Belisana lingui Zhang, Li & Yao, 2024

Zhang, Ludan, Wang, Ying, Li, Shuqiang, Zhang, Xiaoqing & Yao, Zhiyuan, 2024, Three new spider species of Belisana Thorell, 1898 (Araneae, Pholcidae) from karst caves, with a list of Belisana species from Guangxi, China, ZooKeys 1209, pp. 315-330 : 315-330

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.127951

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scientific name

Belisana lingui Zhang, Li & Yao

sp. nov.

Belisana lingui Zhang, Li & Yao sp. nov.

Figs 4 View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5 , 8 C, D View Figure 8 , 9 C, D View Figure 9

Type material.

Holotype: China • ♂; Guangxi, Guilin, Lingui County, Yanmendi Village , Shuixianyan Cave ; 25 ° 12.819 ' N, 110 ° 12.050 ' E; alt. 161 m; 18 Jul. 2009; Z Yao leg.; IZCAS - Ar 44993 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: China • 3 ♀; same data as for holotype; IZCAS - Ar 44994 –96 GoogleMaps .


The specific name refers to the type locality; noun in apposition.


The new species resembles B. galeiformis Zhang & Peng, 2011 ( Zhang and Peng 2011: 52, fig. 1 A – F) by having similar bulbal apophyses and male chelicerae (Fig. 5 C, D View Figure 5 ), but can be distinguished by procursus without prolatero-subdistal sclerite (Figs 4 C View Figure 4 , 8 C View Figure 8 vs. present in B. galeiformis ), by epigyne with posterior pockets (ep in Figs 5 A View Figure 5 , 9 C View Figure 9 vs. median in B. galeiformis ), by pore plates anteriorly narrow and posteriorly wide (pp in Figs 5 B View Figure 5 , 9 D View Figure 9 vs. elliptic in B. galeiformis ), and by dorsal shield of prosoma without marks (Fig. 5 E, G View Figure 5 vs. with radiating marks in B. galeiformis ); also distinguished from B. tongle Zhang, Chen & Zhu, 2008 ( Zhang et al. 2008: 654, figs 1–5) by procursus without prolatero-subdistal sclerite and ventro-subdistal apophysis (Figs 4 C View Figure 4 , 8 C View Figure 8 vs. present in B. tongle ).


Male (holotype): Total length 1.51 (1.59 with clypeus), prosoma 0.56 long, 0.59 wide, opisthosoma 0.95 long, 0.84 wide. Leg I: 20.66 (5.26, 0.33, 5.19, 7.98, 1.90), leg II: 14.16 (3.88, 0.33, 3.64, 5.00, 1.31), leg III: – (2.53, 0.30, 2.25, 3.00, –), leg IV: 11.97 (3.60, 0.30, 3.23, 3.76, 1.08); tibia I L / d: 80. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME – PME 0.12, PME 0.05, PME – ALE 0.02, AME absent. Sternum width / length: 0.49 / 0.44. Habitus as in Fig. 5 E, F View Figure 5 . Dorsal shield of prosoma and sternum yellowish, without marks. Legs whitish, without darker rings. Opisthosoma yellowish, without spots. Thoracic furrow absent. Clypeus unmodified. Eyes without pigments, but apparently with small lenses. Chelicerae with pair of proximo-lateral apophyses (pa in Fig. 5 D View Figure 5 ) and pair of distal apophyses (da in Fig. 5 D View Figure 5 ; distance between tips: 0.22). Palp as in Fig. 4 A, B View Figure 4 ; trochanter with ventral apophysis (arrow 1 in Fig. 4 B View Figure 4 ); femur with small retrolatero-proximal protrusion (arrow 2 in Fig. 4 B View Figure 4 ); procursus simple proximally but complex distally, with ventro-subdistal membranous lamella (arrow 1 in Figs 4 C View Figure 4 , 8 C View Figure 8 ), spine-shaped distal apophysis (tip broken; arrow 2 in Figs 4 C View Figure 4 , 8 C View Figure 8 ), retrolatero-subdistal membranous lamella (arrow in Figs 4 D View Figure 4 , 8 D View Figure 8 ), and retrolateral membranous flap (f in Figs 4 D View Figure 4 , 8 D View Figure 8 ); bulb with hooked apophysis (ba in Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ) and simple embolus (e in Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ). Retrolateral trichobothria on tibia I at 4 % proximally; legs with short vertical setae on metatarsi; tarsus I with 17 distinct pseudosegments.

Female (paratype, IZCAS - Ar 44994 ): Similar to male, habitus as in Fig. 5 G, H View Figure 5 . Total length 2.00 (2.09 with clypeus), prosoma 0.58 long, 0.63 wide, opisthosoma 1.42 long, 1.01 wide; tibia I: 2.34; tibia I L / d: 39. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME – PME 0.11, PME 0.04, PME – ALE 0.02, AME absent. Sternum width / length: 0.50 / 0.44. Epigyne simple and flat, with pair of posterior pockets 0.20 apart (ep in Figs 5 A View Figure 5 , 9 C View Figure 9 ). Vulva with ridge-shaped anterior arch (aa in Figs 5 B View Figure 5 , 9 D View Figure 9 ) and pair of anteriorly narrow and posteriorly wide pore plates (pp in Figs 5 B View Figure 5 , 9 D View Figure 9 ).


Tibia I in the other two female paratypes ( IZCAS - Ar 44995 –96): 2.34, 2.41.


The species was found in the dark zone inside the cave.


China (Guangxi, type locality; Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ).


Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences











