M. maypurensis (Kunth) G.Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon]: 98 (1830).
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https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.115.29041 |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/305198EC-12C5-2044-5E93-811FBBC47AD9 |
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M. maypurensis (Kunth) G.Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon]: 98 (1830). |
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9. M. maypurensis (Kunth) G.Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon]: 98 (1830). View in CoL
Ancistrocarpus maypurensis Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. [quarto] 2: 186 (1817). Lectotype (Sennikov & Sukhorukov, designated here): COLOMBIA. "In pratis Maypure", ex herb. Bonpland, ex herb. Kunth s.n. (B 10 0296283!). Note: Kunth, who revised the main set of Humboldt’s and Bonpland’s collections at P, acquired a large part of this herbarium. After his death, the collections were transferred to the Botanical Museum in Berlin ( Urban 1881), where they partly survived.
Ceratococca maypurensis Humb. & Bonpl. ex Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg., ed. 15, 6: 800 (1820). Holotype: Colombia. Maypure, Cataracta, Orinoco, A.J.A. Bonpland & F.W.H.A. von Humboldt s.n. (B-W 06266-01!). Notes: Ceratococca maypurensis was apparently based on a duplicate of the collection on which Ancistrocarpus maypurensis was described earlier by Kunth. However, a specimen in the Herbarium of Willdenow was not accessible to Kunth at the time when the protologue was prepared ( McVaugh 1955).
Potamophila parviflora Schrank, Pl. Rar. Horti Monac. 2: tab. 63 (1821), nom. illegit., non R.Br. 1810.
Ancistrocarpus schrankii Ledeb., Index Seminum Horti Academici Dorpatensis 1821 (Appendix I): 21 (1821). Described on the basis of plants cultivated in the Botanical Garden in Munich. Lectotype (Sennikov & Sukhorukov, designated here): [icon] fig. 63 in Schrank (1821). (Fig. 22 View Figure 22 ). Note: von Ledebour (1821) intended (Art. 6.11) to introduce his new species name as a replacement name for the later homonym published by Schrank, and both names are therefore necessarily homotypic. Schrank (1821) published his new species names based on seeds sent or brought from Brazil by C.F. von Martius. Original herbarium collections of Potamophila parviflora Schrank were not found at M and most likely had never been prepared (H.-J. Esser, pers. comm. 2018), and the illustration published as part of the protologue is the only original element available for lectotypification (Art. 9.4). The protologue of Potamophila parviflora indicates that the new species has five styles (although only three are visible in the accompanying illustration) and a pericarp with setae. Coupled with pedicellate flowers and petiolate leaves, easily recognizable in the illustration, these characters are indicative of Microtea maypurensis , of which P. parviflora ( Ancistrocarpus schrankii ) is a later synonym. This agrees with the conclusions of Moquin-Tandon (1849), Walter (1909) and Nowicke (1968). Schrank (1821) stated that the new species was collected in "Brasilia prope sinum Omnium Sanctorum ad flumina locis umbrosis". There is a gathering, Herb. Martius 2198 (M 0274659, M 0274661, M 0274662), which was collected by Martius in Bahia, Cachoeira, along the Paraguaçu River at the distance of ca. 35 km from Baía de Todos os Santos (Bay of All Saints), in December 1818 (see the route of Martius’ expedition in Tiefenbacher (1983)). This is the likely type locality of P. parviflora , and the gathering may be the voucher for the seed collection sent by Martius to the Munich Botanical Garden. The plants of this gathering are unmistakeably referable to M. maypurensis . Two other specimens, Herb. Martius 2309 (M 0274665, M 0274666), collected by Martius in Bahia, Monte Santo, in April 1819, were mistakingly labelled as P. parviflora . They clearly disagree with the protologue and belong to M. celosioides . This curatorial mislabelling probably occurred because of the confusingly similar localities on its label and in the protologue.
