CLARIIDAE Bonaparte, 1846

Published, First, 2007, Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types, Zootaxa 1418, pp. 1-628 : 136-148

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CLARIIDAE Bonaparte, 1846


CLARIIDAE Bonaparte, 1846 View in CoL View at ENA

Clariini Bonaparte, 1846: 5. Type genus: Clarias Scopoli, 1777 .

Heterobranchoidei Bleeker, 1858b: 33, 37, 41, 333. Type genus: Heterobranchus Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809 .

Heteropneustidae Hora, 1936a: 209 . Type genus: Heteropneustes Müller, 1840 .

Taxonomic summary: Teugels (1986b, Africa).

Review: Jackson (1959, Nyasaland); Skelton & Teugels (1991, southern Africa); Teugels (1992a, west Africa).

Key to genera: Poll & Gosse (1994, Africa).

Identification guide: Jayaram (1980, South Asia).

Phylogeny: Teugels & Adriens (2003); Diogo et al. (2003a), Agnèse & Teugels (2005, African species); Jansen et al. (2005, anguilliform species).

16 genera, 113 species; including 2 fossil species.

BATHYCLARIAS Jackson, 1959

Bathyclarias Jackson, 1959: 112 . Type species: Clarias longibarbis Worthington, 1933 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Remarks: Removed from the synonymy of Dinotopterus by Anseaume & Teugels (1999).

Species flock evolution: Agnèse & Teugels (2001a).

Bathyclarias euryodon Jackson, 1959

Bathyclarias euryodon Jackson, 1959: 120 View in CoL , fig. 4. Type locality: Nkata Bay, Lake Nyasa. Holotype: BMNH 1960.2 .29.13.

Distribution: Lake Malawi (Teugels, 1986b, as Dinotopterus euryodon ).

Bathyclarias ilesi Jackson, 1959

Bathyclarias ilesi Jackson, 1959: 116 View in CoL , fig. 2. Type locality: Nkata Bay, Lake Nyasa. Holotype: BMNH 1960.2 .29.8.

Distribution: Lake Malawi (Teugels, 1986b, as Dinotopterus ilesi ).

Bathyclarias longibarbis (Worthington, 1933)

Clarias longibarbis Worthington, 1933b: 309 View in CoL , fig. 10. Type locality: Lake Nyasa. Holotype: BMNH 1932.11 .15.592.

Distribution: Lake Malawi (Teugels, 1986b, as Dinotopterus longibarbis ).

Bathyclarias rotundifrons Jackson, 1959

Bathyclarias rotundifrons Jackson, 1959: 118 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: Lake Nyasa. Holotype: BMNH 1960.2 .29.11.

Distribution: Lake Malawi (Teugels, 1986b, as Dinotopterus rotundifrons ).

Bathyclarias worthingtoni Jackson, 1959

Bathyclarias worthingtoni Jackson, 1959: 123 View in CoL , fig. 6. Type locality: [Nkata Bay] Lake Nyasa. Holotype: BMNH 1960.2 .29.18.

Distribution: Lake Malawi (Teugels, 1986b, as Dinotopterus worthingtoni ).

CHANNALLABES Günther, 1873

Channallabes Günther, 1873a: 143 . Type species: Gymnallabes apus Günther, 1873 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Feminine. Originally proposed as a subgenus of Gymnallabes .

Channallabes apus (Günther, 1873)

Gymnallabes apus Günther, 1873a: 142 View in CoL . Type locality: Interior of Ambriz , Angola. Holotype: BMNH 1873.7 .28.16.

Distribution: Congo River basin (Teugels, 1986b).

CLARIALLABES Boulenger, 1900

Clariallabes Boulenger, 1900a: 136 . Type species: Clarias melas Boulenger, 1887 . Type by original designation. Gender: Feminine.

Allabenchelys Boulenger, 1902e: 234 . Type species: Allabenchelys longicauda Boulenger, 1902 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Feminine.

Clariallabes attemsi (Holly, 1927)

Allabenchelys attemsi Holly, 1927b: 202 , fig. 2. Type locality: Kamerun. Holotype: NMW 7897 View Materials .

Distribution: Cameroon, known only from an indefinite type locality (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes brevibarbis Pellegrin, 1913

Clariallabes brevibarbis Pellegrin, 1913b: 272 View in CoL . Type locality: Ngomo (Ogôoué). Holotype: MNHN 1913-0265 About MNHN .

Distribution: Ogowe River, Gabon (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes centralis (Poll & Lambert, 1958)

Clarias centralis Poll & Lambert, 1958: 334 View in CoL , figure on p. 335. Type locality: Kunungu ( Congo). Holotype: MRAC 29659 View Materials .

Distribution: Central Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes heterocephalus Poll, 1967

Clariallabes heterocephalus Poll, 1967: 233 View in CoL , fig. 108. Type locality: Poste de Cuílo   GoogleMaps , Xá-Ua, riv. Luíta, (8º02'S, 19º25'E), Angola. Holotype: MRAC 162082 View Materials .

Distribution: Luita River, Angola (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes laticeps (Steindachner, 1911)

Allabenchelys laticeps Steindachner, 1911d: 532 . Type locality: Mawambi, Ituri– Flüss. Syntypes (9): NMW 7649 View Materials (1) , NMW 47988 (1) , NMW 47989 (1) , NMW 479890 View Materials (1) , NMW 47991 (1).

Distribution: Ituri River, Aruwimi Basin, Congo River system; known only from type locality (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes longicauda (Boulenger, 1902)

Allabenchelys longicauda Boulenger, 1902e: 234 , pl. 22 (figs. 1–1a). Type locality: Ja River , flowing into the Sanga, an affluent of the right bank of the Congo, French Congo, 250 miles from the coast. Holotype: BMNH 1902.11 .12.129.

Allabenchelys brevior Boulenger, 1903c: 439 . Type locality: Ja River , southern Cameroon. Syntypes (2): BMNH 1903.7.28.194–195 (2).

Distribution: Central Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes manyangae (Boulenger, 1919)

Allabenchelys manyangae Boulenger, 1919: 159 . Type locality: Kinkenda (Manyanga), région des Cataractes du Bas-Congo. Syntypes (3): BMNH 1919.8 . 28.12 (1), MRAC 1327 View Materials (1) , MRAC 1329 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Manyanga, Kinkenda; known only from type locality (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes melas (Boulenger, 1887)

Clarias melas Boulenger, 1887a: 148 View in CoL . Type locality: Lower Congo. Holotype: BMNH 1887.1 .13.6. Illustrated in Boulenger (1902e: pl. 22, fig. 2), possibly based on the holotype.

Clariallabes melas lembesseensis Fowler, 1949: 259 View in CoL , figs. 48–52. Type locality: Oka , Congo system. Holotype: ANSP 71906 About ANSP .

Distribution: Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes mutsindoziensis Taverne & De Vos, 1998

Clariallabes mutsindoziensis Taverne & De Vos, 1998: 212 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Rivière Mutsindozi près de son embouchure dans la Malagarasi à proximité de Gihofi, Burundi, 4º02'– 4º04'S, 30º09'– 30º11'E. Holotype: MRAC 96-31 View Materials -P-53.

Distribution: Mutsindozi River, Lake Tanganyika basin, Burundi (Taverne & De Vos, 1998).

Clariallabes petricola Greenwood, 1956

Clariallabes petricola Greenwood, 1956: 556 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Nile , about half a mile below the Owen-falls dam, Jinja, Uganda. Holotype: BMNH 1956.10 .9.204.

Distribution: Lake Victoria and the Victoria Nile, near the Owen-falls dam (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes pietschmanni (Güntert, 1938)

Allabenchelys pietschmanni Güntert, 1938: 299 . Type locality: Aus dem Njong [ Cameroon]. Syntypes (26): NMW 46063,? NMW 47933 (1). Also appeared in Güntert (1939: 25).

