
Serna-Muñoz, Sebastian & Wolff, Marta, 2024, Leaf-footed Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) of Colombia: Annotated checklist, distribution, and description of a new species, Zootaxa 5459 (1), pp. 1-95 : 28

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5459.1.1

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Key to Colombian genera of Hypselonotini View in CoL

This tribe is considered by some authors as a junior synonym of Coreini , therefore the main keys for the determination of its genera use this name. The most complete keys to genera includes ones being a key to the genera of North America ( Fracker 1923), Florida ( Baranowski & Slater 1986) , and the genera related to Althos Kirkaldy ( Brailovsky 1990d) . So far, there are no keys that cover the tribe as a whole or the neotropical genera. Therefore, we provide a key to the Colombian genera:

1 Antennal segment III globose; humeral angles conspicuously developed into a horn, projected forward, making the pronotum resemble a half-moon........................................................................ Bulbocornis View in CoL

- Antennal segment III terete or flattened, but never globose; humeral angles variables............................... 2

2 Body dorsally and/or ventrally with metallic iridescence...................................................... 3

- Body without metallic iridescence....................................................................... 6

3 Antennal segment II shorter than III...................................................................... 4

- Antennal segment II longer than III...................................................................... 5

4 Dorsal coloration almost entirely with metallic iridescence except on the scutellum....................... Stenoprasia View in CoL

- Dorsal coloration variable, but always with the hemielitra entirely dull or if with metallic iridescence, then claval commissure and inner border of corium yellowish white......................................................... Sundarus View in CoL

5 Antennal segments II-III iridescent and cylindrical; pronotal calli, tibiae and abdominal sternites V-VI metallic; triangular processes of pronotum absent.................................................................... Paryphes View in CoL

- Antennal segments II and III dull, flattened and furrowed; pronotal calli, tibiae and abdominal sternites V-VI dull; triangular processes of pronotum present.................................................................. Sphictyrtus View in CoL

6 Humeral angles projected into a long thin spine............................................................. 7

- Humeral angles variable but never spined.................................................................. 8

7 Hind femora thickened and ventrally armed with long spines.............................................. Zicca View in CoL

- Hind femora not thickened and ventrally with small inconspicuous denticles.............................. Daphnasa View in CoL

8 Antennal segments II-III dorsoventrally flattened and sulcate towards the midline........................... Sethenira View in CoL

- Antennal segments II-III terete........................................................................... 9

9 Anterolateral borders of the pronotum conspicuously tuberculated..................................... Acidomeria View in CoL

- Anterolateral borders of pronotum smooth or softly crenulated................................................ 10

10 Femora, at least the posterior, armed with one or more long spines............................................. 11

- All femora unarmed or at most with a row of small tubercles................................................. 14

11 Head small, about one-third the width of the pronotum............................................ Anasa View in CoL (In part)

- Head larger, about half the width of pronotum............................................................. 12

12 Femora with only one or two apical spines................................................ Hypselonotus View in CoL (In part)

- Femora with two rows of spines, highly developed on hind legs and not very conspicuous on middle and anterior legs.... 13

13 Hind tibiae armed with two rows of spines.......................................................... Namacus View in CoL

- Hind tibiae unarmed, only with short, downward directed bristles........................................ Nirovecus View in CoL

14 Tylus conspicuously elevated and compressed between jugum................................................ 15

- Tylus not elevated above jugum........................................................................ 16

15 Female genital plates elongated and laminar; distal lobe of parameres elongated.............................. Althos View in CoL

- Female genital plates short or medium; distal lobe of parameres short............................... Vazquezitocoris View in CoL

16 Antennal articulation covered by a genal plate..................................................... Catorhintha View in CoL

- Antennal articulation not covered by a plate............................................................... 17

17 Rostrum short, barely exceeding procoxae................................................................ 18

- Rostrum longer, reaching, or surpassing mesocoxae......................................................... 19

18 Humeral angles expanded triangularly to the sides and slightly forward; antenniferous tubercles unarmed...... Sundarellus View in CoL

- Humeral angles slightly expanded; antenniferous tubercles armed with a small dorsal spine.................... Cimolus View in CoL

19 Antennae short, first segment shorter than head length; pronotum orange with four longitudinal black lines; pleura orange with several series of subcircular dots................................................................. Microbasis View in CoL

- Other combination of characters........................................................................ 20

20 Frontal angles of pronotum projecting into a blunt tooth almost touching the postocular tubercles; antennal tubercle never armed; coloration predominantly chestnut and pale yellow................................................... 21

- Frontal angles of pronotum not projecting into a blunt tooth; antennal tubercle armed or unarmed; coloration variable.... 22

21 Female abdominal sternite VII mesially grooved and flattened laterally................................... Cebrenis View in CoL

- Female abdominal sternite VII grooved in its posterior third and not flattened laterally................. Petersitocoroides View in CoL

22 Hind coxae widely separated................................................................. Anasa View in CoL (In part)

- Hind coxae almost contiguous.......................................................... Hypselonotus View in CoL (In part)











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