Chilenuncia chilensis ( Soares, 1968 ), 2024

Porto, Willians, Derkarabetian, Shahan, Giribet, Gonzalo & Pérez-González, Abel, 2024, Systematic revision of the South American “ Nuncia ” (Opiliones, Laniatores, Triaenonychidae), ZooKeys 1207, pp. 1-149 : 1-149

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2024-07-12 16:25:45, last updated 2024-08-03 14:34:24)

scientific name

Chilenuncia chilensis ( Soares, 1968 )

comb. nov.

Chilenuncia chilensis ( Soares, 1968) comb. nov.

Figs 44 View Figure 44 , 45 View Figure 45 , 46 View Figure 46 , 47 View Figure 47 , 48 View Figure 48 , 49 View Figure 49

Parattahia chilensis Soares, 1968: 266, figs 13, 14; Muñoz-Cuevas 1971: 873, fig. 28; Cekalovic 1985: 11. View in CoL

Nuncia chilensis View in CoL : Maury 1990: 105; Acosta and Maury 1998: 579; Kury 2003: 21.

Chilenuncia donosoi Muñoz-Cuevas, 1971: 874, figs 1–28; Cekalovic 1985: 11. [Synonymy established by Maury, 1990]. View in CoL

Material examined.

Chile. Osorno: Puyehue, Anticura Sector, Parque Nacional Puyehue, Sendero Pionero, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 06. II. 2005, 1 imm. ( MACN). Llanquihue: Alerce Andino, Correntoso, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 03. II. 2005, 1 imm. ( MACN). Talca: RN Altos del Lircay, E Vilches Alto, A. Ojanguren, A. Pérez-González, M. Ramírez, G. Azevedo, W. Porto coll., 11. I. 2018, 6 ♂ 9 ♀ 2 imm. ( MACN). Cachapoal: Reserva Nacional Río de los Cipreses, near the El potrero, A. Ojanguren, A. Pérez-González, M. Ramírez, G. Azevedo, W. Porto coll., 09. I. 2018, 1 ♀ 2 imm. ( MACN). Curicó: El Potrero Grande, El Relvo, J. Barriga coll., 08. V. 2004, 1 ♀ ( MACN). Arauco: P. N. Nahuelbuta, Pichinahuel, J. Barriga coll., 22. XI. 2004, 1 ♂ ( MACN). Osorno: Camping “ No me olvides ”, 7 km E de Entrelagos, E. Maury coll., 30. I. 1991, 9 ♂ 7 ♀ 16 imm. ( MACN). Puerto Cárdenas, T. Cekalovic coll., 31. I. 1982, 1 imm. ( MACN). Curicó: Los Queñes, E. Maury coll., 15. I. 1984, 1 ♀ 1 imm. ( MACN). Coyhaique: 10 km N de Coyhaique, Reserva Nacional, S. Peck, J. Peck coll., 22. I. 1985, 1 ♀ ( AMNH). Frutillar Bajo, Univ. Chile Forest Res., S. Peck J. Peck coll., 22. XII. 1984, 1 ♀ ( AMNH). Palena: Near Chaitén, R. Schuh, N. Platnick coll., 05. XII. 1981, 1 ♀ 3 imm. ( AMNH); Chaitén, N. Platnick, R. Schuh coll., 07. XII. 1981, 2 ♀ 1 imm. ( AMNH); 25–27 km N Chaitén, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff, R. Schuh coll., 17. I. 1986, 1 imm. ( AMNH), Termas Río Amarillo, E. Maury coll., 04. XI. 1986, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MACN), 11 km O de Río Negro, E. Maury coll., 08. XII. 1985, 9 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MACN). La Cabaña, A. Hidalgo coll., 01. II. 1982, 1 imm. Cautín: Bellavista, Fundo Flor del Lago, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 09. II. 2005, 4 ♂ 1 ♀ 1 imm. ( MACN), 3 ♂ 2 imm. ( MACN). Llanquihue: Los Muermos, E. Ross, A. Michelbacher coll., 20. I. 1951, 2 ♀; Frutillar, G. Kuschel coll., 29. IX. 1954, 5 imm. Alerce Andino, Correntoso, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 03. II. 2005, 6 imm. ( MACN), 7 km N Enseada, N. Platnick, R. Schuh coll., 26. XI. 1981, 1 imm. ( AMNH), Lago Chapo, 11.7 