Mistshenkoana Gorochov, 1990

Zheng, Yanna, Xin, Zhixia, Xie, Lingde & Ma, Libin, 2021, - Revision-of-the-cricket-subfamily-Podoscirtinae-Saussure, - 1878 - (Orthoptera: - Gryllidae) - from-China, Zootaxa 4995 (3), pp. 401-424 : 419

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4995.3.1

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scientific name

Mistshenkoana Gorochov


Genus Mistshenkoana Gorochov ,­1990

Type­species: Mistshenkoana kongtumensis Gorochov 1990: 20

Remarks. Only one species, Mistshenkoana unicolor ( Walker, 1869) , was previously recorded from China (Guizhou Province). This species was originally placed in Laurepa Walker, 1869 and Saussure (1878) moved it into Metrypus Saussure, 1878 . Subsequently, Kirby synonymized this genus and moved M. unicolor into Tafalisca Walker, 1869 . Eventually, Gorochov (2008) moved it into Mistshenkoana Gorochov, 1990 . Here, we found and describe a new species, Mistshenkoana gouriatus sp.­nov., from China.

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