Adineta steineri Bartoš, 1951

Schöll, Károly, Received, Miloslav Devetter & Online, Published, 2013, Soil Rotifers new to Hungary from the floodplain Gemenc (Duna-Dráva National Park, Hungary), Turkish Journal of Zoology 37 (4), pp. 406-412 : 408-410

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1209-27

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Adineta steineri Bartoš, 1951


Adineta steineri Bartoš, 1951 View in CoL

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Present in forests near Sopron, among leaf litter, without statements of the dates and specific sampling sites ( Varga, 1966).

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 2Na, 3Na, 1Aa, 2Aa, 3Aa; 04.06.2010: 4Ab.

Adineta vaga (Davis, 1873)

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Aszófő ( Varga, 1939); Tihany ( Varga, 1941); Balatonszőlős, Aszófő ( Varga, 1957); Lesenceistvánd ( Varga, 1933); Pécsely-brook: Vászoly, Pécsely, Örvényes ( Varga, 1954a); Diósjenő ( Varga, 1955); Kelemér, Pálháza ( Varga, 1956); Bátorliget (Varga, 1953).

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 1Na, 2Na, 3Na, 2Aa, 3Aa; 04.06.2010: 1Nb, 2Nb, 3Nb, 3Ab, 4Ab; 19.10.2010: 1Nb, 2Nb, 1Aa, 3Ab.

Fam. Habrotrochidae

Habrotrocha constricta (Dujardin, 1841)

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Tihany (in a rain gutter) ( Varga, 1960); Kelemér ( Varga, 1956). Varga (1966) noted that this species was very frequent in forests (leaf litter).

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 1Aa; 04.06.2010: 1Nb, 2Nb, 3Nb.

Habrotrocha pulchra (Murray, 1905)

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 04.06.2010: 1Ab.

Habrotrocha rosa Donner, 1949

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Varga (1966) noted this species to be very frequent in forests (leaf litter), but without giving information on its occurrence or any collecting data.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 3Na, 4Na; 19.10.2010: 1Ab.

Habrotrocha tranquilla Milne, 1916

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 04.06.2010: 2Nb.

Scepanotrocha semitecta Donner, 1951

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 2Nb.

Scepanotrocha simplex De Koning, 1947

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 04.06.2010: 2Ab.

Fam. Philodinidae

Ceratotrocha cornigera (Bryce, 1893)

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Varga (1966) found it in the Budai mountains, the Mecsek mountains, the surroundings of Sopron, and the Tisza floodplain forest, but did not provide information about the collection dates or exact sampling sites.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 1Aa; 04.06.2010: 2Nb, 1Ab, 2Ab; 19.10.2010: 4Nb, 4Aa, 1Ab, 2Ab, 3Ab, 4Ab.

Macrotrachela aculeata Milne, 1886

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Pécsely-brook: Vászoly, Pécsely, Örvényes ( Varga 1954a). Varga (1966) found it in floodplain forests (Óhalom at the Tisza River), Nagybajom village, and the Bükk, Mecsek, and Soproni mountains, without statements of the collection dates or specific sampling sites.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 3Ab.

Macrotrachela habita (Bryce, 1894)

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Varga (1966) recorded occurrences in the Bükk, Mecsek, Vértes, and Soproni mountains, and the Somogyi hills, from leaf litter, but without statements of the collection dates or specific sampling sites.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 4Na; 04.06.2010: 3Nb; 19.10.2010: 1Nb.

Macrotrachela insolita De Koning, 1947

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Lake Fertő (Donner, 1979). Varga (1966) recorded this species from the Bükk, Mecsek, and Soproni mountains, and from Bugac (Juniper forest), but without statements of the collection dates or specific sampling sites ( Varga, 1966).

Occurrences in Gemenc: 04.06.2010: 2Nb; 19.10.2010: 4Ab.

