Lasioglossum (Australictus) lithusca (Smith)

Walker, Kenneth L, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the Australian native bee subgenus Australictus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Halictini: genus Lasioglossum) - “ Wood-Splitting Axe Bees ”, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 81, pp. 135-162 : 150-154

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2022.81.06

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scientific name

Lasioglossum (Australictus) lithusca (Smith)


Lasioglossum (Australictus) lithusca (Smith)

( Figs. 1C, 1E View Figure 1 , 2A View Figure 2 , 6A–F View Figure 6 , 10C–D View Figure 10 , 12B View Figure12 )

Parasphecodes lithusca Smith 1853: 41 .

Parasphecodes adelaidae Cockerell 1905: 297 . syn. nov. Parasphecodes wellingstoni griseipennis Cockerell 1929: 11 . syn. nov. Parasphecodes stuchila Smith 1853: 43 . syn. nov.

Parasphecodes wellingstoni Cockerell 1914: 45 . syn. nov. Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) lithuscum View in CoL – Michener 1965: 168. Lasioglossum (Australictus) lithusca comb. nov.

Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) adelaidae View in CoL – Michener 1965: 167. Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) griseipenne View in CoL – Michener 1965: 168. Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) stuchilum View in CoL – Michener 1965: 168. Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) wellingtoni View in CoL – Michener 1965: 169.

Material examined: Holotype of lithusca ♀, Van Diemen’s Land (ie. Tasmania) F. Sm Coll. 79.22 BMNH Hym.17.a.618 ( BMNH) (view type data and image at 4d01-aff4-8cb0bc82d480 accessed 16 August 2022).

Holotype of adelaidae ♀, South Australia: Adelaide BMNH Hym.17.a.628 ( BMNH) (view type data and image at https://data.nhm. accessed 16 August 2022).

Holotype of griseipennis ♀, New South Wales: Jenolan, 20 April W.P. Cockerell ( ANIC).

Holotype of stuchila ♀, Van Diemen’s Land (ie. Tasmania) F. Sm Coll. 79.22 BMNH Hym.17.a.613 ( BMNH) (view type data and image at accessed 16 August 2022).

Holotype of wellingtoni ♀, Tasmania, Mt Wellington Jan 15 – Feb 6 1913, 1,300–2,000 ft R. E. Turner. Four females are mentioned in the description but one specimen is labelled “type”. BMNH Hym. 17.a.636 ( BMNH) (view type data and image at https://data. accessed 16 August 2022).

Other specimens examined (239♀, 41♂): QUEENSLAND: (1♀) Mt Norman area, via Wallangarra , 7–8 Oct 1972, S. R . Monteith ( ANIC); (1♀) Mt Norman area, via Wallangarra , 2–3 Oct 1971, G.B. Monteith ( QM) .

NEW SOUTH WALES & AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY:(2♀) 3.19 km SW Condor Ck Bridge, Brindabella Rd , 06 Nov 1992, G.J. Davis ( NMV); (2♀) 1.9 km S Condor Ck, Bridge ,

Brindabella Rd , 17 Oct 1993, G. V. Maynard & G.J. Davis, on Davesia sp. ( NMV); (1♀) Lees Camp , Warks Rd, 10 Dec 1993, G.J. Davis on Leptospermum (NMV) ; (3♀) Bull’s Head Repeater Station , 26 Nov 1994, G. V. Maynard & G.J. Davis, on Pultenea and Davesia ( NMV); (1♀) Hill W side Condor Ck Bridge, 06 Nov 1993, G. V. Maynard & G.J. Davis on Davesia mimosoides (NMV) ; (1♀) Jink Ck , Blue Mtns, 21 Jan 1982, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀) Mt Boboyan 6 March 1993, G.J. Davis on Kunzea ericoides (NMV) ; (4♀) New England Nat. Pk, 5 Nov 1981, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀) 8 km S Mt Wilson, Blue Mtns , 10 Oct 1978, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (4♀) Mt Tomah Blue Mtns , 26–29 Aug 1977 – 2 Oct 1977, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (3♀) Clyde Mt , 27 Oct 1968, ( ANIC); (2♀) Picadilly Circus , Brindabella Ra., 24 Nov 1981, J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (1♀) Blundell’s 15 Oct 1952, Paramonov ( ANIC); (1♀) Blundell’s , 14 Oct 1947, E.F. Riek ( ANIC);(1♀) Blundell’s , 13 Feb 1950, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♀) Blundell’s , 10 Oct 1930, L.F. Graham ( ANIC); (1♀, 1♂) Mt Gingera , 6 Feb 1951, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (3♀) Winburndale , 12 mi E Bathurst, 6 Dec 1974 ( ANIC); (2♂) Bendora , 6 Feb 1952, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♀) Brindabella , 24 Nov 1931, L.F. Graham ( ANIC); (1♀) Bull’s Head , 26 Feb 1952, L.J. Nick ( ANIC); (1♀) Mt Tomah , Blue Mtns, 5 Nov 1980, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (30♀) Picadilly Circus , Brindabella Ra., 1 Nov 1988, R. R. Snelling & J. Grey #88 ( LACM); (2♀) Mt Victoria , 20 Oct 1930, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (10♀) NE Nat. Pk , near Entrance, 04-20 Nov 1960, C.W. Frazier ( ANIC); (1♂) New England Nat. Pk, via Ebor, 22–23 Jan 1966, B. Cantrell ( QM); (1♀) 15 km SW Ebor , 12 Dec 1984, D. Yeates, on Leptospermum mrytifolium (ANIC) ;(1♀, 1♂) Nadgee Reserve , 4 km N Newton’s Beach, 29 Dec 1985, E.A. Sugden ( AM); (1♂) Guthega Pondage , Kosciusko Nat. Pk, 16 Mar 1983, G. R. Brown & A.E. Westcott by sweeping ( OAI) .

VICTORIA: (11♀) Warburton, 19 Dec 1968, E.M. Exley, on Leptospermum ericoides (QM) ; (1♀) Halls Gap, 1 Nov 1928, GB ( SAM); (1♀) Black Sands, 16 Oct 1936 ( ANIC); (1♀) Brisbane Ranges, Oct 1982, P. Bernhardt, on Acacia (NMV) ; (1♀) Mason’s Ck, Kinglake, 20 Oct 1976, A.A. Calder ( NMV); (3♀) Gorae West, 7 Oct 1957, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (18♀) Gorae West, 10 Jan 1950, T. Rayment ( ANIC); (1♀) Cockatoo, 24 Dec 1950, RD ( NMV); (1♀) Arthur Plain, 4 Feb 1965, Neboiss ( NMV); (1♀) Ferntree Gully, 1909, F.P. Spry ( ANIC); (4♀) Grampians, Oct 1928, F.E. Wilson ( NMV); (1♀) Reefton, 9 Feb 1955, Neboiss ( NMV); (1♀) Brighton ( NMV); (23♀, 31♂) Mt Hotham, 18 March & 6 April 2021, K. Walker, on Achillea millefolium (NMV) ; (2♀) Portland, Dec 1979, G. Knerer ( NMV); (1♀) Asgard Swamp, 4 km NE Victoria, 10 Oct 1981, G. R. Brown ( OAI); (1♀) Mt Drummer, 4 Dec 1956, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (2♀) Mt Difficult , Grampians, 2600 ft, 2 Jan 1966, B. Cantrell ( QM); (1♀) Mt St Bernard , 4000 ft, 9 Jan 1932, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (3♀) Flowerdale, 8 Dec 1954, Neboiss ( NMV); (1♀) Mt Donna Buang , 5 Feb 1955, Neboiss ( NMV); (1♀) Ferntree Gully, 1 Nov 1911, A.D.D ( NMV); (1♂) Crystal Brook, Mt Buffalo , 24 Feb 1955, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (1♀) 5 km W Toolangi, 7 Nov 2000, Thomas Walker, on Ranunculus lappaceus (NMV) .

