Cotopaxicoris cruciatus, Heiss, Ernst, 2013
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Cotopaxicoris cruciatus |
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Cotopaxicoris cruciatus ZBK sp. n. Fig. 9
Holotype male
labelled: Ecuador (Cotopaxi) 2008 / legg. Baviera, Belló / Osella & Pogliano // Vaglio bosque / nublado e\o sotto / legno e\o tronchi. CEHI. This specimen is designated as holotype and labelled accordingly.
Holotype male, micropterous; body surface deeply punctured with fringe-like pilosity on lateral margins of head, body, and carinate elevations, legs and antennae with fine erect setae; colouration light brown with darker head and lighter tibiae.
Head. Wider than long (27/24); clypeus short subparallel, genae adherent not reaching apex of clypeus; antenniferous lobes diverging anteriorly, apices narrowly rounded; antennae 2.48x as long as width of head (67/27); segment I longest and thickest, moderately incrassate along apical 2/3, II and III shorter and thinner, cylindrical, IV shortest spindle-shaped with pilose apex; length of antennal segments I/II/III/IV = 23/13/19/12; eyes stalked directed anterolaterally; postocular lobes roundly converging toward constricted neck densely beset with long erect setae with curved apices; vertex medially elevated with two rows of setae, laterally with 2 (1+1) large oval rugose callosities; rostrum arising from a slit-like atrium, as long as head, lateral margins of rostral groove carinate.
Pronotum. Subrectangular, 3 × as wide across rounded lateral margins as long (33.5/11); lateral margins with rounded reflexed carinate paranota, posteriorly delimited by a notch followed posterolaterally by a laterally produced knob-like process; surface of disk with median carina and rugose lateral sclerites; posterior margin carinate and convex, separated from mesonotum by distinct suture.
Mesonotum. Strongly transverse, 4.5 × as wide across wingpads as long at middle (45/10); consisting of two transverse laterally rounded sclerites lateral of median moderately elevated ridge, surface of sclerites with an oval smooth depression adjacent to median posteriorly widening ridge followed by rugose callosities; all margins carinate, anterolateral angles triangularly raised to level of adjacent knob-like process of pronotum, posterolaterally produced into oval flap-like expansions, these representing reduced wingpads; suture separating meso- and metanotum only developed lateral of median ridge, upon which the transverse fusion line is indistinct and barely discernible.
Metanotum. Fused to mtg I+II and tergal plate; continuous median ridge widened posteriorly then forming a cross-like elevated ridge on mtg I+II; lateral sclerites with rugose callosities, depressed anteriorly; surface of mtg I+II deeply punctured.
Abdomen. Tergal plate of abdominal mtg III-VI fused to mtg I+II, the median ridge narrower on mtg III continuing, widening and raised posteriorly, highest on abdominal scent gland at posterior margin of mtg IV-V; with oval punctured depressions laterally; lateral margins subparallel at deltg III+IV, dilated at deltg II, V and VI; deltg II+III fused, laterally expanded, an inclined carina marks the posteror margin of deltg II; pe-angles of deltg V and VII rounded expanded; tergite VII medially raised for reception of globose pygophore, this wider than long with a conical median eleva tion; paratergites VIII cylindrical produced over pygophore; the single male was not dissected for the study of parameres.
Venter. Spiracles I-IV ventral, remote from lateral margin, V and VI sublateral but visible from above, VII-VIII lateral and visible.
Legs. Long and slender, femora moderately incrassate, tibiae straight, tarsi with long thin pulvilli.
Measurements. Length 5.8mm; width of abdomen across tergite III 3.1mm, IV 3.15mm, V 3.2mm; width/length of pygophore 0.75/0.3mm; length of antennae 3.35mm.
Refers to the cross-like elevated ridge on the thorax.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.