Distribution: Nyong River; known only from type locality (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes platyprosopos Jubb, 1965

Clariallabes platyprosopos Jubb, 1965: 393 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Upper Zambezi River , about 15 miles above the Victoria Falls, Rhodesia. Holotype: AMG P1050 View Materials .

Distribution: Upper Zambezi River (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes simeonsi Poll, 1941

Clariallabes simeonsi Poll, 1941a: 4 View in CoL , figs. 2, 5. Type locality: Uélé , rivières Mosongolia , Mekokpa, et Matanga [Precise locality of holotype not stated], Congo belge. Holotype: IRSNB 61 View Materials .

Distribution: Uélé River, Congo River basin (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes teugelsi nomen novum

Clarias (Allabenchelys) dumerili longibarbis David & Poll, 1937: 232, fig. 21. Type locality: Léopoldville, Congo Belge. Syntypes: MRAC 44011–013 View Materials (3). Preoccupied by Clarias longibarbis Worthington, 1933 .

Distribution: central Congo River basin (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: The name Clarias (Allabenchelys) dumerili longibarbis David & Poll is a junior primary homonym of Clarias longibarbis Worthington and, as such, was permanently invalid upon publication. The species was treated as valid, as Clariallabes dumerili David & Poll, 1937, by Teugels (1986b: 67). However, Clariallabes dumerili was not proposed as an available name in David & Poll and it also was not made available by action of Teugels. Teugels (1986b) lists no available synonyms for this name, so the name Clariallabes teugelsi is proposed here as a replacement for Clarias (Allabenchelys) dumerili longibarbis to provide a valid name for this species.

Clariallabes uelensis (Poll, 1941)

Clarias (Allabenchelys) uelensis Poll, 1941a: 14 View in CoL , fig. 6. Type locality: rivières Mosongolia, Mekokpa, et Matanga, région Ibembo, Uélé [precise locality of holotype not stated.]. Holotype: IRSNB 63 View Materials .

Distribution: Mosongolia, Mekokpa or Matanga Rivers, known only from types (Teugels, 1986b).

Clariallabes variabilis Pellegrin, 1926

Clariallabes variabilis Pellegrin, 1926: 201 . Type locality: Dumbi ..., Kabambaie ...., Belenge ...., Tshimbu ..., Kamaiembi; Congo Belge. Syntypes (13): MNHN 1926-0151 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1926-0152 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1926-0153 About MNHN (1) , MNHN 1926-0154 About MNHN (1) , MRAC 19689 View Materials (1) , MRAC 19690 View Materials (1) , MRAC 19692 View Materials (1) , MRAC 19694 View Materials (1) , MRAC 19696 View Materials (1) , MRAC 19702 View Materials (1) , MRAC 19712 View Materials (1) , MRAC 19713 View Materials (1) , MRAC 19714 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

CLARIAS Scopoli, 1777

Chlarias Scopoli, 1777: 455 . Type species: Silurus anguillaris Linnaeus 1758 . Type by subsequent designation by Teugels & Roberts (1987). Gender: Masculine. First published without any included species; names apparently first added by Cuvier, 1816, but spelled Clarias therein. Scopoli based his name on Clarias Gronovius , a name published in a work that was rejected as non binomial (ICZN, opinion 261), but with an unexplained change in spelling. Spelling in Scopoli not followed in recent literature and not used here.`

Macropteronotus La Cepède, 1803: 84 . Type species: Macropteronotus charmuth La Cepède, 1803 . Type by subsequent designation, apparently by Jordan (1917). Gender : Masculine.

Clarias Cuvier, 1816: 206 View in CoL . Type species not clearly established and may not have been proposed inasmuch as the name has been generally attributed to Scopoli or Gronovius. Proposed originally with two species. Gender: Masculine.

Cossyphus M’Clelland, 1844a: 403 . Type species: Cossyphus ater M’Clelland, 1844 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine. Preoccupied several times, first by Cossyphus Olivier, 1791 , in Insecta View in CoL ; replaced by Phagorus M’Clelland, 1844 .

Phagorus M’Clelland, 1844b: 225 [errata]. Type species: Cossyphus ater M’Clelland, 1844 . Type by being a replacement name. Gender: Masculine. Replacement for Cossyphus M’Clelland, 1844 ; preoccupied by Cossyphus Olivier, 1791 .

Dinotopteroides Fowler, 1930: 41 . Type species: Dinotopteroides prentissgrayi Fowler, 1930 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Prophagorus Smith, 1939: 236 . Type species: Clarias nieuhofii Valenciennes, 1840 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Anguilloclarias Teugels, 1982a: 13 . Type species: Clarias theodorae Weber, 1897 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine. Originally proposed as a subgenus of Clarias .

Brevicephaloides Teugels, 1982a: 14 . Type species: Clarias camerunensis Lönnberg, 1895 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine. Also appeared in Teugels (1982b: 739). Originally proposed as a subgenus of Clarias .

Clarioides Teugels, 1982a: 12. Type species: Clarias angolensis Steindachner, 1866 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Platycephaloides Teugels, 1982a: 11 . Type species: Clarias platycephalus Boulenger, 1902 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine. Originally as a subgenus of Clarias . Also appeared in Teugels (1982b: 736).

Remarks: Clarioides was first proposed as subgenus of Clarias in David & Poll (1937: 231) but without a type species and, therefore, cannot be treated as available from that publication [ICZN Art. 13.3]. Heterobranchoides was first proposed as a subgenus of Clarias by David (1935: 82, 99), but was not assigned a type species and the name is, therefore, not available from that publication. The name appears again in David & Poll (1937: 230), but as a synonym of Clarias and not as a valid name. It is, therefore, also not available from that reference. See Teugels (1983) for comments on the validity of Dinotopteroides as a natural subgroup of Clarias .

Review: Debouche et al. (1979), Teugels (1982c, 1986a, African species).

Clarias agboyiensis Sydenham, 1980

Clarias (Clarioides) agboyiensis Sydenham, 1980: 660 , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Agboyi Creek   GoogleMaps , a ditributary of the Ogun, Lagos State, south-west Nigeria, 6º36'N, 5º24'E. Holotype: BMNH 1959.8 .18.66.

Clarias (Clarioides) isheriensis Sydenham, 1980: 663 , figs. 3–4. Type locality: Energo Project   GoogleMaps site, Lagos-Badagry expressway, Lagos State, Nigeria, 6º29'N, 3º15'E. Holotype: BMNH 1976.3 .17.3.

Distribution: West Africa, from Ghana to Nigeria (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias albopunctatus Nichols & La Monte, 1953

Clarias albopunctatus Nichols & La Monte, 1953: 1 , fig. 1. Type locality: Kotto River, about 225 miles north of Bangassou, eastern French Equatorial Africa. Holotype: AMNH 19840 About AMNH ; holotype illustrated by Teugels (1986a: 94, fig. 49).

Distribution: Lake Chad, Benue River and central Congo River (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias alluaudi Boulenger, 1906

Clarias Alluaudi Boulenger, 1906b: 437 . Type locality: Entebbe and Bunuako; [and] Kavirondo Bay, Lake Victoria [restricted to Bunuako by lectotype designation]. Lectotype: BMNH 1906.5 .30.159, designated by Teugels (1986a: 120); lectotype illustrated by Seegers (1996: fig. 144).

Clarias hilgendorfi Boulenger, 1911c: 54 View in CoL . Type locality: Lake Rukwa. Holotype: BMNH 1911.3.27.41; illustrated in Seegers (1996: fig. 146).

Distribution: Lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Edward, Rukwa and Tanganyika (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias anfractus Ng, 1999

Clarias anfractus Ng, 1999d: 18 View in CoL , figs. 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a. Type locality: Borneo: Sabah, Danum , forest stream 600 m into conservation area, tributary of Sungai Segama. Holotype: ZRC 42598.

Distribution: Segama and Kalabakan River drainages, northeastern Borneo (Ng, 1999d).

