Bothynus moroni Duarte, Dupuis and Grossi, 2025

Duarte, Paulo R. M., Dupuis, Fabien & Grossi, Paschoal C., 2025, Taxonomic revision of the Bothynus ascanius (Kirby, 1819) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae) species group, Journal of Natural History 59 (9 - 12), pp. 663-737 : 711-715

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Plazi (2025-03-05 08:18:44, last updated 2025-03-06 16:32:22)

scientific name

Bothynus moroni Duarte, Dupuis and Grossi

sp. nov.

Bothynus moroni Duarte, Dupuis and Grossi sp. n.

( Figures 6 View Figure 6 (c,d), 15(l), 17(e,f), 23)


Only the female of B. moroni sp. n. is known and presents the following combination of characters that differs them from other females of the ascanius group: Large species (29.0–30.0 mm), with elongate body aspect ( Figure 15 View Figure 15 (l)); presence of a longitudinal carina produced on the basis of each clypeal tooth ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (c, d)); antenna with broad and elongate club (2.5 times longer than antennomeres 2–7 combined); pronotal cavity broad, deep and strongly rugose ( Figure 17 View Figure 17 (e)).

Holotype Female, labelled: ‘ BRASIL: MATO GROSSO: Chapada dos Guimarães, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães, vale do eco, 17.i.2013, luz, M. Savaris and S. Lampert legs’. ( CERPE).

Paratype One female at CEMT with same data as holotype .

Holotype description ( Figure 15 View Figure 15 (l)

Length: 30.0 mm. Width: 16.1 mm. Colour: Head, pronotum, pro-, meso- and metatibiae dark reddish brown; elytra reddish brown. Head: Clypeus subtrapezoidal, posterior width 2.3 times wider than anterior ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (c)); lateral margins at posterior half short, parallel, becoming convergent towards anterior half; anterior teeth triangular, pointed, separated by a deep, wide gap, with each tooth bearing a longitudinal, small carina at basis ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (d)); surface transversely covered with strongly rugosity rugose, glabrous, slightly convex on discal region. Frontoclypeal carina finely marked. Frontal surface glabrous, strongly marked by transverse, arched rugosity; posterior area between eyes smooth. Interocular width equals 3.3 transverse eye diameters. Ocular canthus slightly arched. Mouthparts: Mandible bearing 3 subtriangular teeth produced on outer margin; apical tooth diagonally truncate on apex; medial tooth rounded on apex; basal tooth smaller than previous ones. Labium subtriangular, coarsely rugopunctate, surrounded with long setae, disc glabrous. Antennae: Club broad, longer (2.5 times longer than antennomeres 2–7 combined). Prothorax: Pronotum strongly convex posteriorly in lateral view; anterior tubercle small, triangular, raised on a wide, transverse edge; cavity transverse, deep, broad (occupying 2/ 3 of anterior pronotal area), bearing a weak, longitudinal edge raised at middle ( Figure 17 View Figure 17 (e)); anterior corners of pronotum strongly rugose; surface close to lateral margins strongly rugose, becoming covered with large, dense ocellated punctures towards posterior disc ( Figure 17 View Figure 17 (f)); punctures on posterior disc minute; posterior area close to margin strongly rugopunctate; cavity entirely covered with strong, transverse rugosity, bearing small, rounded punctures between wrinkles. Pterothorax: Scutellar plate subtriangular, smooth. Elytral striae well marked; each stria covered with large, deep, ocellated punctures; predominance of contiguous punctures on sutural striae; punctures on other striae separated from 1–2 puncture diameters; punctures on interstria irregular. Legs: Inner protarsal claws simple, equal to outer claw. Meso- and metafemora bearing large, C-shaped punctures scattered on ventral area. Mesotibia only with a medial carina produced on outer surface. Metatibia with 2 carinae on outer surface. Abdomen: Tergite 7 with stridulatory apparatus formed by 1 band of transverse, well-marked striae. Tergite 8 strongly convex in lateral view, entirely covered with strong rugosity, setae dense. Sternites 4–7 densely rugopunctate laterally, bearing a transverse, incomplete row of small, setigerous punctures; sternite 8 completely rugose, bearing scarce setae.

Variation in the paratype

Length: 29.0 mm. Width: 15.8 mm. The paratype does not vary significantly from holotype, except in size.


Brazil (Mato Grosso) ( Figure 23 View Figure 23 ). Bothynus moroni sp. n. was collected in a gallery forest area characterised by the high humidity and dense vegetation inserted within Cerrado biome, encompassed by the dry diagonal of South America.


The specific epithet ‘ moroni ’ is a patronym to Dr Miguel Ángel Morón Ríos, one of the most prolific researchers on the study of Scarabaeoidea in Latin America, who passed away in 2017.

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Figure 6. Dorsal view of clypeus (a, c, e), detail of the anterior teeth of clypeus (b, d, f): (a, b) Bothynus ascanius; (c, d) Bothynus Moroni sp. n; (e, f) Bothynus scutellopunctatus sp. n. Red arrows point to presence of longitudinal carina.

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Figure 15. Female dorsal habitus: (a) Bothynus arriagadae sp. n.; (b) Bothynus ascanius; (c) Bothynus bentoi sp. n.; (d) Bothynus cribrarius; (e) Bothynus cyclops; (f) Bothynus cylindricus; (g) Bothynus deiphobus; (h) Bothynus gisae sp. n.; (i) Bothynus laevipennis; (j) Bothynus laticifex; (k) Bothynus minor; (l) Bothynus Moroni sp. n.

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Figure 17. Laterodorsal view of female pronotum (a, c, e, g, i, k), detail of the posterior sides (b, d, e, g, I, k): (a, b) Bothynus ascanius; (c, d) Bothynus laticifex; (e, f) Bothynus moroni sp. n.; (g, h) Bothynus nyx (arrow points to the posterior tubercle on pronotal cavity); (i, j) Bothynus rufipennis sp. n.; (k, l) Bothynus scutellopunctatus sp. n.

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Figure 23. Known geographical distribution of Bothynus ascanius, Bothynus laevipennis, Bothynus Moroni sp. n., Bothynus nyx, Bothynus robustus sp. n., and Bothynus scutellopunctatus sp. n.













