Lasioglossum (Australictus) peraustrale (Cockerell)

Walker, Kenneth L, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the Australian native bee subgenus Australictus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Halictini: genus Lasioglossum) - “ Wood-Splitting Axe Bees ”, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 81, pp. 135-162 : 154-155

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2022.81.06

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scientific name

Lasioglossum (Australictus) peraustrale (Cockerell)


Lasioglossum (Australictus) peraustrale (Cockerell) View in CoL

( Figs. 2C View Figure 2 , 7A–F View Figure 7 , 10E, 10F View Figure 10 , 12C View Figure12 )

Halictus peraustralis Cockerell 1904: 211 .

Halictus odyneroides Rayment 1939: 279 . syn. nov.

Lasioglossum (Australictus) peraustrale View in CoL – Michener 1965: 165. Lasioglossum (Australictus) odyneroides View in CoL – Michener 1965: 165.

Material examined: Holotype of peraustralis ♀, South Australia. “bicingulatus var. Smith” F. Sm. Coll. 79.22 BMNH Hym.17.a.693 ( BMNH) (view type data and image at: c23639db-a1d1-40e5-886a-ef654e4d3c8f accessed 16 August 2022).

Holotype of odyneroides ♀, New South Wales, White Swamp, Macpherson Range , May 1939, J. Hardcastle. ( ANIC).

Other specimens examined (219♀, 47♂): QUEENSLAND: (11♀) Kuranda, Black Mountain Road , 3 Oct 2005, K. Walker, on Lophostemon grandifloris (NMV) ; (1♀) Cairns dist. F.P. Dodd ( QM); (34♀) Brisbane , 4 Jul 1914, 1 Sept 1914, 24 Sept 1914, 29 Sept 1914, 2 Feb 1918, 13 Mar 1918, 12 Feb 1918, 6 Mar 1918, H. Hacker ( QM); (1♀) Mt Moffat Nat Pk, Kenniff Cave , 840 m, 22 Nov 1995, C. Burwell ( QM); (5♀) Stradbroke Is. , 3 Dec 1912, 7 Sept 1914, 17 Sept 1915, H. Hacker ( QM); (1♀) Birkdale , 13 Mar 1918, H. Hacker ( QM); (2♂) Cairns district , F.P. Dodd ( SAM); (2♂) Upper Cedar Creek via Samford , 21 Nov 1965, B. Cantrell ( QM); (3♂) Cedar Ck , 21 Nov 1965, T. Weir ( QM); (1♂) Brisbane , 17 Apr 1955, J. Kerr ( NMV); (2♂) 5 km N Karara , 6 Jan 1984, K. Walker on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (1♂) Murphy’s Creek , 30 Nov 1988, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (2♀, 1♂) Leslie Dam , 13 km W Warwick, 13 Nov 1978, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (QM) ; (1♂) Broken R, Eungella , 16–17 Nov 1992, 750 m, Monteith, Thompson, Cook & Janetzki ( QM); (1♀, 3♂) 3 mi Cunningham’s Gap , 25 Feb 1959, C.D. Michener on Bursaria spinosa (SEM) ; (1♂) Tambourine , 18 Dec 1958, C.D. Michener ( SEM); (1♀) Tambourine, 1923, W.H. Davidson ( QM); (2♀) Amiens , 4 Nov 1965, J.C. Cardale ( QM); (1♀) Severnlea via Stanthorpe , 10 Dec 1980, E.M. Exley & J. King on Leptospermum (QM) ; (2♀) 11 km S Cunningham’s Gap , 12 Nov 1980, J. & C. King, on Bursaria spinosa (QM) ; (1♀) Lucas Heights , 5 Nov 1995, A. Sundholm, on Leptospermum polygalifolium (QM) ; (2♀) Springbrook , 12 Feb 1943, A.J. Turner ( QM); (2♀) 8 mi N of Landsborough , 28 Oct 1965, J.C. Cardale ( QM); (1♀) Capalaba , 23 Sept 1961, R. Shepard ( QM); (2♀) Burleigh , 28 Sept 1958, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (1♀) 13 mi N Stanthorpe , 29 Dec 1958, C.D. Michener ( SEM) .

