CLAROTEIDAE Bleeker, 1862

Published, First, 2007, Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types, Zootaxa 1418, pp. 1-628 : 153-159

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scientific name

CLAROTEIDAE Bleeker, 1862


CLAROTEIDAE Bleeker, 1862 View in CoL View at ENA

Claroteini Bleeker, 1862 (in Bleeker, 1862–63): 4. Type genus: Clarotes Kner, 1855 .

Chrysichthyinae Regan, 1911: 561. Type genus: Chrysichthys Bleeker, 1858 .

Auchenoglanidinae Jayaram, 1966b: 1119 . Type genus: Auchenoglanis Günther, 1865 .

Gephyroglanidini Jayaram, 1966b: 1071, 1099. Type genus: Gephyroglanis Boulenger, 1899 .

Chrysichthyini Jayaram, 1966b: 1071. Type genus: Chrysichthys Bleeker, 1858 ; preoccupied by Regan (1911).

Taxonomic summaries: Risch (1986, as Bagridae , in part).

Reviews: Jayaram (1955a, 1966b, African genera); Risch (1992b, West Africa); Bailey & Stewart (1984, Lake Tanganyika).

Phylogeny: Jayaram (1976); Jayaram & Singh (1982); Mo (1991); Ng (2003j).

Key to genera: Poll & Gosse (1994).

17 genera, 83 species; including 1 fossil genus and 3 fossil species.

AMARGINOPS Nichols & Griscom, 1917

Amarginops Nichols & Griscom, 1917: 713 . Type species: Amarginops platus Nichols & Griscom, 1917 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine.

Amarginops hildae (Bell-Cross, 1973)

Chrysichthys hildae Bell-Cross, 1973: 7 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Buzi River   GoogleMaps , Mozambique, at approximately 20º22'S, 30º20'E. Holotype: QVMS 1827 View Materials .

Distribution: Lower reaches of Buzi River, Mozambique (Skelton, 1993).

Remarks: Also treated in recent literature as Chrysichthys hildae .

Amarginops platus Nichols & Griscom, 1917

Amarginops platus Nichols & Griscom, 1917: 713 View in CoL , fig. 22–23. Type locality: Stanleyville , Congo. Holotype: AMNH 6528 About AMNH .

Distribution: Kisangani, Congo; known only from types (Risch, 1986).

ANASPIDOGLANIS Teugels, Risch, de Vos & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1991 Anaspidoglanis Teugels, Risch, de Vos & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1991: 513 . Type species: Auchenoglanis mac- rostoma Pellegrin, 1909. Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine.

Revision: Mbega & Teugels (1998: 233).

Key: Geerinckx et al. (2003).

Anaspidoglanis akiri (Risch, 1987)

Auchenoglanis akiri Risch, 1987: 33 , fig. 4. Type locality: Umayara Mba   GoogleMaps , Etche, Rivers State, Nigeria (5º12'N, 7º06'E). Holotype: MRAC 84-15 View Materials -P-9; holotype illustrated in Geerinckx et al. (2003: 24, fig. 8c).

Distribution: Niger River delta, New Calabar and Bony Rivers, Nigeria (Geerinckx et al. 2003).

Remarks: Redescribed and assigned to Anaspidoglanis in Geerinckx et al. (2003).

Anaspidoglanis boutchangai (Thys van den Audenaerde, 1965)

Parauchenoglanis boutchangai Thys van den Audenaerde, 1965b: 347 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Rapides de la Ngounié ou de la Louetsi à Lelamba, 2º12'S, 11º30'E [ Gabon]. Holotype: MRAC 153160 View Materials .

Distribution: Ngounié or Louetsi River, Gabon; known only from the type locality (Risch, 1986).

Anaspidoglanis macrostomus (Pellegrin, 1909)

Auchenoglanis macrostoma Pellegrin, 1909a: 67 . Type locality: Ngomo (Ogôoué) [ Gabon]. Holotype: MNHN 1909-0017 About MNHN . Also described as new in Pellegrin (1909d: 48, figs. 1a, 1b). Name spelled Auchenauglanis macrostom on p. 66.

Parauchenoglanis ansorgii Boulenger, 1912b: 20 View in CoL , pl. 22 (fig. 3). Type locality: N'Kutu sur les chutes du Loango. Holotype: BMNH 1912.4 .1.447.

