Published, First, 2007, Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types, Zootaxa 1418, pp. 1-628 : 20-29

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AMPHILIIDAE Regan, 1911 View in CoL View at ENA

Amphiliidae Regan, 1911: 565 . Type genus: Amphilius Günther, 1864 .

Doumeinae Regan, 1911: 554 . Type genus: Doumea Sauvage, 1879 .

Leptoglaninae [sic, Leptoglanidinae ] Roberts, 2003: 87. Type genus: Leptoglanis Boulenger, 1902 .

Remarks: The name Amphiliidae takes precedence over the simultaneously-established Doumeinae by virtue of the higher rank initially given to the former, following Art. 24 of the Code. Roberts (2003) and Diogo (2003b) independently proposed the new subfamily name Leptoglanidinae (incorrectly formed as Leptoglaninae by Roberts) for groups of nearly identical membership. Roberts’s name was published earlier (March 14, vs. May [31]) and therefore has priority. He et al. (1999) questioned the monophyly of the Amphiliidae as used herein and, instead, restricted the name to include only Amphilius and Paramphilus and included all other taxa in the Doumeidae.

Revision: Roberts (2003, Leptoglanidinae ).

Phylogeny: Harry (1953); He et al. (1999); Diogo (2003b).

Taxonomic summary: Skelton & Teugels (1986); Skelton (1992, west Africa).

Key to genera: Poll & Gosse (1994).

12 genera, 66 species; no named fossil taxa.

AMPHILIUS Günther, 1864

Amphilius Günther, 1864: 115 , 134. Type species: Pimelodus platychir Günther, 1864 . Type by monotypy. Originally proposed as a section of Pimelodus . Gender: Masculine.

Anoplopterus Pfeffer, 1889: 15 . Type species: Anoplopterus uranoscopus Pfeffer, 1889 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine.

Chimarrhoglanis Vaillant, 1897: 81 . Type species: Chimarrhoglanis leroyi Vaillant, 1897 . Type by monotypy. Gen- der: Masculine.

Review: Skelton (1984, east and southern Africa).

Amphilius atesuensis Boulenger, 1904

Amphilius atesuensis Boulenger, 1904a: 17 View in CoL . Type locality: Atesu River , Gold Coast. Syntypes (4): BMNH 1903.4.24.74–77 (4).

Amphilius pictus Nichols & La Monte, 1933a: 1 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Stream near Kaleata, Liberia. Holotype: AMNH 12313 About AMNH .

Distribution: Gbin River, Guinea, and Pra River, from Sierra Leone to Ghana (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius baudoni Pellegrin, 1928

Amphilius Baudoni Pellegrin, 1928c: 453 , unnumbered figure. Type locality: rivière Passa (affluent de l’Ogoôué), Gabon. Syntypes (3): MNHN 1928-0224 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1928-0225 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1928-0226 About MNHN (1) . MRAC 20649 View Materials listed as a syntype in Eschmeyer et al. (1998), but not included in original description.

Amphilius baudoni uniformis Pellegrin, 1930: 200 . Type locality: Riv. Koumbi (Ht. Ogôoué) ... Sangha. Syntypes (6): MNHN 1929-0238 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1929-0239 About MNHN (5). Originally as Amphilius baudoni var. uniformis .

Distribution: Ogowe River system and Sangha River, Congo basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius brevis Boulenger, 1902

Amphilius brevis Boulenger, 1902 g: 268, pl. 29 (fig. 3). Type locality: Lindi River , which flows into the Congo at the Stanley Falls. Syntypes (2): BMNH 1902.4 . 14.21 (1), IRSNB 11 View Materials (1).

Amphilius nigricaudatus Pellegrin, 1909a: 67 . Type locality: Ngomo (Ogôoué). Syntypes (3): MNHN 1909-0014 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1909-0015 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1909-0016 About MNHN (1). Also described as new in Pellegrin (1909d: 47).

Amphilius nigricaudatus multipunctata Pellegrin, 1909a: 67 . Type locality: Ngomo (Ogôoué). Holotype: MNHN 1909-0013. Originally as Amphilius nigricaudatus var. multipunctata . Also described as new in Pellegrin (1909d: 48, fig. 2).

Distribution: Congo River system and Leome, Kouliou, and Ogowe rivers (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius cryptobullatus Skelton, 1986

Amphilius cryptobullatus Skelton, 1986: 279 View in CoL , figs. 15–23. Type locality: Luongo River   GoogleMaps , Upper Zaire system, above and at Route 74 crossing, 10º11'S, 29º43'E, Zambia. Holotype: ROM 46800.

Distribution: Luongo River, upper Congo River basin, Zambia (Skelton, 1986).

Amphilius jacksonii Boulenger, 1912

Amphilius jacksonii Boulenger, 1912a: 602 . Type locality: the Hima River, eastern foot-hills of Ruwenzori, 3500 feet, flowing into Lake George (Ruisamba), Nile System. Holotype: BMNH 1912.10.15.47; illustrated in Boulenger (1916: 307, fig. 182), and Seegers (1996: 191, fig. 133).

