Konarus, Bamber, Roger N., 2006

Bamber, Roger N., 2006, Shallow water tanaidaceans (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) from New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands, Zootaxa 1108, pp. 1-21 : 7

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gen. nov.

Genus Konarus View in CoL gen. nov.

Diagnosis: leptocheliid with second thoracomere demarcated dorsally on cephalon; tumid proximal peduncle article on antennule; second antenna peduncle article without ventral seta or spine; distal maxilliped endite spines elongate, about three times as long as wide; maxilliped bases with five distal setae; distal outer margin of cheliped carpus extended as a cuff overlapping chela; each pleopod with single dorsal plumose seta on basis; uropod endopod of six segments, each about twice as long as wide.

Type species: Konarus cheiris sp. nov.

Etymology: from the Greek ‘ konarus ’ – “fat” or “well­fed”, referring to the distinctive fat antennule peduncle.

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