Distribution: S. Cameroon, Gabon, and Congo River system (Risch, 1986).


Auchenaspis Bleeker, 1858b: 198 , 205, 208. Type species: Pimelodus biscutatus Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809 . Type by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1862 (in Bleeker, 1862–63: 12). Gender: Feminine. Preoccupied by † Auchenaspis Egerton, 1857 , in fossil fishes; replaced by Auchenoglanis Günther, 1865 .

Auchenoglanis Günther, 1865b: 165 . Type species: Pimelodus biscutatus Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809 . Type by being a replacement name. Gender: Masculine. Replacement for Auchenaspis Bleeker, 1858 , preoccupied by † Auchenaspis Egerton, 1857 , in fossil fishes.

Oxyglanis Vinciguerra, 1898: 249 . Type species: Oxyglanis sacchii Vinciguerra, 1898 . Type by monotypy. Gender: Masculine.

Remarks: Included species and synonymy follows Teugels et al. (1991).

Auchenoglanis biscutatus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809)

Pimelodus biscutatus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809 : pl. 14 (fig. 1). Type locality: Nil. Holotype: MNHN a-8969.

Distribution: Nile, Niger, and Senegal rivers, and Lake Chad basin (Risch, 1986).

Auchenoglanis occidentalis (Valenciennes, 1840)

Pimelodus occidentalis Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 203 (150 in Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Sénégal. Holotype: MNHN a-8971.

Oxyglanis Sacchii Vinciguerra, 1898: 250 . Type locality: fiume Omo a Murz ù. Holotype: MSNG 14506 View Materials .

Auchenoglanis occidentalis tanganicanus Boulenger, 1906f: 553 View in CoL , pl. 33. Type locality: Kalambo,... the middle of the lake [Lake Tanganyika] and .... Mtomdwe Bay. Syntypes (4): BMNH 1906.9.6.37–38 (2), BMNH 1906.9 .6.39 (1), BMNH 1906.9 .8.69 (1). Originally as Auchenoglanis occidentalis var. tanganicanus View in CoL .

Auchenoglanis occidentalis tchadiensis Pellegrin, 1909b: 244 . Type locality: Lac Chad à Bol. Syntypes: MNHN 1909-0425 About MNHN (3), MNHN 1909-0426 About MNHN (4). Originally as Auchenoglanis occidentalis var. tchadiensis .

Auchenoglanis acuticeps Pappenheim , in Pappenheim & Boulenger, 1914: 249, pl. 5 (fig. 1). Type locality: Albertsee. Syntypes (7): ZMB 19094 (1), ZMB 21317 (3).

Auchenoglanis Wittei Giltay, 1930a: 92 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Type locality: Stanleyville. Holotype: MRAC 19802 View Materials .

Distribution: East African lakes; Lake Chad; Nile, Congo, Omo and Giuba rivers (Risch, 1986).

BATHYBAGRUS Bailey & Stewart, 1984

Bathybagrus Bailey & Stewart, 1984: 8 . Type species: Bathybagrus tetranema Bailey & Stewart, 1984 . Type by original designation. Gender: Masculine. Bathybagrus tetranema Bailey & Stewart, 1984

Bathybagrus tetranema Bailey & Stewart, 1984: 11 View in CoL , figs. 1–4. Type locality: Zambian waters of Lake Tanganyika. Holotype: UMMZ 196110 View Materials .

Distribution: Lake Tanganyika, Zambian portion (Risch, 1986).

CHRYSICHTHYS Bleeker, 1858

Chrysichthys Bleeker, 1858b: 60 , 65. Type species: Pimelodus auratus Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809 . Type by subsequent designation by Bleeker (1862–63: 9). Gender: Masculine.

Melanodactylus Bleeker, 1858b: 60 , 65. Type species: Arius acutivelis Valenciennes, 1840 . Type by subsequent designation by Bleeker (1862–63: 9). Gender: Masculine.

Chrysobagrus Boulenger, 1899a: 40 . Type species: Chrysobagrus brevibarbis Boulenger, 1899 . Type by subsequent designation, apparently by Jordan (1920: 485); see Eschmeyer et al. (1998) for details. Gender: Masculine.

Key to species: Jayaram (1966b).

