Megalothoraca rosalyae Wendt, 2019

Wendt, Lisiane Dilli & Marinoni, Luciane, 2019, Taxonomic revision of Megalothoraca (Diptera: Richardiidae) with description of a new species, synonyms and new combination, Zoologia (e 31456) 36, pp. 1-15 : 9-11

publication ID 10.3897/zoologia.36.e31456

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scientific name

Megalothoraca rosalyae Wendt

sp. nov.

Megalothoraca rosalyae Wendt , sp. nov. 51A33551-0B2D-4EC0-BF5A-A02E8CE02A58

Figs 30–53

Diagnosis and comments. Megalothoraca rosalyae sp. nov., known from a female specimen, can be recognized by general dark brown (almost black) color of the thorax ( Figs 31, 37), except postpronotal lobe paler, reddish brown ( Fig. 38), and abdomen dark blue, distinctly metallic ( Fig. 30), ocellar seta absent and postpronotal seta present; two anterodorsal spine-like setae on mid femur ( Fig. 40), and sinuosity of vein R 2+3 smother, asymmetrically twice sinuous ( Fig. 48).

Description. Holotype female, CEUA: Measurements (in mm): body length 8.57; wing length 8.80; abdomen length 3.47. Head ( Figs 32–36). Head width-to-height ratio 1.33. Frons-to-head ratio 0.35. Frons width-to-height ratio 0.90. Ocelli-distance ratio 1.81; anterior ocellus inserted at dorsal fourth of frons ( Figs 33, 36). Frons dark brown on dorsal third and with polished appearance, reddish brown on ventral two-thirds and velvety appearance ( Figs 32, 22); densely whitish pollinose. Lunule brown ( Fig. 32). Face, gena, and postcranium dark brown, almost black ( Figs 32, 34, 36). Parafacial reddish brown ( Fig. 32). Vertex, in frontal view, concave ( Fig. 32). Face sparsely whitish pollinose. Gena and postcranium on ventral two-thirds, especially at contour eye and extending to occipital foramen, densely whitish pollinose ( Figs 34, 36). Vertex and postcranium on dorsal third bright. Postcranium sparsely black setulose. Antenna dark brown, except base of flagellomere slightly paler. Clypeus, palpus and prementum dark brown. Orbital and outer vertical area extended to vertex, distinctly tumescent and bright ( Figs 32, 33). Orbital and outer vertical setae missing, visible only alveoli, distinctly marked ( Figs 33, 35). Ocellar seta absent. Thorax ( Figs 37, 38). Dark brown, almost black, except postpronotal lobe brown, with anatergite, mediotergite, and postmetacoxal bridge densely whitish pollinose. Scutum 1.33 times longer than wide. Postpronotal seta present (missing, visible only alveolus). Legs ( Figs 39, 40). Entirely dark brown, with hind tarsomeres slightly paler. Fore and mid coxae without anterior spine-like seta. Fore femur slightly thicker than mid and hind femora. Left fore femur with one preapical antero- and posteroventral spine-like seta, and right fore femur with one preapical anteroventral and two posteroventral, on apical third, spine-like setae; setae similar in size. Mid and hind femora with one and two anteroventral preapical spine-like setae, respectively; similar in thickness with those on fore femur. Hind coxa bare on posterior surface. Wing ( Fig. 48). Generally hyaline except for the following marks: cell bc brownish; basal band discontinuous in an irregular brown spot in cell r 1 between costal break and base of bifurcation between R 2+3 and R 4+5, and faint brown spot on vein bm-cu; complete narrow brown medial band, from costal to posterior margin of wing, wider in cell r 1, with irregular margins; wider brown apical spot, faint in cell m, with proximal margin irregular. Vein R 2+3 twice asymmetric and inconspicuously sinuous, proximal curve beginning from medial region, and distal curve shorter and more conspicuous. Spurious vein conspicuous, at same level of vein r-m. Vein M, distally to vein r-m, almost straight and inclined towards R 4+5. Vein r-m at distal two-fifths of cell dm. Halter whitish. Abdomen ( Figs 30, 41–47). Tergites dark blue, with metallic blue reflexes ( Fig. 30); sparsely and shortly whitish setulose, not pollinose, except basal third of syntergite 1+2 distinctly whitish pollinose ( Fig. 41). Sternites dark brown (brown when dissected), densely setulose ( Figs 42–47), sternites 3–5 with basal apodeme ( Figs 44–46). Sternite 1 ( Fig. 42) relatively well developed, one-third of sternite 2 size, semicircular, densely short setulose, setulae similar in length. Sternite 2 ( Fig. 43) divided into two plates, twice longer than wide, densely short setulose, setulae similar in length. Sternite 3 ( Fig. 44) subrectangular, twice longer than wide, with long and short setulae. Sternites 4 ( Fig. 45) and 5 ( Fig. 46) spatulate, as long as wide (at largest width) ( Fig. 45), and wider than long ( Fig. 46), respectively, with long and short setulae. Female terminalia ( Figs 49–53). Oviscape dark brown, with paler central apical mark ( Fig. 53). Taenia brownish, slightly less sclerotized than oviscape; two-fifths oviscape length ( Fig. 53). Eversible membrane as long as taenia, with denticles on basal half. Sternite and tergite 8 ciliated, except basally, similar in length ( Figs 49, 51). Sternite 8 0.84 mm long. Tip of cerci rounded and base slightly concave centrally, vaguely resembling a heart shape ( Figs 49, 50). Setae on cercus ( Fig. 50): two long basal setae, one ventral and one more lateral dorsal; ventrally two very short postmedial setae; two long preapical setae, more apical one shorter; and very short and thin setulae distributed on cerci ( Fig. 50, visible only alveoli of these setulae). Two spherical and strongly sclerotized spermathecae, one slightly larger than other ( Fig. 52).

Male. Unknown.

Type-material. Holotype female, CEUA: “ Colombia, Antioquia, Bolivar \ Vereda la Mina, Bosques \cercanos a la mina, 1900m.\ 5.80358ºN 76.0691ºW, Manual\ 24.iv.2011. E. Garcias col. CEUA”; “ Holotype (♀) CEUA \ Megalothoraca rosalyae \ Wendt & Marinoni, 201_” [red label] ( CEUA). Specimen pinned, in excellent condition, with no damage ( Figs 30, 31); almost setae on head and thorax missing (visible only alveoli); left wing detached and mounted between cover slips; abdomen dissected and stored in plastic microvial with glycerine. GoogleMaps

Distribution. Colombia.

Etymology. The epithet honors the Brazilian dipterist Rosaly Ale-Rocha, in recognition of her extensive contributions to the taxonomy of Diptera .













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