TASMANIA: (1♀) Huon Camping Area, 25 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (3♀) Mt Wellington, 2,500 ft, Feb 1936, A.J. Turner ( QM); (1♀) Mt Field Nat Pk , 13 Jan 1997, A. Hingston ( NMV); (1♀) 5 km WNW Mt Alma, 27 Jan 1981, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (2♀) SW Nat. Pk, (Tyenna) 11 Jan 1997, A. Hingston ( NMV); (2♀) Tasmania, A. Simson ( SAM); (5♀) 6 mi SW Queenstown, 1 Jan 1969, E.M. Exley on Melaleuca (QM) ; (4♀) 11 mi E Strahan, 1 Jan 1968, E.M. Exley, on Melaleuca (QM) ; (6♀) 9 mi E Strahan, 1 Jan 1969, E.M. Exley, on Bursaria (QM) ; (2♀) just N of junction of Waratah & Murchison Hwys, 31 Dec 1968, E.M. Exley ( QM); (1♀) nr Nunamarra, 9 Jan 1969, E.M. Exley, on Melaleuca (QM) ; (4♀) Marrawah, 30 Jan 1949, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♀) Southport, 18 Jan 1948, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♀) Meredith R, 12 mi from Corinna, 6 Jan 1954, T. G. Campbell ( ANIC); (1♀) Derwent R, 740 m Lake St Clair, 24–28 Jan 1980, Lawrence & Weir ( ANIC); (1♀) 7 km SWW Derwent Bridge, 16 Jan – 2 Feb 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale, ex pantrap ( ANIC); (1♀) 7 km S Frodshams Pass, 25 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (1♀) Lake St Clair , 15 Apr 1955, T. Rayment ( ANIC); (1♀) Lake St Clair , alt. 2,500 ft, 08 Apr 1956, T. Rayment ( ANIC); (1♀) Collinsvale Road, 6 Jan 1972, W.F. Calvert ( TDA); (1♀) Scarlet Ck, 3 km W Collingwood R, 8 Jan 1992, G. & A. Daniels ( QM); (1♀, 1♂) 3.5 km SE Murdunna, 10 Feb 1988, G. & A. Daniels ( QM); (1♀) 22 km N Dunkeld, 6 Nov 1988, R. R. Snelling & J. Grey ( LACM); (8♀) Hasting, 15 Jan 1949, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♀) Hobart, 4 March 1989, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (1♀) Melaleuca nr Bathurst Harbour, 9 Nov 1991, I. Naumann & G. Clarke, heathy sedge land & closed forest margin ( ANIC); (1♀) Melaleuca nr Bathurst Harbour, 3–7 Dec 1990, I. Naumann, margin Melaleuca / Leptospermum (ANIC) ; (2♀) Celery Top Is., Bathurst Harbour, 4 Dec 1990, I.D. Naumann ( ANIC); (1♀) Claytons, Bathurst Harbour, 6 Dec 1990, I.D. Naumann ( ANIC); (1♀) Railton, 8 Jan 1991, B.B. Lowery, in rotten log ( ANIC); (1♀) Liffey Valley , May 1980, S. Fearn, ex alcohol storage ( ANIC); (2♀) 9 km WSW Derwent Bridge, 21 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (2♀) Mt Wellington , 6 Jan 1918, G.H. Hardy ( QM); (4♀) Hobart, 10 Dec & 20 Dec 1913, G.H. Hardy ( QM); (1♀) Lake St Clair , 13 Jan 1937, C. & C. Davis ( AM); (1♀) Pieman Bridge, 8 Jan 1937, C. & C. Davis ( AM); (1♀) Dover, 1963, from Sirex emergence hole ( QM) .

SOUTH AUSTRALIA: (1♀) Adelaide ( BMNH) .

Floral record: Families visited: 6 ( Asteraceae (2), Fabaceae (4), Orchidaceae (1), Myrtaceae (11), Pittosporaceae (2), Ranunculaceae (1)). Genera visited: 10 ( Acacia (1), Achillea (2), Brenesia (1), Bursaria (2), Davesia (2), Kunzea (1), Eucalyptus (3), Leptospermum (3), Pultenaea (1), Ranunculus (1)).

Flight phenology capture records: Jan (27) Feb (14) Mar (7) Apr (3) May (1) June (0) July (0) Aug (1) Sept (0) Oct (17) Nov (14) Dec (14).

Diagnosis. Lasioglossum (Australictus) lithusca is unlike any other Australictus species in body colour. This species can be distinguished, in both sexes, from other Australictus species by red-brown-coloured metasoma contrasting with black mesosoma; lack of tomentum on mesosoma or metasoma; dorsal surface of metapostnotum posterior margin acarinate but dorsal surface elevated above surrounding lateral and vertical surfaces; metapostnotum dorsal surface sculpture ruguloso-striolate (figs. 6A–D); male genitalia with gonobase narrowed basally, large retrorse lobes and small, erect gonostylus (figs. 10C–D); and metasomal sternal S5 lateral margins with distinct white, semi-erecthairtufts(fig. 6F).ThisspeciesoccursinSEAustralia, including Tasmania (fig. 12B).