Chrysichthys aluuensis Risch, 1985

Chrysichthys aluuensis Risch, 1985b: 185 View in CoL , figs. 2–3. Type locality: Omuehuechi-Aluu , New Calabar River, Rivers State, Nigeria. Holotype: MRAC 84-20 View Materials -P-1.

Distribution: New Calabar River; known only from type locality (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys ansorgii Boulenger, 1910

Chrysichthys ansorgii Boulenger, 1910: 558 . Type locality: Quanza River at Dondo and from the Bengo River. Syntypes (numerous): ANSP 37906 About ANSP (1) , BMNH 1911.6.1.116–124 (9), BMNH 1911.6 .1.126 (1), USNM 86636 About USNM (1) , ZMB 18228 (1).

Distribution: Cuanza and Bengo Rivers, Angola (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys auratus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809)

Pimelodus auratus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809 : pl. 14 (figs. 3–4). Type locality: Nil. Holotype: at MNHN. Name available from caption to plate, described as Porcus auratus in Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1827: 302).

Bagrus capito Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 430 (319 of Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Nil. Syntypes: MNHN b-0605 (1), MNHN b-0606 (1).

Chrysichthys macrops Günther, 1864: 71 View in CoL . Type locality: Nile, Chartoum. Syntypes (7): BMNH 1860.11 .9.125 (1), BMNH 1862.6.17.60–64 (5).

Gephyroglanis tilhoi Pellegrin, 1909b: 243 View in CoL . Type locality: Bol , Lac Chad. Holotype: MNHN 1909-0424 About MNHN .

Chrysichthys filamentosus Boulenger, 1912b: 19 View in CoL , pl. 18 (fig. 2). Type locality: Chiloango ville, Loango à N'Kutu, Luali à Lundo et Buco Zau, Lebuzi à Kuka Muno. Syntypes: BMNH 1912.4 .1.440 (1), BMNH 1912.4 .1.441 (1), BMNH 1912.4.1.442–443 (2), BMNH 1912.4 .1.444 (1), BMNH 1912.4.1.445–446 (2), MRAC 1668–69 View Materials (2) , MRAC 1670 View Materials (1) , ZMB 8820 View Materials (1).

Chrysichthys longifilis Pfaff, 1933: 289 View in CoL , figs. 5–6. Type locality: Kabara. Holotype (29.2 cm): ZMUC P 28668.

Distribution: Nile, Niger, Volta, Senegal rivers, Lake Chad basin, and coastal rivers of western Africa, from Liberia to Angola (Risch, 1986).

Remarks: The name Bagrus auratus in Hyrtl (1859: 17) is sometimes treated as an available name but is more likely intended as a reference to this species.

Chrysichthys bocagii Boulenger, 1910

Chrysichthys bocagii Boulenger, 1910: 557 View in CoL . Type locality: Bengo River at Dondo, Angola. Syntypes (2): BMNH 1911.6.1.114–115 (2).

Distribution: Bengo River, Angola (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys brachynema Boulenger, 1900

Chrysichthys brachynema Boulenger, 1900c: 480 View in CoL . Type locality: Kalambo [Lake Tanganyika]. Syntype or lectotype: BMNH 1906.9 .6.33 [see Remarks].

Chrysichthys myriodon Boulenger, 1900a: 139 View in CoL , pl. 51. Type locality: Albertville , Tembwi [Lake Tanganyika]. Syntypes: BMNH 1906.9 .6.27 (1), BMNH 1906.9.6.28–31 (4), BMNH 1906.9 . 6.32 (1, skeleton), MRAC 325 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Lake Tanganyika (Risch, 1986).

Remarks: Risch (1986: 15) and Eschmeyer et al. (1998) stated that a lectotype was designated for Chrysichthys brachynema Boulenger , but neither indicated the source of that designation and I have not found an explicit lectotype designation; it may have been inadvertently designated by Risch (1986). The publication date for Boulenger (1900c) was reported as 1 Nov. 1900, while that of Boulenger (1900a) was December, 1900, which gives Chrysichthys brachynema priority.

Chrysichthys brevibarbis (Boulenger, 1899)

Chrysobagrus brevibarbis Boulenger, 1899a: 40 , pl. 21 (fig. 1). Type locality: Boma. Holotype: MRAC 16 View Materials .

