Published, First, 2007, Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types, Zootaxa 1418, pp. 1-628 : 57-62

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scientific name



ASPREDINIDAE Adams, 1854 View in CoL View at ENA

Aspredinidae Adams , in Adams et al., 1854: 107. Type genus: Aspredo Scopoli, 1777 .

Bunocephalini Bleeker, 1858b : xi, 328. Type genus: Bunocephalus Kner, 1855 .

Platystacinae Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890: 9, 13, 20. Type genus: Platystacus Bloch, 1794 .

Hoplomizoninae [sic Hoplomyzontinae ] Fernández-Yépez, 1950b:113. Type genus: Hoplomyzon Myers, 1942 .

Taxonomy summary: Gill (1891a); Friel (2003); Myers (1960); Mees (1987b, Aspredininae ); Mees (1988b Bunocephalinae ).

Keys: Mees (1988b, Aspredininae ).

Revision: Stewart (1985b, Hoplomyzontinae ).

Phylogeny: Friel (1994); Diogo et al. (2001).

12 genera, 36 species; no named fossil taxa.

ACANTHOBUNOCEPHALUS Friel, 1995 Acanthobunocephalus Friel, 1995: 90 . Type species: Acanthobunocephalus nicoi Friel, 1995 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine. Acanthobunocephalus nicoi Friel, 1995 Acanthobunocephalus nicoi Friel, 1995: 90 , fig. 1. Type locality: Río Sipapo, 200 m from Salto Remo, 4º34'N, 67º18'W, Venezuela. Holotype: MCNG 29000. Distribution: Upper Orinoco River basin of Venezuela, including Sipapo, Ramoni and Casiquiare rivers (Friel, 2003).

AMARALIA Fowler, 1954 Amaralia Fowler, 1954: 40 . Type species: Bunocephalus hypsiurus Kner, 1855 . Type by original designation. Gen- der: Feminine. Amaralia hypsiura (Kner, 1855) Bunocephalus hypsiurus Kner, 1855a: 98 , pl. 1 (fig. 1). Type locality: Rio Branco [ Brazil]. Syntypes: NMW 47626 (2). Distribution: Throughout the Amazon River basin (Friel, 2003).


Aspredinichthys Bleeker, 1858b: 328 , 329. Type species: Aspredo tibicen Valenciennes, 1840 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine.

Chamaigenes Eigenmann, 1910: 380 . Type species: Aspredo filamentosus Valenciennes, 1840 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Revison: Mees (1987b).

Aspredinichthys filamentosus (Valenciennes, 1840)

Aspredo filamentosus Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 437 (324 of Strasbourg deluxe edition), pl. 450. Type locality: Cayenne. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-4401 (4), MNHN b-0594 (2).

Distribution: Lower portions of rivers and in coastal waters of northern South America from Venezuela to northern Brazil (Friel, 2003).

Aspredinichthys tibicen (Valenciennes, 1840)

Aspredo tibicen Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 438 (325 of Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Surinam. Holotype: RMNH 3111 About RMNH .

Distribution: Lower portions of rivers and in coastal waters of northern South America from Venezuela to northern Brazil (Friel, 2003).

ASPREDO Scopoli, 1777

Aspredo Scopoli, 1777: 453 . Type species: Silurus aspredo Linnaeus, 1758 . Type by absolute tautonymy. Gender: Masculine.

Aspredo aspredo (Linnaeus, 1758)

Silurus aspredo Linnaeus, 1758: 304 . Type locality: in Americae fluviis. Syntype: ZMUU Linnaean Coll. 48 (1); also based on descriptions in Gronovius (1754: 8), which apparently is based on the same Linnaean specimen, and on Klein (1775).

Platystacus laevis Bloch, 1794: 58 . Type locality: [No locality stated]. Syntypes: ZMB 3153 View Materials (3), and several literature sources, including Silurus aspredo Linnaeus .

Aspredo sicuephorus Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 439 (326 of Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: La Mana [ French Guiana]. Holotype: MNHN 0000-6362.