NEW SOUTH WALES & AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY:(23♀) In rotten log, Bankstown nr Sydney , 30 June 1984, B.J. Day ( AM); (33♀, 1♂) Bilpin Blue Mtns , 11 Mar 1981, 28 Feb 1986, 10 Sept 1979, 14 Nov 1977, 22 Sept 1977, 19 Apr 1978, 21 Nov 1978, 2 Oct 1978, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀) Kurrajong Heights , 27 Feb 1978 ( AM);(1♀) Woronara , 12 Jan 1982, M.L. Mason ( AM); (4♂) Castle Flat, Clyde R, 4.5 km W Pigeon House , 8 Jan 1984, L. Hill, ex cluster c. 150 on twigs ( AM); (1♂) Liston , 23 Dec 1969, J.C. Cardale, on Eucalyptus (ANIC) ; (1♀) National Park , 23 Dec 1906, C. Gibbons ( AM); (1♀) Patonga , 25 Nov 1945 ( AM); (33♀, 2♂) Cheltenham , 22 Oct 1949, 1 Apr 1950 ( AM); (1♀) Approx. 1 km S Kew, 23 Dec 1981, G. & T. Williams, on Leptospermum blossoms ( AM); (1♂) Brunswick Heads , 12 Jan 1938, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♂) Hornsby, C. Gibbons ( AM); (9♀, 1♂) Nadgee Reserve , 7 km S of Newton’s Beach, 21 Dec 1985, E.A. Sugden ( AM); (1♂) Gosford , 13 Mar 1932, A.J. Turner ( QM); (1♀) Mountain Lagoon, Blue Mtns , 23 Nov 1977, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (4♀) Sydney, W.W, Froggatt ( ANIC); (1♀) Pearl Beach, near Woy Woy , 9-11 Dec 1988, M.J. Fletcher & J.A. MacDonald ( OIA); (1♀) nr Glenbrook Ck, Blue Mtns , 23 Dec 1998, G. R. Brown ( OIA); (1♀) Lane Cove , 26 Sept 1987, S.G. Hunter ( OIA); (1♀) Georges River, nr Lugarno , 16 Apr 1941, A. Holmes ( AM); (1♀) Barrington House via Salisbury , 25–28 May 1963, A. Macqueen ( QM); (3♀) State Forest Gibraltar Range, 29 Dec 1969, C.W. Frazier ( ANIC); (1♀) Nelligen , 3 Nov 1949, Cane & Gemmell ( ANIC); (1♀) Jervis Bay , 7 Nov 1956, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♀) 2.7 km NE Queanbeyan , 670 m, 16 Dec 1979, I.F.B. Common ( ANIC); (1♀) 3 km N Lansdowne, nr Taree , 3 Jan 1992, G. Williams on Tristaniopsis laurina blossoms ( NMV); (2♀) Royal National Park , 28 Dec 1970, D.K. McApline ( AM); (1♀) Black Mountain , 15 Jan 1934, F.J. Gray ( ANIC); (2♀) Wisemans Ferry , 18 Dec 1927, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (1♀) Buchan , 26 Jan 1937, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (1♀) Mt Wilson , 4 Jan 1931, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (1♀) Wattle Flat, W.W. Froggatt ( ANIC) .

VICTORIA: (2♀, 1♂) N of Lakes Entrance, Colquhoun State Forest , 21 Feb 1985, 6 Feb 1987, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (6♂) 9 km N Bruthen , 8 Feb 1992, G. Daniels & C. Burwell ( QM); (3♀) Coranderrk , 16 Nov 1984, P. Bernhardt on Acacia mearnsii (NMV) ; (2♀) Woori Yallock , 23 Nov 1930, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (4♀) Tambo Crossing , Jan 1935, F.E. Wilson ( NMV) .

Floral record: Families visited: 3 (Fabacaea (1), Myrtaceae (10), Pittosporaceae (2)). Genera visited: 6 ( Acacia (1), Bursaria (2), Eucalyptus (4), Lophostemon (1), Leptospermum (2), Tristaniopsis (1)).

Flight phenology capture records: Jan (27) Feb (14) Mar (7) Apr (3) May (1) June (0) July (0) Aug (1) Sept (0) Oct (17) Nov (13) Dec (14).

