Crocidura kegoensis, Lunde, Musser, & Ziegler, 2004

Russell A. Mittermeier & Don E. Wilson, 2018, Soricidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 8 Insectivores, Sloths and Colugos, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 332-551 : 493

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Crocidura kegoensis



Ke Go White-toothed Shrew

Crocidura kegoensis

French: Crocidure de Ke Go / German: Ke-Go-WeilRzahnspitzmaus / Spanish: Musarana de Ke Go

Other common names: Ke Go Shrew

Taxonomy. Crocidura kegoensis Lunde, Musser, & Ziegler, 2004 ,

“ Ky Anh-Ke Go” (= Ke Go) Nature Reserve , 200 m, Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam.

Relationships of C. kegoensis to other shrews is not known; it is only known by the type specimen. First regarded as a possible young individual of C. attenuata . Monotypic.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Ha Tinh Province, NC Vietnam.

Descriptive notes. Head-body 48 mm, tail 27 mm, ear 5 mm, hindfoot 10 mm. No specific data are available for body weight. Condylo-incisive length is 15-3 mm. The Ke Go White-toothed Shrew is diminutive, with short tail (c.56% of head-body length) and feet and conspicuous blackish mystacial patches on muzzle above upper lips. Dorsal pelage is brownish; individual hairs have gray bases and pale brown or brownish white tips. Ventral pelage is pale grayish brownish; individual hairs have pale gray bases and brownish white tips. There is gradual transition on flanks between upper parts and underparts. Tail is brown above and slightly paler below, sparsely covered with short hairs not visible without magnification. Scattered long pilose hairs cover basal one-half of tail. Hands and feet are pale brown. Ears are dark brown. Face has distinct patches of blackish brown skin and dark brown fur extending along muzzle, in contrast with pale brown fur of head. The only species from the region that is similar to the Ke Go White-toothed Shrew is the Hainan White-toothed Shrew ( C. wuchihensis ), but the Ke Go White-toothed Shrew is smaller in all dimensions, lacks dark muzzle markings, and has paler ears and feet. Skull is small, with short and broad rostrum, and braincase is broad and flattened. Large upper premolar has deeply curved indentation on posterior edge. Molars have deep notches on inner side.

Habitat. Primary lowland forest on slope near dry streambed among roots of a large tree.

Food and Feeding. No information.

Breeding. No information.

Activity patterns. No information.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Not assessed on The IUCN Red List. The Ke Go Whitetoothed Shrew is probably not threatened. There are still remnant lowland forests in Ke Go Nature Reserve. Large mammals are rare there due to hunting pressure, but small mammals can survive there. Ke Go is one of the last lowland rainforests in Vietnam. Illegal logging, poaching, and oil development threaten this area.

Bibliography. Abramov et al. (2013), Feiler (1999), Feiler et al. (2008), Francis (2008), Jenkins et al. (2009), Lunde et al. (2004).














Crocidura kegoensis

Russell A. Mittermeier & Don E. Wilson 2018

Crocidura kegoensis

Lunde, Musser, & Ziegler 2004
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