Namadytes vansoni Hesse, 1969

Dikow, Torsten & Leon, Stephanie, 2014, Review of the genus Namadytes Hesse, 1969 (Insecta: Diptera: Mydidae: Syllegomydinae), Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1071-1071 : 1071

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Namadytes vansoni Hesse, 1969


Namadytes vansoni Hesse, 1969   ZBK

Namadytes vansoni Hesse, 1969: 280.

Namadytes prozeskyi Hesse, 1969: 282 syn. nov. (ZooBank LSID). Type locality of Namadytes prozeskyi : Namibia: Erongo: Arechadamab (23°10'00''S 015°36'00''E).


Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: catalogNumber: TMSA-Dip34 ; recordedBy: G. van Son; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-000456; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Karas; locality: Seeheim ; verbatimCoordinates: 26°48'53''S 017°47'57''E; decimalLatitude: -26.81472; decimalLongitude: 17.79917; Identification: identifiedBy: A. Hesse; dateIdentified: 1969; Event: eventDate: 1933-05-00; Record Level: institutionCode: TMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: catalogNumber: TMSA-Dip35 ; recordedBy: O. Prozesky; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-000457; previousIdentifications: Namadytes prozeskyi by A. Hesse in 1969; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Arechadamab, Game Reserve No. 3 (= Namib Naukluft Park) ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°10'00''S 015°36'00''E; decimalLatitude: -23.16667; decimalLongitude: 15.6; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1959-10-11; Record Level: institutionCode: TMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012469 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003049; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012479 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003037; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Rooiberg No. 517, W Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°27'00''S 014°35'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.45; decimalLongitude: 14.58333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-12; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-000672 ; recordedBy: H. Brown; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-000672; previousIdentifications: Namadytes prozeskyi by J. Bowden in; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Kuiseb Namib ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°32'33''S 015°01'18''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5425; decimalLongitude: 15.02167; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1959-05-04; Record Level: institutionCode: BMNH; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503368 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; previousIdentifications: Namadytes maculiventris by B. Kondratieff in 2000; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-14-1997-03-26; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503373 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; previousIdentifications: Namadytes maculiventris by B. Kondratieff in 2000; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-05-1997-03-14; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002824 ; recordedBy: R. Wharton; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002824; previousIdentifications: Namadytes prozeskyi by R. Wharton in 1979; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Gobabeb, Kuiseb River ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'37''S 015°02'26''E; decimalLatitude: -23.56028; decimalLongitude: 15.04056; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1979-06-10; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002825 ; recordedBy: R. Wharton; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002825; previousIdentifications: Namadytes prozeskyi by R. Wharton in 1979; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Gobabeb, Kuiseb River ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'37''S 015°02'26''E; decimalLatitude: -23.56028; decimalLongitude: 15.04056; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1979-06-12; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002827 ; recordedBy: R. Wharton; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002827; previousIdentifications: Namadytes prozeskyi by R. Wharton in 1979; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Gobabeb, Kuiseb River ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'37''S 015°02'26''E; decimalLatitude: -23.56028; decimalLongitude: 15.04056; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1979-06-09; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002828 ; recordedBy: R. Wharton; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002828; previousIdentifications: Namadytes prozeskyi by R. Wharton in 1979; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Gobabeb ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'37''S 015°02'26''E; decimalLatitude: -23.56028; decimalLongitude: 15.04056; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1979-05-11; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503356 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-14-1997-03-26; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503365 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-26-1997-04-02; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503360 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-04-21-1997-04-28; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503359 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-04-09-1997-04-21; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503364 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-02-26-1997-03-05; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002985 ; recordedBy: J. Potgieter; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002985; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Ganab, Game Reserve No. 3 (= Namib Naukluft Park) ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°06'10''S 015°31'45''E; decimalLatitude: -23.10278; decimalLongitude: 15.52917; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1967-04-21; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002986 ; recordedBy: J. Londt B. Stuckenberg; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002986; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Windhoek, 158 km W ; verbatimCoordinates: 