km E Correntoso, A. Newton, M. Thayer coll., 16. XII. 1982, 1 imm. ( AMNH), 10–14 km E Correntoso, N. Platnick, O. Francke coll., 03. II. 1985, 1 imm. ( AMNH), Carretera Austral, Caleta La Arena, E. Maury coll., 07. XII. 1985, 15 imm. ( MACN); Playa Magui, 7 km NE Frutillar, E. Maury coll., 27. I. 1991, 11 imm. ( MACN); P. N. Alerce Andino, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen coll., 23. XI. 1993, 1 imm. ( AMNH). Argentina. Neuquén: 4 km W de Poracá, L. Herman coll., 21. I. 1972, 2 imm., Road between Pucará y Laguna Venados, L. Herman coll., 25. I. 1972, 4 imm., Hua Hum, E. Maury coll., 19. I. 1983, 1 ♂ ( MACN), Lago Huechulafquen, M. Ramírez coll., 07. I. 1985, 1 imm. ( MACN); Hua Hum, E. Maury coll., 17. I. 1985, 2 imm. ( MACN); Río Pucará S shore, Lago Lacar, 8 km E Hua Hum, N. Platnick, R. Schuh coll., 13. I. 1986, 1 imm. ( AMNH), Lago Tromen, E. Maury coll., 18. I. 1987, 1 imm. ( MACN), Nahuel Huapi, E. Maury coll., 23. XI. 1987, 2 imm. ( MACN). Chile. Chiloé: 5 km de Chepu, T. Cekalovic coll., 23. II. 1968, 3 imm. ( MACN), Cruce camino a San Pedro, T. Cekalovic coll., 26. II. 1976, 8 imm. ( MACN); Chepu, N. Platnick, R. Schuh coll., 29. XI. 1981, 1 imm. ( AMNH); 5 km N Quellón, N. Platnick, R. Schuh coll., 01. XII. 1981, 2 imm. ( AMNH), Piruquina, T. Cekalovic coll., 09. II. 1983, 1 imm. ( MACN), Isla Chiloé, 8 km S Ancud, S. Peck, J. Peck coll., 01. II. 1985, 2 imm. ( AMNH); Chepu, E. Maury coll., 11. XII. 1985, 1 imm. ( MACN); Cucas, E. Maury coll., 12. XII. 1985, 5 imm. ( MACN). Cautín: Parque Nacional Villarrica, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 08. II. 2005, 6 imm. ( MACN); Bellavista, Lago Villarrica, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen coll., 20. XI. 1993, 1 imm. ( AMNH); Huerquehue, Laguna Toro, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 02. VII. 2005, 1 imm. ( MACN), Volcán Villarrica, site 654, A. Newton, M. Thayer coll., 15. XII. 1982, 7 imm. ( AMNH), site 653, A. Newton, M. Thayer coll., 15. XII. 1982, 1 imm. ( AMNH), Molco, T. Cekalovic coll., 22. II. 1983, 1 imm. ( MACN), 15 km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago, S. Peck, J. Peck coll., 01. XI. 1985, 7 imm. ( AMNH); Bellavista, Lago Villarrica, N. Platnick, O. Francke coll., 28. I. 1985, 15 imm. ( AMNH), R. Schuh, N. Platnick coll., 30. X. 1986, 13 imm. ( AMNH); Molco Alto, T. Cekalovic coll., 18. II. 1986, 3 imm. ( MACN); Ojos del Caburgua, 15 km NE de Pucón, E. Maury coll., 16. I. 1987, 3 imm. ( MACN), Termas de Palguin, SE de Pucón, E. Maury coll., 17. I. 1987, 11 imm. ( MACN). Maule: Talca, Parque Nacional Gil de Vilches, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff, M. Ramírez coll., 08. II. 1992, 1 imm. ( AMNH). Talca: Vilches, E. Maury coll., 16. 1. 1984, 3 imm. ( MACN). Same collector, 07. I. 1989, 10 imm. ( MACN). Las Tacitas, Bordon coll., II. 1972, 1 imm. Talca: A. Roig coll., 17. I. 1984, 3 imm. ( MACN). Maule: Curicó, Los Queñes, P. Goloboff, K. Catley coll., 17. X. 1992, 2 imm. ( AMNH). Malleco: Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 12. II. 2005, 2 ♂ 3 ♀ 4 imm. ( MACN), E. Schlinger, E. Irwin coll., 09. IX. 1966, 1 ♀ 1 imm., Monumento Nacional Contulmo, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 10. II. 2005, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MACN), Puren Contulmo Nat. Mon, S. Peck, J. Peck coll., 13. II. 1985, 1 ♂ ( AMNH); Malalcahuello, E. Maury coll., 08. I. 1987, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MACN); Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, E. Maury coll., 23. XII. 1985, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MACN). Arauco: Caramávida, E. Maury coll., 16. XII. 1985, 2 ♂ 5 ♀ 7 imm. ( MACN). Ñuble: 2 km E de Las Trancas, E. Maury coll., 09. I. 1989, 4 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MACN). Malleco: Monumento Natural Contulmo, E. Maury coll., 10. I. 1987, 3 ♀ ( MACN), same collector, 13. I. 1989, 2 ♂ 1 imm. ( MACN), Parque Nacional Tolhuaca, 2 km E Lago Malleco, A. Newton, M. Thayer coll., 01. I. 1983, 1 ♀ ( AMNH). Osorno: 36 km W. La Union, L. Peña coll., 25. III. 1987, 2 imm. ( AMNH). Ñuble: 22.7 km ESE Recinto, site 646, A. Newton, M. Thayer coll., 10. XII. 1982, 1 imm. ( AMNH). Valdivia: 26 km SE Panguipulli, S. Peck, J. Peck coll., 16. XII. 1984, 1 imm. ( AMNH). Osorno: Águas Calientes, P. N. Puyehue, N. Platnick, R. Schuh coll., 28. I. 1986, 1 imm. ( AMNH), Hills of Maicolpue, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff, M. Ramírez coll., 19. II. 1992, 1 imm. ( AMNH), 10 km E of Bahia Mansa, N. Platnick, O. Francke coll., 30. I. 1985, 4 imm. ( AMNH); Puyehue, Anticura Sector, Parque Nacional Puyehue, Sendero Pionero, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 05. II. 2005, 10 imm. ( MACN); Antillanca road, 6–8 km SE Aguas Calientes, P. N. Puyehue, N. Platnick, R. Schuh coll., 28. I. 1986, 3 imm. ( AMNH), Termas de Puyehue, N. Platnick, R. Schuh coll., 24. XI. 1981, 2 imm. ( AMNH). Valdivia: Lago Calafquen, T. Cekalovic coll., 18. II. 1977, 2 imm. ( MACN). Osorno: Los Derrumbes, 5 km S de Termas de Puyehue, E. Maury coll., 09. I. 1988, 5 imm. ( MACN). Valdivia: Río Nahuicán, 24 km SE Corral, E. Maury coll., 16. I. 1989, 5 imm. ( MACN). Osorno: Anticura, E. Maury coll., 09. I. 1988, 3 imm. ( MACN). Valdivia: Pirehucico, E. Maury coll., 01. XII. 1985, 10 imm. ( MACN). Osorno: Los Derrumbes, E. Maury coll., 04. XII. 1985, 9 imm. ( MACN). Valdivia: Niebla, Camping “ La Herradura ”, 8 km East of Niebla, E. Maury coll., 23. I. 1991, 10 imm. ( MACN); Pirehucico, E. Maury coll., 18. I. 1985, 5 imm. ( MACN). Osorno: Los Derrumbes, E. Maury coll., 09. I. 1988, 1 imm. ( MACN). Termas Puyehue, S. Roig coll., I. 1988, 1 imm. ( MACN), Arrededores de Puerto Montt, L. Pereira coll., 28. XI. 1992, 1 ♀ ( MACN). Osorno: Camping “ No me olvides ”, 7 km E de Entrelagos, E. Maury coll., 30. I. 1991, 7 imm. ( MACN). 3 imm. ( MACN), Termas de Río Amarillo, SE de Chaitén, E. Maury coll., 01. XII. 1986, 3 imm. ( MACN). Los Lagos: Sector Anticura, Parque Nacional Puyehue, Sendero Pionero, G. Giribet, G. Hormiga, A. Pérez-González coll., 17. XI. 2014, 1 ♂ ( MACN). Cautín: Parque Nacional Villarrica, M. Ramírez, F. Labarque coll., 08. II. 2005, 1 imm. ( MACN). Malleco: Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, 2 imm. ( MACN). Vilches: Las Tacitas, Bordon coll., II. 1972, 1 imm. La Cabaña, T. Cekalovic coll., 01. II. 1987, 1 imm. ( MACN).


This species, C. chilensis , can be readily distinguished from C. rostrata by its much shorter ocular process. Furthermore, it possesses a notch on tarsus I and six tarsomeres on leg II (males), whereas C. rostrata exhibits seven tarsomeres on the same leg.


Argentina: Provinces of Neuquén and Río Negro. Chile, Metropolitan Region of Santiago, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Bío-Bío, Araucanía, Los Ríos, and Los Lagos (Fig. 4 C View Figure 4 ).

Redescription male.

Measurements: Total length 3.40, carapace length 1.44, dorsal scutum length 2.66, carapace max. width 1.63, mesotergum max. width 2.31. Appendage measurements: Pedipalps. Trochanter length 0.25, femora length 1.32, patella length 0.79, tibia length 1.16, tarsus length 0.91. Leg I: trochanter (tr) 0.25, femora (fe) 1.22, patella (pa) 0.61, tibia (ti) 0.80, metatarsus (mt) 1.08, tarsus (ta) 0.82. II: tr 0.30, fe 1.71, pa 0.69, ti 1.23, mt 1.25, ta 1.37. III: tr 0.36, fe 1.05, pa 0.53, ti 0.83, mt 0.86, ta 0.97. IV: tr 0.41, fe 1.55, pa 0.81, ti 1.24, mt 1.44, ta 1.16.

Dorsum (Fig. 44 View Figure 44 , 45 View Figure 45 ). Eta (η) hourglass-shaped dorsal scutum. Ocularium elevated and rounded, with a small frontal small apophysis perpendicular to the body. Dorsal scutum microgranulate, without distinct delimitation of areas. Areas I – IV with an arcuate row of small setiferous tubercles; posterior margin with two rows of small setiferous tubercles. All free tergites ornamented with small setae and with two rows of small setiferous tubercles.

Chelicerae (Fig. 46 A, B View Figure 46 ). Segment I with an acute tubercle in the dorso-distal portion, providing a distinctive feature. Segment II with a small frontal tubercle and adorned with only a few setae.

Pedipalps (Fig. 46 C, D View Figure 46 ). Trochanter with a dorsal tubercle adorned with setae and a small ventral spine. Femora with dorsal row of four small spines with subdistal setae, in ventral view with two long proximal spines with subdistal setae and a row of small tubercles. In mesal view, with six low setiferous tubercles. Patella with a smooth surface; tibia with two ectal and mesal tubercles with subdistal setae, a row of four small ventroproximal setiferous tubercles, and a row of three small ectal setiferous tubercles. Tarsus with three mesal and ectal tubercles with subdistal setae, with a few setae.

Legs (Fig. 47 View Figure 47 ). Coxa I with two rows of setiferous tubercles, along two distal setiferous tubercles with subdistal setae. Coxa II with two rows of setiferous tubercles, while coxae III and IV feature only microgranulation. Three bridges between legs II and III, six between III and IV, and 4–8 between leg IV and the opisthosoma, with the distal bridge longer than the others. Spiracles unobstructed by bridges. A smooth surface covers ~ 1 / 3 of leg II, ¾ of leg III, and <1 / 3 of leg IV. Within the smooth area of leg II, there is a small tubercle on each side, accompanied by subdistal setae. Sternum arrow-shaped, with serrated margins, and the posterior area forms a triangle. Segments I – IV covered in setae, tarsal area, and calcaneus densely setose. Tibiae I – III with a ventral and dorsal row of small setiferous tubercles, whereas tibia IV has a row of four distal-ventral tubercles with setae. Calcaneus smaller than astragalus, ≥ 3 × smaller in leg I, 4 × smaller in legs II – III, and 5 × smaller in leg IV. Tarsal count: 4–6 – 4 – 4.