Clarias angolensis Steindachner, 1866

Clarias angolensis Steindachner, 1866: 766 View in CoL , pl. 13 (figs. 4, 7). Type locality: Angola. Holotype: NMW 46891; holotype illustrated in Teugels (1986a: 68, fig. 35).

Clarias brevinuchalis Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1922: 123 View in CoL , fig. 2. Type locality: Upper Congo. Holotype: NRM 9640 View Materials .

Clarias confluentus Nichols & La Monte, 1933b: 3 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: Luluabourg , Kasai District, Belgian Congo. Holotype: AMNH 12340 About AMNH .

Clarias (Clarioides) curtus Matthes, 1964: 102 View in CoL , pl. 4a. Type locality: Rivière Kululu (mare), Zaïre. Holotype: MRAC 138667 View Materials .

Distribution: Lower and Central Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758)

Silurus anguillaris Linnaeus, 1758: 305 . Type locality: Nile. Syntype: NRM LP 71 .

Clarias Hasselquistii Valenciennes View in CoL , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 362 (280 in Strasbourg deluxe edition), pl. 446. Type locality: Nil. Syntypes: MNHN b-0287 (1), MNHN b-0288 (2).

Clarias Senegalensis Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 376 (279 in the Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Sénégal. Syntypes: MNHN a-8667 (1, dry), MNHN a-9429 (1, dry).

Clarias parvimanus Günther, 1864: 15 View in CoL . Type locality: Nile. Holotype: BMNH 1859.7 .29.21.

Clarias budgetti Boulenger, 1900e: 513 View in CoL . Type locality: River Gambia. Syntypes (3): BMNH 1901.7.17.4–6 (3).

Clarias anguillaris nigeriensis Pellegrin, 1923a: 213 View in CoL . Type locality: Branche nontante de la boucle du Niger entre Mopti et Niafunké. Holotype: MNHN 1922-0161 About MNHN (skull).

Distribution: Niger, Benoue, Gambia, lower Senegal and lower and middle Nile Rivers; Chad system; coastal rivers of Benin, Togo, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire; and relict populations in Mauritania and southern Algeria (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: Teugels & Roberts (1987: 95) list NRM LP 71 as the holotype of Silurus anguillaris , however, the original description of that species lists a range of meristic values that implies that more than one specimen contributed to the diagnosis. Thus, the specimen mentioned by Teugel & Roberts must be considered a syntype. See Benech et al. (1993) for characters that distinguish this species from Clarias gariepinus .

Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Silurus batrachus Linnaeus, 1758: 305 . Type locality: Africa, Asia. Syntypes: Whereabouts unknown [not NRM LP 71 as reported by Fernholm & Wheeler (1983: 219–220); see discussion in Teugels & Roberts (1987: 95)].

Macropteronotus jagur Hamilton, 1822: 145 , 374. Type locality: in ponds and ditches [Ganges River]. No types known.

Macropteronotus magur Hamilton, 1822: 146 , 374, pl. 26 (fig. 45). Type locality: in ponds and ditches [Ganges River]. No types known.

Plotosus (Clarias) hamiltonii Swainson, 1839: 307 . Type locality: in ponds and ditches [Ganges River]. No types known. On “Ham. 146, pl. 26, f. 45” [= Hamilton (1822: 146, pl. 26, fig. 45)]. Unneeded new name for Macropteronotus magur Hamilton, 1822 .

Clarias punctatus Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 384 (285 in the Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Java. Holotype (10 pouces): at MNHN, whereabouts unknown.

Distribution: Widely distributed in South and Southeast Asia.

Remarks: More than one species is included within what is currently called Clarias batrachus . A clarification of the situation requires both demarcation of species and replacement of the missing primary types of Macropteronotus jagur and M. magur .

Clarias batu Lim & Ng, 1999

Clarias batu Lim & Ng, 1999: 157 , figs. 1, 2, 4a, 5a, 7. Type locality: Sungai Baharu , on right side of Tekek-Juara trail, towards Juara, Pulau Tioman, Pahang, Malaysia. Holotype: ZRC 40087.

Distribution: Peninsular Malaysia.

? Clarias brachysoma Günther, 1864

Clarias brachysoma Günther, 1864: 20 View in CoL . Type locality: Ceylon. Syntypes: BMNH 1859.5.31.6–8 (3).

Distribution: Sri Lanka.

Clarias buettikoferi Steindachner, 1894

Clarias bulumae Steindachner, 1894: 55 . Type locality: Buluma , Liberia. Holotype: RMNH 3340 About RMNH . Originally as: Clarias bulumae n. sp.?

Clarias Büttikoferi Steindachner, 1894: 53 View in CoL . Type locality: Buluma , Liberia. Holotype: registered at RMNH, but apparently not returned by Steindachner (Teugels, 1986a: 88).

Clarias liberiensis Steindachner, 1894: 54 View in CoL , pl. 3 (fig. 2). Type locality: Buluma und aus dem Junk-flusse, Liberia [restricted to Junk-Flusse by lectotype designation]. Lectotype: RMNH 3342 About RMNH , designated by Sydenham (1978: 355); lectotype illustrated by Teugels (1986a: 47, fig. 47).

Clarias guineensis Osório, 1909: 104 View in CoL , pl. (fig. 3). Type locality: Guinée, Bolama, Postugo. Holotype: MB (destroyed).

Clarias dorsimarmoratus Ahl, 1937a: 239 View in CoL . Type locality: 40–50 km landeinwärts Freetown , Sierra Leone. Holotype: ZMB 20939.

Distribution: Comoe River, Côte d’Ivoire, to Guinea Bissau (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: Teugels (1986a: 88) appears to be the first to treat all three Steindachner names as synonyms and thus acted as first reviser in selecting Clarias buettikoferi as the valid name for the species.

Clarias buthupogon Sauvage, 1879

Clarias buthupogon Sauvage, 1879: 96 View in CoL . Type locality: Doumé [Fleuve Ogôoué]. Holotype: MNHN a-0896; holotype illustrated by Teugels (1986a: 80, fig. 44).

Clarias megapogon Sauvage, 1880c: 39 View in CoL . Type locality: Doumé [Fleuve Ogôoué]. Holotype: MNHN a-0896. Either an emendation or lapsus calami for Clarias buthupogon Sauvage. View in CoL

Clarias zygouron Nichols & Griscom, 1917: 704 View in CoL , fig. 18. Type locality: Malela , Congo. Holotype: AMNH 6698 About AMNH .

Clarias lindicus Boulenger, 1920a: 26 View in CoL , fig. 13. Type locality: Bafwasende sur la Lindi , Congo Belge. Holotype: MRAC 7112 View Materials .

Clarias obscurus Poll, 1948: 22 View in CoL , figs. 8–9. Type locality: Pweto , Lac Moero. Holotype: IRSNB 86 View Materials .

Chlarias angolensis macronema Fowler, 1949: 257 , figs. 43–47. Type locality: Oka , 18 mi. north of Eovo, Congo system. Holotype: ANSP 71903 About ANSP .

Distribution: Coastal rivers, from Nigeria to the Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias camerunensis Lönnberg, 1895

Clarias camerunensis Lönnberg, 1895: 182 View in CoL . Type locality: Cameroons. Lectotype: ZMUU 283 View Materials (88 mm TL, largest specimen); lectotype illustrated in, and designated by, Teugels (1986a: 154, fig. 85).

Clarias walkeri Günther, 1896a: 274 View in CoL , pl. 14 (fig. b). Type locality: Ogowe River. Holotype: BMNH 1896.5 .5.54.

Clarias breviceps Boulenger, 1900a: 135 View in CoL , pl. 48 (fig. 6). Type locality: Marais Scala N’toto, Mayumbe. Syntypes: BMNH 1899.11 . 27.93 (1), MRAC 271 View Materials (1).

Clarias poensis Boulenger, 1908b: 1078 View in CoL , fig. 252. Type locality: Fernando Po. Holotype: BMNH 1904.7 .23.49.

