Sulciclivina Balkenohl, 2022

Balkenohl, Michael, 2023, Revision of the genus Sulciclivina Balkenohl, 2022 from Asia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Clivinini), European Journal of Taxonomy 915 (1), pp. 1-57 : 4-7

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2023.915.2379

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Sulciclivina Balkenohl, 2022


Genus Sulciclivina Balkenohl, 2022

Type species: Scarites attenuatus Herbst, 1806 , by original designation.

Identification key to the species of the genus Sulciclivina Balkenohl, 2022

1. Frons of head with two long and sharp carinae, both of them in form of an inverted letter V. Anterior margin of clypeus with clypeal wings distinctly developed. Eyes small, embedded in dorsal view. Body cylindrical. Elytron fuscous .................................................... S. sagittaria- species group...11

– Frons of head with a long and engraved sulcus in form of an obtuse inverted letter V. Anterior margin of clypeus with clypeal wings indistinct. Eyes usually semi-hemispherical projecting postero-laterally. Body not cylindrical. Elytron piceous .............................................. S. attenuata- species group ...2

2. Pronotum subquadratic or subglobose, wider than long. Elytra distinctly shorter-oval, intervals of elytron without reticulation or with only a smaller strip of reticulation beside lateral channel ....... 3

– Pronotum peltate, longer than wide or as long as wide. Elytra long-oval, elongate, or subparallel, intervals of elytron reticulated on interval eight or more intervals .................................................. 5

3. Elytra in lateral view distinctly vaulted, distinctly oval throughout, all intervals distinctly convex, all intervals carinate apically; interval eight with strip of reticulation beside lateral channel. Pronotum with base extraordinarily narrow (less than a fifth of width of pronotum). Clypeal wings indistinctly visible. Body length 6.6 mm. Meghalaya, North of India............................. S. basiangusta sp. nov.

– Elytra in lateral view indistinctly convex or flattened in anterior half, long-oval, interval one to four moderately convex; all intervals convex apically or interval eight carinate at apex; interval eight smooth. Pronotum with base regularly sized (about a fourth of width of pronotum). Clypeal wings not visible .......................................................................................................................................... 4

4. Elytra in lateral view flattened in anterior half; interval eight of elytron convex apically, half as wide as interval seven; shape of elytra oval throughout. Pronotum subglobose with deeply carved median line, with longitudinal cloud of smaller-sized punctures paralaterally in basal part, with paramedian group of few punctures. Body length 5.7 mm. Nepal: Danda Pakhar .............. S. coxisetosa sp. nov.

– Elytra in lateral view slightly convex in anterior half; interval eight of elytron carinate apically, narrow; shape of elytra long-oval with straight and diverging part in anterior half. Pronotum subsquare with median line regularly engraved and slightly punctured, with circular group of medium-sized punctures basolateral, with paramedian impression basally. Body length 5.2–5.6 mm. India: Barway, Nagpur ............................................................................................................................ S. splendida sp. nov.

5. Large-sized species (7.4–9.4 mm). Pronotum with lateral margin more or less attenuating anteriorly ........................................................................................................................................... 6

– Smaller-sized species (6.1–7.6 mm). Pronotum with lateral margin subparallel or convex ............ 8

6. Elytron with interval eight reticulated, only. Striae of elytron distinctly punctured. Proepisternum in dorsal view slightly swollen laterally or distinctly visible and appearing more edged. Lobe of mentum without carinae. Venter with sternites at middle punctured or smooth ............................................. 7

– Elytron with interval eight and up to half of width of interval seven reticulated. Striae of elytron with shallow punctures. Proepisternum distinctly swollen laterally (dorsal view). Pronotum with semi-circular group of basolateral punctures and longitudinal group of paramedian punctures. Lobe of mentum with askew carinae. Venter with sternites at middle smooth. Aedeagus moderately long and slender, with spoon-like spatula. Gonocoxites not tuberculate, with attenuated apical tip. Body length 7.4–8.3 mm. Myanmar and Assam ............................................ S. bhamoensis ( Bates, 1892)