Distribution: Congo River basin, below Stanley Falls (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys cranchii (Leach, 1818)

Pimelodus Cranchii Leach , in Tuckey, 1818: 409. Type locality: Lower Zaire. Holotype: BMNH 2005.5 .17.4.

Chrysichthys börressoni Lönnberg, 1924: 620 View in CoL . Type locality: Lubosi river, a tributary to Luala river , Lower Congo. Holotype: NRM 9942 View Materials .

Distribution: Lualaba River system, Congo basin (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys dageti Risch, 1992

Chrysichthys dageti Risch, 1992a: 152 , fig. 1. Type locality: Riv. Nanga entre Mboukoumassi   GoogleMaps et le lac Nanga, Congo (04º15'S, 11º48'E). Holotype: MRAC 90-57 View Materials -P-1273.

Distribution: Nanga River and tributaries, Congo (Risch, 1992a).

Chrysichthys delhezi Boulenger, 1899

Chrysichthys delhezi Boulenger, 1899b: 108 , pl. 42 (fig. 2). Type locality: Boma. Lectotype: MRAC 952 View Materials (1)or MRAC 953 View Materials (1). Boulenger (1911: 225, fig. 262) illustrated a specimen and referred to it as the type, from the MRAC collection. If identifiable, that specimen is the lectotype of the species. If the illustrated specimen cannot be identified, the two speciemens listed above, plus BMNH 1899.6 .27.49 (1), are syntypes.

? Chrysichthys delhezi thomasi Chabanaud, 1934: 209 View in CoL . Type locality: Congo. Syntypes: MNHN 1937-0074 About MNHN (1), MNHN 1937-0075 About MNHN (1).

Distribution: Lower Congo River system (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys duttoni Boulenger, 1905

Chrysichthys Duttoni Boulenger, 1905a: 641 View in CoL . Type locality: Lusambo, on the Kasai River. Holotype: MRAC 1342 View Materials .

Distribution: Lualaba River system, Congo basin (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys furcatus Günther, 1864

Chrysichthys furcatus Günther, 1864: 430 View in CoL . Type locality: West Africa. Holotype: BMNH 1864.7 .22.1.

Distribution: Coastal rivers of west Africa, from Liberia to Cabinda, Angola (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys grandis Boulenger, 1917

Chrysichthys grandis Boulenger, 1917b: 367 View in CoL . Type locality: Kilewa Bay [Lake Tanganyika]. Holotype: MRAC 14347 View Materials .

Distribution: Lake Tanganyika (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys graueri Steindachner, 1911

Chrysichthys graueri Steindachner, 1911c: 529 . Type locality: Tanganyika, am Ende des nordwestlichen Ufers. Syntypes: NMW 47106 (1), NMW 47107 (1). Species illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner (1911e: 1178, pl. 3).

Distribution: Lake Tanganyika (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys habereri Steindachner, 1912

Chrysichthys habereri Steindachner, 1912: 445 View in CoL . Type locality: Dscha , Nebenfluss des Kongo, im Bezirke Molundu. Holotype: NMW 47108. Species also described as new and illustrated in Steindachner (1913: 32, fig. 8 and pl. 4).

Distribution: Congo River system, below Stanley Falls (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys helicophagus Roberts & Stewart, 1976

Chrysichthys helicophagus Roberts & Stewart, 1976: 276 , pl. 6 (fig. e). Type locality: Near Tadi   GoogleMaps , about 50 km downstream from Luozi. Lat. 5º14'S, Long. 13º56'E; lower Zaïre or Congo River. Holotype: MCZ 50292.

Distribution: Lower Congo River, below Malebo Pool (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys johnelsi Daget, 1959

Chrysichthys johnelsi Daget, 1959: 691 , fig. 2. Type locality: Gambie à Bafoulabé (parc national du Niokolo-Koba). Syntypes (3): MNHN 1959-0146 About MNHN (2) plus specimen described in Johnels (1954: 386), now NRM 13899 .

Distribution: Rivers of the upper Guinea region, including the Geba, Taja, Moa, Mano, Loffa, St. Pauls, St. Johns, Nipoué and Tano rivers (Risch, 1986).