Distribution: Widely distributed in central and eastern Africa (Seegers, 1996).

Remarks: Species redescribed in Walsh et al. (2000).

Amphilius kakrimensis Teugels, Skelton & Lévêque, 1987

Amphilius kakrimensis Teugels, Skelton & Lévêque, 1987: 94 , figs. 1–2. Type locality: a small tributary of the Kakrima River   GoogleMaps , Konkoure basin, at Kasseri (10º16'N, 12º28'W), Guinea. Holotype: MNHN 1986-0599 About MNHN .

Distribution: Konkoure River basin, Guinea (Teugels et al., 1987).

Amphilius kivuensis Pellegrin, 1933

Amphilius kivuensis Pellegrin, 1933b: 172 . Type locality: Boulira, Kitembo (ouest du Kivu), ... Kilembo (ouest du Kivu, altitude 2000 mètres). Syntypes (8): MNHN 1932-0038 About MNHN (5) , MNHN 1933-0009 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1933-0010 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1933-0011 About MNHN (1).

Distribution: Rivers to west of Lake Kivu; Ruzizi River and rivers entering Lake Tanganyika (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius lamani Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1920

Amphilius lamani Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1920: 171 View in CoL , figs. 2–3. Type locality: Kingoyi , Lower Congo. Syntypes: NRM 9910 View Materials (2).

Distribution: Lower Congo; known only from type locality (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius lampei Pietschmann, 1913

Amphilius lampei Pietschmann, 1913b: 190 View in CoL , pl. 2 (fig. 1). Type locality: Harrar , Abessynien [ Ethiopia]. Holotype: at Weisbaden Museums.

Distribution: Webi Shebeli tributaries, near Harrar, Ethiopia (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius laticaudatus Skelton, 1984

Amphilius laticaudatus Skelton, 1984: 61 View in CoL , fig. Type locality: Buzi River, at bridge on Inchope to Lourenço Marques   GoogleMaps road (19º55'S, 34º15'E). Holotype: AMG P5815 View Materials .

Distribution: Buzi River system, Moçambique (Skelton, 1993).

Amphilius lentiginosus Trewavas, 1936

Amphilius lentiginosus Trewavas, 1936: 71 View in CoL , pl. 2 (figs. 10–11). Type locality: a brook at Cuito , Mt. Moco , Luimbale, Cuvo River system, Angola. Syntypes: BMNH 1935.3.20.189–190 (2).

Distribution: Cuvo River system, Luachimo River and Tchimenji River, Angola (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius longirostris (Boulenger, 1901)

Anoplopterus longirostris Boulenger, 1901f: 447 . Type locality: Hills in the Bulu country, some 75 miles in the interior from Batanga, at an elevation of between 1500–2000 feet, Cameroon. Holotype: BMNH 1901.11 .12.133.

Distribution: Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, also tributaries of Ngoko, Congo River system, in Cameroon (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Remarks: Specimen listed as holotype of Anoplopterus longirostris is entered in BMNH register with locality only as Efulen, and Boulenger (1911: 260) indicated that the locality stated in original description was near Efulen.

Amphilius maesii Boulenger, 1919

Amphilius Maesii Boulenger, 1919: 160 View in CoL . Type locality: Oshwe [ Congo River system]. Syntypes (7): BMNH 1919.8.28.14–16 (3), MRAC 3180-83 View Materials (4).

Distribution: Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius natalensis Boulenger, 1917

Amphilius natalensis Boulenger, 1917a: 432 View in CoL . Type locality: Krantz Kloof, Natal. Syntypes (2): BMNH 1917.7 .21.1 (1).

Distribution: Ruo River, Malawi; Zambezi system of Zimbabwe, south to Umkomaas River (Natal, South Africa) (Skelton, 1993).

Remarks: Redescribed in Barnard (1943).

Amphilius opisthophthalmus Boulenger, 1919

Amphilius opisthophthalmus Boulenger, 1919: 159 View in CoL . Type locality: Oshwe, Lac Léopold II. Syntypes (7): BMNH 1919.8.28.17–18 (2), MRAC 3191-94 View Materials (4).

Distribution: Oshwe on the Lukenie River (Lake Mai-Ndombe) (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius platychir (Günther, 1864)

Pimelodus platychir Günther, 1864: 134 . Type locality: Sierra Leone. Syntypes (4): BMNH 2001.12.5.574–577 (4), MNHN 1898-0121 About MNHN (1).

Amphilius grammatophorus Pellegrin, 1913a: 237 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Rivière Kikoulo, Guinée française. Syntypes: MNHN 1913-0231 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1913-0232 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1913-0233 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1913-0234 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1913-0235 About MNHN (1).

Amphilius grammatophorus brevipinna Pellegrin, 1935: 465 . Type locality: Banamanan (cercle de Kissidougou), ... Friguiagbé (près Kindia); Guinée française. Syntypes (2): MNHN 1935-0194 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1935-0195 About MNHN (1). Orig- inally as Amphilius grammatophorus var. brevipinna . nov. var.

