Bruch 1911: 187 (list). — Gillet 1911b: 59 (catalogue). — Lucas 1920: 514 (catalogue, distribution). — Luederwaldt 1929: 8, 10 (redescription, key); 1931b: 369 (key). — Paulian 1938: 234 (key). — Pessôa & Lane 1941: 437 (key). — Blackwelder 1944: 206 (list). — Martínez 1951: 139 (synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ); 1959: 80 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Halffter & Matthews 1966: 257 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Howden & Young 1981: 123 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Halffter & Edmonds 1982: 137 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Kohlmann & Solís 1997: 344 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Ratcliffe 2002: 15 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Solís & Kohlmann 2012: 6 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Sarmiento-Garcés & Amat-García 2014: 25 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Nunes & Vaz-de-Mello 2019: 37–38, 2231–2351 (revision).

Brachycopris View in CoL – Harold 1869d: 1009 (cited as synonym of Pinotus View in CoL ). — Gillet 1911b: 59 (cited as synonym of Pinotus View in CoL ). — Lucas 1920: 146 (synonym of Pinotus View in CoL ). — Blackwelder 1944: 206 (cited as synonym of Pinotus View in CoL ). — Martínez 1951: 139 (comments, synonym of Pinotus View in CoL ); 1959: 80 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Kohlmann & Solís 1997: 344 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Ratcliffe 2002: 15 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Solís & Kohlmann 2012: 6 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Sarmiento-Garcés & Amat-García 2014: 25 (cited as synonym of Dichotomius View in CoL ). — Nunes & Vaz-de-Mello 2019: 2239 (cited).

Pseudoheliocopris View in CoL – Cambefort 1976: 270 (synonymy with Dichotomius View in CoL ).












Dichotomius Hope, 1838

Rosa, Cecilia Lozano De La, Cupello, Mario & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z. 2024


Ferreira M. C. 1970: 3


Nunes R. V. & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2019: 2239
Sarmiento-Garces R. & Amat-Garcia G. 2014: 25
Solis A. & Kohlmann B. 2012: 6
Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 1997: 344
Martinez A. 1951: 139
Blackwelder R. E. 1944: 206
Lucas R. 1920: 146
Gillet J. J. E. 1911: 59
Harold E. 1869: 1009


Nunes R. V. & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2019: 37
Sarmiento-Garces R. & Amat-Garcia G. 2014: 25
Solis A. & Kohlmann B. 2012: 6
Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 1997: 344
Halffter G. & Edmonds W. D. 1982: 137
Howden H. F. & Young O. P. 1981: 123
Halffter G. & Matthews E. G. 1966: 257
Martinez A. 1951: 139
Blackwelder R. E. 1944: 206
Pessoa S. B. & Lane F. 1941: 437
Paulian R. 1938: 234
Luederwaldt H. 1929: 8
Lucas R. 1920: 514
Bruch C. 1911: 187
Gillet J. J. E. 1911: 59
Harold E. 1869: 124
Lacordaire J. T. 1855: 98


Haldeman S. S. 1848: 125


Erichson W. F. 1847: 108


Cassenote S. & Valois M. & Maldaner M. & Vaz-de-Mello F. 2020: 1
Nieto M. J. A. & Giraldo E. C. & Quevedo V. C. J. & Chara J. & Medina A. C. 2020: 136
Pardo-Diaz C. & Lopera T. A. & Pena S. A. & Sarmiento-Garces R. & Sanchez-Herrera M. & Salazar C. 2019: 1
Chamorro W. & Marin-Armijos D. & Granda V. & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2018: 77
Boilly O. & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2013: 109
Ferrer-Paris J. & Sanchez-Mercado A. & Rodriguez J. P. 2013: 96
Krajcik M. 2012: 91
Solis A. & Kohlmann B. 2012: 6
Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. & Edmonds W. D. & Ocampo F. C. & Schoolmeesters P. 2011: 20
Carvajal V. & Villamarin S. & Ortega A. M. 2011: 129
Sarmiento-Garces R. & Amat-Garcia G. 2009: 286
Hamel-Leigue A. & Mann D. J. & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. & Herzog S. K. 2006: 15
Ratcliffe B. C. & Jameson M. L. & Smith A. B. T. 2002: 49
Medina C. A. & Lopera-Toro A. & Vitolo A. & Gill B. 2001: 138
Medina C. A. & Lopera-Toro A. 2000: 306
Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2000: 193
Kohlmann B. & Solis A. 1997: 344
Blanco J. 1988: 40
Halffter G. & Edmonds W. D. 1982: 137
Howden H. F. & Young O. P. 1981: 13
Vulcano M. A. & Pereira F. S. 1967: 577
Halffter G. & Matthews E. G. 1966: 257
Roze J. A. 1955: 44
Pereira F. S. 1954: 57
Martinez A. 1951: 139
Blackwelder R. E. 1944: 206
Lucas R. 1920: 237
Erichson W. F. 1847: 108
Agassiz L. 1846: 353


Hope F. W. 1838: 321
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