Clarias monkei Keilhack, 1910: 119 View in CoL . Type locality: in einem Kleinen Bache im Urwald 2 km südlich von Logobaba (4º2'N, 9º45'Ö), Kamerun. Syntypes (3): ZMB 17769 (3).

Clarias duchaillui Fowler, 1915a: 226 View in CoL , fig. 7. Type locality: Gaboon. Holotype: ANSP 8567 About ANSP [but published as ANSP 8568 About ANSP ].

Clarias nigeriae Popta, 1919: 4 View in CoL . Type locality: Wari , mouth of the Niger, West Africa. Holotype: RMNH 10332 About RMNH .

Clarias (Allabenchelys) submarginatus thysvillensis View in CoL David & Poll, 1937: 231. Type locality: Grottes de Thysville , Congo Belge. Holotype: MRAC 37550 View Materials .

Distribution: Coastal rivers of Togo to the lower and central Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias cataractus (Fowler, 1939)

Phagorus cataractus Fowler, 1939: 54 , figs. 1–3. Type locality: Waterfall at Trang, Siam. Holotype: ANSP 68462 About ANSP .

Distribution: Peninsular Thailand and, possibly, Cambodia (Rainboth, 1996).

Clarias cavernicola Trewavas, 1936

Clarias cavernicola Trewavas, 1936 , 70, pl. 2 (figs. 7–9). Type locality: Aigamas Cave , north of Otavi, South-West Africa. Lectotype: BMNH 1935.3 .20.174, designated by Teugels (1986a: 134).

Distribution: Caves of south west Africa (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias dayi Hora, 1936

Clarias dayi Hora, 1936b: 350 View in CoL , figs. 3, 4c. Type locality: Wynaad [ India]. Holotype: at ZSI [on “Day’s Wynaad specimen”].

Distribution: Tamil Nadu, India (Manimekalan & Arunachalam (2002).

Remarks: Treated in current literature as valid or as a synonym of Clarias dussumieri Valenciennes, 1840 .

Clarias dhonti (Boulenger, 1920)

Allabenchelys dhonti Boulenger, 1920c: 402 , fig. 8. Type locality: Kabeke, a village 30 miles south of Tumbwe, on the Niemba River, near the west coast of Lake Tanganyika. Syntypes (10): BMNH 1919.7.24.20–27 (8), MNHN 1919-0467 About MNHN (1), MRAC 6991 View Materials (1). One syntype ( MRAC 6991 View Materials ) illustrated in Teugels (1986a: 176, fig. 91) but incorrectly listed therein as the holotype .

Distribution: Niemba River, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias dialonensis Daget, 1962

Clarias dialonensis Daget, 1962: 120 , fig. 39; pl. 11 (fig. 26). Type locality: Bafing près Mamou (Fouta Dialon). Lectotype: MNHN 1959-0107 About MNHN ; lectotype illustrated in, and designated by, Teugels (1986a: 145, fig. 81) as Clarias laeviceps dialonensis .

Distribution: Fouta Dialon, Guinea, and coastal rivers of Sierra Leone (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: Treated by Teugels (1986a: 145; 1986b: 88) as a subspecies of Clarias laeviceps .

Clarias dumerilii Steindachner, 1866

Clarias Dumerilii Steindachner, 1866: 766 View in CoL , pl. 14 (fig. 5). Type locality: Angola. Neotype: BMNH 1864.7 .13.42, designated by Teugels (1986a: 148).

Clarias ngola Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1920: 170 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Kingoyi , Lower Congo. Holotype: NRM 9908 View Materials .

Clarias lualae Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1922: 122 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Luala River , tributary of the Congo, near Kinkenge, Congo basin. Syntypes: NRM 39931 (2).

Distribution: central and upper Congo River system and the Luapula system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias dussumieri Valenciennes, 1840

Clarias Dussumieri Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 382 (283 in the Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Malabar, ... Mahé, ... Pondicherry. Syntypes: MNHN b-0686 (3), MNHN b-0687 (1).

Distribution: South Asia.

Clarias ebriensis Pellegrin, 1920

Clarias ebriensis Pellegrin, 1920: 118 . Type locality: Eau stagnante près Bingerville, Côte d’Ivoire. Lectotype: MNHN 1920-0037 About MNHN , designated by Teugels & Thys van den Audenaerde (1981: 18); lectotype illustrated by Teugels (1986a: 131, fig. 72).

Clarias dahomeyensis Güntert, 1938: 296 View in CoL . Type locality: Porto Novo , Dahomey. Syntypes: NMW 46922 (18), NMW 469223 View Materials (9).

Distribution: Coastal rivers and lagoons from Nigeria to Côte d’Ivoire (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias engelseni (Johnsen, 1926)

Allabenchelys engelseni Johnsen, 1926: 8 , figs. 2–3. Type locality: Aluma , Ramadalla and Yei, Sudan. Syntypes (15): BMNH 1925.12 .30.11 (1), ZMUB 4131 View Materials a–b (2), ZMUB 4132 View Materials a–e (3 + 2 skeletons).

Distribution: Sudan (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias falconeri Lydekker, 1886

Clarias falconeri Lydekker, 1886: 247 , pl. 37, fig. 1. Type locality: Siwalik Hills , India. Lower Pliocene. Holotype: BMNH 16402 b (middle part of skull).

Distribution: Siwalik Hills, India; Lower Pliocene.

Clarias fuscus (La Cepède, 1803)

Macropteronotus fuscus La Cepède, 1803: 84 , 88, pl. 2 (fig. 2). Type locality: China. No types known; based on an unpublished painting.

Clarias pulicaris Richardson, 1845: 135 View in CoL , pl. 62 (figs. 5–6). Type locality: Canton , China. Holotype: BMNH 1968.3 .11.21 (larger of two specimens).

Distribution: Ishigakijama, Japan; Taiwan, and south China (Masuda et al., 1984); northeastern Laos, and northern Vietnam (Kottelat, 2001a).

Clarias gabonensis Günther, 1867

Clarias Gabonensis Günther, 1867b: 111 View in CoL . Type locality: River Ogowe , Gaboon. Holotype: BMNH 1867.5 .22.3.

Clarias dolloi Boulenger, 1896a: 311 View in CoL . Type locality: Monsembe , upper Congo. Syntypes: BMNH 1896.3.9.18–20 (3).

Clarias congicus Poll, 1942a: 6 View in CoL , figs. 2–3. Type locality: Lac Tumba , Congo belge. Holotype: MRAC 57759 View Materials .

Distribution: Lower and middle Congo River system, including Lake Tumba and the Pool Malebo; Chiloango system and Ogowe River (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: Redescription and comments on status (Teugels, 1982b).

Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)

Silurus (Heterobranchus) Gariepinus Burchell, 1822: 425 (footnote), figure on p. 445. Type locality: Vaal River   GoogleMaps at Smidtsdrift, above confluence with Riet River, Cape Province, South Africa (28º42'10"S, 24º04'29"E), by neotype designation. Neotype: SAIAB 520 About SAIAB , illustrated in Skelton & Teugels (1992: fig. 2). Neotype designated by Teugels (1986a: 35), or Skelton & Teugels (1992: 1) [see Remarks, below].

Clarias capensis Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 377 (279 in the Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Cap de Bonne-Espérience (in error). Holotype: MNHN a-9431 (dry).

Clarias lazera Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 372 (275 in the Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Nil. Syntypes (3, plus one skeleton): MNHN 0000-1578 (1).

Clarias Syriacus Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 375 (275 in the Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Syrie. Holotype: MNHN a-9426.

Clarias mossambicus Peters, 1852: 682 View in CoL . Type locality: Tette, Mozambique. Syntypes: possibly FMNH 54274 About FMNH (1) , ZMB 3068 View Materials (1) , ZMB 6591 View Materials (1) , ZMB 6592 View Materials (1) , ZMB 6593 View Materials (1).

Clarias macracanthus Günther, 1864: 16 View in CoL . Type locality: Upper Nile. Syntypes (5, one a skeleton): BMNH 1855.12 . 26.453 (1), BMNH 1862.6 .17.51 (1), BMNH 1866.9.9.67–68 (2).

Clarias orontis Günther, 1864: 15 View in CoL . Type locality: Orontes. Syntype: BMNH 1855.6.25.3. On Silurus anguillaris of Russell (1794: 217, pl. 8) and Clarias View in CoL of Gronovius (1763: 100).

Clarias xenodon Günther, 1864: 16 View in CoL . Type locality: Senegal, West Africa. Holotype: BMNH 1863.7 . 30.3.

Clarias robecchii Vinciguerra, 1893: 450 View in CoL . Type locality: Uebi Scebeli [ Somalia]. Syntypes: MSNG 8138 View Materials (2).

Clarias smithii Günther, 1896b: 219 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: middle course of the Shebeli Somaliland. Holotype: BMNH 1895.12 .31.65.

Clarias guentheri Pfeffer, 1896: 28 View in CoL . Type locality: Sansibar. Syntypes: Based on specimens identified as Clarius gariepinus in Playfair & Günther (1867: 113), including BMNH 1867.3 .9.388 (1, stuffed) and BMNH 1867.3 .9.581 (stuffed, not found) and literature sources.

Clarias microphthalmus Pfeffer, 1896: 28 View in CoL . Type locality: Mbake, Ugogo, Bubu, Deutsch Ost-Africa. Holotype: ZMH H477 View Materials .

Clarias longiceps Boulenger, 1899b: 103 View in CoL , pl. 41 (fig. 1). Type locality: Boma swamps, [ Congo basin]. Syntypes: BMNH 1899.11.27.15–17 (3), MRAC 902–905 View Materials (4) , MRAC 906–910 View Materials (5) , MRAC 911–915 View Materials (5) , MRAC 916–920 View Materials (5) , MRAC 921–922 View Materials (2).

Clarias moorii Boulenger, 1901d: 13 View in CoL . Type locality: Lake Albert. Holotype: BMNH 1905.9 .7.47.

Clarias tsanensis Boulenger, 1902c: 438 View in CoL . Type locality: Lake Tsana , Abyssinia. Syntypes (5): BMNH 1902.12.13.441–443 (3).

Clarias vinciguerrae Boulenger, 1902c: 438 View in CoL . Type locality: Awhorra , Kassam River, Abyssinia. Holotype: BMNH 1902.12 .13.444.

Clarias malaris Nichols & Griscom, 1917: 705 View in CoL , fig. 19. Type locality: Stanleyville , Congo. Holotype: AMNH 6441 About AMNH .

Clarias notozygurus Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1922: 125 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: Lukosi, a tributary to Luala , Lower Congo. Holotype: NRM 9933 View Materials .

Clarias depressus Myers, 1925a: 12 View in CoL . Type locality: water hole of a hippopotamus, on the Albano River about 6 km. west of Addagalla, Abyssinia. Syntypes: AMNH 8204 About AMNH (2).

Clarias mülleri Pietschmann, 1939: 184 . Type locality: Eritrea. Holotype: at Museo di Trieste.

Distribution: Nearly Pan African, as well as Asia Minor (Teugels, 1986b); introduced into Laos (Kottelat, 2001b).

Remarks: Teugels (1986a: 35) cites “Bruton & Teugels (1986)” as source of neotype designation of Silurus (Heterobranchus) gariepinus Burchell. That publication has not been found and may not have preceded Teugels (1986a). Tentatively, Teugels (1986a) is considered the actual source of neotype designation. Seegers (1996: 206) was similarly unable to locate the Bruton & Teugels source and, instead, cited Skelton & Teugels (1992) as source of the actual neotype designation. See Benech et al. (1993) for characters that distinguish this species from Clarias anguillaris .

Clarias hilli Fowler, 1936

Clarias hilli Fowler, 1936b: 299 View in CoL , figs. 59–62. Type locality: Saidi's Village , Belgian Congo. Holotype: ANSP 65879 About ANSP .

Clarias gracilis Fowler, 1936b: 303 View in CoL , figs. 75–78. Type locality: Saidi's Village , Belgian Congo. Holotype: ANSP 66098 About ANSP .

Distribution: middle Congo River system and Lake Albert (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: Teugels (1986b: 181) gave precedence to Clarias hilli and placed C. gracilis as a synonym, thereby acting as first reviser.

Clarias insolitus Ng, 2003

Clarias insolitus Ng, 2003 h: 2, figs. 1, 2a. Type locality: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah, Barito River drainage, small stream flowing into Sungai Rekut (tributary of Sungai Busang ) about 1.5 km upstream from the Project Barito Ulu base camp on Sungai Busang. Holotype: MZB 6112 View Materials .

Distribution: Barito River basin, southern Borneo (Ng, 2003h).

Clarias intermedius Teugels, Sudarto & Pouyaud, 2001

Clarias intermedius Teugels, Sudarto & Pouyaud, 2001: 86 View in CoL , fig. 5. Type locality: Palangkaraya market, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 10574.

Distribution: Central Kalimantan, between the Sampit and Barito river basins, Borneo (Teugels et al., 2001).

Clarias jaensis Boulenger, 1909

Clarias jaensis Boulenger, 1909: 188 View in CoL . Type locality: Ja River at Bitye , South Cameroon. Lectotype: BMNH 1909.4 .29.77, designated by Teugels (1986a: 55). Illustrated in Boulenger (1911a: 242, fig. 201).

Clarias cameronensis Holly, 1927c: 422 View in CoL , unnumbered figure. Type locality: Nachtigalschnellen des Sanagaflussses. Holotype: NMW 13374. Considered by Pellegrin (1929b) to be preoccupied by Clarias camerunensis Lönnberg, 1895 View in CoL ; replaced by Clarias Hollyi Pellegrin, 1929 View in CoL .

Clarias Hollyi Pellegrin, 1929b: 359 (footnote). Type locality: Nachtigalschnellen des Sanagaflussses. Holotype: NMW 13374. Replacement for Clarias cameronensis Holly, 1927 ; considered preoccupied by Clarias camerunensis Lönnberg, 1895 .

Clarias (Clarioides) aboinensis Sydenham & Olawoye, 1981: 234 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Ugbenu market, near Ologbo, Bendel State, Nigeria. Holotype: BMNH 1980.5 .12.1.

Distribution: southeast Nigeria, south Cameroon and Gabon (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias kapuasensis Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2003

Clarias kapuasensis Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2003: 156 View in CoL , figs. 2a–b. Type locality: Nanga Pinoh in peat swamp bordering the river Melawi in the upper part of the Kapuas River, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 10965.

Distribution: Kapuas River basin, Borneo (Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2003).

Clarias laeviceps Gill, 1862

Clarias laeviceps Gill, 1862: 139 View in CoL , footnote. Type locality: [probably from Liberia]. Holotype: USNM 4099 About USNM ; holotype illustrated by Teugels (1986a: 143, fig. 79).

Clarias kingsleyae Günther, 1903: 334 View in CoL . Type locality: Odumasi [and] Infoan on the R. Offim , Gold Coast. Syntypes (2): BMNH 1903.4 . 24.65 (1), BMNH 1903.4 .24.66 (1).

Clarias vandenhoutei Poll, 1941b: 137 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: confluence de la rivière Masei et la rivière Bon de Boan , Côte d’Ivoire. Holotype: MRAC 66360 View Materials .

Distribution: from Saint Pauls River, Liberia, to Volta River system, Ghana (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: Redescribed in Teugels (1981) with comments on the status of the species.

Clarias lamottei Daget & Planquette, 1967

Clarias lamottei Daget & Planquette, 1967: 279 , fig. 1. Type locality: Aoué Bla, marigot affluent du Nzi, bassin du Bandama près Lamto, Côte d’Ivoire. Holotype: MNHN 1966-1104 About MNHN ; holotype illustrated by Teugels (1986a: 20, fig. 15).