M. sprengelii Moq. in DC., Prodr. 13(2): 19 (1849). Neotype (Sennikov & Sukhorukov, designated here): BRAZIL. Bahia, Rio Belmonte, [Aug. 1816], Maximilian, Prinz zu Wied 53 (BR000005537679, image!). Note: Moquin-Tandon (1849) based the protologue of Microtea sprengelii entirely on the description of M. maypurensis in Sprengel (1820). He stressed the diagnostic character of opposite leaves, which is almost impossible in Microtea . However, Sprengel’s description closely matches the characters of M. maypurensis except for the opposite leaves, and unlikely belongs to any other species. Moquin-Tandon (1849) assumed a technical error in Sprengel (1820), with which we agree. Sprengel noted specifically that he based the description on plants from Brazil. No relevant specimens survived. As a neotype, we designate a specimen of M. maypurensis collected in Brazil by Prinz Maximilian, a contemporary collection that may have been available to Sprengel.
M. glochidiata f. lanceolata Chodat & Hassler, Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. 2, 3: 418 (1903). Lectotype (Sennikov & Sukhorukov, designated here): Paraguay. Ad marginem silvae [prope] Caraguatay, Aug.[ust] [1897], E. Hassler 3126 (P00743952! isolectotypes P00743951! P00743953!). Note: Our synonymy confirms the opinion of Heimerl (1912).
Annual or biennial, glabrous; stems erect, up to 60 cm, branched; rosulate leaves oblong, usually withered, lower leaves oblong or spatulate, cuneate, petiolate (petioles up to 2.5 cm), 3.0-8.0 cm long and (0.2 –0.4)0.5– 2.0 cm wide (sometimes narrower), acuminate; inflorescences a spike, not one-sided, often spreading; flowers solitary (rarely two per node), with a bract and two bracteoles, pedicellate (pedicels 1.5-3.0 mm), perianth segments 5, oblong to ovoid, white or yellowish; stamens 5-8, stigmas 3-5, filiform; fruit slightly protruding from the perianth or up to twice its length, fruit body 1.0-1.1 mm across, with outgrowths 0.2-0.5 mm long terminating in a group of 2-4 hooked hairs (Fig. 8A, B View Figure 8 ); pericarp readily scraped off the seed; seed ~1mm, with rough surface (Fig. 8D View Figure 8 ).
Forests or ruderal sites; 0-1500 m.
Tropical South America (Fig. 23 View Figure 23 ).
Specimens examined.
BOLIVIA: La Paz Dept.: Beni river, Jul 1886, H.H. Rusby 1379 (BM000019263, E, G, LE, P04598104); nr Guanay, 1892, M. Bang 1589 (B, BM000019206, E, G, K); Tipuani, Hacienda Simaco, 1400 m, Jan 1920, O. Buchtien 5404 (K, M); Tipuani, 1400 m, 29 Mar 1923, O. Buchtien 7290 (E, G); Mapiri, 850 m, 29 Nov 1926, O. Buchtien 694 (M); Santa Cruz Dept.: Ñuflo de Chávez prov., Pascana Ministro, 12 Jun 1995, J.R. Abbott 16976 (K); Ñuflo de Chávez prov., Lomerio, 14 Apr 1995, F. Mamani & M. Saucedo 817 (MEXU); BRAZIL: Amazonas: Rio Juruá, Juruá Miry, May 1901, E. Ule 5503 (G, L1678235); Rio Branco, Nov 1913, J.G. Kuhlmann 120 (RB00272533 - image!); Rio Negro between Ilha Uabetuba & Ilha da Silva, 14 Oct 1971, G.T. Prance et al. 15235 (NY00779040 - image!); Rio Jutai, 17 Nov 1975, N.A. Rosa & L. Coelho 563 (IAN151165 - image!); Bahia: [without exact location] 1834, Blanchet s.n. [herb. De Candolle] (G00687542); Jacobina, [without date] Blanchet 2588 (P00743954, a plant in the middle]; Andaraí, 500-600 m, 13 Feb 1977, R.M. Harley 18632 (E, K, P05197100); Iaçu Mun., Lagedo Alto, 25 Sep 1984, L.R. Noblick & M.J. Lemos 3407 (PACA); Ilheus Mun., Rodovia, 10 Apr 1986, J.L. Hage s.n. (G); Dom