Lasioglossum (Australictus) tertium (Dalla Torre)

Walker, Kenneth L, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the Australian native bee subgenus Australictus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Halictini: genus Lasioglossum) - “ Wood-Splitting Axe Bees ”, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 81, pp. 135-162 : 158-159

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2022.81.06

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scientific name

Lasioglossum (Australictus) tertium (Dalla Torre)


Lasioglossum (Australictus) tertium (Dalla Torre) View in CoL

( Figs. 1A View Figure 1 , 2B View Figure 2 , 9A–F View Figure 9 , 11C, 11D View Figure 11 , 12E View Figure12 )

Halictus rufipes Smith 1853: 56 View in CoL . [junior primary homonym of Halictus rufipes Fabricius, 1793 View in CoL ]

Halictus tertius Dalla Torre 1896: 86 . [nom. nov. for Halictus rufipes Smith, 1853 View in CoL ]

Parasphecodes insculptus Cockerell 1918: 118 . syn nov.

Parasphecodes rufitarsus Rayment 1929: 127 . syn nov.

Lasioglossum (Australictus) fulvofasciae Michener 1965: 310 View in CoL . syn nov.

Lasioglossum (Australictus) tertium View in CoL – Michener 1965: 165.

Lasioglossum (Australictus) insculptum View in CoL – Michener 1965: 165.

Lasioglossum (Australictus) rufitarsum View in CoL – Michener 1965: 165.

Lasioglossum (Australictus) fulvofasciae View in CoL – Michener 1965: 165.

Material examined: Holotype of rufipes ♀, label reads “Melb N.H. F. Sm. Coll. 79.22” = Australia, Victoria, Melbourne (has additional label as: Halictus rufipes Sm Type = tertius D.T. Det. Michener 1960 ) BMNH Hym.17.a. 2837 ( BMNH) (view type data and image at https:// accessed 16 August 2022).

Holotype of insculptus ♀, Queensland, Tamborine Mountain, 28 Dec 1911, H. Hacker (190) Hy/4142 ( QM). Note the holotype of insculptus has a Cockerell handwritten label designating this specimen as the type. Associated with the Holotype are two specimens with the same locality data, one female and one male. Neither specimen carries Cockerell’s handwritten label; they are not mentioned in the original description and have no type status.

Holotype of rufitarsus ♀, Victoria, Cann River , Nov 1928, J. Clark. T-11864 ( NMV) (view type data athttps://collections.museumsvictoria. accessed 16 August 2022).

Holotype of fulvofasciae ♂, Queensland, 3 mi W Cunningham’s Gap, 25 Feb 1959, C.D. Michener, on Bursaria spinosa T-6910 ( QM). Allotype ♀, same data as Holotype except has an additional label of “375”. T-6911 ( QM). The Holotype locality label is printed, while the allotype locality label is handwritten by Michener.

Other specimens examined (23♀, 51♂): QUEENSLAND: (1♀) Mt Lindesay , 25 Sept 1967, T . F. Houston, 87/450 ( WAM); (20♂) 3 mi W Cunningham’s Gap, 25 Feb 1959, C.D. Michener, on Bursaria spinosa (SEM) ; (1♀) Bald Mt area , 3–4000 ft via Emu Vale, 17–22 May 1980, G.B. Monteith ( QM); (1♂) 13 mi N Stanthorpe, 29 Dec 1958, C.D. Michener ( SEM); (3♂) Barney Ck, 7 Mar 1965, S. R . Curtis ( QM) .

NEW SOUTH WALES: (1♂) Nadgee State Forest , 7 km S of Newton’s Beach, 7 Dec 1985, E.A. Sugden ( AM); (2♂) Cheltenham , 12 Feb 1950 ( AM); (2♀, 9♂) 6 km NE Bilpin, Blue Mtns , 13 Dec 1984, 28 Feb, 4 Mar 1986, N.W. Rodd (one pair labelled “in cop”) ( AM); (1♂) Haystack Ridge, nr Mt Tomah , 29 Mar 1978, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀) Dunns Swamp, nr Kandos , 13 Nov 1982, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (2♂) 7 km NE Bilpin nr Kurrajong , 17 Mar 1981, N.W. Rodd ( NMV); (1♂) Murray Beach, Jervis Bay , 18 Feb 1987, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♂) Narrow Neck, Blue Mtns , 21 Mar 1979, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♂) Tianjara Falls , 60 km SW Tomerong, 5 Feb 1988, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♂) 3 km S Mt Wilson, Blue Mtns , 9 Mar 1978, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀) Mt White , 23 Sept 1995, A. Sundholm, on Leptospermum (QM) ; (1♀) Mt Wilson , 4 Jan 1931, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (2♀) Wisemans Ferry , 18 Dec 1927, G.B. ( NMV); (1♀) Gibraltar Range , 29 Dec 1969, C.W. Frazier ( ANIC); (1♀) Dawson’s Spring, 1420m, Mt Kaputar Nat. Park , 1–10 Dec 1987, G. R. Brown ( OIA) .