Description of female: (figs. 6A, 6B, 6E) body length: 9.11– 10.49– 10.83 mm (n=10); forewing length: 2.73–2.76– 2.78 mm (n=10); head width: 2.64–2.72– 2.78 mm (n=10); intertegular width:1.92–2.04– 2.06 mm (n=10).Relative head measurements: HW: 100, HL: 88–90, UID: 56–57, LID: 53–54, IAD: 10–11, OAD: 22–23, IOD: 14–15, OOD: 14–15, CL: 23–25, GW: 21– 23, EW: 21–23, SL: 39–40, FL: 71–73.

Head: (fig. 6E) inner eyes weakly narrowed basally; median frontal carina reaching about than one third way to median ocellus; clypeus smooth, polished with microtellesate sculpture on basal one third, medially flattened to weakly concave, closely punctate with large, deep, rounded punctures, medially with vertical grooves, supraclypeal area distinctly raised above paraocular area, surface dull, dense microtessellate pattern, open to sparsely punctate with shallow punctures; frons dull, close, vertical striae and punctate, paraocular area smooth, shining closely punctate.

Mesosoma: (fig. 6A) mesoscutum anterior mesial margin weakly produced mesoanteriorly, surface dull, with minute microtessellate pattern, medially openly to closely punctate, laterad of parapsidal areas open to sparsely punctate, in parapsidal areas densely punctate, densely punctate along posterior margin; scutellum 2 x longer than dorsal surface of metapostnotum, scutellum smooth, shining, openly to sparsely punctate; dorsal surface of metapostnotum acarinate across posterior margin defined by crescent shaped ridge distinctly raised above vertical and lateral surfaces, dorsal surface ruguloso-striolate, sculpture reaches posterior margins, lateral margins smooth, dull with microalveolate pattern, vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum defined by lateral carinae; mesepisternum and metepisternum plicate; first recurrent vein (1m-cu) entering second submarginal cell.

Metasoma and legs: (figs. 6A-B) metasomal T1- T5 with dull sheen, appears impunctate, sparsely punctate with minute punctures; anterior metatibial spur finely serrate with distinct, small, backwardly pointing teeth.

Colour: (figs. 6A-B) head and mesosoma black, some specimens apical half of clypeus red-brown, T1-T3 red-brown, T4-T5 red-brown suffused with black; legs with fore, mid coxae, trochanters, femora black, remainder red-brown.

Vestiture: (figs. 6A-B, 6E) body sparse, clypeus and supraclypeal area glabrous, frons with sparse small, black, erect hair, paraocular area with downwardly pointing white hair, mesoscutum and scutellum appear glabrous with sparse small, black, erect hair, long, white hair on lateral, vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum, metasoma sparse, laterally with short, erect white hair.

Description of male: (figs. 6C-D) Body length: 8.95–10.08– 10.21 mm (n=10); forewing length: 2.69–2.81– 2.98 mm (n=10); head width: 2.35–2.61– 2.69 mm (n=10); intertegular width: 1.92– 2.07– 2.16 mm (n=10). Relative head measurements: HW: 100, HL: 88–89, UID: 56–57, LID: 42–43, IAD: 12–13, OAD: 22–23, IOD: 16–18, OOD: 13–14, CL: 25–26, GW: 16–18, EW: 28–29, SL: 22–23, AF4/AF2+3 (24/15, 22/14) 1.57–1.60, FL: 248–252.

Differs from female as follows: upper and lower inner eye margins converging basally; median frontal carina extending just beyond antennal bases; frons sculpture densely reticulate across surface to inner margins of eyes; scape reaches basally level of median ocellus; clypeus surface shiny with weak microtessellate pattern basally, medium area weakly concave, openly punctate with shallow punctures, supraclypeal area protruding above paraocular area, bulbous, dull, with dense microtessellate sculpture, closely punctate with minute, shallow punctures; mesoscutum dull, with dense microtessellate sculpture, closely to densely punctate, scutellum and metanotum similar to mesoscutum; dorsal surface of metapostnotum same as in female, acarinate, dorsal surface defined by raised ridge, dorsal surface coarsely ruguloso-striolate; colour similar to female except apical two thirds of clypeus pale yellow, metasoma colour ranges from T1–T3 red-brown, T4–T6 red-brown suffused with black, or T1 almost black, T2–T3 red-brown with median black band, T4–T6 almost black.

Vestiture: lower half of frons, between antennal bases and paraocular area with dense, erect, white hair, gena with dense beard of long, plumose, white hair, mesoscutum with sparse, short, erect, brown hair, metapostnotum lateral sides with short, white, adpressed hair, apical posterior vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum glabrous, metasomal sterna S1–S4 with sparse white, adpressed hair, S5 lateral margins with distinct white, semi-erect hair tufts (fig. 6F).