Aspredo batrachus Gronow , in Gray, 1854: 137. Type locality: fluminibus Americes Meridionalis. Syntype or holotype: ZMUU Linnaean Coll. 48 (1); inasmuch as Gronovius (1754: 8) based the description on an earlier Linnaean description.

Aspredo sicyephorus Günther, 1864: 269 . Type locality: Mana [ French Guiana]. Holotype: MNHN 0000-6362. Unjustified emendation of Aspredo sicuephorus Valenciennes, 1840 .

Distribution: Lower portions of rivers from Venezuela to northern Brazil (Friel, 2003).


Aspredo Swainson, 1838: 332 . Type species: Aspredo gronovii Swainson, 1838 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine. Preoccupied by Aspredo Scopoli, 1777 ; apparently not replaced.

Bunocephalus Kner, 1855a: 95 . Type species: Platystacus verrucosus Bloch, 1794 . Type by subsequent designation by Bleeker (1862–63: 19). Gender: Masculine.

Platystacus Bleeker, 1858b: 329 . Type species: Bunocephalichthys verrucosus Bloch, 1794 . Type by subsequent designation by Jordan (1919a: 279). Gender : Masculine.

Dysichthys Cope, 1874b: 133 . Type species: Dysichthys coracoideus Cope, 1874 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine.

Agmus Eigenmann, 1910: 379 . Type species: Bunocephalus scabriceps Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Remarks: Ferraris (1991) clarified type species of Bunocephalus , but see Mees (1997) for alternate opinion. Many of the species listed here were placed in Dysichthys by Mees (1988b, 1989), but Dysichthys was placed in the synonymy of Bunocephalus in Friel (2003).

Review: Mees (1989, as Dysichthys , in part).

Bunocephalus aleuropsis Cope, 1870

Bunocephalus aleuropsis Cope, 1870b: 568 View in CoL . Type locality: Pebas , Eastern Ecuador [now Peru]. Syntypes: ANSP 8286–8288 About ANSP (3); one syntype illustrated in Mees (1989: 206, fig. 4).

Bunocephalus melas Cope, 1874b: 132 View in CoL . Type locality: Nauta. Holotype: ANSP 21235 About ANSP (in pieces).

Distribution: Amazon and Orinoco River basins (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus amaurus Eigenmann, 1912

Bunocephalus amaurus Eigenmann, 1912b: 126 View in CoL , fig. 24; pl. 2 (fig. 2). Type locality: Konawaruk , British Guiana. Holotype: FMNH 53121 About FMNH .

Bunocephalus amaurus aloikae Hoedeman, 1961: 130 View in CoL . Type locality: Litany R., Aloiké village, French Guiana. Holotype: ZMA 102229 View Materials .

Bunocephalus amaurus sipaliwini Hoedeman, 1961: 130 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Sipaliwini, Suriname, 20 km from frontier with Brazil. Holotype: ZMA 102228 View Materials .

Distribution: Coastal rivers of northern South America between Orinoco to Amazon mouths (Friel, 2003).

Remarks: Redescribed in Mees (1989: 216) as a subspecies of Dysichthys coracoideus .

Bunocephalus amazonicus (Mees, 1989)

Dysichthys amazonicus Mees, 1989: 241 , fig. 21. Type locality: Bolivia: creek near Todos Santos, upper course of R. Mamoré , Cochabamba. Holotype: ZMA 109246 View Materials (37 mm SL specimen).

Distribution: Upper and middle Amazon River basin (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus bifidus Eigenmann, 1942

Bunocephalus bifidus Eigenmann , in Eigenmann & Allen, 1942: 86, pl. 2 (fig. 2). Type locality: creek, Yurimaguas [ Huallaga River , Peru]. Holotype: CAS 35105.

Distribution: Amazon River basin of Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru (Friel, 2003).

Remarks: Name appeared several times (Pearson, 1924: 9; Pearson 1937: 111; Fowler, 1940c: 94) as a nomen nudum prior to being made available in Eigenmann & Allen (1942).