VICTORIA: (3♀, 4♂) N of Lakes Entrance, Colquhoun State Forest , 21 Feb 1985, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (1♂) LaTrobe Survey, Tanjil Junction ( NMV); (1♂) Wilson’s Promontory, 5 Mile Beach Road , 26 Feb 1996, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (1♂) Anglers Rest , 5 March 1992, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (1♂) Cobboboonee State Forest , 3 Feb 1997, K. Sparks & C. McPhee, on Bursaria (NMV) ; (1♂) 22 km N Portland, Cobboboonee State Forest , 15 Feb 1990, W.C. Wcislo ( SEM); (4♀) Warburton , 2 Dec 1918, Mar 1920, F.P. Spry ( NMV); (2♀) Lake Hattah , Jan 1920, J. Dixon ( NMV); (1♀) Mittagong , 17 Dec 1947, G.M. Goldfinch ( NMV); (1♀) 35 km N Cann River , 3 Nov 1988, R. R. Snelling & J. Grey ( LACM); (1♀) 8 km S Cann River , 5 Feb 1987, K. Walker & C. McPhee, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (1♀) Freestone Creek Rd, Moornapa, M. Smith (iNaturalist –; (1♀) 115 Cranbourne–Frankston Rd, Langwarrin (iNaturalist – https://www.; (1♀) Yan Yean , 19 Nov 1999, Walker & Danforth (Cornell); (1♀) 42 Reserve Rd, Wonga Park (iNaturalist –; (1♀) Edgar Track, Montrose, R. Richter (iNaturalist – https://www.; (1♀) Rocklands – Cherrypool Rd, Rocklands, R. Richter (iNaturalist – observations/25735753) .

SOUTH AUSTRALIA: (1♀) Nangwarry , 09 Nov 2014, R. Leijs, on Leptospermum (BDBSA) .

Floral record: Families visited: 2 ( Myrtaceae (5), Pittosporaceae (2)). Genera Visited: 3 ( Bursaria (2), Eucalyptus (3), Leptospermum (2)).

Flight phenology capture records: Jan (1) Feb (9) Mar (7) Apr (0) May (1) June (0) July (0) Aug (0) Sept (2) Oct (0) Nov (4) Dec (8).

Diagnosis. Lasioglossum (Australictus) tertium is most like L. (Australictus) peraustrale with yellow tomentum on pronotum and metasomal hair bands. This species can be distinguished, in both sexes, from other Australictus species by: black body colour (except some males in the SE Queensland area with light coloured banded metasomal tergal segments (fig. 2D)); dense, yellow tomentum on pronotum lateral corners, vestiges of yellow tomentum on posterolateral corners of mesoscutum, none on metanotum but with metasomal bands on T2–T3; dorsal surface of metapostnotum posterior margin carinate; metapostnotum dorsal surface sculpture microalveolate (figs. 9A–D); male genitalia with gonobase widened basally (a character shared with L. davide ), small retrorse lobes, gonostylus absent (figs. 10E, 10F); and metasomal sternal S3– S5 with erect, lateral hair tufts, more so on S4 and even more so on S5 (fig. 9F). This species occurs in SE Australia but is absent from Tasmania (fig. 12E).

Description of female: (figs. 1A, 9A, 9B) body length: 8.79– 10.37– 10.83 mm (n=10); forewing length: 2.50–2.79– 2.83 mm (n=10); head width: 2.64–3.06– 3.17 mm (n=10); intertegular width:1.78–1.85– 1.87 mm (n=10). Relative head measurements: HW: 100, HL: 74–75, UID: 55–56, LID: 64–65, IAD: 10–11, OAD: 20–21, IOD: 11–12, OOD: 16–17, CL: 16–17, GW: 24– 25, EW: 23–24, SL: 41–42, FL: 65–66.