Distribution: Nzi River, tributary of the Bandama, Côte d’Ivoire (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: Considered by Teugels (2003b) as likely to be an intergeneric hybrid between a species of Clarias and Heterobranchus .

Clarias leiacanthus Bleeker, 1851

Clarias leiacanthus Bleeker, 1851e: 430 View in CoL . Type locality: Sambas, in fluviis. Holotype (160 mm TL): possibly BMNH 1863.12 .4.85 (124 mm SL).

Clarias liacanthus Günther, 1864: 20 . Type locality: Sambas, in fluviis. Holotype: possibly BMNH 1863.12 .4.85 (124 mm SL). Unjustified emendation of Clarias leiacanthus Bleeker, 1851 View in CoL .

Distribution: Kapuas River (Roberts, 1989a).

Clarias liocephalus Boulenger, 1898

Clarias liocephalus Boulenger, 1898d: 496 . Type locality: Lake Tanganyika. Lectotype or Holotype: BMNH 1898.9 .9.70. Described in more detail and illustrated in Boulenger (1898f: 24, pl. 7, figs. 2, 2a) with locality as Kinyamkolo . BMNH 1898.9 .9.70 illustrated in Seegers (1996: 209, fig. 149) as holotype . The original description did not indicate how many specimens were included in the concept of this species. Recent authors (e. g., Teugels , 1986; Eschmeyer et al., 1998) have interpreted BMNH 1898.9 .9.70 as a holotype , but BMNH 1898.9 .9.71 was registered as the same species from the same locality. Therefore , the two specimens should probably have been treated as syntypes . Since it was unclear whether more than one specimen was involved in the original description, Teugels (1986) interpretation of a holotype made that specimen the lectotype.

Clarias carsonii Boulenger, 1903b: 362 View in CoL . Type locality: Fwambo , British Central Africa. Holotype: BMNH 1894.12 .20.20.

Clarias neumanni Hilgendorf, 1905: 409 View in CoL . Type locality: Utim, im Guasso Nyiro in den Nguruman-Salzee fliessend, unter 36ºÖ L., 1º50'S Br. Holotype: at Nairobi Museum , Kenya, but Seegers (1996: 214, fig. 152, bottom) illustrated BMNH 1905.7 .25.49 as the holotype.

Clarias phillipsi Norman, 1925a: 189 View in CoL , pl. 11. Type locality: Lake Chahafi , S.O. Uganda. Holotype: MCZ 31519.

Clarias ornatus Poll, 1943b: 306 View in CoL . Type locality: Bururi, Haute Malagarazi , Lac Tanganika. Holotype: MRAC 56002 View Materials ; illustrated in Poll (1946: 230, fig. 25).

Clarias youngicus Ricardo-Bertram, 1943: 208 View in CoL . Type locality: Lake Young , Shiwa Ngandu, (Bangweulu region). Syntypes: BMNH 1943.7.27.377–382 (6).

Distribution: Lakes Victoria, Edward, George, Kivu, Tanganyika, Malawi and small lakes of Uganda and Rwanda; Kagera system, Malagarazi System, Ruzizi River, Tana River, Bangweulu-Moero system (Teugels, 1986b); Lake Rukwa basin (Seegers, 1996).

Clarias longior Boulenger, 1907

Clarias longior Boulenger, 1907b: 51 View in CoL . Type locality: Kribi and Lobi Rivers, South Cameroon [restricted to Kribi River, by lectotype designation]. Lectotype: BMNH 1904.10 .26.63, designated by Sydenham (1978: 369).

Clarias melanopogon Fowler, 1936b: 301 View in CoL , figs. 71–74. Type locality: Thirty kilometers east of Kribi, Cameroons. Holotype: ANSP 66075 About ANSP .

Distribution: Kribi, Lobi and Ntem Rivers of South Cameroon (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias maclareni Trewavas, 1962

Clarias maclareni Trewavas, 1962: 157 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: L. Barombi-ma-Mbu, northwestern Cameroons. Holotype: BMNH 1959.8 .18.174.

Distribution: Lake Barombi-ma-Mbu; known only from the type locality (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864

Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864: 18 View in CoL . Type locality: Siam. Lectotype: BMNH 1862.11.1.216; lectotype designated by Teugels et al. (1999: 294).

Distribution: Mekong and Chao Phraya River basins, and possibly Philippines (Kottelat, 2001b).

Remarks: Redescribed in Teugels et al. (1999: 294).

Clarias macromystax Günther, 1864

Clarias macromystax Günther, 1864: 17 View in CoL . Type locality: Gambia [in error]. Holotype: BMNH 1862.5 .20.4.

Distribution: Oueme River, Benin, to the Niger delta and the Niger and Benue Rivers (Teugels, 1986b).

Remarks: Teugels (1986a: 76) indicated that the stated type locality appears to be in error.

Clarias meladerma Bleeker, 1846

Clarias meladerma Bleeker, 1846a: 178 . Type locality: Batavia. Syntypes (size and number not stated): RMNH 13709 About RMNH (1), RMNH 16413 About RMNH (1). Illustrated in Bleeker (1862–63: pl. 97 [Silur. pl. 49], fig. 2) as Clarias melanoderma .

Clarias melasoma Bleeker, 1852b: 427 View in CoL . Type locality: Prabukarta, Borneo austro-orientalis, in flumne Kusan; Palembang, Sumatrae austro-orientalis, in flumine Mussi. Syntypes (2, 170– 300 mm TL): RMNH 6802 About RMNH (1).

Clarias melanoderma Bleeker, 1858b: 341 View in CoL . Type locality: Batavia. Syntypes: RMNH 13709 About RMNH (1), RMNH 16413 About RMNH (1), RMNH 6802 About RMNH (1). Unneeded new name for Clarias meladerma Bleeker View in CoL , and Clarias melasoma Bleeker. View in CoL

Distribution: Mekong River basin, and Sumatra, Borneo and Java (Kottelat, 2001b); also the Philippines (Rainboth, 1996).

Clarias microstomus Ng, 2001

Clarias microstomus Ng, 2001c: 158 , fig. 1. Type locality: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur, Kayan River drainage, Ladang   GoogleMaps near Sungai Pingai   GoogleMaps , 2º0'9.6"N, 115º9'13.8"E. Holotype: MZB 9336 View Materials .

Distribution: Mahakam and Kayan River basins, eastern Borneo (Ng, 2001c).

Clarias ngamensis Castelnau, 1861

Ciarias N'gamensis Castelnau, 1861: 63. Type locality: lac N’gami, [now: Lake Ngami , S. W. Africa (17º50'W, 21º00'E), by neotype designation]. Neotype: BMNH 1910.5 .31.27, designated by Teugels (1983: 17). Published name clearly intended as Clarias N'gamensis.

Clarias Mellandi Boulenger, 1905b: 644 View in CoL . Type locality: Lake Bangwelo. Holotype: BMNH 1905.11 .10.7.

Dinotopterus jallae Gilchrist & Thompson, 1917: 556 View in CoL , fig. 165. Type locality: Sheskeke , southern Rhodesia. Holotype: SAM 14297 [now at AMG].

Dinotopteroides prentissgrayi Fowler, 1930: 41 , fig. 10. Type locality: Chouzo , Quanza River, Angola. Holotype: ANSP 51798 About ANSP .

Distribution: Quanza, Cunene, Okavango, Chobe, Zambezi above Victoria Falls, upper Lualaba, Luapula, Pungwe, Buzi, Save, Limpopo, Incomati, lower Pongolo, and lower Sabi River; Lake Ngami, Moero, Bangweulu, and Malawi (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias nieuhofii Valenciennes, 1840

Clarias Nieuhofii Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 386 (287 in the Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Indies. Holotype: MNHN b-0300.

Clarias pentapterus Bleeker, 1851d: 206 View in CoL . Type locality: Bandjarmassing, in fluviis. Holotype (350 mm TL): Whereabouts unknown.

Clarias gilli Smith & Seale, 1906: 74 View in CoL , figs. a–b. Type locality: Rio Grande , Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: USNM 55620 About USNM .

Distribution: Sumatra, Kalimantan, India, Thailand and the Philippines (Sudarto et al., 2004); Coastal and, probably, Mekong side of Cardamom Range, Cambodia (Rainboth, 1996).

Clarias nigricans Ng, 2003

Clarias nigricans Ng, 2003 g: 393, figs. 1, 2, 3a. Type locality: Borneo : Kalimantan Timur, market in Samarinda. Holotype: MZB 10705.

Distribution: Mahakam River basin, Borneo (Ng, 2003e).

Clarias nigromarmoratus Poll, 1967

Clarias nigromarmoratus Poll, 1967: 229 View in CoL , fig. 106. Type locality: Riv. Luíta, Angola. Holotype: MD 6484 .

Distribution: central Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias olivaceus Fowler, 1904

Chlarias olivaceus Fowler, 1904: 499 , pl. 28 (lower figure). Type locality: Padang , Sumatra. Holotype: ANSP 27280 About ANSP .

Distribution: Highland rivers of western Sumatra (Tan & Ng, 2000).

Clarias pachynema Boulenger, 1903

Clarias pachynema Boulenger, 1903c: 438 View in CoL . Type locality: Ja River , southern Cameroon. Lectotype: BMNH 1903.7 .28.191, illustrated in, and designated by, Teugels (1980: 686, fig. 61; 214.5 mm TL).

Clarias esamesae Boulenger, 1911e: 372 View in CoL . Type locality: Esamesa , south Cameroon. Holotype: BMNH 1911.5 .30.28.

Clarias oxycephalus Boulenger, 1913: 67 View in CoL . Type locality: Nyong River , S. Cameroon. Holotype: BMNH 1913.10 .29.7.

Distribution: Coastal rivers of south Cameroon, Oowe system and central Congo River system (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias planiceps Ng, 1999

Clarias planiceps Ng, 1999d: 22 View in CoL , figs. 4b, 5, 6. Type locality: Borneo : Sarawak, Belakin area, Ulu Sungai Anap. Holotype: SMK uncataloged.

Distribution: Upper reaches of the Rajang and Kapuas Rivers, western Borneo, and Kayan River, eastern Borneo (Ng, 1999d).

Clarias platycephalus Boulenger, 1902

Clarias platycephalus Boulenger, 1902d: 35 View in CoL , pl. 10 (fig. 1). Type locality: Monsembé, Haut-Congo. Holotype: BMNH 1901.12 .21.43.

Clarias ekibondoi Fowler, 1936b: 300 View in CoL , figs. 63–66. Type locality: Ekibondo's Village , Belgain Congo. Holotype: ANSP 65886 About ANSP .

Clarias varispinis Fowler, 1936b: 301 View in CoL , figs. 67–70. Type locality: Nola , Middle Congo. Holotype: ANSP 65887 About ANSP .

Distribution: lower and central Congo River basin (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias pseudoleiacanthus Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2003

Clarias pseudoleiacanthus Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2003: 156 , figs. 2a–b. Type locality: Satong , peat swamp at ca. 30 km after Ketapang on the road to Sudadana, Borneo, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 10964.

Distribution: Borneo.

Clarias pseudonieuhofii Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2004

Clarias pseudonieuhofii Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2004: 15 , fig. 3. Type locality: Semitau , near the Danau Sentarum Reserve, upstream Kapuas R. on the road between Sintang and Putussibau, West Kalimantna, Borneo, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 10966.

Distribution: Upper Kapuas River, West Kalimantan, Borneo (Sudarto et al., 2004: 16).

Clarias salae Hubrecht, 1881

Clarias salae Hubrecht, 1881: 68 View in CoL . Type locality: St. Paul’s River , Liberia. Lectotype: RMNH 5373 About RMNH (smallest specimen); lectotype illustrated in, and designated by, Teugels (1986a: 103, fig. 54).

Distribution: Konkoure system, Guinea, to the Cavally River, Côte d’Ivoire (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias stappersii Boulenger, 1915

Clarias Stappersii Boulenger, 1915: 168 View in CoL . Type locality: Ruisseau affluent de la Lukinda, Tanganika-Moero. Holotype: MRAC 14139 View Materials .

Distribution: Luapula-Moero system, Kafue River, upper Zambezi River and Cunene River (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias submarginatus Peters, 1882

Clarias submarginatus Peters, 1882: 74 View in CoL . Type locality: Westafrica ( Tooxlong River). Lectotype: ZMB 11895 (largest specimen), designated by Sydenham (1978: 358); lectotype illustrated by Teugels (1986a: 107, fig. 56).

Clarias hollyi Fowler, 1936b: 304 View in CoL , figs. 79–82. Type locality: Thirty kilometers east of Kribi, Cameroons. Holotype: ANSP 66118 About ANSP . Preoccupied by Clarias hollyi Pellegrin, 1929 View in CoL ; apparently not replaced.

Distribution: Kribi and Lobi Rivers, south Cameroon (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias sulcatus Ng, 2004

Clarias sulcatus Ng, 2004d: 290 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Malaysia: Terengganu: Pulau Redang , stream on east slope of west ridge. Holotype: ZRC 22666.

Distribution: Rendang Island, off northeastern Malay Peninsula (Ng, 2004d).

Clarias teijsmanni Bleeker, 1857

Clarias Teijsmanni Bleeker, 1857a: 344 . Type locality: Tjikoppo, provinciae Buitenzorg , 900 metr. p.m. supra mare [Java]. Holotype (110 mm TL): possibly AMS B.8031 (1), or BMNH 1863.12 .4.62 (1).

Clarias pulcher Popta, 1904: 179 View in CoL . Type locality: le Howong, Bornéo central. Holotype RMNH 7542 About RMNH ; described in more detail, with illustration of holotype, in Popta (1906: pl. 1, fig. 2).

Distribution: Kapuas River, Borneo (Roberts, 1989a), and Java.

Clarias theodorae Weber, 1897

Clarias theodorae Weber, 1897: 150 View in CoL . Type locality: Natal: Umhloti-Fluss, Süd-Afrika. Holotype: ZMA 100647 View Materials ; holotype illustrated by Teugels (1986a: 111, fig. 58).

Clarias amplexicauda Boulenger, 1902d: 36 View in CoL , pl. 10 (fig. 2). Type locality: Banzyville, [Haut Ubangi]. Holotype: MRAC 1158 View Materials .

Clarias Fouloni Boulenger, 1905b: 644 View in CoL . Type locality: Lake Bangwelo. Holotype: BMNH 1905.11 .10.8.

Clarias macrurus Boulenger, 1915: 168 View in CoL . Type locality: Ruisseau affluent de la Lukinda, Tanganika-Moero. Holotype: MRAC 14256 View Materials .

Distribution: Zambezi, Kafue, Shire, upper Congo, Chobe, Okavango, Cunene, Pungwe, Sabi, Lundi, Limpopo, Incomati, Pongola, Umgeni rivers; Lakes Tanganyika, Bangweulu Kobo, Niumbe, Mweru, Malawi, and Sibaya (Teugels, 1986b).

Clarias werneri Boulenger, 1906

Clarias Werneri Boulenger, 1906c: 569 . Type locality: Gondokoro , and Lake Victoria (at Bunjako, Buganga, and Munyonyo), Uganda [restricted to Buganga, by lectotype designation]. Lectotype: BMNH 1906.5.30.165; designated by Teugels (1986a: 126).

Distribution: Lakes Victoria, Kioga, Edward, and Tanganyika; upper Nile River (Teugels, 1986b).