Bunocephalus chamaizelus Eigenmann, 1912

Bunocephalus chamaizelus Eigenmann, 1912b: 127 View in CoL , fig. 24; pl. 2 (fig. 1). Type locality: Erukin , British Guiana. Holotype: FMNH 53122 About FMNH .

Distribution: Essequibo River basin (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus colombianus Eigenmann, 1912

Bunocephalus colombianus Eigenmann, 1912a: 10 View in CoL . Type locality: Raspadura [ Colombia]. Holotype: FMNH 56038 About FMNH .

Distribution: Atrato and Magdalena River basins (Friel, 2003); also Cauca, San Jorge, Sinu and Patía basins, Colombia (Maldonado-Ocampo et al., 2005).

Bunocephalus coracoideus (Cope, 1874)

Dysichthys coracoideus Cope, 1874b: 133 . Type locality: Nauta [ Peru]. Syntypes: ANSP 21212–21215 About ANSP (4).

Bunocephalus bicolor Steindachner, 1882b: 176 View in CoL . Type locality: Aus dem Huallaga [ Peru]. Holotype: MTD F345 View Materials . Species illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner (1882c: 8, pl. 2, figs. 1, 1a, 1b).

Bunocephalus haggini Eigenmann & Allen, 1942: 86 View in CoL , pl. 2 (fig. 1). Type locality: Amazon at Iquitos [ Peru]. Holotype: CAS 35107.

Distribution: Amazon River basin of Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus doriae Boulenger, 1902

Bunocephalus doriae Boulenger, 1902b: 286 View in CoL . Type locality: Villa Rica, Paraguay; and Posadas , Río Parana [ Argentina]. Syntypes: BMNH 1902.2.10.22–23 (2), MSNG 14274 View Materials (1) , MSNG 14275 View Materials (3).

Bunocephalus retropinnis Eigenmann View in CoL , in Eigenmann & Allen, 1942: 85, pl. 2 (fig. 3). Type locality: Cacequi, Brazil. Holotype: CAS 35246.

Distribution: Paraguay-Paraná and Uruguay River basins, of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus iheringii Boulenger, 1891

Bunocephalus iheringii Boulenger, 1891: 235 View in CoL , pl. 26 (fig. 2). Type locality: Not stated [apparently from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]. Syntypes: BMNH 1891.3.16.77–78 (2).

Bunocephalus salathei Myers, 1927: 125 View in CoL . Type locality: Brazil: Morro Ajudo , about 100 km from Rio de Janeiro. Holotype: MCZ 31583.

Bunocephalus minutus Güntert, 1942: 28 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Paraguay, Dept. Villetta. Syntypes: NMBA 5296– 98 View Materials (3), NMBA 5299–5300 View Materials (2).

Bunocephalus carvalhoi View in CoL Miranda Ribeiro , 1944a: 1, figure on p. 2. Type locality: Magé, Estado do Rio de Janeiro [ Brazil]. Holotype: MNRJ 1060 View Materials .

Distribution: Atlantic, Paraguay and Uruguay River basins of Brazil and Paraguay (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus knerii Steindachner, 1882

Bunocephalus Knerii Steindachner, 1882b: 176 . Type locality: Canelos [ Ecuador]. Syntype: NMW 47628. Species illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner (1882c: 9, pl. 2, figs. 2, 2a, 2b).

Distribution: Upper Amazon River basin of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus larai Ihering, 1930

Bunocephalus larai Ihering, 1930: 101 , pl. 13 (figs. 3–3a). Type locality: Rio Piracicaba , junto ao Salto; ao 20 klm abaixo (ilha das Flechas) [São Paulo, Brazil]. Syntypes: Whereabouts unknown.

Distribution: Paraná River basin of Brazil (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus quadriradiatus (Mees, 1989)

Dysichthys quadriradiatus Mees, 1989: 244 , figs. 23, 24. Type locality: Peru: Samiria , Chinguito [= Cocha Shinguita or Shirguita]. Holotype: MHNG 2157.21 View Materials .