Head: (fig. 1A) upper and lower inner eye margins diverging basally (head widened basally); median frontal carina reaching about one third way to median ocellus; clypeus smooth, polished, medially flattened, open to closely punctate with small, shallow, rounded punctures except densely punctate along apical margin; supraclypeal area not distinctly raised above paraocular area, surface flat, smooth, polished, open to closely punctate with shallow punctures; frons smooth, polished, above antennal bases half way to inner margins of eyes closely to densely punctate, along inner eye margins closely to densely punctate with minute punctures with smaller diameters than punctures above antennal bases, paraocular area smooth, shining, close to densely punctate; gena enlarged (fig. 9B).

Mesosoma: (figs. 9A, 9B) mesoscutum anterior mesial margin produced forward over pronotum, surface smooth, polished with dull sheen, medially open to closely punctate, laterad of paraspidal lines closely punctate, anterolaterally, in parapsidal areas densely punctate; scutellum 0.81 x shorter than length of dorsal surface of metapostnotum, scutellum smooth, polished, long midline densely punctate, laterally sparse to openly punctate; dorsal surface of metapostnotum carinate posterolaterally only, dorsal margin not defined by raised ridge, dorsal surface covered with microalveolate sculpture but with several weak striae, striae just reaching mid-point of dorsal surface, dorsal surface pattern forming rounded V-shape pattern onto vertical posterior surface, lateral margins smooth, dull with microalveolate pattern, vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum with carinae extending to dorsal posterolateral carinae; mesepisternum and metepisternum plicate; first recurrent vein (1m-cu) entering third submarginal cell.

Metasoma and legs: (figs. 9A, 9B). metasomal T1–T5 with dull sheen, densely punctate across entire surfaces; anterior metatibial spur finely serrate to smooth (fig. 2B).

Colour: (figs. 1A, 9A, 9B) frons, supraclypeal area, apical one third of clypeus, mesoscutum, scutellum black suffused with dark blue tinge, in some specimens basal two thirds of clypeus red-brown, in other specimens entire clypeus dark brown, metanotum, dorsal surface of metapostnotum black suffused with blue tinge, metasomal T1–T5 black, in some specimens terga suffused with brown tinge, in some specimens T4–T4 light red-brown coxa, trochanter, basal two thirds of femur dark brown, remainder of legs light red-brown; tegula light red-brown, forewing with brown tinge from submarginal cells to tip of wing; pronotum dorsolateral corners, basal margin of T2–T3 with dense yellow tomentum.

Vestiture: (figs. 1A, 9A, 9B) body vestiture sparse, frons, clypeus, supraclypeal area, paraocular area with sparse, erect hair, pronotum dorsolateral margins with dense tomentum, mesoscutum scutellum almost glabrous with sparse cover of small, black, erect hair, in some specimens posterolateral corners of mesoscutum with weak, yellow tomentum or hair tufts, in other specimens, perhaps worn, with no tomentum or hair tufts, lateral surfaces of metapostnotum with long, black hair; metasoma terga appears glabrous but with dense cover of short, adpressed hair.

Description of male: (figs. 2D, 9C, 9D) body length: 8.63–9.87– 10.21 mm (n=10); forewing length: 2.31–2.62– 2.68 mm (n=10); head width: 2.11–2.35– 2.40 mm (n=10); intertegular width: 1.73–1.87– 1.92 mm (n=10). Relative head measurements: HW: 100, HL: 90–92, UID: 57–59, LID: 48–49, IAD: 15–16, OAD: 23–24, IOD: 15–16, OOD: 17–18, CL: 30–31, GW: 20–22, EW: 27–28, SL: 25–26, AF4/AF2+3 (20/15, 18/14) 1.28–1.33, FL: 187–190.

Differs from female as follows: upper and lower inner eye margins converging basally; median frontal carina extending about one third to medium ocellus; frons sculpture densely reticulate-punctate across surface to inner margins of eyes; scape reaches level of median ocellus; clypeus surface polished, shiny, surface weakly convex, close to openly punctate with shallow punctures; supraclypeal area weakly protruding above paraocular area, supraclypeal area rounded, dull, with microtessellate sculpture pattern, closely punctate with minute, shallow punctures; mesoscutum as in female, anterior margin produced forward, mesoscutum smooth with dull sheen, medially closely punctate, anterolaterally, laterad or parapsidal lines, in parapsidal areas densely punctate, scutellum, metanotum similar to mesoscutum; dorsal surface of metapostnotum acarinate, not defined by raised ridge, with microtessellate sculpture, with weak striae, striae just reaching mid-point of dorsal surface; colour similar to female except apical two thirds of clypeus pale yellow, with similar yelloworange vestiture on pronotum dorsolateral corners, metasomal T2–T3 with basal, yellow tomentum on T3 broader than basal tomentum on T2, in some specimens metasoma with light brown colour banding across metasomal terga T1–T3 (fig. 2D).

