Amiota amputata, Jones & Grimaldi, 2022

Jones, Lance E. & Grimaldi, David A., 2022, Revision Of The Nearctic Species Of The Genus Amiota Loew (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2022 (458), pp. 1-181 : 99-100

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scientific name

Amiota amputata

sp. nov.

Amiota amputata , sp. nov.

Figures 51A–B View FIG , 53A View FIG , 54 View FIG , 60D View FIG , 91A View FIG

DIAGNOSIS: Large fly (ThL 1.51–1.71 mm), dark brown, legs yellow; outer paraphysis laterally flattened, with hook on distal end, 2 short, blunt spines along middle portion of dorsal margin, base minutely serrate; inner paraphysis lost.

DESCRIPTION: Large fly (ThL 1.51–1.71 mm), dark brown, legs yellow. Frons light brown on ventral half, dorsal half of head darker. Facial marking large (FML/FMW 0.29–0.38). Cheek deep (EL/CW 7–13.66), posterior milky white. Marking under wing base prominent, large, milky white, margins clearly defined. Haltere yellow. Tergites 1 and 2 lightly colored. Arista: Short, plumose; longest branches D1 and D2; A.R. 0.28; 3 long dorsal, 2 short ventral branches; branch D3 pointed mediad; arista trunk with short-medium length microtrichia along most of its length. Male genitalia: Epandrium separated at midline with a large gap, margins distinct from surrounding membrane; long lobe ventrally, densely haired, single line of setae ascending dorsally; anterolateral projection small, oriented anteriorly. Cercus semicircular, margins entirely distinct from surrounding membrane. Surstylus approximately rectangular, ventral half covered in scattered setulae; 12 short, peglike prensisetae, apices blunt; small fingerlike lateral lobe, not extending beyond prensisetae. Subepandrial sclerite C-shaped in lateral view, with appendage heart shaped in posterior view, invaginated medially. Outer paraphysis laterally flattened with hook on distal end; 2 short, blunt spines along middle portion in lateral view; small proximal “wing” at base, minutely serrate. Inner paraphysis lost. Aedeagal apodeme as wide as long; curved 90° in lateral view, curved segment forming deep pockets; distal end slightly flared with a deep central emargination. Hypandrium thin, apex with gap; triangular in anterior, accommodating paraphysis; lateral arm with prominent gonopod, triangular, ventrally pointed. Ejaculatory apodeme long, 0.8× length of epandrium. Head and thorax measurements: (n = 5; Am 4, 457, 753, 1483,×1504) FL/FW 0.73 (0.66–0.81), EL/EW 1.30 (1.21–1.43), EL/CW 9.34 (7–13.66), FML/FMW 0.34 (0.29–0.38), PR / RR 0.60 (0.46–0.77), ThL 1.63 (1.51–1.71 mm).

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype: male: Oak Cr. Canyon, Ariz., [34.912694, -111.726958], VII-9- 41, R.H. Beamer, Am 457, [glued to paper point, dissected]. Deposited in the American Museum of Natural History ( AMNH). GoogleMaps Paratypes: 14 mi. SW. El Salto, Dgo. [Durango] MEX, [23.786449, -105.597725], 8000′, June “26” 1964, J.F. McAlpine, 4♂ (Am 1448*, 1482*, 1483*, 1556*, CNC) GoogleMaps

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Mexico: Chiapas: 5 mi NE San Cristobal , 1969-05-21, leg. B. V. Peterson, 1♂ (Am 1504*, CNC) ; 5 mi. W San Cristobal , 7500′, 1969-05-06, leg. H.J. Teskey, 1♂ (Am 1427*, CNC) . Durango: 24 mi W La Ciudad , 7000′, 1964-07-11, leg. J.F. McAlpine, 1♂ (Am 1553*, CNC) . Puebla: 9 mi SE Huachinango , 1952-06, leg. M. Wasserman and W.B. Heed, 2260.13, 1♂ (Am 4*, AMNH) . USA: Arizona: Cochise Co., Ramsay Canyon, Mile High Trail. Near Sierra Vista, 1984-07-24, leg. L.B. Carlson, sweep, 1♂ (Am 753*, DEBU) ; Oak Creek Canyon, 1941-07-09, leg. R. H. Beamer, 1♂ (Am 457*, SEMC) .

ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin amputata , feminine past participle, for “pruned” or “amputated,” in reference to the stublike nature of the prongs on the outer paraphyses, which are much longer in other closely related species.

DISTRIBUTION: This species has a large distribution from Chiapas State in Mexico north through central Arizona.

COMMENTS: The paratype described in Máca (2003) as an “aberrant individual” from the type series of A. nebojsa Máca belongs is Amiota amputata . See Comments under that species.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


American Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute













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