Amphilius grammatophorus inaequalis Pellegrin, 1935: 464 . Type locality: Friguiagbé (près Kindia) Guinée française. Syntypes (6): MNHN 1935-0191 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1935-0192 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1935-0193 About MNHN (4). Originally as Amphilius grammatophorus var. inaequalis nov.var.

Amphilius grammatophorus marmoratus Daget, 1963: 584 View in CoL . Type locality: Kana, alt. 600 m, Mont Nimba. Holotype: MNHN 1960-0119 About MNHN .

Distribution: Sierra Leone, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius pulcher Pellegrin, 1929

Amphilius pulcher Pellegrin, 1929c: 640 , fig. 1. Type locality: rivière Louessé (fleuve Kouilou) [ Gabon]. Syntypes (3): MNHN 1929-0224 About MNHN (3). MRAC 20650 View Materials listed as a syntype in Eschmeyer et al. (1998), but not listed in description.

Amphilius pulcher ephippiata Pellegrin, 1930: 200 . Type locality: Sebé (haut Ogoôué). Syntypes: MNHN 1929- 0237 About MNHN (9). Originally as Amphilius pulcher var. ephippiata nov. var.

Distribution: Ogowe and Nyanga River systems, Gabon (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius rheophilus Daget, 1959

Amphilius rheophilus Daget, 1959: 692 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: Gambie à Mpantié (parc national du Niokolo-Koba); Gambie à Banharé. Syntypes (3): MNHN 1959-0147 About MNHN (2), MNHN 1960-0486 About MNHN (1).

Distribution: Gambia River system (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Amphilius uranoscopus (Pfeffer, 1889)

Anoplopterus uranoscopus Pfeffer, 1889: 16 ; illustrated in Pfeffer (1896: 31, fig. 14). Type locality: Bad bei Ushonda (Ungúu), ... Bäche bei Mhonda. Lectotype: ZMH 11944, selected by, and illustrated in, Seegers (1996: 192, fig. 137).

Chimarrhoglanis Leroyi Vaillant, 1897: 82 . Type locality: Zanguebar, torrent de Mrogoro, par 600 mètres d’altitude. Holotype: MNHN 1897-0003 About MNHN .

Amphilius grandis Boulenger, 1905c: 63 View in CoL , pl. 7 (figs. 3, 3a). Type locality: Chania River of Tetse , Tana system, in cold water at an altitude of 7000 feet. Syntypes (3): BMNH 1904.12.23.50–52 (3).

Amphilius Hargeri Boulenger, 1907c: 488 View in CoL . Type locality: Mlangi , British Central Africa. Holotype: BMNH 1907.10 .14.8.

Amphilius krefftii Boulenger, 1911a: 356 View in CoL , fig. 276. Type locality: Usambara, in rivulet running down from Anani Hills to Sigi River. Syntypes: BMNH 1909.10.19.26–27 (2).

Amphilius oxyrhinus Boulenger, 1912c: 675 View in CoL , pl. 80. Type locality: Eusso Mara , a swift mountain stream, tributary of Eusso Nyiro, British East Africa. Holotype: BMNH 1912.3 .22.120.

Amphilius brevidorsalis Pellegrin, 1919a: 399 View in CoL . Type locality: Rivière Revue ( Mozambique). Holotype: MNHN 1919-0488 About MNHN .

Amphilius platychir cubangoensis Pellegrin, 1936a: 56 View in CoL . Type locality: Cubango près de Vila da Ponte [ Angola]. Syntypes (9): MHNG 856.86 View Materials (1), MNHN 1936-0101 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1936-0102 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1936-0103 About MNHN (3), MRAC 138769 View Materials , NMBA 5213 View Materials (1). Originally as Amphilius platychir var. cubangoensis View in CoL .

Distribution: Okavango and Zambezi basins, eastern coastal Rivers south to the Mkuze basin, Natal, and throughout east and Central Africa (Skelton, 1993); Lake Rukwa basin (Seegers, 1996).

Remarks: The name Amphilius transvaaliensis that was published in the caption to figure 1 in van der Horst, (1931: 247) fails to qualify as an available name, following the provisions in Art. 13.1.1 of the Code. In addition, there is uncertainty about whether the name was intended to be published, inasmuch as copies of this paper at CAS and CU have the figure caption crossed out and replaced with the name Amphilius grandis .

Amphilius zairensis Skelton, 1986

Amphilius zairensis Skelton, 1986: 266 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: River Lufu   GoogleMaps , about two km from confluence with Zaire River, near Inga hydroelectric dam, 5º31.5'S, 13º37.5'E. Holotype: MCZ 50533.

Distribution: Lufu River, Congo River basin (Skelton, 1986).

ANDERSONIA Boulenger, 1900 Andersonia Boulenger, 1900d: 528 . Type species: Andersonia leptura Boulenger, 1900 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Feminine.