Remarks: Redescribed, with comments on relationships and zoogeography, by Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde (1985a).

Chrysichthys laticeps Pellegrin, 1932

Chrysichthys laticeps Pellegrin, 1932: 166 View in CoL . Type locality: Congo, près de Brazzaville. Holotype: MNHN 1931-0159 About MNHN (but listed as 0158 in the publication).

Distribution: Congo River system (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys levequei Risch, 1988

Chrysichthys levequei Risch, 1988: 3 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: du Samou, (bassin du Konkouré) en Guinée. Holotype: MNHN 1986-0563 About MNHN .

Distribution: Konkouré River basin, Guinea (Risch, 1988).

Chrysichthys longibarbis (Boulenger, 1899)

Chrysobagrus longibarbis Boulenger, 1899a: 41 , pl. 21 (fig. 2). Type locality: Léopoldville. Syntypes: BMNH 1899.2 . 20.18 (1), MRAC 108 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Congo River basin, below Stanley Falls (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys longidorsalis Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1981

Gephyroglanis velifer Thys van den Audenaerde, 1965a: 265 , fig. 1. Type locality: Ekongolo, Cameroon. Holotype: MRAC 153158. Preoccupied in Chrysichthys by Chrysichthys velifer Norman, 1923 ; replaced by Chrysichthys longidorsalis Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1981 .

Chrysichthys longidorsalis Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1981: 247 . Type locality: Ekongolo. Holotype: MRAC 153158. Replacement for Gephyroglanis velifer Thys van den Audenaerde, 1965 , preoccupied in Chrysichthys by Chrysichthys velifer Norman, 1923 (a junior synonym of Chrysichthys maurus ).

Distribution: Nyong River (Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1985b), Middle Sanaga River, Cameroon (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys longipinnis (Boulenger, 1899)

Gephyroglanis longipinnis Boulenger, 1899b: 109 View in CoL , pl. 41 (fig. 4). Type locality: Dolo , Stanley Pool [ Congo River]. Lectotype: MRAC 958 View Materials , designated by Risch (1981: 510).

Gephyroglanis gigas Pellegrin, 1922d: 278 View in CoL . Type locality: Kwamouth. Holotype: MRAC 14771 View Materials .

Chrysichthys magnus Pellegrin, 1922d: 276 View in CoL . Type locality: Kwamouth. Syntypes (4): MRAC 14766 View Materials (1), MRAC 14767 View Materials (1) , MRAC 14768–69 View Materials (2).

Distribution: Congo-Lualaba River system (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys mabusi Boulenger, 1905

Chrysichthys mabusi Boulenger, 1905b: 645 View in CoL . Type locality: Lake Bangwelo. Holotype: BMNH 1905.11 .10.9.

Distribution: Congo-Lualaba River system, above Stanley Falls (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys macropterus Boulenger, 1920

Chrysichthys macropterus Boulenger, 1920a: 27 , pl. 24. Type locality: Stanley Falls, ... d’Avakubi sur Ituri, et ... Bafwasende sur la Lindi; Congo Belge. Syntypes (6): BMNH 1919.9 .10.252 (1), BMNH 1919.9 .10.253 (1), MRAC 7118 View Materials (1) , MRAC 7577 View Materials (1) , MRAC 7578 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Congo River basin (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys macrotis Van Neer, 1994

Chrysichthys macrotis Van Neer, 1994: 100 , text figs. 3–5, pl. 3 (fig. 1). Type locality: Nkondo-Kaiso area , Knondo Formation, Albertine Rift Valley. Holotype: [apparently at MRAC] NK 1365 View Materials '89 (neurocranium).

Distribution: Nkondo-Kaiso area, Lake Albert Rift, Uganda; Pliocene, Nkondo Formation (Van Neer, 1994; Murray & Budney, 2003).

Remarks: Considered to be a member of the Claroteidae by Gayet & Meunier (2003).

Chrysichthys mahengeensis Murray & Budney, 2003

Chrysichthys mahengeensis Murray & Budney, 2003: 985 , fig. 1. Type locality: Mahenge , Singida Plateau, Tanzania, 4º47'38"S, 34º15'28"E, about 53 km west of the town of Singida; Eocene. Holotype: National Museum of Tanzania WM 386/96. GoogleMaps

Distribution: Known only from type locality.