22°44'21''S 015°55'57''E; decimalLatitude: -22.73917; decimalLongitude: 15.9325; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1983-04-22; habitat: thornveld in dry river bed; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002989 ; recordedBy: B. Stuckenberg J. Londt; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002989; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Swakopmund, 110 km E ; verbatimCoordinates: 22°55'01''S 015°28'12''E; decimalLatitude: -22.91694; decimalLongitude: 15.47; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1983-04-22; habitat: barren gravel plain; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002997 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002997; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-05-1997-03-14; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: CSCA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002999 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002999; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-04-21-1997-04-28; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: CSCA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NMNW-H12725 ; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003007; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Outjo, Bethanis No. 514 ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°24'00''S 014°24'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.4; decimalLongitude: 14.4; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1973-05-08-1973-05-10; Record Level: institutionCode: NMNW; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NMNW-H8279 ; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003009; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Karas; county: Keetmanshoop; locality: Rotegab No. 95 ; verbatimCoordinates: 27°20'00''S 018°25'00''E; decimalLatitude: -27.33333; decimalLongitude: 18.41667; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1972-04-27; Record Level: institutionCode: NMNW; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NMNW-H18282 ; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003011; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Karas; county: Namaland; locality: Mukorob No. 14 ; verbatimCoordinates: 25°29'00''S 018°10'00''E; decimalLatitude: -25.48333; decimalLongitude: 18.16667; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1974-04-12-1974-04-14; Record Level: institutionCode: NMNW; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NMNW-H36196 ; recordedBy: M.-L. Penrith S. Louw; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003015; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Damaraland, Duineveld No. 529 ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14-1978-05-16; Record Level: institutionCode: NMNW; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-003019 ; recordedBy: F. and S. Gess; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003019; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Karas; locality: Gibeon, 41 km SW on 1089 ; verbatimCoordinates: 25°20'00''S 017°29'00''E; decimalLatitude: -25.33333; decimalLongitude: 17.48333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1999-03-24; Record Level: institutionCode: AMGS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-003020 ; recordedBy: F. and S. Gess; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003020; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Usakos, Phillips Caves ; verbatimCoordinates: 21°52'16''S 015°35'18''E; decimalLatitude: -21.87111; decimalLongitude: 15.58833; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 2002-04-23; Record Level: institutionCode: AMGS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-003058 ; recordedBy: National Collection Kuiseb Survey; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003058; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Kuiseb River near Gobabeb ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°34'00''S 015°03'00''E; decimalLatitude: -23.56667; decimalLongitude: 15.05; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1983-02-18-1983-03-20; Record Level: institutionCode: SANC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-003059 ; recordedBy: C. Eardley; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003059; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Mariental, 52 km W ; verbatimCoordinates: 24°46'35''S 017°31'13''E; decimalLatitude: -24.77639; decimalLongitude: 17.52028; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1983-03-27; Record Level: institutionCode: SANC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A007149 ; recordedBy: H. Brown; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002909; previousIdentifications: Namadytes prozeskyi by A. Hesse in 1969; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Hope Mine, 48 km N, Kuiseb River ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'56''S 015°16'16''E; decimalLatitude: -23.56556; decimalLongitude: 15.27111; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1959-05-11; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NMNW-H12726 ; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003008; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Outjo, Bethanis No. 514 ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°24'00''S 014°24'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.4; decimalLongitude: 14.4; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1973-05-08-1973-05-10; Record Level: institutionCode: NMNW; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NMNW-H12727 ; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003006; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Outjo, Bethanis No. 514 ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°24'00''S 014°24'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.4; decimalLongitude: 14.4; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1973-05-08-1973-05-10; Record Level: institutionCode: NMNW; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503370 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; previousIdentifications: Namadytes maculiventris by B. Kondratieff in 2000; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-14-1997-03-26; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503371 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; previousIdentifications: Namadytes