Vestiture: lower half of frons, between antennal bases, paraocular area with dense, erect, white hair, gena with moderate beard of long, plumose, white hair, mesoscutum appear glabrous but with sparse cover of short, erect, brown hair, metapostnotum lateral sides with basal, short, white, adpressed hair, metasomal sterna S1–S4 with sparse, white, adpressed hair, S3–S5 with erect, lateral hair tufts, more so on S4 and even more so on S5 (fig. 9F).

Genitalia: (figs. 11C, 11D) gonobase sides widened basally, complete ventroapically, gonocoxae 1.1 x than width of gonobase, 1.2 x longer than length of gonobase, gonocoxa glabrous, dorsal inner margins of gonocoxa basally broadly truncate to broadly rounded. Gonocoxa apical inner margin not produced, continue contours of gonostylus, glabrous; retrorse lobes small, narrow, not meeting at midline, membranous, retrorse lobes glabrous except for one or two setae; gonostylus small to almost absent, apically rounded, with cover of short erect setae; penis valves curved apically, glabrous dorsolaterally.

Distribution: (fig. 12E) this species extends from SE Queensland down eastern New South Wales, across Victoria, one record from SE South Australia, and is absent from Tasmania.

Remarks: Cockerell (1918: 118) commented that Parasphecodes insculptus was close to P. plorator but noted a colour and sculpture difference. The metasomal T2–T3 yellow tomentum is weak on this type specimen; however, the head measurements are typical for this species. Rayment (1929: 128) commented that P. rufitarsus was also close to P. plorator but noted colour differences. Michener (1965: 311) commented that Lasioglossum fulvofasciae was close to L. peraustrale but differed in metasomal colour banding on his new species. Michener (1965: 311) primarily used the metasomal colour banding in the male only to distinguish his new species from L. insculptum . Note that Michener’s male Holotype of L. fulvofasciae has the metasomal colour banding, but his allotype female is typical colouration for L. tertium . Apart from Michener’s type series for L. fulvofasciae collected at Cunnginham’s Gap, I have located only a few other specimens with similar banded metasomal colour markings. It appears the distinctive metasomal banding seen on male specimens of L. fulvofasciae are all from SE Queensland (e.g. Cunningham’s Gap, Emu Vale, Mt Lindesay and Bald Mountains), suggesting some kind of colour morph variant in that area. I have examined a series of male specimens without the metasomal colour banding also collected by Michener at Cunningham’s Gap when he collected the type specimens of L. fulvofasciae . Male genitalia examinations of the Cunningham’s Gap banded type series specimens and the non-banded males collected by Michener at Cunningham’s Gap at the same time showed no differences between these specimens and between other male L. tertium genitalia examinations. This is the basis for the L. fulvofasciae synonymy. Of note, the banded metasomal morph specimens occur about the northernmost known distribution for this species. The male genitalia of L. tertium have shared characters with two other Australictus species: the gonobase widened basally is shared with L. davide (figs. 10A, 10B, 11C, 11D), and the absence of gonostylus is shared with L. peraustrale (figs. 10E, 10F, 11C, 11D). Note that L. davide , L. peraustrale and L. tertium are all absent from Tasmania, while both L. lithusca and L. plorator do occur in Tasmania.


Queensland Museum


Museum Victoria


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Western Australian Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Australian Museum


Australian National Insect Collection


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County














Lasioglossum (Australictus) tertium (Dalla Torre)

Walker, Kenneth L 2022

Lasioglossum (Australictus) fulvofasciae

Michener, C. D. 1965: 310

Lasioglossum (Australictus) tertium

Michener, C. D. 1965: 165

Lasioglossum (Australictus) insculptum

Michener, C. D. 1965: 165

Lasioglossum (Australictus) rufitarsum

Michener, C. D. 1965: 165

Lasioglossum (Australictus) fulvofasciae

Michener, C. D. 1965: 165

Parasphecodes rufitarsus

Rayment, T. 1929: 127

Parasphecodes insculptus

Cockerell, T. D. A. 1918: 118

Halictus tertius

Dalla Torre, C. G. 1896: 86

Halictus rufipes

Smith, F. 1853: 56
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