Basilio Mun., 28 Dec 1989, A. de Carvalho et al. 2679 (G, PACA); Jacobina Mun., 30 Nov 1992, M.M. Arbo et al. 5450 (K); Iaçu Mun., Rio Paraguacu, 10 Apr 1992, G. Hatschbach et al. 56968 (G, K); Rio Jecuriçá, 16 Jan 1997, M.M. Arbo et al. 7276 (G, K); Maranhão: Carolina Mun., National Park Chapada das Mesas, 9 Apr 2016, A.C. Sevilha et al. 5723 (CEN00097885 - image!); Minas Gerais: Pedra Azul, 12 Dec 1984, A.M. Giulietti et al. 36297 (K); towards Jequitinhonha, Pedra Azul, 20 Oct 1988, R.M. Harley et al. 25232 (K, PACA); Pará: Marabá to Altamira, 16 Jan 1976, P. Bamps 5170 (BR); Paraíba: Esperança, 14 Sep 1958, J.C. de Moraes 1936 (RB00272388 - image!); Paraná: Londrina, 17 Nov 1969, G. Hatschbach 22898 (NYBG00779051 - image!); Pernambuco: [without exact location] 1838, Gardner 1138 (P04598076); Petrolina Mun., Tapera, Aug 1930, D.B. Pickel 50 (B, BM000019250); Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro [city], 1883, A. Glaziou 15355 (LE); Roraima: Rio Ajarani, 29 Apr 1974, J. M. Pires et al. 14408 (IAN144038 - image!); São Paulo: Rio Negro, between Ilha Uabetuba & Ilha da Silva, 14 Oct 1971, G.T. Prance et al. 15235 (G, K, M, P04598013, U1473419); Sergipe: Cristinapolis Mun., 2 Apr 1976, G. Davidse et al. 11810 (U1473430); Tocantins: Darcinopolis Mun., Rio Tocantins, 16 Apr 2008, G. Pereira-Silva et al. 12933 (CEN00091111 - image!); COLOMBIA: Rio Vaupés, 1852, R. Spruce 2546 (E, K); ECUADOR: El Oro, 18 km on road Huaquillas–Arenillas, [without date] Harling & Andersson 18835 (GB - image!); GUIANA: [without exact location] 1868, Schomburgk 835 (B, E, K, P04598085); Pirara, 1841, Schomburgk 325 (BM000019270); Region Upper Takutu, Essequibo, 1 Jun 1996, D. Clarke 1874 (U1473431); PARAGUAY: Amambay Dept.: between Rio Apa & Rio Aquidabán, 13 Feb 1908, K. Fiebrig 4928 (BM000019221, G, E, K, L); Cordillera Dept.: see lectotype of M. glochidiata f. lanceolata ; Caraguatay, Aug 1900, E. Hassler 3126 (B, BM000019232, G, P00743953, P00743951, P00743952); San Pedro Dept.: [without exact location] 26 Oct 1953, A.L. Woolston 210 (K); PERU: Cusco Region: Paucartambo prov., Cusco dept., Pillcopata, 20 Jun 1959, J. Infantes 5913 (B); Puno Region: Carabaya prov., San Gaban distr., [without date] ex herb. Steudel 2288 (G, P04598108); SURINAME: nr Paramaribo, 12 Feb 1904, van Hell 150 (U1473435); Paramaribo, 10 April 1916, J.A. Samuels 8 (K); Paramaribo, 12 Apr 1916, J.A. Samuels 65 (BM000019265, L1678237, P04598014); Found as alien in Southeast Asia (Fig. 24 View Figure 24 ): INDONESIA: Java, Pasuruan, 1924, anonymous s.n. (L1678238). Previously not reported from this region ( Backer 1954).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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M. maypurensis (Kunth) G.Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon]: 98 (1830).
Sukhorukov, Alexander P., Sennikov, Alexander N., Nilova, Maya V., Mazei, Yuri, Kushunina, Maria, Marchioretto, Maria Salete & Hanacek, Pavel 2019 |
Microtea sprengelii
Moq 1849 |
M. maypurensis
G. Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon]: 98 1830 |
M. maypurensis
G. Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon]: 98 1830 |
M. maypurensis
G. Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon]: 98 1830 |
M. maypurensis
G. Don, Hort. Brit. [Loudon]: 98 1830 |
Ceratococca maypurensis
Humb. & Bonpl. ex Roem & Schult 1820 |
Ceratococca maypurensis
Humb. & Bonpl. ex Roem & Schult 1820 |