Sucinoptinus rovnoensis, Bellés & Perkovsky, 2016

Bellés, X. & Perkovsky, E. E., 2016, New Data On The Genus Sucinoptinus (Coleoptera, Ptinidae) From Rovno Amber, Vestnik Zoologii 50 (1), pp. 17-22 : 18

publication ID 10.1515/vzoo-2016-0002


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scientific name

Sucinoptinus rovnoensis

sp. nov.

Sucinoptinus rovnoensis sp. n.

M a t e r i a l. Holotype. Possibly female, only thorax and elytra present. SIZK UA-335 , Rovno amber, Late Eocene.

D e s c r i p t i o n. Length (pronotum plus elytra): 1.5 mm. Relatively robust, roundedsided; color brownish ( fig. 1, 1 View Fig ). Pronotum slightly wider than long and neatly wider than a single elytron; apical margin widely convex anteriorly; sides only slightly rounded, practically not constricted near the base, moderately convex at the disk and showing a quite apparent semicircular depression in the posterior third; surface covered with dense tubercles, oval and large, specially within the semicircular depression, where they are almost as large as half the size of the scutellum; pubescence formed by short semi-recumbent hairs inserted between the tubercles ( fig. 1, 1 View Fig ). Scutellum triangular, as long as wide. Elytra slightly roundsided and relatively short, 1.35 as long as wide, but clearly longer than twice the length of the pronotum; humeri prominent; elytral surface serially punctuated by elongated strial punctures, leaving an interstriae interval about twice wider as the width of the striae; pubescence formed by recumbent short setae inserted in the punctures (with a length somewhat longer that the puncture), semirecumbent and moderately long (somewhat longer than those of the punctures) setae inserted in the intervals and evenly distributed, and erect and still longer setae sparsely distributed in the interstriae of the apical part ( fig. 1, 1 View Fig ).

D i a g n o s t i c c h a r a c t e r s. The new species is similar to S. bukejsi , from amber inclusions found at Yantarny (formerly Palmnicken) in the Kaliningrad region, Russia ( Alekseev, 2012) in having the same general structure of pronotum and elytra, but differing from this species by the morphology of the pronotum, with sides only slightly rounded and practically not constricted near the base, whereas that of S. bukejsi has the sides well rounded leaving a slight but clear constriction near the base. Moreover, the semicircular depression of the posterior third of the pronotal disk of S. rovnoensis is not present in S. bukejsi , which shows a regularly convex pronotal disk, with a depression in the posterior third only slightly marked. The large tubercles forming the surface of the semicircular depression of S. rovnoensis are neither present in S. bukejsi , which shows a type of tubercles smaller and evenly distributed. S. sucini Bellés et Vitali (2007) also has a semicircular depression in the posterior third of the pronotal disk, but it is narrower and the tubercles of the sculpture within it are much smaller and rounded in shape.

E t y m o l o g y. The specific name refers to Rovno region, the geographical origin of the holotype.


Schmaulhausen Institute of Zoology













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