Orthomus longior Chaudoir, 1873

Gueorguiev, Borislav, Wrase, David W. & Farkac, Jan, 2014, Revision of the East Mediterranean Orthomus (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichini), with description of Parorthomus gen. n. socotranus sp. n. from Socotra Island and key to the Old World genera of subtribe Euchroina, ZooKeys 427, pp. 21-57 : 31-34

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scientific name

Orthomus longior Chaudoir, 1873


Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Carabidae

Orthomus longior Chaudoir, 1873 View in CoL Figs 2, 5, 9, 13, 17

Othomus [sic!] longior Chaudoir, 1873: 105 (type locality: “Sidon”), (as locality of LT), part

Feronia (Argutor) longula Reiche & Saulcy, 1855: 616, part

Orthomus sidonicus Chaudoir, 1873: 110 (type locality: "Sidon (Syrie)" [ Saïda, Lebanon], syn. n.

Orthomus longulus sidonicus : Mateu, 1955: 56, 63

Type material.

Orthomus longior Chaudoir, 1873 (specimens belonging to Orthomus longior ). Consists of 4 ♀♀ preserved in MNHP, investigation revealed non-conspecificity. Three specimens are identical with the lectotype of Orthomus berytensis (for these specimens see under Orthomus berytensis ). The fourth female possesses labels: “Sidon” [handwritten on white label by Chaudoir], “longior” [handwritten in red with ball-pen on white label by Mateu]. This specimen is conspecific with the holotype of Orthomus sidonicus . As only that bears a locality label we choose this one as lectotype of Orthomus longior . This action led to the synonymy of Orthomus longior with Orthomus sidonicus . The two names are published on the same date in the same work ( Chaudoir 1873). As "first reviewing authors", we give precedence of the former following the Article 24.2.2 of the Code ( ICZN 1999). Hence, the specimen in question is supplied with additional label: "Lectotype Orthomus longior Chaudoir, 1873 B. Guéorguiev & D.W.Wrase des. 2012" [black print on red label].

Type material. Feronia longula Reiche & Saulcy, 1855 (specimens belonging to Orthomus longior ). The following three male and one female specimen belong to the type series of Feronia longula (MHNG, see below). The study of the genitalia of all males, as well as the external characters of both sexes proved that all specimens belong to Orthomus longior : 1 ♂, “Beyrouth” [Reiche's handwriting on yellow label], "Coll. Reiche" [black print on white label], " Orthomus longulus Reiche Label MHNG 2010" [black print on white label by G. Cuccodoro]; 1 ♂, “longulus” [Reiche's handwriting on white label], "Coll. Reiche" [black print on white label], " Orthomus longulus Reiche 'Egypte, Syrie.' Label MHNG 2010" [black print on white label by G. Cuccodoro]; 1 ♂, "Coll. Reiche" [black print on white label], " Orthomus longulus Reiche 'Egypte, Syrie.' Label MHNG 2010" [black print on white label by G. Cuccodoro]; 1 ♀, “Nazareth” [Reiche's handwriting on yellow label], "Coll. Reiche" [black print on white label], " Orthomus longulus Reiche Label MHNG 2010" [black print on white label by Cuccodoro]. All specimens with labels, subsequently added: "Paralectotype Feronia longula Reiche & Saulcy, 1855 B. Guéorguiev & D.W.Wrase des. 2012" [black print on red label], " Orthomus longior Chaudoir, 1873 det. B. Guéorguiev” [black print on white label].

Type material. Orthomus sidonicus Chaudoir, 1873. Holotype ♂ in MNHP, with extracted genitalia. The median lobe and parameres are well preserved and glued on a separate card pinned beneath the specimen. The specimen bears the following labels: “Sidon.” [handwritten on white label by Chaudoir], "sidonicus Chaud." [handwritten in red with ball-pen on white label by Mateu], and, subsequently added: "Holotype Orthomus sidonicus Chaudoir, 1873" [black print on red label by Guéorguiev], " Orthomus longior Chaudoir, 1873 det. B. Guéorguiev” [black print on white label].

Other material studied.