maculiventris by B. Kondratieff in 2000; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-14-1997-03-26; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503369 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; previousIdentifications: Namadytes maculiventris by B. Kondratieff in 2000; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-14-1997-03-26; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: INHS-503372 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; previousIdentifications: Namadytes maculiventris by B. Kondratieff in 2000; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-05-1997-03-14; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: INHS; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002998 ; recordedBy: I. Kapofi M. Irwin; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002998; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Namib-Naukluft Park, Namib Desert Research Station, Kuiseb River ; verbatimElevation: 420 m; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'45''S 015°02'38''E; decimalLatitude: -23.5625; decimalLongitude: 15.04389; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 1997-03-05-1997-03-14; habitat: riparian vegetation; Record Level: institutionCode: CSCA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012469 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003043; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012467 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003046; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012469 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003048; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012469 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003047; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012470 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003050; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012468 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003041; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012470 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003042; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012470 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003044; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012470 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003051; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012468 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003045; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Duineveld No. 529, SW Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°47'00''S 014°38'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.78333; decimalLongitude: 14.63333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012474 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003040; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Rooiberg No. 517, W Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°27'00''S 014°35'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.45; decimalLongitude: 14.58333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012479 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003038; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Rooiberg No. 517, W Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°27'00''S 014°35'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.45; decimalLongitude: 14.58333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: SAM-DIP-A012473 ; recordedBy: V. Whitehead; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003039; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Kunene; locality: Rooiberg No. 517, W Khorixas ; verbatimCoordinates: 20°27'00''S 014°35'00''E; decimalLatitude: -20.45; decimalLongitude: 14.58333; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1978-05-14; Record Level: institutionCode: SAMC; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NMNW-H18283 ; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003012; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Karas; county: Namaland; locality: Mukorob No. 14 ; verbatimCoordinates: 25°29'00''S 018°10'00''E; decimalLatitude: -25.48333; decimalLongitude: 18.16667; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1974-04-12-1974-04-14; Record Level: institutionCode: NMNW; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NMNW-H18282 ; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-003010; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Karas; county: Namaland; locality: Mukorob No. 14 ; verbatimCoordinates: 25°29'00''S 018°10'00''E; decimalLatitude: -25.48333; decimalLongitude: 18.16667; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1974-04-12-1974-04-14; Record Level: institutionCode: NMNW; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002987 ; recordedBy: J. Londt B. Stuckenberg; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002987; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Windhoek, 158 km W ; verbatimCoordinates: 22°44'21''S 015°55'57''E; decimalLatitude: -22.73917; decimalLongitude: 15.9325; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1983-04-22; habitat: thornveld in dry river bed; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002988 ; recordedBy: J. Londt B. Stuckenberg; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002988; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Windhoek, 158 km W ; verbatimCoordinates: 22°44'21''S 015°55'57''E; decimalLatitude: -22.73917; decimalLongitude: 15.9325; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1983-04-22; habitat: thornveld in dry river bed; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: AAM-002826 ; recordedBy: R. Wharton; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; otherCatalogNumbers: AAM-002826; previousIdentifications: Namadytes prozeskyi by R. Wharton in 1979; Taxon: scientificNameID:; scientificName: Namadytesvansoni Hesse, 1969; family: Mydidae; genus: Namadytes; specificEpithet: vansoni; scientificNameAuthorship: Hesse, 1969; Location: country: Namibia; stateProvince: Erongo; locality: Gobabeb, Kuiseb River ; verbatimCoordinates: 23°33'37''S 015°02'26''E; decimalLatitude: -23.56028; decimalLongitude: 15.04056; Identification: identifiedBy: T. Dikow S. Leon; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: eventDate: 1979-12-06; Record Level: institutionCode: NMSA; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps


Male: Fig. 9a, b.

Head: brown, in general lightly silver pubescent; width distinctly greater than thorax, interocular distance on vertex larger than at ventral eye margin, vertex between compound eyes ± horizontally straight, medially only slightly below dorsal eye margin, parafacial area about as wide as ½ the width of central facial gibbosity; facial gibbosity distinct, well-developed and discernible in lateral view; mystax white, densely covering entire facial gibbosity; frons not elevated, predominantly apubescent; vertex predominantly apubescent, only lateral margin grey pubescent; postgena lightly grey pubescent; setation: vertex white, frons white, ocp setae white, pocl macrosetae absent; ocellar triangle apubescent; proboscis brown, short, about ½ length of oral cavity; labellum small, as wide as prementum, as long as prementum, unsclerotized laterally; maxillary palpus cylindrical, light brown, minute.

Antenna: brown, scape and pedicel white setose dorsally and ventrally; postpedicel cylindrical in proximal ½, symmetrically bulbous in distal ½, ≥ 7.0 times as long as combined length of scape and pedicel, asetose; apical seta-like sensory element situated apically in cavity on postpedicel.

Thorax: brown, lightly grey pubescent; scutum uniformly brown, surface entirely smooth, apubescent, scutal setation comprised of long white setae with distinct rows of long dorsocentral setae and dense lateral scutal setae; dc setae pre- and postsuturally white, acr setae absent, lateral scutal setae white, npl setae 0, spal setae 0, pal setae 0; antepronotum dorso-medially with V-shaped indentation; postpronotal lobe light brown, grey pubescent; proepisternum, lateral postpronotum, and postpronotal lobe long white setose; scutellum apubescent, asetose, apical scutellar setae absent; mesopostnotum, anatergite, and katatergite lightly grey pubescent, mesopostnotum asetose, anatergite long white setose, katatergite long white setose; katatergite ± flat; anterior anepisternum white setose, supero-posterior anepisternum long white setose; posterior anepimeron long white setose, katepimeron long white setose; metanepisternum grey pubescent, asetose, metepimeron ± flat, yellow, grey pubescent, long white setose; infra-halter sclerite white setose.

Leg: light brown to brown, setation predominantly white; pro, mes, and met coxa lightly white pubescent, long white setose; met trochanter setose medially; femur light brown to brown, met femur evenly clubbed in distal 3/4, in distal ½ macrosetose, 1 antero-ventral and 1 postero-ventral row of macrosetae, postero-ventrally long white, erect setose proximally with setae arranged in distinct row; pro, mes, and met tibia straight, met tibia cylindrical, ventral keel absent, latero-posteriorly long white, erect setose with setae arranged in distinct row; pro and mes tarsomere 1 longer than tarsomere 2, but less than combined length of tarsomeres 2-3, met tarsomere 1 as long as combined length of tarsomeres 2-4; pulvillus well-developed, as long as well-developed claw, and as wide as base of claw; empodium absent.

Wing: length = 7.1-8.9 mm; hyaline throughout, veins brown, microtrichia absent; cells r1, r4, r5, m3, + cup closed except r5 open; C terminates at junction with M1 (or M1+M2); R4 terminates in R1; R5 terminates in R1; stump vein (R3) at base of R4 present, short not reaching R2; R4 and R5 widest apart medially; r-m distinct, R4+5 and M1 apart, connected by crossvein; M1 straight at r-m (not curving anteriorly), M1 (or M1+M2) terminates in C; CuA1 and CuA2 split proximally to m-cu (cell m3 narrow proximally); M3+CuA1 do not terminate together in C; A1 undulating, cell a1 wide, A1 and wing margin further apart proximally than distally; alula well-developed; halter light brown.

Abdomen: yellow to brown; setation comprised of dense white setae, surface entirely smooth; T1 brown, T2 predominantly yellow with brown medially and antero-laterally, T3-7 yellow with brown antero-laterally; T1 and anterior ½ of T2 long white setose, remaining T short white setose; T predominantly apubescent; S1-7 light brown; S1-7 short white setose; S predominantly apubescent; T2-4 parallel-sided and not constricted waist-like; bullae on T2 black, transversely elongate, surface entirely smooth, T2 surface anterior to bullae smooth.

