
Rasool, Iftekhar, Alattal, Yehya Zaki & Aldhafer, Hathal M., 2023, Faunistic inventory, identification keys and zoogeographical analysis of the Thysanoptera-Terebrantia of Saudi Arabia, including two new species, Zootaxa 5306 (2), pp. 151-200 : 154-156

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Key to families and genera of Terebrantia from Saudi Arabia

(*indicates genera included from published description).

1. Wings broad and rounded at apex; antennae 9-segmented; sensorium on segments III–IV membranous and not emergent; ovipositor turned upwards or straight...................................................................... 2

- Wings narrow, more or less pointed at the apex; antennae 6–9-segmented; sensorium on segments III–IV emergent as sense-cones, either simple, forked or conical shaped; ovipositor turned downwards...................................... 7

2. Distal antennal segments united like a segment and each segment not moniliform; sensorium on antennal segments III–IV longitudinal linear or transverse at tip or circular disk-like; pair of lobs on sternite VIII missing in female 3 (Ae olothripidae)

- Distal antennal segments not united and each segment moniliform; sensorium on segments III–IV transverse to oblique liner at apex; pair of lobs on sternite VIII present with two setae reaching to posterior margin of sternite VII in female................................................................................................ 6 ( Melanthripidae View in CoL )

3. Antennal segments III–IV very long, segment III about 5 times longer than II; abdominal segments I–III in females more or less constricted; sensorium on segments III–IV sinuous............................................... Franklinothrips View in CoL

- Antennal segments III–IV about 2 times longer than II; abdominal segments I–III in females normal; sensorium on segments III–IV longitudinally linear, lens shaped at the apex.......................................................... 4

4. Antennal segment III almost as long as IV, broad, with numerous thick setae; sensorium broad lens shaped ventrally at apex of segment III–IV; maxillary palp 2-segmented, labial palps 3-segmented; metanotum smooth medially, without sculptures or striae....................................................................................... Indothrips View in CoL

- Antennal segment III distinctly longer than IV, not broad, with numerous thin setae, sensorium linear longitudinally or lens shaped at apex; maxillary palps 3-segmented, labial palp 4-segmented; metanotum with equiangular sculptures or longitudinal striations............................................................................................ 5

5. Antennal segments V–IX joined closely; sensorium longitudinally linear at segments III–IV; metanotum with equiangular sculptures medially; pronotum without prominent posteroangular setae.................................. Aeolothrips View in CoL

- Antennal segments VII–IX joined closely; sensorium lens shaped at segment III–IV; metanotum with longitudinal striation medially; pronotum with a pair of elongate posteroangular setae...................................... Rhipidothrips View in CoL

6. Antennal segments I and II symmetrical; apex of fore tibia with exceptionally broad, stout, spur-like setae..... Melanthrips View in CoL

- Antennal segment 1 and II asymmetrical with a prolonged tooth at apex; apex of fore tibia normal, without broad, stout setae............................................................................................ Ankothrips View in CoL

7. Antennae 9-segmented; sensorium on antennal segments III–IV broad conical shaped................ Stenurothripidae View in CoL

- Antennae 6–9 segmented; sensorium on antennal segments III–IV simple or forked....................... 8 ( Thripidae View in CoL )

8. Terminal antennal segment acute, needle like; fore wing first vein usually fused to costal vein near base; body strongly sclerotized, head and legs strongly reticulate.................................................................................................................................................11 ( Panchaetothripinae View in CoL )

- Terminal antennal segment not acute or needle like; fore wing first vein fused to costal vein; body usually not strongly sclerotized, head and legs usually not strongly reticulate...................................................... 9

9. Metathoracic endofurca greatly enlarged, reaching into mesothorax, each furcal arm sinuate......... 14 ( Dendrothripinae )

- Metathoracic endofurca shorter, not reaching to mesothorax, each furcal arm not sinuate............................ 10

10. Pronotum with large blotch area in the middle posteriorly; metanotum thick at posterior half; post occipital area behind apidome developed; legs covered with circular rows of microtrichia.................................... 15 ( Sericothripinae View in CoL )

- Pronotum without blotch area; metasternum not thick posteriorly, post occipital area behind apidome not developed; legs not covered with circular rows of microtrichia...................................................... 16 ( Thripinae View in CoL )

11. Fore wings anterior margin with three protruding callosities............................................ Retithrips View in CoL

- Fore wings without callosities or tubercles................................................................ 12

12. Fore wing veinal setae distinct and visible, posteromarginal cilia wavy; sculptures on head and pronotum with internal markings; antennal segments III–IV with forked sense cones; metanotum without median triangle area.................. Caliothrips View in CoL