Distribution: Upper Amazon River basin of Peru (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus rugosus Eigenmann & Kennedy, 1903

Bunocephalus rugosus Eigenmann & Kennedy, 1903: 498 View in CoL . Type locality: Laguna near Arroyo Chagalalina [ Paraguay]. Holotype: IU 9819 (whereabouts unknown).

Dysichthys australe Eigenmann & Ward , in Eigenmann, McAtee & Ward, 1907: 113, pl. 31. Type locality: Corumba [ Paraguay]. Holotype: CAS 35240.

Distribution: Paraguay-Paraná River basin of Brazil and Paraguay (Friel, 2003).

Bunocephalus verrucosus (Walbaum, 1792)

Silurus verrucosus Walbaum, 1792: 574 . Type locality: [No locality stated]. No types known. Based on Gronovius (1754, pl. 5, fig. 3).

Platystacus verrucosus Bloch, 1794: 63 View in CoL , pl. 373 (fig. 3). Type locality: Wahrscheinlich gerhört er in Surinam zu Hause [= Suriname]. On Gronovius (1754: 5, pl. 5, fig. 3; and 1763: 102, no. 325).

Aspredo gronovii Swainson, 1838: 332 View in CoL , fig. 80. Type locality: [No locality stated]. No types known.

Aspredo verrucosa Gronow View in CoL , in Gray, 1854: 137. Type locality: America Meridionali. No types known; based on Gronovius (1763: no. 325, pl. 5, fig. 3.).

Bunocephalichthys gronovii Bleeker, 1858b: 329 . Type locality: Am. Merid. No types known; based on Gronovius (1754: 153, pl. 5, fig. 3).

Bunocephalus scabriceps Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889b: 49 View in CoL . Type locality: Jutahy [ Brazil]. Lectotype: MCZ 7967 About MCZ ; lectotype illustrated and designated in figure caption of Eigenmann (1912: pl. 4) as 42 mm specimen.

Agmus lyriformis Eigenmann, 1912b: 128 , fig. 25; pl. 3. Type locality: Gluck Island [Rupununi River], British Guiana. Holotype: FMNH 53120 About FMNH .

Distribution: Rivers of the Guianas and throughout the Amazon River basin (Friel, 2003).

DUPOUYICHTHYS Schultz, 1944 Dupouyichthys Schultz, 1944c: 244 . Type species: Dupouyichthys sapito Schultz, 1944 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Dupouyichthys sapito Schultz, 1944 Dupouyichthys sapito Schultz, 1944c: 245 , pl. 4 (fig. d); fig. 4b. Type locality: Río Motatán , at the bridge 22 km north of Motatán , Venezuela. Holotype: USNM 121072 About USNM . Distribution: Magdalena River and Lake Maracaibo basins (Friel, 2003). Remarks: Redescribed in Mojica et al. (2000).

ERNSTICHTHYS Fernández-Yépez, 1953

Ernstichthys Fernández-Yépez, 1953: 3 , 4. Type species: Ernstichthys anduzei Fernández-Yépez, 1953 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Ernstichthys anduzei Fernández-Yépez, 1953

Ernstichthys anduzei Fernández-Yépez, 1953: 5 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Río Salinas , northeast of El Baúl, Estado Cojedes, Venezuela. Holotype: MHNLS 28 View Materials .

Distribution: Orinoco River basin of Venezuela (Friel, 2003).

Ernstichthys intonsus Stewart, 1985

Ernstichthys intonsus Stewart, 1985b: 16 View in CoL , figs. 1f, 3, 9. Type locality: Río   GoogleMaps Napo at Añangu, Napo Prov, 0º30.8'S, 76º24.0'W, Ecuador. Holotype: FMNH 94603 About FMNH .

Distribution: Napo River basin of Ecuador (Friel, 2003).