ISRAEL: Northern District: 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Upper Galilee, Nahal Kziv, 30.i.1999 / 6.iii.1999, M. Finkel (TAU); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Upper Galilee, Meron Mts., Meron Field School, ca 1000 m (open woodland), 8.-20.III.2008, D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Upper Galilee, Meron Mts., Har Meron, 850 m (cedar/pine forest, pitfall trap), 6.V.1996, P. Schnitter & K. Staven leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, Upper Galilee, Meron Mts., Nakhar (Wadi) Moran, 1 km W Meron field school, ca 900 m (N. slope, slope spring, under stones), 11.III.2008, D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG); 1 ♀, Upper Galilee, Meron Mts., Har Meron, Kamin Rom, 1100 m, 32°59.447'N, 035°24.669'E (open stony grazing land, limestone), 1.IV.2008 D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Upper Galilee, Ya’ar Bar’am, ca 1.5 km W Jish (Gush Khalav), ca. 700 m (edge of oak forest), 9.III.2008, D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, N. Golan Heights, Qalat Nimrod, 300-600 m 7.IV.1985, W. Heinz leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, Golan Heights 19.iv.1994, M. Warburg leg. (TAU); 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Golan Heights, Mas’ada, Ya’ar Odem Reserve, 934 m, 33°13.449'N, 035°45.184'E (grazing woodland, oaks, litter sifted), 21.IV.2006, D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Golan Heights, Ya’ar Odem S Mas’ada, 33°13.449'N, 035°45.184'E, 934 m ( Quercus boissieri /calliprinos forest, under stones), 10.III.2008, D.W.Wrase leg. (DWBG). - Haifa District: 1 ♀, Haifa ["Syrien Haifa Reitter"] (NMW); Carmel Ridge: 1 ♀, Nahal Oren, Mt. Carmel, 15.11.1995, Pavlicek & Chikatunov leg. (TAU); 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, 'En Ya’aqov, 23.iii.2006 / 8.ii.2007 / 19.iii.2007, I. Schtirberg’ (TAU).

LEBANON: Muhāfazat Bayrūt: 2 ♀♀, Beirut ["Beyruth, Syr. coll. Plason" / "sidonicus Chd. det. Ing. Jedlička”] (MIZ). 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀, E Bayrūt, Faytroun, 34°.00'N, 35°44'E, ca. 1100 m, 30.X.2012, Chr. Reuter leg. (CRHG, DWBG). 14 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀, S Bayrūt, Dammour env., ca. 200 m, pitfall trap, II 2013, Chr. Reuter leg. (CRHG, DWBG, JSAG, NMNHS). - Chouf District: 1 ♀, Barouk, Mount Lebanon, El Mir massif, 1700-1950 m, 20.V.2006, T. Tichý leg. (DWBG.). - Keserwan District: 4 ♀♀, Balloun at Jitra, S Jounié, 600 m, 9./14.IV.1997, W. Heinz leg. (DWBG). 10 ♀♀, Rayfoun, ca. 33°58'N, 35°42'E, mixed decidous forest, 800-900 m, 18.XI.2012, Chr. Reuter leg. (CRHG, DWBG, JSAG, NMNHS). 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀, same data but: mixed oak forest, ca. 990 m, 15.III.2013 (CRHG, DWBG). 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same data but: 30.III.-15.IV.2013 (CRHG, DWBG).

SYRIA: Al-Lādhiqīyah: 2 ♀♀, Lattaki-Slenfe, 27.4.1990, Reuter leg. (NMW); 1 ♂, Şlinfah, Abal an Nusayriah Mt., 1200 m, 24.-26.V.1995, P. Kabátek leg. (DWBG); 2 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, Jabāl Ansarya, At Tammāzah, 790 m, 34.15.404N, 030.10.136E, 20.XII.2006, R. Sehnal leg. (DWBG); 1 ♀, Slenfeh, 18.4.2010, Vl. Skoupý leg. (VSKC).

TURKEY: Antalya Province: 1 ♀, Alanya-Yayla, 1000 m, 13.5.1987, Steiner leg. (NMW); 1 ♀, Manavgat, Kiselot, 3.1.91, 10 m HN, Wunderle leg. (NMW); 1 ♂, Antalya env., 8.II.1999, J. Blümel leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Avsallar near Incekum beach, 22 km W Alanya, 9.-23.V.1995, A. Pütz leg. (DWBG); 2 ♀♀, Incekum, env. Avsallar, under stone, II 1999, Schlarbaum leg. (TFPG); 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Gedevit-Yayla near Alanya, ca 1100 m, 10.IV.1992, W. Heinz leg (DWBG, JSAG); 1 ♂, Karaburu near Alanya, middle V 1997, M. Sieber leg. (DWBG); 1 ♂, Manavgat env., 3.I.1991, V. Assing leg. (DWBG); 1 ♀, E. Taurus Mts., Çaltepe env. (Manavgat District), 1600 m, 37.18N, 31.12E (subalpine), 10.-14.VI.2004, P. Croy leg. (DWBG). - Hatay Province: 1 ♀, W Yayladaği, 475 m, 35°54'30.8"N, 36°01'11.3"E, 05.-10.05.2006, Schnitter leg. (PSHG).

Wrong locality.

1 ♀, Amasya: Amasya ["Amasia coll. Kraatz"] (DWBG).

Male genitalia

(15 specimens examined).


Turkey (only Antalya and Hatay Province), Syria (only Latakia Governorate), Lebanon (several coastal districts), North Israel (Northern District; Haifa District). First species records to Turkey and Syria.















