Macroscytus Fieber

Zhu, Geng-Ping, Liu, Guo-Qing & Lis, Jerzy A., 2010, A study on the genus Macroscytus Fieber, 1860 from China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae), Zootaxa 2400, pp. 1-15 : 2

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.194079


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Macroscytus Fieber


Key to the Chinese species of Macroscytus Fieber

1. Costa with 3–7 hair-like setae; body smaller (5.70–9.12 mm in length) .................................................................... 2.

-. Costa with 2 hair-like setae; body larger (7.10–12.25 mm in length) ......................................................................... 3.

2. Paraclypeus with 4–8 submarginal hair-like setae; penis and the 2nd conjunctival appendages as in Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 f; body relatively smaller (5.70–7.83 mm in length)........................................................................................................ M. badius

-. Paraclypeus with 1–3 submarginal hair-like setae; penis and the 2nd conjunctival appendages as in Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 e; body relatively larger (6.81–9.12 mm in length) ........................................................................................................ M. popovi

3. Abdominal sterna clearly punctate in lateral two-thirds, or punctate and densely wrinkled....................................... 4.

-. Abdominal sterna punctate only close to the spiracles and trichobothria, sometimes also slightly wrinkled............ 6..

4. Paraclypeus with 2 (sporadically with 3–4) submarginal hair-like setae; ductus seminis and the 2nd conjunctival appendages relatively long ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 f) ..................................................................................................... M. vietnamicus

-. Paraclypeus with a single (sporadically with 2–3) submarginal hair-like seta; ductus seminis and the 2nd conjunctival appendages relatively short ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 d) .......................................................................................................................... 5.

5. Anterior half of gular plate densely punctate; 3rd antennal segment 1.00–1.29 times longer than the 2nd; eyes and ocelli smaller, ocular index 2.20–3.10, ocellar index 4.5–6.1, distance between ocelli 4.8–7.0 times a distance of ocellus from eye; penis and the 2nd conjunctival appendage as in Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 d ................................................. M. aequalis

-. Anterior half of gular plate sparsely punctate; 3rd antennal segment 1.30–1.54 times longer than the 2nd; eyes and ocelli larger, ocular index 1.82–2.40, ocellar index 3.5–5.0, distance between ocelli 7.4–11.0 times a distance of ocellus from eye; penis and the 2nd conjunctival appendage as in Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 f–g ....................................... M. dominiqueae

6. Transverse pronotal impression behind calli deep and entirely developed, dividing pronotal disc into two distinct lobes (Fig. 5a). .......................................................................................................................................... M. gibbulus

-. Transverse pronotal impression behind calli absent, or very shallow and usually marked only laterally................... 7.

7. Opening of male genital capsule as in Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 d; female body smaller and ovate in outline, 7.10–9.22 mm in length, 4.15–5.20 mm in width; eyes smaller, ocular index 2.70–3.20 .............................................................. M. fraterculus

-. Opening of male genital capsule as in Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 d; female body larger and elongate in outline, 8.10–10.50 mm in length, 4.65–6.00 mm in width; eyes larger, ocular index 1.98–3.00 ................................................................. M. japonensis











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