Monodelphis palliolata, (OSGOOD, 1914)

Pavan, Silvia Eliza, Rossi, Rogerio Vieira & Schneider, Horacio, 2012, Species diversity in the Monodelphis brevicaudata complex (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) inferred from molecular and morphological data, with the description of a new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 165 (1), pp. 190-223 : 203-204

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Monodelphis palliolata



Type information: Holotype FMNH 20524 About FMNH , an adult male from ‘ San Juan de Colon, state of Tachira, Venezuela’ , 762 m. elevation, 08 ° 02′N, 72 ° 16′W ( Gardner, 2008). Collected by M. P. Anderson on 14.xi.1913. Preserved as skin and skull. GoogleMaps

Synonyms: Peramys palliolatus Osgood, 1914 .

Morphological diagnosis: Same as for the M. brevicaudata complex with the following additions: HBL averages 127 mm in adult females and 152 mm in adult males (Supporting Information Table S2). Dorsal pelage always with grizzled grey-coloured stripe at mid-dorsum, differing from the orange sides ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ); head pelage orange laterally and greyish dorsally, with the mid-dorsal stripe broad, occupying all crown of the head between the eyes; underparts greyish lightorange to greyish orange, not sharply differentiated from the orange sides ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ); throat slightly more washed with orange than the rest of the venter; tail covered with body fur to about the same extent above and below, one quarter to one sixth of caudal length. CBL averages 34.2 mm in adult females and 38.4 mm in adult males (Supporting Information Table S2); interorbital region relatively broad ( Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ); zygomatic arches sharper convergent anteriorly; maxillopalatine foramina relatively long ( Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ); UMS averages 7.5 mm in adult females and 7.6 mm in adult males (Supporting Information Table S2).

Geographical distribution: West of the Orinoco river in northern Venezuela and north-eastern Colombia ( Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ; the Colombian records of M. palliolata have no specific localities identified – see Pine & Handley, 2008 – and are not plotted in the map). No other Pará, Brazil, 1°49′43′′S, 56°25′02′′W, elevation 160 m. The holotype consists of skin, skull, and liver tissue fixed in ethanol GoogleMaps .

species of the M. brevicaudata complex were found in sympatry with M. palliolata .

Geographical variation: Monodelphis palliolata showed no noticeable external and cranial geographical variation.

Remarks: Osgood (1914) described the species Peramys palliolatus (= Monodelphis palliolata ) and stated that it differs from P. brevicaudatus (= M. brevicaudata ) by the more richly tawny colour of under parts, and the less extensive hairiness of the upper side of the tail. Many subsequent studies considered M. palliolata as a subspecies of M. brevicaudata (e.g. Cabrera, 1958; Pérez-Hernández, 1989; Pérez- Hernández, Soriano & Lew, 1994; Ventura et al., 1998) or its junior synonym ( Gardner, 1993). Voss et al. (2001) considered M. palliolata to be a valid species that can be readily distinguished from M. brevicaudata by external features. Based on studies of skull morphometrics, Lew et al. (2005) also supported the recognition of M. palliolata as a distinct species. To date, the specific status of M. palliolata is consensual amongst mammalogists ( Gardner, 2005; Pine & Handley, 2008). Here, we emphasize that M. palliolata is a distinct species, reaffirming the external diagnostic features used by Osgood (1914) and Voss et al. (2001) and adding some cranial features that are helpful in distinguishing it from M. brevicaudata and M. glirina (see the Morphological comparisons section below).

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