♂ terminalia: Fig. 10.

Female: Fig. 9c, d.

Head: mystax white, covering entire facial gibbosity, sparse; pocl macrosetae white.

Antenna: postpedicel ≥ 5.0-≥ 6.0 times as long as combined length of scape and pedicel.

Thorax: scutum predominantly brown pubescent, narrow sublateral stripes (wider anteriorly) and lateral and posterior margins grey pubescent, scutal setation comprised of scattered short white setae; scutellum grey pubescent proximally, apubescent distally; supero-posterior anepisternum short white setose; posterior anepimeron short white setose, katepimeron short white setose; metepimeron light brown or yellow, grey pubescent, short white setose.

Leg: setation yellow; met femur ± cylindrical only slightly wider than pro and mes femur, postero-ventrally regular setose only; met tibia latero-posteriorly regular setose only; pulvillus reduced, half length of well-developed claw.

Wing: length = 10.9-14.2 mm; hyaline throughout, slightly brown stained along veins.

Abdomen: setation comprised of sparsely scattered short yellow setae; T1-5 brown with yellow posterior margin, T6 brown (sometimes yellow posteriorly), T7 brown; T1-7 sparsely yellow setose; S1-7 brown; S1-7 sparsely short yellow setose.

♀ genitalia: 8-9 acanthophorite spines per plate.


This large species (wing length in males 7.1-8.9 mm and in females 10.9-14.2 mm) is distinguished from congeners by the wing venation in that cell r5 is open and therefore M1 terminates in C (and not in R1), the predominantly apubescent vertex, the short proboscis that is only about half the length of the oral cavity, the long white setose anatergite, and the setose katepimeron.


Namibia (Erongo, Karas, Kunene) (Fig. 6).


Flight behavior

Females of this species (as Namadytes prozeskyi syn. nov.) were observed by Wharton (1982) to have a hop-like flight in contrast to the low-flying males, which show the characteristic rapid gliding flight behavior in order to locate females for mating. A similar observation has recently been made for Namibimydas psamminos Dikow, 2012 ( Dikow 2012, p. 92).


Females usually oviposited in shallow depressions, such as hoof prints and in particular on the lip of these prints, in the sandy Kuiseb river bed and followed a Mydidae -characteristic oviposition sequence of sand-ovipositing species (for details see Wharton 1982, p. 149). The insertion of the abdomen into the sand took about 9 seconds while the egg-laying with buried abdomen lasted for 6 seconds. The eggs were orange, hyaline, and pear-shaped and measured 2 x 1 mm (length x maximum width).


Namadytes vansoni has been collected in riparian vegetation along a dry river bed, in thornveld in a dry river bed, and on barren gravel plains.


This species exhibits substantial intra-specific variation (Figs 9, 11) and is the most variable species. However, it is also the species known from the most specimens (61 specimens in total) and has the largest geographic range. Prior to this study, Namadytes vansoni is only known from the sole female holotype (Fig. 9c, d). Only through female and male specimens collected during a single collecting event is it possible to associate both sexes and hence appreciate the pronounced sexual dimorphism (Figs 9a, c, 11). Hesse (1969) hints in the description of Namadytes prozeskyi , which is also only known from a single female holotype, at the similarity to Namadytes vansoni and while he provides quite a few minor differences, we attribute these to intra-specific variation. With the increased number of specimens available in our study, we cannot differentiate the two species and therefore synonymize Namadytes prozeskyi (described on page 282) with Namadytes vansoni (described on page 280) by page priority.

Type locality

Namibia: Karas: Seeheim (26°48'53''S, 017°47'57''E) (Fig. 6).

Biodiversity hotspot

Not known to occur in any of the southern African biodiversity hotspots (Cape Floristic Region, Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany, or Succulent Karoo) (Fig. 6).











