Mastigimas longicaudatus Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca, 2024

Rendón-Mera, Diana Isabel, Burckhardt, Daniel, Durán, Juliana, Ocampo, Valentina & Vargas-Fonseca, Sergio Andrés, 2024, The jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) in Urban Green Spaces of Bogotá (Colombia), with descriptions of two new species and redescription of Mastigimas colombianus Burckhardt, Queiroz and Drohojowska, ZooKeys 1209, pp. 199-230 : 199-230

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.117368

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Mastigimas longicaudatus Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca

sp. nov.

* Mastigimas longicaudatus Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca sp. nov.

Fig. 3 H – N View Figure 3

Type locality.

Colombia, Bogotá: Suba, Parque Canal Molinos, 4.6976389, – 74.063694, 2575 m.

Type material.

Holotype: Colombia • ♂, pinned; Bogotá, Suba, Parque Canal Molinos ; 4.6976389, – 74.063694; 2575 m; 03. x. 2017; J. Duran leg; on Cedrela montana ( Meliaceae ); MPUJ_ENT 0074272 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: Chapinero: • 6 ♂, 7 ♀; Parque El Virrey ; 4.6728, – 74.0533; 2581 m; 28. iii. 2017; J. Duran leg.; Cedrela montana ( Meliaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps . Santa Fe: • 2 ♀; Parque Tercer Milenio ; 4.5974, – 74.0835; 2605 m; 23. iii. 2017; J. Duran leg.; Sambucus nigra ( Viburnaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps . Suba: • 8 ♂, 3 ♀; Parque Canal Molinos ; 4.6976, – 74.0637; 2575 m; 10. vii. 2017; J. Duran leg.; Cedrela montana ( Meliaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps 11 ♂, 13 ♀; same data as for holotype GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same data as for holotype but NHMB GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same data as for holotype but slide mounted; NHMB GoogleMaps . Usaquén: • 1 ♀; Parque Cabañas del Norte ; 4.7363, – 74.0317; 2575 m; 16. iii. 2018; V. Ocampo leg.; Pittosporum undulatum ( Pittosporaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Parque Ginebra-Bella Suiza ; 4.7061, – 74.0304; 2596 m; 06. iv. 2018; V. Ocampo leg.; Liquidambar styraciflua ( Altingiaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps 2 ♂; same but 4.7062, – 74.0305; Schinus areira ( Anacardiaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps .


Forewing (Fig. 3 H View Figure 3 ) with pterostigma long and narrow, ratio a / b 1.2 Antennal segment 3 approx. as long as segment 4. Paramere (Fig. 3 K, L View Figure 3 ) bifid, irregularly triangular, strongly widening to apex. Aedeagal head lacking apico-ventral hook. Female terminalia (Fig. 3 N View Figure 3 ) elongate, falcate; proctiger 1.0–1.2 × as long as head width.


Colouration. Male (Fig. 3 I View Figure 3 ) dark brown. Head pale yellow; vertex with pale brown longitudinal stripe along lateral and anterior margins on either side; discal foveae with dark brown spot, sometimes much expanded; margin of toruli brown. Genal processes and clypeus whitish. Antennae yellowish brown. Pronotum whitish with lateral quarter dark brown. Mesopraescutum with dark brown polygon-shaped spot anteriorly. Mesoscutum with two dark brown longitudinal stripes on either side. Mesoscutellum and metascutellum whitish. Metapostnotum dark brown. Pleura whitish, with dark brown markings dorsally. Mesosternum dark brown. Forewing colourless, with brown spot at base of C + Sc and base of anal cell; veins yellow; pterostigma dark brown or yellowish brown. Fore and mid legs brown and yellowish brown, metafemur and base of metatibia dark brown, rest of hind leg pale yellow. Abdomen dark brown; intersegmental membrane straw-coloured. Terminalia dark brown, parameres sometimes dark yellow. — Female (Fig. 3 J View Figure 3 ) yellow. Discal foveae dark brown; margin of toruli brown. Pronotum with lateral indentations brown. Tergum as in male but markings dark yellow on mesopraescutum and brownish on mesoscutum, with outermost stripe dark brown posteriorly. Forewing as in male but pterostigma colourless. Pleura and legs as in male. Abdominal sclerites usually brown laterally. Terminalia yellow, brown apically, proctiger sometimes completely brown.

Structure. Conforms to the generic description of Brown and Hodkinson (1988). Antenna 4.3–4.5 × as long as head width; segment 3 1.1–1.3 × as long as segment 4. Forewing (Fig. 3 H View Figure 3 ) 4.8–5.2 × as long as head width, and 2.6–2.7 × as long as wide, pterostigma long and narrow, ratio a / b 1.1–1.2, cell cu 1 long and flat, length / height ratio 3.5–3.8.

Terminalia. Paramere (Fig. 3 K, L View Figure 3 ), bifid, in lateral view irregularly triangular, strongly widening to apex. Apical dilatation of aedeagus lenticular (Fig. 3 M View Figure 3 ), 1.5 × as long as paramere. — Female terminalia (Fig. 3 N View Figure 3 ) elongate, falcate; proctiger 1.5 × as long as head width, and 1.9 × as long as subgenital plate.

Measurements (in mm). BL ♂ 4.8, 2 ♀ 5.8–5.9 (5.85 ± 0.1); HW ♂ 0.88, ♀ 0.92; AL ♂ 3.95, ♀ 3.93; FL ♂ 4.23, ♀ 4.78; FW ♂ 1.57, ♀ 1.85; PL ♂ 0.24; DL ♂ 0.36; FP ♀ 1.26; FS ♀ 0.65.


From Latin longus = long, and caudatus = bearing a tail, referring to the long female terminalia. Adjective.


Colombia: Bogotá.

Host plant.

Most of the examined adults were collected on Cedrela montana Turcz. ( Meliaceae ). Mastigimas species develop, as far as known, on Cedrela , suggesting that C. montana is a host.


Mastigimas longicaudatus Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca , sp. nov. resembles M. anjosi Burckhardt et al., 2011 (known from Brazil, Trinidad, and Venezuela) in the irregularly triangular paramere and the elongate, falcate female terminalia; it differs in the antennal segment 3 approx. as long as segment 4 (instead of twice as long), and the aedeagal head lacking an apico-ventral hook ( Burckhardt et al. 2011, 2013). The falcate female terminalia are shared also with M. drepanodis Burckhardt, Queiroz & Drohojowska, 2013 ( Brazil) which differs in the slenderer paramere ( Burckhardt et al. 2013). In the key by Burckhardt et al. (2013), the new species keys out with M. colombianus from which it differs in details of the male and female terminalia.

Psyllidae Latreille, 1807