Ernstichthys megistus (Orcés, 1961)

Hoplomyzon megistus Orcés, 1961: 3 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Small river off of the Río Chicherota, Río Bobonaza

system, Prov. Pastaza, e. Ecuador. Holotype: Author’s personal coll. 4305 (current whereabouts unknown). Distribution : Bobonaza and Marañon River basins of Ecuador and Peru (Friel, 2003).

HOPLOMYZON Myers, 1942

Hoplomyzon Myers, 1942: 94 . Type species: Hoplomyzon atrizona Myers, 1942 . Type by original designation. Gen- der: Masculine.

Hoplomyzon atrizona Myers, 1942

Hoplomyzon atrizona Myers, 1942: 95 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: Brook trib. to Río Zulia, at Estacion Tachira, 60 km north of San Cristobal, Venezuela, elev. ca. 150 m. Holotype: SU 36494 .

Hoplomyzon atrizona petroleus Schultz, 1944c: 248 View in CoL , pl. 4 (fig. C); fig. 4a. Type locality: Río Motatán , 4 km above Motatán, Maracaibo basin, Venezuela. Holotype: USNM 121070 About USNM .

Distribution: Lake Maracaibo basin (Friel, 2003).

Hoplomyzon papillatus Stewart, 1985

Hoplomyzon papillatus Stewart, 1985b: 8 , figs. 1b, 2b, 4b, 5. Type locality: Río Aguarico   GoogleMaps , 1 km upstream from confluence with Río Shushufindi, Napo Prov., 0º17'S, 76º24.5'W, Ecuador. Holotype: FMNH 94908 About FMNH .

Distribution: Napo and Portuguesa River basins of Ecuador and Venezuela, respectively (Friel, 2003).

Hoplomyzon sexpapilostoma Taphorn & Marrero, 1990

Hoplomyzon sexpapilostoma Taphorn & Marrero, 1990: 4 , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Río Masparro   GoogleMaps at site of Masparro Dam, Barinas, Venezuela, 8º50'40"N, 70º06'00"W. Holotype: MCNG 18669 View Materials .

Distribution: Orinoco River basin of Venezuela (Friel, 2003).

MICROMYZON Friel & Lundberg, 1996 Micromyzon Friel & Lundberg, 1996: 642 . Type species: Micromyzon akamai Friel & Lundberg, 1996 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine. Micromyzon akamai Friel & Lundberg, 1996 Micromyzon akamai Friel & Lundberg, 1996: 643 , fig. 1. Type locality: Rio Tocantins, above confluence with Rio Pará, 2º02'S, 49º17'W, Pará, Brazil, 10– 14 m. Holotype: MZUSP 48550. Distribution: Lower Amazon River basin (Friel, 2003).


Platystacus Bloch, 1794: 52 . Type species: Platystacus cotylephorus Bloch, 1794 . Type by subsequent designation by Bleeker (1862–63: 19). Gender: Masculine.

Platysomatos Bloch, 1797: 115 . Type species: Platystacus cotylephorus Bloch, 1794 . Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded new name for Platystacus Bloch, 1794 . Gender: Masculine. See Harry (1953) for comments on this name.

Cotylephorus Swainson, 1838: 354. Type species: Cotylephorus blochii Swainson, 1838. Type by monotypy. Gen- der: Masculine.

Platystacus cotylephorus Bloch, 1794

Platystacus cotylephorus Bloch, 1794: 54 View in CoL , pl. 372. Type locality: Ostindischen Gewässer [in error; certainly from South America]. Syntypes: ZMB 3157 View Materials (2), and several specimens associated with literature sources .

Silurus hexadactylus La Cepède, 1803: 58 , 82. Type locality: [No locality stated]. Holotype: MNHN b-0029.

Cotylephorus Blochii Swainson, 1838: 354, fig. 90. Type locality: Ostindischen Gewässer [in error; certainly from South America]. Syntypes: ZMB 3157. Unneeded new name for Platystacus cotylephorus Bloch, 1794 View in CoL , apparently to avoid tautonymy.