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien












CLARIIDAE Bonaparte, 1846

Published, First 2007

Clarias sulcatus

Ng 2004: 290

Clarias kapuasensis

Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud 2003: 156

Clarias intermedius

Teugels, Sudarto & Pouyaud 2001: 86

Clarias anfractus

Ng 1999: 18

Clarias planiceps

Ng 1999: 22

Clarias (Clarioides) aboinensis

Sydenham & Olawoye 1981: 234

Clariallabes heterocephalus

Poll 1967: 233

Clarias nigromarmoratus

Poll 1967: 229

Clariallabes platyprosopos

Jubb 1965: 393

Clarias (Clarioides) curtus

Matthes 1964: 102

Clarias maclareni

Trewavas 1962: 157

Bathyclarias euryodon

Jackson 1959: 120

Bathyclarias ilesi

Jackson 1959: 116

Bathyclarias rotundifrons

Jackson 1959: 118

Bathyclarias worthingtoni

Jackson 1959: 123

Clarias centralis

Poll & Lambert 1958: 334

Clariallabes petricola

Greenwood 1956: 556

Clariallabes melas lembesseensis

Fowler 1949: 259

Chlarias angolensis macronema

Fowler 1949: 257

Clarias obscurus

Poll 1948: 22

Clarias ornatus

Poll 1943: 306

Clarias youngicus

Ricardo-Bertram 1943: 208

Clarias congicus

Poll 1942: 6

Clariallabes simeonsi

Poll 1941: 4

Clarias (Allabenchelys) uelensis

Poll 1941: 14

Clarias vandenhoutei

Poll 1941: 137

Phagorus cataractus

Fowler 1939: 54

Clarias mülleri

Pietschmann 1939: 184

Allabenchelys pietschmanni Güntert, 1938: 299

Guntert 1938: 299

Clarias dahomeyensis Güntert, 1938: 296

Guntert 1938: 296

Clarias dorsimarmoratus

Ahl 1937: 239

Clarias (Allabenchelys) submarginatus thysvillensis

David & Poll 1937

Clarias dayi

Hora 1936: 350

Clarias hilli

Fowler 1936: 299

Clarias gracilis

Fowler 1936: 303

Clarias melanopogon

Fowler 1936: 301

Clarias ekibondoi

Fowler 1936: 300

Clarias varispinis

Fowler 1936: 301

Clarias hollyi

Fowler 1936: 304

Clarias longibarbis

Worthington 1933: 309

Clarias confluentus

Nichols & La Monte 1933: 3

Dinotopteroides prentissgrayi

Fowler 1930: 41


Hollyi Pellegrin 1929

Clarias hollyi

Pellegrin 1929

Allabenchelys attemsi

Holly 1927: 202

Clarias cameronensis

Holly 1927: 422

Clarias depressus

Myers 1925: 12

Clarias phillipsi

Norman 1925: 189

Clarias anguillaris nigeriensis

Pellegrin 1923: 213

Clarias brevinuchalis Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1922: 123

Lonnberg & Rendahl 1922: 123

Clarias lualae Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1922: 122

Lonnberg & Rendahl 1922: 122

Clarias notozygurus Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1922: 125

Lonnberg & Rendahl 1922: 125

Clarias lindicus

Boulenger 1920: 26

Clarias ngola Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1920: 170

Lonnberg & Rendahl 1920: 170

Allabenchelys manyangae

Boulenger 1919: 159

Clarias nigeriae

Popta 1919: 4

Clarias zygouron

Nichols & Griscom 1917: 704

Clarias malaris

Nichols & Griscom 1917: 705

Dinotopterus jallae

Gilchrist & Thompson 1917: 556

Clarias duchaillui

Fowler 1915: 226


Stappersii Boulenger 1915: 168

Clarias macrurus

Boulenger 1915: 168

Clariallabes brevibarbis

Pellegrin 1913: 272

Clarias oxycephalus

Boulenger 1913: 67

Clarias hilgendorfi

Boulenger 1911: 54

Clarias esamesae

Boulenger 1911: 372

Clarias monkei

Keilhack 1910: 119

Clarias guineensis Osório, 1909: 104

Osorio 1909: 104

Clarias jaensis

Boulenger 1909: 188

Clarias poensis

Boulenger 1908: 1078

Clarias longior

Boulenger 1907: 51

Clarias gilli

Smith & Seale 1906: 74

Clarias neumanni

Hilgendorf 1905: 409


Mellandi Boulenger 1905: 644


Fouloni Boulenger 1905: 644

Chlarias olivaceus

Fowler 1904: 499

Clarias pulcher

Popta 1904: 179

Allabenchelys brevior

Boulenger 1903: 439

Clarias kingsleyae Günther, 1903: 334

Gunther 1903: 334

Clarias carsonii

Boulenger 1903: 362

Clarias pachynema

Boulenger 1903: 438

Clarias tsanensis

Boulenger 1902: 438

Clarias vinciguerrae

Boulenger 1902: 438

Clarias platycephalus

Boulenger 1902: 35

Clarias amplexicauda

Boulenger 1902: 36

Clarias moorii

Boulenger 1901: 13

Clarias budgetti

Boulenger 1900: 513

Clarias breviceps

Boulenger 1900: 135

Clarias longiceps

Boulenger 1899: 103

Clarias theodorae

Weber 1897: 150

Clarias walkeri Günther, 1896a: 274

Gunther 1896: 274

Clarias dolloi

Boulenger 1896: 311

Clarias smithii Günther, 1896b: 219

Gunther 1896: 219

Clarias guentheri

Pfeffer 1896: 28

Clarias microphthalmus

Pfeffer 1896: 28

Clarias camerunensis Lönnberg, 1895: 182

Lonnberg 1895: 182

Clarias camerunensis Lönnberg, 1895

Lonnberg 1895

Clarias Büttikoferi Steindachner, 1894: 53

Buttikoferi Steindachner 1894: 53

Clarias liberiensis

Steindachner 1894: 54

Clarias robecchii

Vinciguerra 1893: 450

Clarias melas

Boulenger 1887: 148

Clarias falconeri

Lydekker 1886: 247

Clarias submarginatus

Peters 1882: 74

Clarias salae

Hubrecht 1881: 68

Clarias megapogon

Sauvage 1880: 39

Clarias buthupogon

Sauvage 1879: 96

Gymnallabes apus Günther, 1873a: 142

Gunther 1873: 142

Clarias Gabonensis Günther, 1867b: 111

Gabonensis Gunther 1867: 111

Clarias angolensis

Steindachner 1866: 766


Dumerilii Steindachner 1866: 766

Clarias parvimanus Günther, 1864: 15

Gunther 1864: 15

Clarias brachysoma Günther, 1864: 20

Gunther 1864: 20

Clarias macracanthus Günther, 1864: 16

Gunther 1864: 16

Clarias orontis Günther, 1864: 15

Gunther 1864: 15

Clarias xenodon Günther, 1864: 16

Gunther 1864: 16

Clarias liacanthus Günther, 1864: 20

Gunther 1864: 20

Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864: 18

Gunther 1864: 18

Clarias macromystax Günther, 1864: 17

Gunther 1864: 17

Clarias laeviceps

Gill 1862: 139

Clarias melanoderma

Bleeker 1858: 341

Clarias mossambicus

Peters 1852: 682

Clarias melasoma

Bleeker 1852: 427

Clarias leiacanthus

Bleeker 1851: 430

Clarias leiacanthus

Bleeker 1851

Clarias pentapterus

Bleeker 1851: 206

Clarias meladerma

Bleeker 1846

Clarias pulicaris

Richardson 1845: 135

Cossyphus M’Clelland, 1844a: 403

M'Clelland 1844: 403

Cossyphus ater M’Clelland, 1844

M'Clelland 1844

Phagorus M’Clelland, 1844

M'Clelland 1844

Plotosus (Clarias) hamiltonii

Swainson 1839: 307

Macropteronotus jagur

Hamilton 1822: 145

Macropteronotus magur

Hamilton 1822: 146

Macropteronotus magur

Hamilton 1822


Cuvier 1816: 206

Macropteronotus fuscus La Cepède, 1803: 84

La Cepede 1803: 84


Olivier 1791


Linnaeus 1758

Silurus anguillaris

Linnaeus 1758: 305

Silurus anguillaris

Linnaeus 1758
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