Magnolia harnpariphana Archila, Tribouillier & A.Vázquez, 2024

Archila, Fredy, Navas, Erick Tribouillier, Alvarado, Otto, Pérez, Álvaro J., Shalisko, Viacheslav, Mendoza, Sandy & Vázquez-García, J. Antonio, 2024, Three new small-flowered Magnolia species (Magnolia sect. Magnolia, Magnoliaceae) from Guatemala, Phytotaxa 665 (2), pp. 129-144 : 135-139

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scientific name

Magnolia harnpariphana Archila, Tribouillier & A.Vázquez

sp. nov.

Magnolia harnpariphana Archila, Tribouillier & A.Vázquez , sp. nov. ( Figs 5–7 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 )

Type:— GUATEMALA. Baja Verapaz: Municipio de Purulhá , 1475 m, 15°14’28”N 90°10’57”W, 7 Mar 2023, collected by Otto Alvarado, Archila & Tribouillier MG-113 (holotype: BIGU 84955 About BIGU (fl); isotype IBUG (fl,fr)) GoogleMaps

Magnolia harnpariphana resembles M. tribouillieriana A.Vázquez, Archila & Véliz in Vázquez-García et al. (2019: 228), but can be differentiated by its oblong to broadly oblong or broadly elliptic leaves (vs. lanceolate-oblong to lanceolate-obovate leaves), obtuse apex (vs. acute), margin revolute (vs. entire), 5.6–7.3 cm in diam. flowers with yellow perianth (vs. flowers 8–9 cm in diam. with white to yellowish green perianth), 125–127 stamens (vs. 80–90) and 35–36 carpels (vs. 42–46) ( Table 2).

M. harnpariphana M. juliana M. tribouillieriana

Height/dbh (m) 7.0/0.25 12.0/0.3 15.0/0.4

Petioles (cm) 2.0–3.8 2.2–2.6 1.5–2.5

Leaf blades/abaxial pubescence oblong to broadly oblong or elliptic-obovate/glabrous lanceolate-oblong to broadly elliptic/glabrescent lanceolate-obovate/glabrous

Leaf size (cm) 15.0–16.5 × 8.7–12.0 12.0–16.0 × 5.6–5.8 6.0–10.0 × 3.0–5.0

Leaf apex obtuse acuminate acute

Number of lateral veins per side 14 12–14 14–16

Spathaceous bracts number/ 2/pubescent 2/glabrous 2/pubescent abaxial pubescence

Length of largest Peduncular 4.00 × 0.55 5.50 × 0.80 2.50

internode (cm)

Flower color sepals and petals yellow sepals brown with green and sepals green yellowish and light purple spots and white white petals petals

Flower length (cm) 5.6–7.3 7.5–7.7 8.0–9.0

Sepal size (cm) 2.8–3.2 × 2.1–2.3 3.5–3.6 × 3.5–3.6 4.0–4.5 × 3.0–3.3

Petal size (cm) 3.5–3.6 × 2.5–2.6 3.1–3.2 × 1.8–2.0 4.5–4.9 × 2.3–2.8

Color of staminophore purple fuchsia fuchsia

Stamen number 125–127 90–92 80–90

Carpel number 35–36 39–48 42–46

Gynoecium color yellow green light green

Size of mature polyfollicles (cm) 7.4–8.0 × 3.3–3.5 6.2–7.2 × 2.9–3.6 5.0–7.5 × 2.3–2.7

Sarcotesta color orange red red

Elevation (m) 1475 1350 1300

Tree 7 m tall, 25 cm dbh. Petiole subterete, 2–3.8 cm long, puberulous with red trichomes. Leaves oblong to broadly oblong or broadly elliptic, 15–16 × 8.7–12 cm, coriaceous, dark green above, pale green below with ferruginous pubescence, apex obtuse, base rounded, margin revolute, secondary veins 14 on each side of the midrib. Peduncle 4.00 × 0.55 cm, totally covered with reddish brown trichomes. Perule 1.7–1.9 cm long, pubescent, ferruginous trichomes or glaucous. Flowers solitary, 5.6–7.3 cm in diam; bracts 2, embracing, 3.0–3.3 × 2.8–2.9 cm, orbiculate, apex obtuse, margin dentate, glabrous inside, pubescent outside with ferruginous trichomes; sepals 3, yellow, subequals, the first one oblong with rounded apex, the others obovate elliptic with obtuse apex, 2.8–3.2 × 2.1–2.3 cm; petals 6, yellow, arranged in 2 series of 3, the outer series obovate, apex obliquely retuse, 3.5–3.6 × 2.5–2.6 cm, the inner series elliptic, apex acute, 4.0–4.2 × 1.8–2.0 cm; staminophore purple, 0.8–0.9 × 0.6–0.7 cm; stamens 125–127, 1.1–1.2 × 0.18 cm; gynoecium ellipsoid, 2.5–2.6 × 1.6–1.7 cm, yellowish, stigma persistent, with an apiculate apex recurved outwards; carpels 35–36, 2.3–2.5 × 0.6–0.7 cm. Fruit oblongoid, 7.4–8.0 × 3.3–3.5 cm, glabrous, green; seeds 1–2 per carpel, covered with an orange sarcotesta.

Etymology:— This species honours Dr. Weerakit Harnpariphan, in recognition of his efforts and support for Magnolia conservation and exploration in Guatemala. He lives in Thailand and is dedicated to the conservation of Magnolia species from around the world for more than four decades.

Distribution, habitat and ecology:— Known from two localities, a severely disturbed cloud forests remnant at 1475 m and a forest remnant on steep slopes at 1400 m ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). This new species grows on clayey, semi-swampy soils, together with Magnolia archilana A.Vázquez, Tribouill. & Véliz in Vázquez-García et. al (2019: 222), Alnus acuminata nd Ostrya virginiana ( Betulaceae ), Acer negundo L. ( Sapindaceae ) and Persea schiedeana ( Lauraceae ).

Phenology:— Flowering March, fruiting June.

Conservation status:— Currently known from two localities, both severe fragmented, cleared for agricultural with an annual ongoing deforestation rate ranging 1–3% ( Campos, 2010). The area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be less than 15 km 2, and in accordance with the IUCN guidelines (2024), this new species is assessed as endangered (EN B2ab(iii)). In situ and ex situ propagation programs are urgently needed because this new species does not occur inside the Guatemalan System of Protected Areas (SIGAP) ( CONAP 2011).

Additional specimens examined:— GUATEMALA. Alta Verapaz: Municipio de Tactic, en barrancas pronunciadas, 1400 m, 15°18’56”N 90°16’58”W, 8 Jun 2020, Archila & Tribouillier MG-114 (BIGU 89755); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-128 (BIGU 89756); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-129 (BIGU 89757); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-130 (BIGU 89758); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-131 (BIGU 89759); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-132 (BIGU 89760); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-133 (BIGU 89761); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-134 (BIGU 89762); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-135 (BIGU 89763); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-136 (BIGU 89750); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-137 (BIGU 89751). Baja Verapaz: Municipio de Purulhá, 1475 m, 15°14’28”N 90°10’57”W, 7 Mar 2024, collected by Otto Alvarado, Archila & Tribouillier MG-138 (BIGU 89752); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-139 (BIGU 89753); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-140 (BIGU 89754); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-141 (BIGU 89745); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-142 (BIGU 89746); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-143 (BIGU 89747); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-144 (BIGU 89748); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-145 (BIGU 89749); ibid., Archila & Tribouillier MG-146 (BIGU 89744). GUATEMALA. Baja Verapaz: Municipio de Purulhá, 1475 m, 15°14’28”N 90°10’57”W, 15 Mar 2023, collected by Otto Alvarado, Archila & Tribouillier MG-147 (BIGU 89738)


Universidad de Guadalajara

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