Aspredo sexcirrhis Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 441 (326 of Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Surinam. Syntypes: MNHN a-9313 (1), MNHN b-0029 (1).

Aspredo spectrum Gronow , in Gray, 1854: 137. Type locality: in fluminibus Americes Meridionalis. Types: Whereabouts unknown; based on Gronovius (1763: no. 324), and Seba (1734–65: pl. 29, fig. 9).

Platystacus nematophorus Bleeker, 1862a: 371 View in CoL . Type locality: Surinama. Holotype: RMNH 3105; holotype illustrated in Bleeker (1864: 96, pl. 1, fig. 1).

Distribution: Coastal waters and lower portions of rivers of northern South America, from Venezuela to northern Brazil (Friel, 2003).


Pterobunocephalus Fowler, 1943c: 1 . Type species: Bunocephalus albifasciatus Fowler, 1943 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Petacara Böhlke, 1959: 2 . Type species: Bunocephalus dolichurus Delsman, 1941 . Type by original designation. Gender: Neuter.

Pterobunocephalus depressus (Haseman, 1911)

Bunocephalus depressus Haseman, 1911a: 319 View in CoL , pl. 48 (fig. 1), pl. 49. Type locality: Río Machupo near San Joaquín, Bolivia. Holotype: FMNH 54338 About FMNH .

Bunocephalus albifasciatus Fowler, 1943c: 2 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Todos Santos , Bolivia. Holotype: ANSP 69193 About ANSP .

Distribution: Amazon, Orinoco and Paraguay River basins (Friel, 2003).

Pterobunocephalus dolichurus (Delsman, 1941)

Bunocephalus dolichurus Delsman, 1941: 77 View in CoL , fig. 12. Type locality: Trombetas-river , near Obidos [ Brazil]. Holotype: IRSNB 359 View Materials .

Distribution: Amazon River basin of Brazil and Peru (Friel, 2003).

XYLIPHIUS Eigenmann, 1912

Xyliphius Eigenmann, 1912a: 10 . Type species: Xyliphius magdalenae Eigenmann, 1912 . Type by monotypy. Gen- der: Masculine. Spelled two ways in original description: Xyliphius and Xiliphius , first reviser not yet identified, but may not have been formalized until noted by Eschmeyer & Bailey, in Eschmeyer (1990).

Xyliphius barbatus Alonso de Arámburu & Arámburu, 1962

Xyliphius barbatus Alonso de Arámburu & Arámburu, 1962: 219 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Type locality: río Paraná en Rosario, provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Holotype: MLP 6798 View Materials .

Xyliphius labrosus Risso & Risso, 1964a: 11 View in CoL . Apparently an unneeded new name for Xyliphius barbatus Alonso de Arámburu & Arámburu, 1962 View in CoL .

Distribution: Paraguay-Paraná River basin, Argentina (Friel, 2003).

Xyliphius kryptos Taphorn & Lilystrom, 1983

Xiliphius kryptos Taphorn & Lilystrom, 1983: 43 , fig. 1. Type locality: Cerca del Puente de la carretera 6 sobre el Río Aricuaisá, Estado Zulia, Venezuela. Holotype: MCNG 1224 View Materials .

Distribution: Lake Maracaibo basin (Friel, 2003).

Xyliphius lepturus Orcés, 1962

Xyliphius lepturus Orcés, 1962: 50 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Cerca de Desembocadura del rio Pucayacu en el Bobonaza [ Ecuador]. Holotype: Author’s personal collection 1307 (current whereabouts unknown).

Distribution: Upper Amazon and Orinoco River basins of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela (Friel, 2003).

Xyliphius lombarderoi Risso & Risso, 1964

Xyliphius lombarderoi Risso & Risso, 1964a: 12 View in CoL , pl. 1 (figs. 1–2). Type locality: el Riacho Barranqueras [ Paraná , Argentina]. Holotype: Authors’ personal collection (current whereabouts unknown).