Macrotrachela nana (Bryce, 1912)

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Varga (1966) found this species in Pécsbányatelep and Szőce from moss and leaf litter, but did not provide statements about the dates of collection or the sampling sites.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 1Na, 2Na, 3Na, 1Aa, 3Aa; 04.06.2010: 1Nb, 2Nb; 19.10.2010: 2Aa, 3Ab.

Macrotrachela oblita Donner, 1949

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 04.06.2010: 2Nb.

Macrotrachela quadricornifera Milne, 1886

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Balatonszőlős, Aszófő ( Varga, 1957); Pécsely-brook: Vászoly, Pécsely, Örvényes ( Varga, 1954a); Diósjenő ( Varga, 1955); Budapest: from pools in the underground tunnel (Berczik, 1960).

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 1Na; 19.10.2010: 4Na, 1Aa.

Macrotrachela vesicularis (Murray, 1906)

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Varga (1966) found it in several places, without giving information on the collection dates: Jenőmajor, Óhalom (floodplain forest), Pusztavacs (Canadian poplar forest), Mecsek mountains, Soproni mountains, and Pécsbányatelep, between Cák and Velem villages.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 3Na, 1Aa.

Mniobia bredensis De Koning, 1947

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 04.06.2010: 1Nb; 19.10.2010: 3Aa, 1Ab.

Mniobia lenta Donner, 1951

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 04.06.2010: 1Ab; 19.10.2010: 2Aa.

Mniobia tentans Donner, 1949

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Varga (1966) reported it from the Vértes mountains and Soproni mountains, but did not give precise collecting data.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 3Na, 1Ab.

Philodina acuticornis Murray, 1902

Previous occurrence in Hungary: Lake Fertő (Donner, 1979).

Occurrence in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 3Aa.

Philodina plena (Bryce, 1894)

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Varga (1966) found it in the Bükk, Mecsek, and Soproni mountains (from moss and dead leaves), but did not provide statements of the collection dates or specific sampling sites ( Varga, 1966).

Occurrences in Gemenc: 04.06.2010: 2Ab; 19.10.2010: 2Na, 2Nb, 4Aa, 1Ab, 3Ab.

Philodina rapida (Milne, 1916)

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 1Aa, 3Aa, 4Aa, 1Ab, 4Ab.

Rotaria sordida (Western, 1893)

Previous occurrences in Hungary: Balatonszőlős ( Varga, 1957); Pécsely-brook: Örvényes ( Varga, 1954a); Tihany ( Varga, 1937).

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 1Na; 19.10.2010: 1Nb.

Subclass Monogononta

Order Ploima

Fam. Colurellidae

Colurella geophila Donner, 1951

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 4Nb.

Fam. Dicranophoridae

Encentrum arvicola Wulfert, 1936

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 3Na, 4Na, 1Aa, 2Aa, 3Aa, 4Aa; 04.06.2010: 3Nb; 19.10.2010: 1Na, 2Na, 3Na, 1Nb, 2Nb, 1Aa, 2Aa, 3Aa, 4Aa, 1Ab, 3Ab.

Encentrum longipes Wulfert, 1936

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 1Na, 2Na; 04.06.2010: 1Ab; 19.10.2010: 3Nb, 3Aa, 4Aa.

Encentrum lutra Wulfert, 1936

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrences in Gemenc: 02.06.2010: 1Na, 3Na, 1Aa, 2Aa; 04.06.2010: 3Nb, 1Ab, 2Ab; 19.10.2010: 1Na, 2Na, 3Na, 3Nb, 1Aa.

Encentrum martes Wulfert, 1939

This species is new to Hungary.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 4Nb.

Wierzejskiella vagneri Koniar, 1955

This genus is new to Hungary.

Occurrence in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 1Na.

Fam. Proalidae

Bryceella stylata (Milne, 1886)

Previous occurrence in Hungary: Pálháza: Kemencepataki marsh ( Varga, 1956).

Occurrence in Gemenc: 19.10.2010: 1Na.

The mean value of species richness (S) was about 4; the values ranged between 0 and 8. The S of natural forest and that of poplar plantation were similar. There was a slight decrease of S values in autumn, but the difference was not significant ( Table 3).













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