Zhezhoulinyphia yadongensis (Hu & Li, 1987) Hu & Li, 1987

Irfan, Muhammad, Zhou, Gu-chun & Peng, Xian-jin, 2019, Zhezhoulinyphia gen. nov. (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Yunnan, China, ZooKeys 862, pp. 43-60 : 51

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scientific name

Zhezhoulinyphia yadongensis (Hu & Li, 1987)

comb. nov.

Zhezhoulinyphia yadongensis (Hu & Li, 1987) View in CoL comb. nov.

Centromerus yadongensis Hu & Li, 1987: 343, fig, 21.1-4 (Df); Hu 2001: 494, fig. 328.1-3 (f).


The epigyne of Centromerus yadongensis Hu & Li, 1987 shares the similar characters to the genus Zhezhoulinyphia gen. nov. such as: parmula extending towards the anterior margin first then folding backward, the distal part with transverse wrinkles, whereas it can be distinguished from Zhezhoulinyphia caperata sp. nov. and Z. denticulata sp. nov. by the number of the wrinkles in the parmula and the position of spermathecae (Figs 1, 2, 7, 9, 10; Hu 2001, figs 8-328). Based on the above-mentioned characters Centromerus yadongensis Hu & Li, 1987 is transferred to the genus Zhezhoulinyphia as Z. yadongensis com. nov. (Hu & Li, 1987).


China (Tibet) ( WSC 2019).