Distribution: Paraná River basin, Argentina (Friel, 2003).

Xyliphius magdalenae Eigenmann, 1912

Xyliphius magdalenae Eigenmann, 1912a: 10 View in CoL . Type locality: Girardot , Colombia. Holotype: FMNH 56039 About FMNH ; holotype illustrated in Eigenmann (1922: 27, pl. 1, fig. 1).

Distribution: Magdalena River basin, Colombia (Friel, 2003; Maldonado-Ocampo et al., 2005).

Xyliphius melanopterus Orcés, 1962

Xyliphius melanopterus Orcés, 1962: 52 View in CoL , figs. 3–4. Type locality: el bajo Pucayacu no lejos de su desembocadura en el Bobonaza [ Ecuador]. Holotype: Author’s personal coll. 2021 (current whereabouts unknown).

Distribution: Upper Amazon and Orinoco River basins (Friel, 2003).













Published, First 2007

Dysichthys amazonicus

Mees 1989: 241

Dysichthys quadriradiatus

Mees 1989: 244

Ernstichthys intonsus

Stewart 1985: 16

Xiliphius kryptos

Taphorn & Lilystrom 1983: 43

Xyliphius labrosus

Risso & Risso 1964: 11

Xyliphius lombarderoi

Risso & Risso 1964: 12

Xyliphius barbatus Alonso de Arámburu & Arámburu, 1962: 219

Alonso de Aramburu & Aramburu 1962: 219

Xyliphius barbatus Alonso de Arámburu & Arámburu, 1962

Alonso de Aramburu & Aramburu 1962

Xyliphius lepturus Orcés, 1962: 50

Orces 1962: 50

Xyliphius melanopterus Orcés, 1962: 52

Orces 1962: 52

Bunocephalus amaurus aloikae

Hoedeman 1961: 130

Bunocephalus amaurus sipaliwini

Hoedeman 1961: 130

Hoplomyzon megistus Orcés, 1961: 3

Orces 1961: 3

Ernstichthys anduzei Fernández-Yépez, 1953: 5

Fernandez-Yepez 1953: 5

Hoplomyzon atrizona petroleus

Schultz 1944: 248

Bunocephalus albifasciatus

Fowler 1943: 2

Bunocephalus haggini

Eigenmann & Allen 1942: 86

Bunocephalus retropinnis

Eigenmann 1942

Bunocephalus minutus Güntert, 1942: 28

Guntert 1942: 28

Hoplomyzon atrizona

Myers 1942: 95

Bunocephalus dolichurus

Delsman 1941: 77

Bunocephalus salathei

Myers 1927: 125

Bunocephalus amaurus

Eigenmann 1912: 126

Bunocephalus chamaizelus

Eigenmann 1912: 127

Bunocephalus colombianus

Eigenmann 1912: 10

Agmus lyriformis

Eigenmann 1912: 128

Xyliphius magdalenae

Eigenmann 1912: 10

Bunocephalus depressus

Haseman 1911: 319

Bunocephalus rugosus

Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903: 498

Bunocephalus doriae

Boulenger 1902: 286

Bunocephalus iheringii

Boulenger 1891: 235

Bunocephalus scabriceps

Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1889: 49

Bunocephalus bicolor

Steindachner 1882: 176

Bunocephalus melas

Cope 1874: 132

Dysichthys coracoideus

Cope 1874: 133

Bunocephalus aleuropsis

Cope 1870: 568

Platystacus nematophorus

Bleeker 1862: 371

Bunocephalichthys gronovii

Bleeker 1858: 329

Aspredo gronovii

Swainson 1838: 332

Silurus hexadactylus La Cepède, 1803: 58

La Cepede 1803: 58

Platystacus verrucosus

Bloch 1794: 63

Platystacus cotylephorus

Bloch 1794: 54

Platystacus cotylephorus

Bloch 1794

Silurus verrucosus

Walbaum 1792: 574
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