Loneura andina, Aldrete, Alfonso N. Garcia, Nieto, Julian A. Mendivil & Obando, Ranulfo Gonzalez, 2012

Aldrete, Alfonso N. Garcia, Nieto, Julian A. Mendivil & Obando, Ranulfo Gonzalez, 2012, A pair of new sister species of Loneura (Psocodea, ' Psocoptera', Ptiloneuridae) from Valle del Cauca, Colombia, representing a new infrageneric group, ZooKeys 168, pp. 65-76 : 65-67

publication ID


persistent identifier


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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Loneura andina

sp. n.

(Male) Loneura andina View in CoL   ZBK sp. n. Figures 1-5

Type locality.

COLOMBIA. Valle del Cauca. Santiago de Cali. Los Andes, Finca Montserrate, 1682 m., 3°25'57.3"N, 76°37'15.4"W.

Type material.

Holotype male, 7.IX.2011. On tree trunk covered with mosses, R. González. Deposited in Entomological Museum, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, Colombia (MUSENUV, slide No. 25548).


The specific name refers to the type locality, Los Andes.


Hypandrium of five sclerites, two side pairs flanking a large central sclerite, this with two large, lateral posterior projections, and two smaller median posterior projections (Fig. 4); phallosome (Fig. 5) Y-shaped anteriorly, external parameres stout, distally rounded, bearing pores; anterior pair of endophallic sclerites stout, bow-shaped, wide anteriorly, pointed posteriorly, with an acuminate projection on outer edge; posterior pair of endophallic sclerites connected anteriorly by a curved bridge, each sclerite long, slender, wide proximally, hooked distally.


(in 80% ethyl alcohol). Body dark brown, with some creamy areas as indicated below. Head with a dark brown oblique band from each compound eye to epistomal sulcus, enclosing the antennal fossae (Fig. 2). Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents, forming a triangular ocellar group. Vertex creamy white, with a brown spot on each side of the epicranial suture and irregular spots next to each compound eye. Postclypeus with diagonal brown striae. Anteclypeus and labrum brown. Genae creamy white. Antennae: scape brown, pedicel and flagellum pale brown. Mx 1-2 creamy white, Mx 3 brown and Mx 4 brown, with apical third dark brown. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown, thoracic pleura brown, except the metapleura, creamy white. Legs: coxa and trochanter of fore- and mid legs brown; coxa and trochanter of hind leg creamy white, femur of fore- and mid legs with proximal halves brown, distally creamy white; femur of hind leg creamy white, with a subapical brown band; tibiae of all legs brown, distally darker; tarsomere 1 brown, tarsomeres 2-3 dark brown (all legs). Forewings (Fig. 1) hyaline, veins brown, a brown marginal band from R4+5 to distal half of 1A, a brown spot distally on R 2+3, pterostigma dark brown. Hindwings with brown spots distally on the veins (Fig. 1). Abdomen creamy white, with irregular brown spots. Hypandrium yellowish, with sides dark brown; anterior side sclerites dark brown, posterior side sclerites pale brown. Paraprocts and epiproct creamy, with brown spots.


As in diagnosis, plus the following: outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with eight denticles. Forewing pterostigma elongate, widest in the middle; vein M with seven branches; areola postica tall, apically rounded (Fig. 1). Hindwing with M five branched. Paraprocts elongate, setose, each with a macroseta apically dilated, on inner edge, near the apex (Fig. 3); sensory fields with 30 trichobothria on basal rosettes (Fig. 3). Epiproct broadly triangular, wide based, anteriorly convex, posteriorly rounded, with setae as illustrated (Fig. 3).


FW: 6025, HW: 4075, F: 1400, T: 2525, t1: 1012, t2: 87, t3: 150, ctt1: 30, f1: 1000, f2: 1075, f3: 950, Mx4: 350, IO: 685, D: 360, d: 495, IO/d: 1.38, PO: 1.3.