Diagnosis. Lasioglossum (Australictus) peraustrale is most like L. (Australictus) tertium with pronotum and metasomal tomentous yellow hair bands. This species can be distinguished in both sexes from other Australictus species by black body colour; tomentum on pronotum, posterolateral corners of mesoscutum, metanotum and metasomal bands on T2–T3; dorsal surface of metapostnotum posterior margin acarinate but elevated above surrounding lateral and vertical surfaces; metapostnotum dorsal surface sculpture microalveolate; metapostnotum vertical surface with V-shaped patch of white tomentum (weak in female and dense in male) (figs. 2C, 7A–D); male genitalia with gonobase narrowed basally, large retrorse lobes and gonostylus absent (absent gonostylus is shared with L. tertium only; figs. 10E, 10F, 11C, 11D); and metasomal sternal S5 lateral margins with weak, white, semi-erect hair tufts (fig. 7F). This species occurs in North Queensland but is primarily found in SE Australia, and is absent from Tasmania (fig. 12C).

Description of female: (figs. 7A, 7B, 7E) body length: 8.32– 9.59– 10.05 mm (n=10); forewing length: 2.35–2.89– 3.07 mm (n=10); head width: 2.54–2.76– 2.83 mm (n=10); intertegular width:1.68–1.83– 1.92 mm (n=10). Relative head measurements: HW: 100, HL: 80–81, UID: 58–59, LID: 56–57, IAD: 09–10, OAD: 21–22, IOD: 12–13, OOD: 16–17, CL: 21–22, GW: 20– 21, EW: 23–25, SL: 41–42, FL: 62–65.

Head: (fig. 7E) distance between inner upper and lower inner eye margins almost parallel; median frontal carina reaching about half way to median ocellus; clypeus smooth, polished with minute microtesellate sculpture, medially flattened, closely to sparsely punctate with shallow, rounded punctures, medially several punctures; supraclypeal area slightly raised above paraocular area, surface with dull sheen, with weak microtessellate pattern, open to closely punctate with shallow punctures; frons dull, with dense reticulate punctures which extend to inner margins of eye, paraocular area shining, close to densely punctate.

Mesosoma: (fig. 7A) mesoscutum anterior mesial margin rounded, continuing lateral contour, surface with dull sheen, with dense punctures, many punctures fused; scutellum 1.35 x longer than dorsal surface of metapostnotum, scutellum dull, with densely punctate sculpture; dorsal surface of metapostnotum acarinate across posterior margin but defined by V-shaped ridge, distinctly raised above vertical and lateral surfaces, dorsal surface microalveolate but with several weak rugulose striae basally, striae not reaching mid-point of dorsal surface, dorsal surface pattern forming V-shape onto vertical posterior surface, lateral margins smooth, dull with microalveolate pattern, with some large, shallow punctures, vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum microalveolate with carinae extending basal one third of length; mesepisternum and metepisternum plicate; first recurrent vein (1m-cu) interstitial with or entering second submarginal cell.

Metasoma and legs: (figs. 7A-B) metasomal T1–T5 with dull sheen, densely punctate across entire surfaces; anterior metatibial spur finely serrate to smooth.

Colour: (figs. 7A, 7B, 7E) body black except: apical two thirds of clypeus, lower paraocular area, antennae red-brown, T4–T5 red-brown, coxa, trochanter dark brown to black, remainder of legs red-brown; coloured dense patches of vestiture as follows: dense white vestiture around spiracle, yellow to orange on pronotum corners, lateral corners of mesoscutum, mesial of metanotum, dense tomentum basally across T2–T3, T3 tomentum thicker than tomentum on T2, T4–T5 brown; forewing with brown tinge from submarginal cells to tip of wing.

Vestiture: (figs. 7A, 7B, 7E) body vestiture sparse, clypeus with sparse simple hair, supraclypeal area almost glabrous, frons with sparse, small, black, erect hair, paraocular area with downwardly pointing adpressed, white branched hair, mesoscutum, scutellum almost glabrous but with tomentum on posterolateral corners of mesoscutum, metanotum, basally on T2–T3, sparse small, black, erect hair, long, white hair on lateral, vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum, except for tomentum bands, metasomal terga appears glabrous but with sparse, short, adpressed hair.