Slatinia Werner, 1906: 326 . Type species: Slatinia mongallensis Werner, 1906 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Feminine.

Andersonia leptura Boulenger, 1900

Andersonia leptura Boulenger, 1900d: 529 View in CoL . Type locality: a pond near Koshek , Soudan. Holotype: BMNH 1907.12 .2.2545.

Slatinia mongallensis Werner, 1906: 327 . Type locality: Bahar-el-Gebel, bei Mongalla. Holotype: NMW 79741.

Andersonia brevior Boulenger, 1918: 426 View in CoL . Type locality: Shari River, Ubanghi-Shari Colony , French Equatorial Africa. Holotype: BMNH 1918.11 .12.13.

Andersonia pellegrini Boulenger, 1918: 427 View in CoL . Type locality: Shari River, Ubanghi-Shari Colony , French Equatorial Africa. Holotype: BMNH 1918.11 .12.13.

Distribution: Omo, Niger and Upper Nile Rivers, Lake Chad basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Remarks: The name " Andersonia brevior sp. n. " appears in the introduction of Boulenger (1918: 426) for a species described on the next page as A. pellegrini . Harry (1953) appears to be the first to have commented on the two names for the species and, therein, he treated A. pellegrini as valid.

BELONOGLANIS Boulenger, 1902

Belonoglanis Boulenger, 1902d: 50 . Type species: Belonoglanis tenuis Boulenger, 1902 . Type by monotypy. Gen- der: Masculine.

Belonoglanis brieni Poll, 1959

Belonoglanis brieni Poll, 1959: 107 View in CoL , pl. 22 (fig. 3). Type locality: Stanley Pool , Rivière N'Djili. Holotype: MRAC 118539 View Materials .

Distribution: Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Belonoglanis tenuis Boulenger, 1902

Belonoglanis tenuis Boulenger, 1902d: 50 View in CoL , pl. 14 (fig. 4). Type locality: Ubangi à Banzyville. Holotype: MRAC 1289 View Materials .

Belonoglanis nudipectus Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1920: 175 View in CoL , fig. 6. Type locality: Lower Congo. Holotype: NRM 16118.

Belonoglanis curvirostris Pellegrin, 1922a: 74 View in CoL . Type locality: Bangui (Oubanghi). Syntypes: MNHN 1921-0428 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1921-0429 About MNHN (1).

Distribution: Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).


Dolichamphilius Roberts, 2003: 100 . Type species: Leptoglanis brieni Poll, 1959 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Dolichamphilius brieni (Poll, 1959)

Leptoglanis brieni Poll, 1959: 96 View in CoL , pl. 24 (fig. 2). Type locality: Stanley Pool, passe devant le refuge Jipo. Holotype: MRAC 118503 View Materials .

Distribution: Stanley Pool, Congo River (Roberts, 2003).

Dolichamphilius longiceps Roberts, 2003

Dolichamphilius longiceps Roberts, 2003: 100 View in CoL . Type locality: Republic du Congo (Kinshasa): Chutes Wagenia, Kisangani. Holotype: MRAC 90-47 View Materials -P-704-708.

Distribution: Chutes Wagenia on the Lualaba River, near Kisangani (Roberts, 2003).

DOUMEA Sauvage, 1879

Doumea Sauvage, 1879: 96 . Type species: Doumea typica Sauvage, 1879 . Type by original designation. Gender: Feminine.

Doumea alula Nichols & Griscom, 1917

Doumea alula Nichols & Griscom, 1917: 722 View in CoL , fig. 27. Type locality: Stanleyville , Congo. Holotype: AMNH 6531 About AMNH .

Distribution: Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Doumea angolensis Boulenger, 1906

Doumea angolensis Boulenger, 1906e: 347 View in CoL . Type locality: the interior of Benguella , at an altitude of 4000–5000 feet, Angola. Holotype: BMNH 1906.10 .8.12.

Distribution: Quanza River system and the interior of Benguella, Angola (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Doumea chappuisi Pellegrin, 1933

Doumea chappuisi Pellegrin, 1933a: 114 View in CoL , fig. on p. 115. Type locality: Danané ( Côte d’Ivoire). Syntypes (8): MNHN 1932-0302 About MNHN (1), NMBA 4281-87 View Materials (7).

Distribution: Guinea, Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire; Cavally, Nuon, St. Paul, and Koumba River systems (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Doumea thysi Skelton, 1989

Doumea thysi Skelton, 1989: 6 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: Cross River   GoogleMaps , 27 miles from Mamfe towards Eyomojak, Cameroon, 5º46'N, 9º03'E. Holotype: MRAC 76-32 View Materials -P-2260.

Distribution: Cross River basin, Cameroon (Skelton, 1989).

Doumea typica Sauvage, 1879

Doumea typica Sauvage, 1879: 97 View in CoL . Type locality: Doumé [rivière Ogôoué]. Holotype: MNHN a-0965. Described in more detail and illustrated in Sauvage (1880c: 41, pl. 3, fig. 1).

Distribution: Congo River basin and coastal rivers from Cameroon to Congo (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

LEPTOGLANIS Boulenger, 1902 Leptoglanis Boulenger, 1902d: 42 . Type species: Leptoglanis xenognathus Boulenger, 1902 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine. Remarks: Roberts (2003) removed most species from Leptoglanis and placed them, instead, into Zairichthys. Leptoglanis xenognathus Boulenger, 1902 Leptoglanis xenognathus Boulenger, 1902d: 43 , pl. 14 (fig. 1). Type locality: l’Ubangi à Banzyville. Holotype: MRAC 1287. Distribution: Congo basin.

PARAMPHILIUS Pellegrin, 1907

Paramphilius Pellegrin, 1907a: 23 . Type species: Paramphilius trichomycteroides Pellegrin, 1907 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Paramphilius firestonei Schultz, 1942

Paramphilius firestonei Schultz, 1942: 328 View in CoL , 333, pl. 36 (fig. 3). Type locality: Bromley , Harbel [ Liberia]. Holotype: USNM 118811 About USNM .

Distribution: St. Paul, Du and Borlor Rivers, Liberia (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Paramphilius goodi Harry, 1953

Paramphilius goodi Harry, 1953: 203 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Lolodorf , Bikui River , Lokunje River system, Cameroon, West Africa. Holotype: SU 16970 .

Distribution: Lokunje River basin, Cameroon (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Paramphilius teugelsi Skelton, 1989

Paramphilius teugelsi Skelton, 1989: 2 View in CoL , fig. Type locality: ruisseau affluent de Mamou ( Little Scarcies River   GoogleMaps system), Guinea, west Africa, approximately 10º09'N, 11º50'W. Holotype: MNHN 1961-0601 About MNHN .

Distribution: Little Scarcies River basin, Guinea (Skelton, 1989).

Paramphilius trichomycteroides Pellegrin, 1907

Paramphilius trichomycteroides Pellegrin, 1907a: 24 View in CoL . Type locality: Ditinn (Fouta-Djalon). Holotype: MNHN 1906- 0343 About MNHN .

Distribution: Senegal River headwaters, near Ditinn and Mamou, Guinea (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Remarks: Holotype catalog number of Paramphilius trichomycteroides incorrectly reported as MNHN 1906-0243 in Eschmeyer et al. (1998).

PHRACTURA Boulenger, 1900

Peltura Perugia, 1892: 972 . Type species: Peltura bovei Perugia, 1892 . Type by monotypy. Preoccupied by Peltura Agassiz, 1846 , in trilobites; replaced by Phractura Boulenger, 1900 . Gender: Feminine.

Phractura Boulenger, 1900d: 527 . Type species: Peltura bovei Perugia, 1892 . Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Peltura Perugia, 1892 , preoccupied by Peltura Agassiz, 1846 . Gender: Feminine.

Paraphractura Boulenger, 1902d: 47 . Type species: Paraphractura tenuicauda Boulenger, 1902 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Feminine.

Phractura ansorgii Boulenger, 1902

Phractura ansorgii Boulenger, 1902 h: 623, pl. 37 (fig. 1). Type locality: Agberi [ Nigeria]. Holotype: BMNH 1901.12 .18.7.

Distribution: Lower Niger River (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura bovei (Perugia, 1892)

Peltura Bovei Perugia, 1892: 972 , unnumbered figures. Type locality: Congo. Holotype: MSNG 8839 View Materials .

Distribution: Lower Congo River (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura brevicauda Boulenger, 1911

Phractura brevicauda Boulenger, 1911a: 502 , fig. 374. Type locality: Trib. of Lobi R., S. W. of Efulen , and Kribi R ., South Cameroon; Abanga R ., Ogowe. Syntypes: BMNH 1904.7.1.119-126 (8), BMNH 1908.5.30.176–177 (2), BMNH 1908.5 .25.118 (1).

Distribution: Lower Congo River (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Remarks: Illustrated specimen, from the Lobi River, may not be considered a holotype, even though labeled as “type” in figure caption inasmuch as the term type is also applied in the text to the single specimen from the Abanga River.

Phractura clauseni Daget & Stauch, 1963

Phractura clauseni Daget & Stauch, 1963: 95 View in CoL , fig. 2. Type locality: Haute Comoé à Samago Iri. Holotype: MNHN 1960-0148 About MNHN .

Distribution: Tributaries of the Comoe and Black Volta Rivers, Upper Volta, Ogun River, Nigeria, and Upper Benoue River, Cameroon (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura fasciata Boulenger, 1920

Phractura fasciata Boulenger, 1920a: 34 View in CoL , fig. 18. Type locality: Stanley-Falls. Syntypes (4): BMNH 1919.9.10.284– 285 (2), MRAC 7241–42 View Materials (2).

Distribution: Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura gladysae Pellegrin, 1931

Phractura Gladysae Pellegrin, 1931a: 209 View in CoL . Type locality: Haute-Louessé. Syntypes (3): MNHN 1930-0251 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1930-0252 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1930-0253 About MNHN (1).

