Pseudoscopas Hebard, 1931

Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da, Acosta, Riuler Corrêa, Timm, Vítor Falchi, Demari, Christian Peter, Carvalho, Gervásio Silva & Zefa, Edison, 2021, Pseudoscopas carbonelli n. sp. (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae) from southern Brazil, including chromosome complement, Zootaxa 4975 (1), pp. 127-140 : 136-137

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4975.1.4

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scientific name

Pseudoscopas Hebard, 1931


Key to species of Pseudoscopas Hebard, 1931

1. Epiproct with five conspicuous protuberances in the median region and edge of the apical region sclerotized and curved; medium longitudinal sulci marked the entire length of the plate. Furculae divided in two small lobes. Lophi with sclerotization. Female’s subgenital plate with hind edge plate forming two large lobes on both sides (ventral view)...... P. carbonelli n. sp.

1’. Epiproct without protuberances in the median region and edge of the apical region not sclerotized and curved; medium longitudinal sulci marked deeply only up to the apical half of the plate. Furculae contiguous and sharp at the apex. Lophi without sclerotization. Female’s subgenital plate with a pair of triangular latero-posterior projections (ventral view).................................................................................................. P. nigrigena

2. Globose and prominent eyes............................................................................ 3

2’. Ovoid eyes, not or slightly prominent.................................................................... .. 4

3. Pronotum anterior and posterior edge not emarginated, and the posterior with wide and sparsely deep emargination, parallel lateral edges in the prozone, divergent in the metazone. Furculae contiguous and not prominent. Epiproct with lateral edges with slight or uniform curvature to the apex and with medium longitudinal sulci stretch occupying ¾ basal; divergent and slender ancorae; subgenital plate of the female with lateral projections short and median protuberance; apex of the valves of aedeagus with dorsal valve larger than ventral............................................................. .. P. furcatus

3’. Pronotum anterior and posterior edge deep emarginated; lateral edges expanded in metazone. Furculae short, no contiguous. Epiproct with lateral edges cut, with deep longitudinal medium sulci does not exceed the basal half with a pair of paramedian apical protuberances; convergent ancorae; subgenital plate of the female with lobe lateral-posterior short, with pair of the paramedians projections and sclerotized; apex of the valves of aedeagus with dorsal valve same size as ventral..... P. henryi

4. Furculae short, triangular, with contiguous and divergent apex. .................................................. 5

4’. Furculae prominent, digitiform and projected with sharp apex, not contiguous..................................... 6

5’. Fastigium longer than wide.Anterior edge with ligth emargination and the posterior narrow and deep. Epiproct with longitudinal median sulci with a pair of excavations; ancorae parallel with divergent apex; lophi oblique, marked and thickened at the apex.................................................................................... .. P. paranaensis

6. Epiproct longitudinal sulci short; ancorae of the epiphallus convergent, with the same size anterior projections.......... .. 7

6`. Epiproct longitudinal sulci long and deeply conspicuous, ancorae of the epiphallus divergent, and anterior projections same size that ancorae......................................................................................... .. 8

7. Furculae projected with sharpened apex; lophi columnar, perpendicular to the disc with a hook-shaped projection; ancorae curved with converging apex.................................................................... P. onsageri

7’. Furculae prominent and slender digitiform; lophi with little lateral development; short; ancorae widely separated from each other and curved............................................................................... P. elegans

8. Fastigium as long as wide with narrow and deep sulci........................................................ .. 9

8’. Fastigium acute at the apex with light and triangular sulci, contiguous........................................... 10

9. Furculae triangular, wide almost as long as half the length of the epiproct, contiguous, divergent at the apex. Epiproct with longitudinal medium sulci coming near to the apex. Epiphallus wide, robust; ancorae apex extended and projected.................................................................................................... P. montanus

9 ’. Furculae trigonal, contiguous. Epiproct with longitudinal median sulci complete with a pair of wide paramedian in base which is limited the apex. Epiphallus robust; lophi with marked dorsal development.................................. P. ottei

10. Fastigium short and wide. Anterior pronotum edge whole or slightly emarginated, and posterior sparsely emarginated. Furculae wide. Epiproct with a complete medium sulci, and a pair of longitudinal grooves that ends near to the apex; ancorae ventrally curved........................................................................................ P. viridis

10’. Fastigium as long as wide. Anterior edge of pronotum without emargination, and the posterior edge with wide emargination. .................................................................................................. 11

11. Globular eyes with lateral prominence as long as wide. Furculae well developed, triangular, divergent from the apex. Epiproct with wide and deep median sulci................................................................ P. angustinae

11’. Ovoid eyes short with lateral prominence. Furculae developed with rounded protuberance at the apex. Epiproct with wavy side edges and acute apex and median sulci short...................................................... P. campestris













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