Description of male: (figs. 2C, 7C, 7D) body length: 8.01–9.25– 9.42 mm (n=10); forewing length: 2.50–2.54– 2.59 mm (n=10); head width: 2.06–2.33– 2.40 mm (n=10); intertegular width: 1.82– 1.85– 1.87 mm (n=10). Relative head measurements: HW: 100, HL: 90–92, UID: 57–58, LID: 42–43, IAD: 16–17, OAD: 23–24, IOD: 15–16, OOD: 16–17, CL: 26–27, GW: 15–16, EW: 29–30, SL: 22–23, AF4/AF2+3 (23/15, 22/14) 1.53–1.57, FL: 215–220.

Differs from female as follows: upper and lower inner eye margins converging basally; median frontal carina extending about one third to two thirds to medium ocellus; frons sculpture densely reticulate-punctate across surface to inner margins of eyes; scape reaches level of median ocellus; clypeus surface polished, shiny, weakly convex, openly punctate with shallow punctures; supraclypeal area weakly protruding above paraocular area, rounded, polished, closely punctate with minute, shallow punctures with microalveoate sculpture; mesoscutum as in female, dull, densely punctate appearing as coarse reticulate sculpture, scutellum, metanotum similar to mesoscutum; dorsal surface of metapostnotum same as in female though reticulation more extensive, acarinate, dorsal surface defined by raised, rounded ridge, dorsal surface with microtessellate sculpture but without weak striae basally; colour similar to female except apical two thirds of clypeus pale yellow, with similar yelloworange vestiture except V-shaped tomentum on upper vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum (fig. 2C), T3 basal tomentum much broader than basal tomentum on T2.

Vestiture: lower half of frons, between antennal bases, paraocular area with dense erect, white hair, gena with moderate beard of long, plumose, white hair, mesoscutum appears glabrous but with sparse, short, erect, brown hair, metapostnotum lateral sides with short, white, adpressed hair, apical vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum with V-shaped tomentum of white hair (fig. 2C), metasomal sterna S1–S4 with sparse white, adpressed hair, S5 lateral margins with weak white, semi-erect hair tufts (fig. 7F).

Genitalia: (figs. 10E-F) gonobase sides narrowed basally, complete ventroapically, gonobase width almost half of gonocoxa width, gonocoxa with single seta dorsolaterally, remainder glabrous, dorsal inner margins of gonocoxa basally rounded, gonocoxa apical inner margin not produced, continues contours of gonostylus, glabrous; retrorse lobes large, meeting at midline, membranous inwardly pointing, outer margins of retrorse lobes with small, erect setae, inner margins of retrorse lobes basally with area of erect, large setae, apically with fine, short adpressed, some larger erect setae; gonostylus absent but area with simple, erect hair; penis valves curved apically, with short dense cover of hair dorsolaterally.

Distribution: (fig. 12C) this species extends from north Queensland (Cairns), down eastern New South Wales and across Victoria, but is absent from Tasmania. The type locality of Halictus peraustralis is South Australia, but no location was named so the South Australian record has not been mapped.

Remarks: Cockerell’s (1904) description of “ Halictus peraustralis ” was unusual as the species description was part of a dichotomous key to “ Halictus specimens in the British Museum”, with the species description of “ Halictus peraustralis ” as part of couplet one. Cockerell noted (1904: 211) that the specimen used for the species description (Type) was originally labelled by F. Smith as a variety of “ Halictus bicingulatus var Smith”. Note that Michener (1965) placed “ bicingulatus ” in the Lasioglossum subgenus Chilalictus , but Cockerell recognised the variety as a valid species. Rayment (1939) commented that his new species “ odyneroides ” belonged to the “ bicingulatus ” group and that it was closest to “ H. peraustralis ”, but he distinguished it as a new species due to a minor colour variation. This colouration is recognised within L. peraustrale . The colour patterns of L. peraustrale are best described as mimetic, because they are replicated in a range of species in Lasioglossum subgenera.


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Lasioglossum (Australictus) peraustrale (Cockerell)

Walker, Kenneth L 2022

Lasioglossum (Australictus) peraustrale

Michener, C. D. 1965: 165
Michener, C. D. 1965: 165

Halictus odyneroides

Rayment, T. 1939: 279

Halictus peraustralis

Cockerell, T. D. A. 1904: 211
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF