Yunkeracarus lophuromys Bochkov

Bochkov, Andre V., Zabludovskaya, Svetlana & Oconnor, Barry M., 2008, Phylogeny and systematics of the endoparasitic astigmatid mites (Acari: Sarcoptiformes) of mammals: families Gastronyssidae, Lemurnyssidae, and Pneumocoptidae, Zootaxa 1951 (1), pp. 1-152 : 111-117

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Felipe (2021-08-21 23:34:12, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 07:10:38)

scientific name

Yunkeracarus lophuromys Bochkov


6. Yunkeracarus lophuromys Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov.

( Figs. 57–61 View FIGURE 57 View FIGURE 58 View FIGURE 59 View FIGURE 60 View FIGURE 61 )

Description. FEMALE (holotype). Body, including gnathosoma, 380 long (320–410 in 10 paratypes), 180

wide (180–195). Propodonotal shield with widely rounded posterior margin, length 50 (45–55), maximum width 70 (60–70). Setae si and se subequal in length, 30 (30–35) and 35 long (35–40), respectively. Distance se–se 65 (65–75), about 3 times greater than si–si, 22 (20–25). Bursa copulatrix opening dorsal. Sternum about 16 long. Posterior projections of coxal fields I very short and wide, about 4 long, 17 wide. Distance between distal ends of apodemes II about 25. Two pairs of distinct folds present ventrally on propodosoma posterior to coxal fields II. Distance 4a–4a 50 (45–50), about 1.2–1.8 times greater than ps3–ps3, 27 (25–35). Alveoli of setae h1 and h3 absent. Legs III and IV subequal in length, about 135 and 145 long, respectively (excluding pretarsus). Setae cG I–II microspines, about 2 long. Setal lengths: 1a 10 (10–11), c3 17 (15–18), cp 25 (25–30), h2 140 (140–160), vF I–II about 20, mG I–II about 25, gT I–II about 3, solenidia ϕI–II about 10, ω 1 I–II about 9.

MALE (4 paratypes). Body, including gnathosoma, 320–345 long, 145–160 wide. Propodonotum as in female. Propodonotal shield 50–55 long, 60-65 maximum wide. Setae si and se subequal in length, 22–25 and 26–30 long, respectively. Distance se–se 60–65, about 3 times greater than si–si, 20–25. Sternum about 14 long. Posterior projections of coxal fields I very short and wide, about 4 long, 17 wide. Distance between distal ends of apodemes II about 22. Two pairs of distinct folds present ventrally on propodosoma posterior to coxal fields II. Aedeagus about 40 long, its posterior end situated at level of setae g. Length and width of postgenital shield subequal, about 40. Distance g–g 25–30, about 2 times greater than ps3–ps3, 13–15. Alveoli of setae h1 and h3 absent. Legs III and IV subequal in length, about 125 and 135 long, respectively (excluding pretarsus). Setae cG I–II microspines, about 2 long. Setal lengths: 1a 10–11, c3 13–14, cp 22–25, h2 110–120, vF I–II about 17, mG I–II about 12, gT I–II about 3, solenidia ϕI–II about 9, ω 1 I–II about 8.

Type material examined. Female holotype and 4 female paratypes ( BMOC 95-0917 - 089 ) ex Lophuromys flavopunctatus Thomas ( Muridae ) ( FMNH 155394 About FMNH ) , TANZANIA: Morogoro Region, Kilombero Dist., Udzungwa Mts., Udzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve , 4 km W, 5 km N Chita, 1450m, 08º28'30"S, 35º54'25"E, 10 August 1995, coll. C.A. Msuya ( WTS 1837 ) GoogleMaps ; 6 female, 2 male, 1 larva, 2 protonymph, and 4 tritonymph paratypes ( BMOC95-0917 - 103 ) ex same host ( FMNH 155395 About FMNH ) and same locality, 11 August 1995, coll. C.A. Msuya ( WTS 1851 ) ; 5 female, 2 male, 1 protonymph, and 2 tritonymph paratypes ( BMOC 01-1015 - 014 ) ex same host ( FMNH 171541 About FMNH ) , TANZANIA: Rukwa Region, Sumbawanga Dist., Mbizi Mts, Mbizi Forest Reserve , 2300m, 0.5 km S, 3 km E Wipanga, 07º52'30"S, 31º40'00"E, 21 July 2001, coll. W.T. Stanley ( WTS 4735 ) GoogleMaps .

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes are deposited in FMNH, other paratypes in UMMZ and ZISP.

Host range and distribution. This species is known only from the type host, Lophuromys flavopunctatus, from Tanzania .

Etymology. The species name is derived from the generic name of the host and is a noun in apposition.

Remarks. This new species is closely related to Y. apodemi . In both species, setae si and se are subequal, setae cG I–II are microspines about 2 long. It differs from Y. apodemi by the following characters. In both sexes of Y. lophuromys , the distance si–si is 20–25, about three times shorter than se–se, the posterior processes of coxal fields I are very short, about 4 long, 17 wide; in females, the bursa copulatrix opens dorsally. In both sexes of Y. apodemi , the distance si–si is about 8, about 6–8 times shorter than se–se, the posterior processes of coxal fields I are about 9 long, 13 wide; in females, the bursa copulatrix opens terminally.

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FIGURE 57. Yunkeracarus lophuromys Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov., female. A, dorsal view; B, ventral view; C, leg I in ventral view; D, tarsus II in ventral view; E, leg III in ventral view; F, tarsus IV in ventral view. Scale bars: 100 µm (A, B), 50 µm (C–F).

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FIGURE 58. Yunkeracarus lophuromys Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov., male. A, dorsal view; B, ventral view; C, aedeagus. Scale bars: 100 µm (A, B), 50 µm (C).

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FIGURE 59. Yunkeracarus lophuromys Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov., larva. A, dorsal view; B, ventral view; C, leg I in dorsal view; D, tarsus I in ventral view; E, leg III in dorsal view; F, tarsus IV in ventral view; H, tarsus and tibia III in dorsal view; G, tarsus III in ventral view. Scale bars: 100 µm (A, B), 50 µm (C–G).

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FIGURE 60. Yunkeracarus lophuromys Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov., protonymph. A, ventral view; B, leg I in ventral view; C, tarsus I in dorsal view; D, tarsus and tibia III in ventral view; E, tarsus IV in ventral view. Scale bars: 100 µm (A), 50 µm (B–E).

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FIGURE 61. Yunkeracarus lophuromys Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov., tritonymph. A, ventral view; B, tarsus III in ventral view; C, tarsus IV in ventral view. Scale bars: 100 µm (A), 50 µm (B, C).