- Fore wing veinal setae minute and inconspicous, posteromarginal cilia straight; sculptures on head and pronotum without internal markings; antennal segments III–IV with simple sense cones; metanotum with a median triangle area........... 13

13. Antennae 7-segmented; fore wings narrow, without cilia on the anterior margin.......................... Phibalothrips View in CoL

- Antennae 8-segmented; fore wings broad, with cilia on the anterior margin............................... Heliothrips View in CoL *

14. Hind tarsus more than half as long as hind tibia; fore wings apex with long setae, cilia arising at anterior margin............................................................................................... Pseudodendrothrips View in CoL

- Hind tarsus at most one third as long as hind tibia; Fore wings apex without long setae, cilia arising ventrally behind anterior margin.................................................................................... Dendrothrips View in CoL

15. Anterior margin of metasternal plate with deep U or V-shape invagination medially....................... Hydatothrips View in CoL

- Anterior margin of metasternal plate either transverse or with shallow emargination medially............ Neohydatothrips View in CoL

16. Antennal segment III without sense cone IV with simple sense cone; body strongly sculptured with coarse stiae; major body setae flatted and curved; pronotum trapezoidal; abdominal tergites with lobed craspeda along posterior margin; usually apterous........................................................................................... Kurtomathrips View in CoL

- Antennal segment III–IV with simple or forked sense cone; major body setae slender; other character states variable..... 17

17. Posteromarginal S1 and S2 setae on sternite VII of female arising close to each other than S3 setae in front of margin; antennal segment I without dorsoapical setae; pronotum without posteroangular setae; tergites II–VIII with broad posteromarginal crespeda; meso and metasternum without spinula..................................................... Exothrips View in CoL

- Posteromarginal S1 and S2 setae on sternite VII arising at equidistance to each other in female; other character states variable .................................................................................................... 18

18. Pronotum with six pairs of elongate major setae..................................................... Scolothrips View in CoL

- Pronotum with 0–5 pairs of elongate setae................................................................. 19

19. Pronotum without long posteroangular setae or postmarginal setae no longer than discal setae........................ 20

- Pronotum at least with one pair of posteroangular setae or postmarginal setae longer than discal setae................. 22

20. Abdominal sternites with discal setae; sense cone on antennal segment III–IV simple; apterous............... Aptinothrips View in CoL

- Abdominal sternties without discal setae; sense cone on antennal segment III–IV forked (rarely simple on III); macropterous or micropterous........................................................................................ 21

21. Abdominal tergites II–VII with numerous ciliate microtrichia along lines of sculpture laterally; S1 setae on tergites longer than distance between their base; antennae 7-segmented.............................................. Anascirtothrips View in CoL

- Abdominal tergites without ciliate microtrichia laterally; S1 setae on tergites shorter than distance between their base; antennae 8 or 9-segmented........................................................................... Anaphothrips View in CoL

22. Abdominal segments V–VIII with pair of lateral ctenidia..................................................... 23

- Abdominal segments V–VIII without pairs of lateral ctenidia.................................................. 26

23. Ctenidia on abdominal tergite VIII situated anterolateral to spiracle; pronotum with five pairs of elongate setae; ocellar setae pair I present............................................................................... Frankliniella View in CoL

- Ctenidia on abdominal tergite VIII situated posteromesad of spiracle; pronotum with less than five pairs of elongate setae; ocellar setae pair I absent.............................................................................. 24

24. Abdominal tergites with large triangular teeth at posterior margin; prosternal basantra with many small setae.................................................................................................. Microcephalothrips View in CoL

- Abdominal tergites without large triangular teeth at posterior margin............................................ 25

25. Antennal segments III–IV with forked sense cones....................................................... Thrips View in CoL

- Antennal segments III–IV with simple sense cones................................................ Bolachothrips

26. Antennal segment II usually asymmetrical with strongly prolonged external margin; pronotum strongly trapezoidal, anterior margin much shorter than posterior...................................................................... 27

- Antennal segments II not asymmetrical; pronotum not trapezoidal, anterior margin not distinctly shorter than posterior margin .................................................................................................. 28

27. Antennal segment I greatly expended and wider than long; fore tibia usually prolonged at apex, reaching at least apex of first tarsal segment; mesothoracic furca weak, without lateral broad flanges and invaginations widely separated..... Arorathrips View in CoL

- Antennal segment I not expended and much wider than long; fore tibia normal, not prolonged at apex; mesothoracic furca Tshaped with broad lateral flanges and invaginations close together....................................... Chirothrips View in CoL

