Agmina campanula, Espeland & Sjöberg & Johanson, 2020

Espeland, Marianne, Sjoeberg, Tin & Johanson, Kjell Arne, 2020, Description of 47 new species of the New Caledonian endemic caddisfly genus Agmina Ward & Schefter (Trichoptera, Ecnomidae), ZooKeys 956, pp. 49-162 : 49

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scientific name

Agmina campanula

sp. nov.

Agmina campanula sp. nov. Figs 64-68 View Figures 64–68


This species is very similar to A. semicampanula sp. nov., from which it is distinguished by the rectangular-shaped anterior margin of segment IX in ventral view; the angled sternal process in lateral view; and, in dorsal view, the pair of parameres that have sharply angled instead of rounded posteromesal corners.


Campanula, named for the bell-shaped flowers in the genus Campanula , based on the shape of the inferior appendages in ventral view.

Material examined.

Holotype: New Caledonia - Province Nord • ♂; Monts des Koghis, ca 300 m S Koghi Restaurant; 22.18288S, 166.50393E; 447 m; 15.xi.2001; Malaise trap; loc#002c (08-2001); leg. KA Johanson, T Pape & B Viklund; MNHN.

Paratypes: New Caledonia - Province Sud • 1 ♂; Rivière Ouanéoue, at bridge crossing road to Koghi Mountains, ca. 1.5 km from road RT1 Nouméa-Dumbea; 22°10.861'S, 166°29.531'E; 11.xi.2003; light trap; loc 024a; leg. KA Johanson; NHRS; • 1 ♂; Mt. Rembai, River Xwê Be, upstream bridge on road Sarraméa-Koh; 21°34.926'S, 165°49.305'E; loc#157 (027-2006); Malaise trap; 9-19.x.2006; leg. KA Johanson & M Espeland; NHRS.


Fore wing length 3.1-4.0 mm (N = 4). Total length of genitalia: 0.4 mm.


Genitalia: In lateral view, segment IX sharply triangular anteriorly, apex located medially; in ventral view anteriorly obround. Sternal processes, lateral view, with each apex almost reaching apex of superior appendage, narrowing along its length, curving downwards, apex acute; in ventral view, robust, diverging, first 2/3 of equal width, apices parallel, narrowing, acuminate. Tergum X in lateral view irregularly quadrilateral with concave anterior margin, tapering towards posterior, approx. same length as superior appendage; in dorsal view, mesally fused, forming rounded lobe, inner margins forming narrow bell. Parameres starting before tergum X, in lateral view long, slender, straight, acute apex slightly directed dorsad; in dorsal view, long, slender, widening at truncated apex, posterior margin straight. Superior appendages, in lateral view, oblong, with posterodorsal indentation, approx. same length as tergum X; in dorsal view stout, almost semi-circular with rounded outer margin, inner margin semi-straight, at apex large claw-shaped structure directed anteromesad. Inferior appendages, in lateral view, with posterad orientated rectangular dorsal branch and directly adjacent slender ventral branch of equal length, whole structure semi-rectangular; in ventral view bell-flower shaped. Phallus, in lateral view slightly shorter than segment IX, posterior half tapering along its length; in ventral view tubular with small lateral lobes at anterior end.

Additional information.

This species was referred to as "sp. 24" in Espeland and Johanson (2010a).