Penis (Figs 48 View Figure 48 , 49 View Figure 49 ). Pars distalis with a large ventral cleft that divides the plate into two lamellae. Each lamella is equipped with three pointed macrosetae on the ventral surface and one macroseta on the dorsal surface. Capsula externa covers dorsal and lateral surfaces and exhibits a V-shaped medial notch, which divides the dorsal fold into two halves. A dorsolateral plate appears attached to the pars basalis. Capsula interna slightly longer than capsula externa and partially covers ventral plate. Capsula interna formed by two parts fused in the apical region and with a visible stylus in its medial portion.

Female. Similar to male, with shorter pedipalpal femora, presence of interocular process and a different tarsal count: 3–6 – 4 – 4.

Female measurements: Total length 2.87, carapace length 1.19, dorsal scutum length 2.38, carapace max. width 1.47, mesotergum max. width 2.14. Appendage measurements: Pedipalps. Trochanter length 0.28, femora length 0.96, patella length 0.55, tibia length 0.82, tarsus length 0.75. Leg I: trochanter (tr) 0.20, femora (fe) 1.08, patella (pa) 0.55, tibia (ti) 0.76, metatarsus (mt) 0.89, tarsus (ta) 0.74. II: tr 0.29, fe 1.32, pa 0.66, ti 1.08, mt 1.17, ta 1.30. III: tr 0.26, fe 1.01, pa 0.48, ti 0.69, mt 0.88, ta 0.78. IV: tr 0.32, fe 1.26, pa 0.71, ti 1.17, mt 1.28, ta 1.09.

Acosta LE, Maury EA (1998) Opiliones. In: Morrone JJ, Coscarón S (Eds) Biodiversidad de artrópodos argentinos, una perspectiva biotaxonómica. La Plata, 569–580.

Cekalovic T (1985) Catálogo de los Opiliones de Chile (Arachnida). Boletín de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción 56: 7–29.

Kury A (2003) Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología espec: 325.

Maury EA (1990) Triaenonychidae sudamericanos. VI. Tres nuevas especies del género Nuncia Loman 1902 (Opiliones, Laniatores). Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepción 61: 103–119.

Maury EA (1990) Triaenonychidae sudamericanos. VI. Tres nuevas especies del genero Nuncia Loman 1902 (Opiliones, Laniatores). Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion 61: 103 - 119.

Soares HEM (1968) Contribuicao ao estudo dos opilioes do Chile (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae, Triaenonychidae). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia 21 (1 - 28) [1967 - 1968]: 259 - 272. https: // doi. org / 10.11606 / 0031 - 1049.1968. 21. p 259 - 272

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Figure 3. Phylogenetics relationships of Triaenonychidae, with clade names as discussed in the main text. Phylogeny is derived from the IQ-TREE analysis. Nodes without circles have < 95 % bootstrap support to AH-aLR and UFBoot.

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Figure 4. Maps showing the distribution of the species used in this work. South America (Chile and western Argentina inset). Chile in green, Argentina / South America in grey. Terrestrial ecoregions (following Olson et al. 2001) highlighted in yellow (Chilean Matorral) and orange (Valdivian temperate forests).

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Figure 44. Chilenuncia chilensis comb. nov. habitus, male A dorsal view C lateral view E ventral view. Female B dorsal view D lateral view F ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Species of Clade C, see Fig. 3.

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Figure 45. Chilenuncia chilensis comb. nov. male, SEM images of habitus A dorsal view B lateral view C, D ventral view. Scale bars: 500 µm.

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Figure 46. Chilenuncia chilensis comb. nov. chelicerae: mesal A ectal B Pedipalps: mesal C ectal D. Scale bars: 200 µm (A, B); 500 µm (C, D).

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Figure 47. Chilenuncia chilensis comb. nov. legs I A II B III C IV D. Scale bars: 500 µm.

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Figure 48. Chilenuncia chilensis comb. nov. penis: ventral A, B apical C lateral D, E dorsal F, G. Scale bars: 200 µm (A, D, F); 100 µm (B, E, G); 50 µm (C).

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Figure 49. Chilenuncia chilensis comb. nov. penis: ventral A apical B lateral C dorsal D. Colors: ventral plate (yellow), capsula externa (blue), capsula interna (red). Scale bars: 100 µm (A, C, D); 50 µm (B).


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


American Museum of Natural History