Distribution: Kouilou River system; known only from type locality (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura intermedia Boulenger, 1911

Phractura intermedia Boulenger, 1911a: 503 , fig. 375. Type locality: Ja R., at Bitye , Libi R . affl. of Ja R ., Kribi R , and Nong R . [ South Cameroon]. Syntypes: BMNH 1903.7.28.114–116 (3), BMNH 1903.7.28.209–210 (2), BMNH 1904.7.1.165–167 (3), BMNH 1904.7 .1.213 (1), BMNH 1904.10.26.49–52 (4), BMNH 1907.5 .22.187 (1), BMNH 1909.4.29.103–105 (3), BMNH 1909.12 .3.28 (1).

Distribution: Coastal Rivers of Cameroon, from Nyong to Kouilou (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura lindica Boulenger, 1902

Phractura lindica Boulenger, 1902 g: 268, pl. 28 (figs. 3, 3a, 3b). Type locality: Lindi River , which flows into the Congo at the Stanley Falls. Syntypes (4): BMNH 1902.4 .14.25 (1), IRSNB 12 View Materials (2 or 3), MSNM 39 (1).

Phractura lukugae Boulenger, 1920c: 402 View in CoL , fig. 9. Type locality: Kabeke, a village 30 miles south of Tumbwe, on the Niemba River, near the west coast of Lake Tanganyika. Holotype: BMNH 1919.7 .24.32.

Distribution: Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura longicauda Boulenger, 1903

Phractura longicauda Boulenger, 1903c: 439 View in CoL . Type locality: Kribi River , southern Cameroon. Holotype: BMNH 1903.7 .28.117.

Distribution: Coastal rivers of South Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, and Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura macrura Poll, 1967

Phractura macrura Poll, 1967: 269 View in CoL , fig. 129. Type locality: Caungula   GoogleMaps , riv. Cassange, (8º07'S, 18º09'E), affl. riv. Uamba, Angola. Holotype: MD 6272 .

Distribution: Uamba and Cuilo Rivers, southern tributaries of Kasai, Congo River basin, Angola (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Phractura scaphyrhynchura (Vaillant, 1886)

Doumea scaphyrhynchura Vaillant , in Rivière, 1886: 18. Type locality: Ogôoué à Diélé. Holotype: MNHN 1886- 0424 About MNHN .

Distribution: Ogowe and Congo River basins (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Remarks: Pellegrin (1900: 181), lists Phractura scaphyrhynchura as a new species (nov. sp.), but cites Vaillant’s description in the text.

Phractura tenuicauda (Boulenger, 1902)

Paraphractura tenuicauda Boulenger, 1902d: 48 , pl. 14 (fig. 2). Type locality: l’Ubangi à Banzyville. Syntypes (plusieurs): BMNH 1901.12.26.48–49 (2), MRAC 1297–1299 View Materials (3).

Distribution: Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).


Psammphiletria Roberts, 2003: 101 . Type species: Psammphiletria nasuta Roberts, 2003 . Type by original designation. Gender: Feminine.

Psammphiletria delicata Roberts, 2003

Psammphiletria delicata Roberts, 2003: 102 View in CoL , fig. 17 e. Type locality: Stanley Pool. Holotype: MRAC 118455 View Materials .

Distribution: Stanley Pool, Congo River (Roberts, 2003).

Psammphiletria nasuta Roberts, 2003

Psammphiletria nasuta Roberts, 2003: 101 View in CoL , fig. 17 a–c. Type locality: Republique Centrafricaine: Central African Republic, sandy riffle in R. Ubangui near Banda , 72 km upriver from Bangui. Holotype: CAS 92624.

Distribution: Ubangui River above Bangui (Roberts, 2003).


Tetracamphilius Roberts, 2003: 102 . Type species: Tetracamphilius pectinatus Roberts, 2003 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Tetracamphilius angustifrons (Boulenger, 1902)

Anoplopterus angustifrons Boulenger, 1902d: 42 , pl. 10 (fig. 4). Type locality: Banzyville [Ubangi River]. Syntypes (plusieurs): BMNH 1901.12.26.39–40 (2), MRAC 1313 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Ubangi River, Congo Basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Tetracamphilius clandestinus Roberts, 2003

Tetracamphilius clandestinus Roberts, 2003: 106 View in CoL , fig. 20 b. Type locality: Republique Centrafricaine: riffles in shallow sandy area of Ubangui near Banda. 2 km upstream from Bangui. Holotype: CAS 92653.

Distribution: Ubangui River above Bangui (Roberts, 2003).

Tetracamphilius notatus (Nichols & Griscom, 1917)

Amphilius notatus Nichols & Griscom, 1917: 715 View in CoL , fig. 24. Type locality: Faradje , Congo. Holotype: AMNH 6711 About AMNH .