Chrysichthys maurus (Valenciennes, 1840)

Bagrus maurus Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 431 (319 of Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Sénégal. Holotype: MNHN 0000-1198.

Gephyroglanis lowei Norman, 1923b: 582 View in CoL . Type locality: Bandama River. Holotype: BMNH 1923.3 .2.40.

Chrysichthys velifer Norman, 1923b: 582 View in CoL . Type locality: Bandama River. Holotype: BMNH 1923.3 .2.41.

Distribution: West Africa (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (La Cepède, 1803)

Pimelodus nigrodigitatus La Cepède, 1803: 95 , 103. Type locality: [ No locality stated; Senegal, according to Risch, 1986]. Holotype: MNHN 0000-0108.

Arius acutivelis Valenciennes , in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 85 (64 of Strasbourg deluxe edition). Type locality: Gorée, ... haut Sénégal. Syntypes: MNHN a-8968 (2) and possibly MNHN 0000-0108.

Chrysichthys acutirostris Günther, 1864: 431 View in CoL . Type locality: Golungo Alto , Angola. Holotype: BMNH 1864.7 .13.41.

Chrysichthys Büttikoferi Steindachner, 1894: 60 View in CoL , pl. 3 (fig. 1). Type locality: Fischermann-See [ Liberia]. Holotype: RMNH 5341 About RMNH ; figured by Boeseman (1963: pl. 1, fig. 2).

Chrysichthys camaronensis Günther, 1899: 729 View in CoL , pl. 44. Type locality: Camaroons. Holotype: BMNH 1871.11.20.21. As Chrysichthys camaronensis View in CoL in text (p. 729, 732) and Chrysichthys cameronensis View in CoL on plate; first reviser may be Eschmeyer et al. (1998).

Chrysichthys ogowensis Günther, 1899: 723 View in CoL , fig. 5. Type locality: Kondo-Kondo , on the Ogowe River [ Gabon]. Holotype: BMNH 1896.5 .5.66.

Distribution: West Africa from Senegal to Cabinda, Angola (Risch, 1986).

Remarks: See Adépo-Gourène et al. (1997) for population differentiation.

Chrysichthys nyongensis Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1985

Chrysichthys longidorsalis nyongensis Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1985: 91 View in CoL . Type locality: Ebongo , Akonolinga et en amont des chutes, 12 km SE d’Esaka. Holotype: MRAC 73-29 View Materials -P-1404 [or 1407].

Distribution: Nyong River, Cameroon (Risch, 1986).

Remarks: Risch (1986) reported catalog number of the holotype as MRAC 73-29-P-1404, but Eschmeyer et al. (1998) listed MRAC 73-29-P-1407 as holotype, with -1404 as a paratype.

Chrysichthys ogooensis (Pellegrin, 1900)

Gephyroglanis ogooensis Pellegrin, 1900: 180 View in CoL . Type locality: Adouma (Ogôoué). Holotype: MNHN 1886-0422 About MNHN .

Gephyroglanis ogoensis Boulenger, 1901a: 227 View in CoL . Type locality: Adouma (Ogôoué). Holotype: MNHN 1886-0422 About MNHN . Unjustified emendation or misspelling of Gephyroglanis ogooensis Pellegrin, 1900 View in CoL .

Distribution: Ogowe-Nyanga River basin, Gabon (Risch, 1986).

Remarks: Redescribed as Gephyroglanis ogooensis in Risch (1985a).

Chrysichthys okae Fowler, 1949

Chrysichthys okae Fowler, 1949: 261 View in CoL , figs. 53–58. Type locality: Oka , Congo system. Holotype: ANSP 71909 About ANSP .

Distribution: Central Congo basin, in tributary streams (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys ornatus Boulenger, 1902

Chrysichthys ornatus Boulenger, 1902d: 39 , pl. 11 (fig. 2). Type locality: l’Ubangi à Banzyville [et] Monsembé, Haut Congo. Syntypes (4): BMNH 1901.12.21.48–50 (3), MRAC 1174 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Congo River, below Stanley Falls (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys persimilis Günther, 1899

Chrysichthys persimilis Günther, 1899: 727 View in CoL , pl. 43; fig. 7. Type locality: Gaboon. Holotype: BMNH 1867.5 .22.1.