28. Both meso- and Meta-sternal furca with prominent spinula................................................... 29

- Meta-sternal furca always without spinula, meso-sternal furca with or without spinula...............................31

29. Tergites III–VII with S1 setae arising on antecostal ridge much long and exceeding the posterior margin,, longer than tergite,; lateral third of abdominal tergites not covered with rows of numerous microtrichia; anterior margin of fore wing without cilia; maxillary palp 2-segmented..................................................................... Psilothrips View in CoL

- Tergites III–VII with S1 setae never arising from antecostal ridge s shorterand not exceeding the posterior margin; lateral third of abdominal tergites often fully covered with rows of numerous microtrichia or small scattered dentate microtrichia; anterior margin of fore wing with cilia; maxillary palp 3-segmented................................................... 30

30. Pronotum with closely spaced transverse lines, without long posteroangular setae, except post-marginal setae longer than discal setae; abdominal tergites and sternites laterally with numerous microtrichia; antennal segment I without dorsoapical medial setae; antennae not indicated sexual dimorphism, male antennae same as in female........................ Scirtothrips View in CoL

- Pronotum without such lines, with two pairs of prominent posteroangular setae; antennal segment I with two dorsoapical medial setae; abdominal tergites often laterally with numerous microtrichia but sternites without such microtrichia; antennae usually indicated sexually dimorphism, male antennal segment VI often much longer than that of female............ Mycterothrips View in CoL

31. Meso-sternal furca without spinula...................................................................... 32

- Meso-sternal furca with spinula......................................................................... 33

32. Pronotum with one pair of well developed posteroangular setae; abdominal tergite without posteromarginal craspeda amd median pair of CPS not closed to the posterior margin, female X with a pair of prominent thorn-like setae; antennal segment I without dosal apical setae...................................................................... Limothrips View in CoL *

- Pronotum with two pair of well developed posteroangular setae; abdominal tergites with small posteromarginal craspeda and median pair of CPS closed to the posterior margin, female tergite X with normal setae; antennal segment I with 1 or 2 dosal apical setae.............................................................................. Bregmatothrips View in CoL

33. Head with 4 pairs of anteocellar setae............................................................. Florithrips View in CoL

- Head with 1 or 2 pairs of anteocellar setae................................................................. 34

34. Fore wing veinal setae very long, longest setae twice as long as width of the wing; ocellar setae pair I present..................................................................................................... Euphysothrips View in CoL

- Fore wing veinal setae shorter than width of the wing; ocellar setae pair I often absent.............................. 35

35. Antennal segment I with two dorsal apical setae............................................................ 36

- Antennal segment I without dorsal apical setae............................................................. 40

36. Abdominal tergites and sternites usually with craspeda at posterior margin, tergite VIII with distinct ctenidium-like row of microtrichia anterior to each spiracle; antennal segments III and IV with stout sense-cones, V with both inner and outer sense-cones stout; ocelalr setae pair I often absent..................................................... Craspedothrips View in CoL

- Abdominal tergites and sternites without craspeda at posterior margin, tergite VIII without postmarginal comb, with distinct ctenidium-like row of microtrichia anterior to each spiracle; antennal segments III and IV with slender sense-cones, V with inner sense-cone much slender than outer one; ocelalr setae pair I present........................................ 37

37. Tergite VIII with posteromarginal comb complete; fore wing first vein with long gap of setal row; male siternites III–VII with scattered small pore plates............................................................................. 38

- Tergite VIII with posteromarginal comb laterally; fore wing first vein without lon gap of setal row, setal row almost complete or with short gap near apex; male without pore plates, but often each with a small glandular opening.................. 39

38. Posteromarginal comb at abdominal tergite VIII long and fine, tergite X with a median split............. Ceratothripoides View in CoL

- Posteromarginal comb at abdominal tergite VIII short, tergite X without median split........................ Alathrips View in CoL

39. Inner sense cone on antennal segment VI with greatly enlarged base, more than half of the sensorium length, about 0.7 times.......................................................................................... Odontothrips View in CoL

- Inner sense cone on antennal segment VI with base not enlarged greatly, less than 0.3 of the sensorium length..................................................................................................... Megalurothrip

40. Pronotum with or without one pair of posteroangular setae; antennae usually 9 (rarely 8)-segmented......... Eremiothrips View in CoL

- Pronotum with two pairs of posteroangular setae; antennae 6- or 8-segmented.................................... 41

41. Antennae 6-segmented; ocellar setae pair III arising anterior to fore ocellus.............................. Priesneriola View in CoL

- Antennae 8-segmented; ocellar setae pair III arising behind fore oculus.................................. Tenothrips View in CoL

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