Distribution: Faradje, Uele River, Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Tetracamphilius pectinatus Roberts, 2003

Tetracamphilius pectinatus Roberts, 2003: 104 , fig. 18. Type locality: Republique du Congo (Kinshasa): Congo basin, tributary of R. Luala, 29 km N of Kibunzi (8 km S of turnoff to Kubunzi, Buozi dist.   GoogleMaps ), 45º6.5'S, 13º48'E. Holotype: CAS 92627.

Distribution: Ubangui River above Bangui; Luala River tributary; and Luala River of Southern Congo (Roberts, 2003).

TRACHYGLANIS Boulenger, 1902

Trachyglanis Boulenger, 1902d: 48 . Type species: Trachyglanis minutus Boulenger, 1902 . Type by monotypy. Gen- der: Masculine.

Trachyglanis ineac (Poll, 1954)

Phractura ineac Poll, 1954: 62 View in CoL , fig. 5. Type locality: riv. Loweo, environs de Yangambi (Stanleyville). Holotype: MRAC 77460 View Materials .

Distribution: Congo River basin (Yangambi, Tohuapa) (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Trachyglanis intermedius Pellegrin, 1928

Trachyglanis intermedius Pellegrin, 1928b: 110 View in CoL . Type locality: Kasai , Congo belge. Holotype: NMBA 3755 View Materials .

Distribution: Kasai River, Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Trachyglanis minutus Boulenger, 1902

Trachyglanis minutus Boulenger, 1902d: 49 View in CoL , pl. 14 (fig. 3). Type locality: l’Ubangi à Banzyville. Syntypes (4): BMNH 1901.12.26.50–51 (2), MRAC 1291–1291 View Materials A (2).

Distribution: Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

Trachyglanis sanghensis Pellegrin, 1925

Trachyglanis sanghensis Pellegrin, 1925: 103 View in CoL . Type locality: Ouesso (Sangha). Holotype: MNHN 1925-0145 About MNHN .

Distribution: Sanga River, Congo River basin (Skelton & Teugels, 1986).

ZAIREICHTHYS Roberts, 1967

Zaireichthys Roberts, 1967: 124 . Type species: Zaireichthys zonatus Roberts, 1967 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Revision: Roberts (2003).

Zaireichthys brevis (Boulenger, 1915)

Leptoglanis brevis Boulenger, 1915: 169 View in CoL . Type locality: Rivière Lubumbashi , à Elisabethville. Syntypes (2): BMNH 1920.5 . 26.93 (1), MRAC 12702 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Congo River basin.

Remarks: Placed by Roberts (2003: 98) in the synonymy of Zairichthys rotundiceps , but comments therein indicate only that the types are “closely similar, possibly conspecific [with Z. rotundiceps ].” Therefore, Zaireichthys brevis is retained as valid herein.

Zaireichthys camerunensis (Daget & Stauch, 1963)

Leptoglanis camerunensis Daget & Stauch, 1963: 94 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Bénoué à Lakdo, Cameroun. Syntypes (7): MNHN 1962-1272 (6); one specimen lost.

Distribution: Upper Benue River, Cameroon and Upper Niger River, Guinea (Roberts, 2003).

Zaireichthys dorae (Poll, 1967)

Leptoglanis dorae Poll, 1967: 211 View in CoL , fig. 95. Type locality: rapides de la Luachimo, dans des flaques d’eau résiduelle, à l’occasion de la mise à sec del la partie d’aval du barrage, Angola. Holotype: MRAC 161646 View Materials .

Distribution: Luachimo, Congo Basin, Angola (Roberts, 2003).

Zaireichthys flavomaculatus (Pellegrin, 1926)

Leptoglanis flavomaculatus Pellegrin, 1926: 204 View in CoL . Type locality: Kamaiembi. Holotype: MRAC 19721 View Materials .

Distribution: Lulua River, southern Congo; known only from holotype (Roberts, 2003).

Zaireichthys heterurus Roberts, 2003

Zaireichthys heterurus Roberts, 2003: 96 View in CoL . Type locality: Republic du Congo (Kinshasa): R. Avokoko, affluent rive droit fleuve Zaire, km 21 route Kisangani-Wanie Rukula. Holotype: MRAC 87-42 View Materials -P-1140.

Distribution: Eastern Congo River basin (Roberts, 2003).

Zaireichthys mandevillei (Poll, 1959)

Leptoglanis mandevillei Poll, 1959: 98 View in CoL , pl. 25 (fig. 2). Type locality: Stanley Pool ( Congo R., near Kinshasa). Holotype: MRAC 118532 View Materials .

Distribution: Stanley Pool, Congo River, Ubangui and Lualaba (Roberts, 2003).

Zaireichthys rotundiceps (Hilgendorf, 1905)

Gephyroglanis rotundiceps Hilgendorf, 1905: 412 . Type locality: Im Bubu bei Irangi. Lectotype: ZMB 16392, des- ignated by, and illustrated in, Seegers (1996: 196, fig. 141).

Distribution: Cunene, Okavango and Zambezi, Pungwe, Buse and Save basins, and Lake Malawi basin (Skelton, 1993); Lake Rukwa basin (Seegers, 1996).