Distribution: Gabon, Congo (Risch, 1986).

Remarks: Treated in Paugy & Bénech (1989: 302) as a synonym of Chrysichthys auratus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809) .

Chrysichthys platycephalus Worthington & Ricardo, 1937

Chrysichthys platycephalus Worthington & Ricardo, 1937: 1092 , fig. 6. Type locality: Mpulungu-Niamkolo and the estuary of the Ngere River, Lake Tanganyika basin. Syntypes (38): BMNH 1936.6.15.849–852 (4), BMNH 1936.6.15.853–856 (4), BMNH 1936.6.15.857–878 (22).

Distribution: Lake Tanganyika (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys polli Risch, 1987

Chrysichthys polli Risch, 1987: 25 View in CoL , fig. 2. Type locality: Yelelola (falls). Lower   GoogleMaps Zaire (5º43'S, 13º34'E). Holotype: MRAC 47814 View Materials .

Distribution: Lower Congo River basin (Risch, 1987).

Chrysichthys punctatus Boulenger, 1899

Chrysichthys punctatus Boulenger, 1899b: 107 , pl. 42 (fig. 1). Type locality: Stanley Pool and Kutu. Syntypes (9): BMNH 1899.11.27.25–26 (2), MRAC 950 View Materials (1) , MRAC 951 View Materials (1).

Distribution: Congo River system below Stanley Falls (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys rueppelli Boulenger, 1907

Chrysichthys rueppelli Boulenger, 1907a: 337 , pl. 60 (fig. 2). Type locality: Lower Nile and freshwater pools near Ghet-el-Nassara, Lake Menzaleh. Syntypes (4): BMNH 1850.7 .29.17 (1), BMNH 1907.12.2.2131–2132 (2).

Distribution: Nile River (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys sharpii Boulenger, 1901

Chrysichthys Sharpii Boulenger, 1901b: 81 View in CoL . Type locality: Lake Mwero. Holotype: BMNH 1900.12 .31.14 (dry skin).

Distribution: Lake Mweru, Congo Basin; known only from holotype (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys sianenna Boulenger, 1906

Chrysichthys sianenna Boulenger, 1906f: 551 , pl. 32 (fig. 2). Type locality: Niamkolo and .... Mbete [Lake Tanganyika]. Syntypes (3): BMNH 1906.9.8.65–66 (2), BMNH 1906.9 .8.67 (1).

Distribution: Lake Tanganyika (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys stappersii Boulenger, 1917

Chrysichthys stappersii Boulenger, 1917b: 366 View in CoL . Type locality: Kilewa Bay [Lake Tanganyika]. Holotype: MRAC 14236 View Materials ; illustrated in Poll (1946: 211, figs. 18, 19).

Distribution: Lake Tanganyika (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys teugelsi Risch, 1987

Chrysichthys teugelsi Risch, 1987: 22 View in CoL , fig. 1. Type locality: Cavally River   GoogleMaps at Tai (5º52'N, 7º27'W), Ivory Coast. Holotype: MRAC 80-19 View Materials -P-189.

Distribution: Cavally River, Côte d’Ivoire (Risch, 1987).

Chrysichthys thonneri Steindachner, 1912

Chrysichthys thonneri Steindachner, 1912: 446 . Type locality: Dschaflusse und oberen Kongo. Syntypes (3): NMW 10643 (1), NMW 10645 (1). Illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner (1913: 33, fig. 9 and pl. 5).

Distribution: Congo-Lualaba River system (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys thysi Risch, 1985

Chrysichthys thysi Risch, 1985b: 189 View in CoL , figs. 5–6. Type locality: Makokou, riv. Ivindo. Holotype: MRAC 73-2 View Materials -P- 1791.

Distribution: Ogowe-Nyanga River basin, Gabon (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys uniformis Pellegrin, 1922

Chrysichthys uniformis Pellegrin, 1922d: 277 View in CoL . Type locality: Poko (Uelé). Holotype: MRAC 7477 View Materials .

Distribution: Congo, known only from holotype (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys wagenaari Boulenger, 1899

Chrysichthys wagenaari Boulenger, 1899a: 39 View in CoL , pl. 20 (fig. 1). Type locality: Upoto [ Congo basin]. Holotype: MRAC 147 View Materials .