Genitalia: (figs. 10C, 10D) gonobase sides narrowed basally, complete ventroapically, gonobase width almost half of gonocoxa width, gonocoxa glabrous ventrally and dorsally, dorsal inner margins of gonocoxa basally rounded, gonocoxa apical inner margin not produced, continues contours of gonostylus, glabrous; retrorse lobes large, meeting at midline, membranous, inwardly pointing, outer margins of retrorse lobes glabrous, inner margins basally with erect, large setae, apically with short adpressed, erect setae; gonostylus small (about one third length of gonocoxa), erect, apically rounded, with simple, erect hair; penis valves curved apically, with short dense hair dorsolaterally.

Distribution: (fig. 12B) this species occurs from SE Queensland, down New South Wales coast, across Victoria, throughout Tasmania and one South Australian record. It has been recorded from sea level (Portland 7.23 m) up to high elevations in Victoria (Mt Hotham 1,861 m) and Tasmania (Mt Wellington 1,271 m).

Remarks: Australian Halictidae species now in the genus Lasioglossum were originally placed in either Halictus Latreille 1804 or Parasphecodes , and most original species names ended with “us” or “a”. Michener’s (1965) revision of the Australian bee fauna recombined these species into the genus Lasioglossum . In accordance with ICZN rules (Articles 31 and 34), Michener changed species name endings to agree with the gender of Lasioglossum and endings with “us” or “a” were changed to “um”. Therefore, Michener 1965 changed Parasphecodes lithusca to Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) lithuscum .

John Ascher (pers. comm.) argued that some of these names should not have been changed. John reasoned that 12 of Smith’s (1853) new species names were partial anagrams of the word “ Halictus ”, meaning these species names should be treated as nouns in apposition rather than adjectival and therefore should not have been changed in Michener’s (1965) revision. Accordingly, Michener’s (1965) L. (Parasphecodes) lithuscum name has been reverted to Smith’s (1853) original species name of L. (Australictus) lithusca .

Cockerel (1914: 46) commented that Parasphecodes wellingtoni was close to Parasphecodes lithusca but differed in leg colour; that colour difference is within the known colour range. Cockerell (1929: 11) commented that Parasphecodes wellingtoni griseipennis was “typical” of Paraspheodes wellingtoni but that species occurred in Tasmania, whereas the new subspecies “ griseipennis ” occurred in New South Wales. Lasioglossum (Australictus) lithusca is now recorded from SE Queensland across to South Australia, including Tasmania. Several female specimens carried deutonymphal Anoetus Dujardin 1842 ( Sarcoptiformes : Astigmatina: Histiostomatidae ) hypopial mites apically across T1, though one specimen had several mites on the right forewing. No acarinarium was present on T1, but this area has a moderate cover of erect setae. See Walter et al. (2002) for full discussion of mites on bees.

Rayment identified a specimen as this species, his handwritten label reading “Bolgart WA, 12 Jan 1950 ”. This is the only specimen of this species and the entire subgenus recorded from Western Australia. I consider it to be an incorrect labelling, because Rayment also collected and labelled, in his handwriting, specimens of L. lithusca at Gorae West, Victoria on 10 Jan 1950. I have not included Rayment’s WA specimens in the “Other Material Examined” or on the species distribution map.

Although this species was originally described in Parasphecodes by Smith (1853) and placed in Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) by Michener (1965), it is better placed in Lasioglossum (Australictus) due to the presence of all the Australictus subgeneric diagnostic characters, especially the elongated and enlarged preapical tooth on the mandible, finely serrate anterior metatibial spur, shape of labrum and male genitalia characters.


Australian National Insect Collection


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Queensland Museum


Museum Victoria


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Australian Museum


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


South African Museum


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Department of Agriculture, Tasmania














Lasioglossum (Australictus) lithusca (Smith)

Walker, Kenneth L 2022

Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) adelaidae

Michener, C. D. 1965: 167
Michener, C. D. 1965: 168
Michener, C. D. 1965: 168
Michener, C. D. 1965: 169

Parasphecodes wellingstoni

Michener, C. D. 1965: 168
Cockerell, T. D. A. 1914: 45

Parasphecodes adelaidae

Cockerell, T. D. A. 1929: 11
Cockerell, T. D. A. 1905: 297
Smith, F. 1853: 43

Parasphecodes lithusca

Smith, F. 1853: 41
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