Hamaederus Santos-Silva, Garcia and Botero, 2021

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo, 2021, A review of the history of the names Hamaticherus Dejean and Plocaederus Dejean and description of a new genus and species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (887), pp. 1-32 : 5-6

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12808493

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scientific name

Hamaederus Santos-Silva, Garcia and Botero

gen. nov.

Hamaederus Santos-Silva, Garcia and Botero View in CoL , new genus

Plocaederus Dejean 1835: 322 View in CoL (partim); White 1853: 124 (partim); Martins and Monné 2002: 224; Monné 2005: 56 (cat.); 2012: 11; Bousquet and Bouchard 2013: 90 (partim); Monné 2021: 72 (cat.).

Hamaticherus View in CoL ; Dejean 1821: 105 (partim); Audinet-Serville 1834: 15 (partim); Bates 1870: 250 (partim); Girard 1873: 726 (partim).

Hammatochaerus Gemminger 1872: 2800 (cat., emend.; partim); Gounelle 1909: 607 (partim).

Brasilianus ; Martins 1979: 23 (partim).

Etymology. The name is a combination of the names Hamaticherus and Plocaederus ; referring to the historical confusion that involved those names. Masculine gender.

Type species. Plocaederus bipartitus Buquet, 1860 View in CoL , here designated (name of the genus mistakenly registered as Plocoederus in the original description).

Description (translation of Plocaederus sensu Martins and Monné 2002 ). “Head slightly narrower than prothorax. Frons from subquadrangular to wider than long. Frontoclypeal suture arched, well-marked. Median groove distinct between antennal tubercles, posteriorly prolonged as carina; area between upper eye lobes elevated and ending posteriorly in a small triangular depression. Eyes large, well-projected, narrowed between the lobes behind antennae. Upper eye lobes developed, separated by a distance equivalent to 1–4 rows of ommatidia (distance slightly variable in the sexes). Lower eye lobes reaching the ventral surface of the head, closer to each other than the insertion of the maxillae. Antennal tubercles slightly projected, distant from each other. Antennae in males longer than in females, often reaching the elytral apex about middle of antennomere VIII. In females, the antennae are almost as long or slightly longer than the body. Scape subcylindrical or gradually widened toward apex; length about 1/3 of the length of the antennomere III. Scape without apical cicatrix or with the cicatrix variable: from very distinct to slightly distinct. Scape coarsely punctate; outer side of apex with or without striae; in some species, with a small gibbosity on outer side of apical third. Antennomere III about 1/3 longer than scape, without carinae and rarely sulcate; apex nodose, without spine or with short spine transverse to the antennal axis. Antennomere IV shorter than III and V; apex nodose or with short spine, transverse to the antennal axis. Antennomere V with long spine, more or less perpendicular to the antennal axis; rarely this spine is just longer than in the next antennomeres; inner area to the spine often with sensorial setae and, sometimes, carinated in this region. Antennomeres VI–X with apical spine, gradually shorter toward X, carinate or not along middle. In males, antennomere XI slightly longer than X, often appendiculate; in females, as long as X. Prothorax wider than long, with variable basal and apical constriction. Sides of prothorax with a short central spine and a well-marked or slightly marked anterolateral tubercle. Pronotum transversely rugose in most species; centrobasal region without gibbosity or with well-marked gibbosity, pubescence of variable density, from practically glabrous to moderately pubescent. Sides of prothorax rugose, distinctly separated from the prosternum, which has no wrinkles. Prosternum transversely depressed centrally, with variable pubescence. Procoxal cavities closed behind, angulated laterally. Prosternal process truncate, with tubercle turned toward mesoventrite, sometimes, slightly projected or with vertical tubercle. Mesoventrite transversely depressed centrally; mesoventral process emarginated apically, without or with tubercle, when present, often vertical. Apex of metanepisternum with short and spiniform projection. Metaventrite slightly convex, with variable pubescence; metakatepisternal suture well-marked; metathoracic discrimen not reaching mesoventrite. Elytra with variable apex, spiniform, transversely truncate or rounded; pubescence variable, from entirely glabrous to distinctly pubescent; without dorsal carinae. Femora fusiform; apex of metafemora unarmed, with acute projections or with inner apex with long spine. Tibiae slightly widened toward apex; metatibiae without carina. Metatarsomere I shorter than or as long as II–III together. Abdominal ventrites with variable pubescence.”

Remarks. Currently, the type species indicated for Plocaederus sensu Martins and Monné (2002) is Cerambyx plicatus Olivier, 1790 . However, the original description and figure by Olivier (1790) do not allow us to be sure about the identity of the species. The holotype originally belonged to Mr. Pâris collection ( Olivier 1795), and Olivier (1790, 1795) did not know where it came from. Thus, we prefer to designate Plocaederus bipartitus as the type species.












Hamaederus Santos-Silva, Garcia and Botero

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo 2021


Martins UR 1979: 23


Gounelle E. 1909: 607
Gemminger M. 1872: 2800


Monne MA 2021: 72
Bousquet Y & Bouchard P. 2013: 90
Monne MA 2005: 56
Martins UR & Monne MA 2002: 224
White A. 1853: 124
Dejean PFMA 1835: 322


Girard M. 1873: 726
Bates HW 1870: 250
Audinet-Serville JG 1834: 15
Dejean PFMA 1821: 105
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