Distribution: Ubangi River and Middle Congo River system below Stanley Falls (Risch, 1986).

Chrysichthys walkeri Günther, 1899

Chrysichthys walkeri Günther, 1899: 720 View in CoL , fig. 3. Type locality: River Prah , Gold Coast. Syntypes (3): BMNH 1899.12.22.20–22 (3).

Distribution: Western Africa, from Ghana to Cabinda, Angola (Risch, 1986).


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)


Swedish Museum of Natural History - Zoological Collections


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale












CLAROTEIDAE Bleeker, 1862

Published, First 2007

Chrysichthys levequei

Risch 1988: 3

Chrysichthys polli

Risch 1987: 25

Chrysichthys teugelsi

Risch 1987: 22

Chrysichthys aluuensis

Risch 1985: 185

Chrysichthys longidorsalis nyongensis

Risch & Thys van den Audenaerde 1985: 91

Chrysichthys thysi

Risch 1985: 189

Bathybagrus tetranema

Bailey & Stewart 1984: 11

Chrysichthys hildae

Bell-Cross 1973: 7

Parauchenoglanis boutchangai

Thys van den Audenaerde 1965: 347

Chrysichthys okae

Fowler 1949: 261

Chrysichthys delhezi thomasi

Chabanaud 1934: 209

Chrysichthys longifilis

Pfaff 1933: 289

Chrysichthys laticeps

Pellegrin 1932: 166


Wittei Giltay 1930: 92

Chrysichthys börressoni Lönnberg, 1924: 620

Lonnberg 1924: 620

Gephyroglanis lowei

Norman 1923: 582

Chrysichthys velifer

Norman 1923: 582

Gephyroglanis gigas

Pellegrin 1922: 278

Chrysichthys magnus

Pellegrin 1922: 276

Chrysichthys uniformis

Pellegrin 1922: 277

Amarginops platus

Nichols & Griscom 1917: 713

Chrysichthys grandis

Boulenger 1917: 367

Chrysichthys stappersii

Boulenger 1917: 366

Parauchenoglanis ansorgii

Boulenger 1912: 20

Chrysichthys filamentosus

Boulenger 1912: 19

Chrysichthys habereri

Steindachner 1912: 445

Chrysichthys bocagii

Boulenger 1910: 557

Gephyroglanis tilhoi

Pellegrin 1909: 243

Auchenoglanis occidentalis tanganicanus

Boulenger 1906: 553

Auchenoglanis occidentalis var. tanganicanus

Boulenger 1906


Duttoni Boulenger 1905: 641

Chrysichthys mabusi

Boulenger 1905: 645

Gephyroglanis ogoensis

Boulenger 1901: 227


Sharpii Boulenger 1901: 81

Chrysichthys brachynema

Boulenger 1900: 480

Chrysichthys myriodon

Boulenger 1900: 139

Gephyroglanis ogooensis

Pellegrin 1900: 180

Gephyroglanis ogooensis

Pellegrin 1900

Chrysobagrus brevibarbis

Boulenger 1899: 40

Chrysobagrus longibarbis

Boulenger 1899: 41

Gephyroglanis longipinnis

Boulenger 1899: 109

Chrysichthys camaronensis Günther, 1899: 729

Gunther 1899: 729

Chrysichthys camaronensis

Gunther 1899

Chrysichthys cameronensis

Gunther 1899

Chrysichthys ogowensis Günther, 1899: 723

Gunther 1899: 723

Chrysichthys persimilis Günther, 1899: 727

Gunther 1899: 727

Chrysichthys wagenaari

Boulenger 1899: 39

Chrysichthys walkeri Günther, 1899: 720

Gunther 1899: 720


Sacchii Vinciguerra 1898: 250

Chrysichthys Büttikoferi Steindachner, 1894: 60

Buttikoferi Steindachner 1894: 60

Chrysichthys macrops Günther, 1864: 71

Gunther 1864: 71

Chrysichthys furcatus Günther, 1864: 430

Gunther 1864: 430

Chrysichthys acutirostris Günther, 1864: 431

Gunther 1864: 431

Arius acutivelis

Valenciennes 1840

Pimelodus nigrodigitatus La Cepède, 1803: 95

La Cepede 1803: 95
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