Zaireichthys wamiensis (Seegers, 1989)

Leptoglanis wamiensis Seegers, 1989: 285 View in CoL , unnumbered figure. Type locality: Kisangata -Bach bei Mvumi, 32 kilometer SW Kidete, am Wege nach Kimamba/ Kilosa im Wami-Einzug NW Morogoro, Tanzania. Holotype: ZFMK 15899 About ZFMK .

Distribution: Wami River basin, Tanzania (Seegers, 1989).

Zaireichthys zonatus Roberts, 1967

Zaireichthys zonatus Roberts, 1967: 124 View in CoL , figs. 3–4. Type locality: Side channel of the lower rapids of the Congo River , below Stanley Pool , at Kinsuka village, within Leopoldville city limits. Holotype: SU 64126 .

Distribution: Congo River basin (Roberts, 2003).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













Published, First 2007

Dolichamphilius longiceps

Roberts 2003: 100

Psammphiletria delicata

Roberts 2003: 102

Psammphiletria nasuta

Roberts 2003: 101

Tetracamphilius clandestinus

Roberts 2003: 106

Zaireichthys heterurus

Roberts 2003: 96

Doumea thysi

Skelton 1989: 6

Paramphilius teugelsi

Skelton 1989: 2

Leptoglanis wamiensis

Seegers 1989: 285

Amphilius cryptobullatus

Skelton 1986: 279

Amphilius zairensis

Skelton 1986: 266

Amphilius laticaudatus

Skelton 1984: 61

Phractura macrura

Poll 1967: 269

Leptoglanis dorae

Poll 1967: 211

Zaireichthys zonatus

Roberts 1967: 124

Amphilius grammatophorus marmoratus

Daget 1963: 584

Phractura clauseni

Daget & Stauch 1963: 95

Leptoglanis camerunensis

Daget & Stauch 1963: 94

Amphilius rheophilus

Daget 1959: 692

Belonoglanis brieni

Poll 1959: 107

Leptoglanis brieni

Poll 1959: 96

Leptoglanis mandevillei

Poll 1959: 98

Phractura ineac

Poll 1954: 62

Paramphilius goodi

Harry 1953: 203

Paramphilius firestonei

Schultz 1942: 328

Amphilius lentiginosus

Trewavas 1936: 71

Amphilius platychir cubangoensis

Pellegrin 1936: 56

Amphilius platychir var. cubangoensis

Pellegrin 1936

Amphilius pictus

Nichols & La Monte 1933: 1

Doumea chappuisi

Pellegrin 1933: 114


Gladysae Pellegrin 1931: 209

Trachyglanis intermedius

Pellegrin 1928: 110

Leptoglanis flavomaculatus

Pellegrin 1926: 204

Trachyglanis sanghensis

Pellegrin 1925: 103

Belonoglanis curvirostris

Pellegrin 1922: 74

Amphilius lamani Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1920: 171

Lonnberg & Rendahl 1920: 171

Belonoglanis nudipectus Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1920: 175

Lonnberg & Rendahl 1920: 175

Phractura fasciata

Boulenger 1920: 34

Phractura lukugae

Boulenger 1920: 402


Maesii Boulenger 1919: 160

Amphilius opisthophthalmus

Boulenger 1919: 159

Amphilius brevidorsalis

Pellegrin 1919: 399

Andersonia brevior

Boulenger 1918: 426

Andersonia pellegrini

Boulenger 1918: 427

Amphilius natalensis

Boulenger 1917: 432

Doumea alula

Nichols & Griscom 1917: 722

Amphilius notatus

Nichols & Griscom 1917: 715

Leptoglanis brevis

Boulenger 1915: 169

Amphilius lampei

Pietschmann 1913: 190

Amphilius grammatophorus

Pellegrin 1913: 237

Amphilius oxyrhinus

Boulenger 1912: 675

Amphilius krefftii

Boulenger 1911: 356


Hargeri Boulenger 1907: 488

Paramphilius trichomycteroides

Pellegrin 1907: 24

Slatinia mongallensis

Werner 1906: 327

Doumea angolensis

Boulenger 1906: 347

Amphilius grandis

Boulenger 1905: 63

Gephyroglanis rotundiceps

Hilgendorf 1905: 412

Amphilius atesuensis

Boulenger 1904: 17

Phractura longicauda

Boulenger 1903: 439

Belonoglanis tenuis

Boulenger 1902: 50

Paraphractura tenuicauda

Boulenger 1902: 48

Anoplopterus angustifrons

Boulenger 1902: 42

Trachyglanis minutus

Boulenger 1902: 49

Anoplopterus longirostris

Boulenger 1901: 447

Andersonia leptura

Boulenger 1900: 529


Leroyi Vaillant 1897: 82


Bovei Perugia 1892: 972

Doumea typica

Sauvage 1879: 97

Pimelodus platychir Günther, 1864: 134

Gunther 1864: 134
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