7. Shape of elytra long-oval. Lateral margin of pronotum slightly convex. Pronotum basolaterally without or with small group of punctures (around 2–4 punctures), without group of paramedian punctures. Proepisternum slightly swollen laterally in dorsal view. Gonocoxites with seta-generating punctures tuberculate, with protuberance at apex. Body length 7.8–9.4 mm. North of Pakistan, North of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Arunachal Pradesh, up to the middle parts of India............................................ ................................................................................................. S. attenuata attenuata ( Herbst, 1806)

– Specimen from Java: pronotum with lateral margin nearly straight, slightly concave in anterior third. Interval seven hanging over laterally behind humerus, covering interval eight nearly completely in dorsal view. Reticulation on interval eight indistinct, covers only half of width of the interval. Body length 8.8 mm. Indonesia: Java ........................................... S. attenuata semireticulata subsp. nov.

– Shape of elytra elongate. Lateral margin of pronotum distinctly straight. Pronotum basolaterally with impression and elongated group of punctures (around 25–30 punctures), with longitudinal cloud of medium-sized punctures situated paramedially and reaching from middle of pronotum up to base. Proepisternum distinctly visible in dorsal view and appearing more edged. Gonocoxites somewhat jolted, rounded at apex, seta-generating punctures not tuberculate. Body length 7.7 mm. Assam, Mikir Hills ................................................................................................................... S. mikirensis sp. nov.

8. Distinctly slender species. Clypeus indistinctly bilobed, nearly straight. Eyes less protruding laterally. Pronotum longer than wide, lateral margin subparallel, with paramedian longitudinal group of punctures in basal half. Elytra subparallel, twice as long as wide, stria five hardly punctate. Aedeagus with apical lateral hump and distinct dorsal bulge, apex with short flattened spatula. Gonocoxites leaf-shaped, long narrowed basally. Body length 6.1–6.9 mm. North of India (Uttar Pradesh) up to the South of Kerala and Tamil Nadu .............................................. S. striata striata ( Putzeys, 1846)

– Specimen from Sri Lanka: clypeus with blunt carina in front of sulcus, sulcus undulated. Anterior angles of pronotum distinctly acutely advanced, anterior transverse line reaching anterior margin at declivity, disk with distinct circular group of impressed punctures located paramedian in basal half. Reticulation on interval eight covers only half of width of the interval. Proepisternum distinctly visible in dorsal view. Body length 6.5 mm. Kotte, Sri Lanka........................... S. striata kottea subsp. nov.

– Wider species. Clypeus distinctly bilobed. Eyes distinctly protruding laterally. Pronotum with lateral margin convex (but see S. karelkulti sp. nov. with straight parts), indistinctly wider than long or as wide as long, with missing or indistinct paramedian group of punctures in basal half. Elytra long-oval, less than twice as long as wide ......................................................................................................... 9

9. Elytron with reticulation on intervals 6–8, humerus reticulated up to interval five, whole apex of elytron reticulated by one-fifth of elytron (distinctly less in males). Pronotum with straight parts at lateral margin, disk with slight paramedian group of punctures (in addition to the general basolateral group). Lateral lobe of clypeus with longitudinal carina at middle. Sternites of abdomen with distinct reticulation at middle, opaque. Gonocoxites diamond-shaped. Body length 6.6–7.6 mm. Malayan peninsula ........................................................................................... S. karelkulti karelkulti sp. nov.

– Specimens from Sumatra: sternites of abdomen without reticulation at middle, glossy, but with a small transverse band of reticulation at apical margin (ventral strigae). Body length 6.5–7.2 mm. North of Sumatra .................................................................................... S. karelkulti medanensis subsp. nov.

– Elytron with reticulation on interval 8 or 8 and half of width of 7, humerus reticulated up to interval seven, apex of elytron almost smooth with traces sometimes at extreme tip of apex or with reticulation on interval seven at apex (females of S. sulcigera exhibit some reticulation close to apex – in case of doubt, the reticulation character on the sternites should be followed). Pronotum more or less convex at lateral margin, disk without paramedian group of punctures (the general basolateral group is present). Lateral lobe of clypeus almost smooth. Sternites of abdomen without reticulation at middle, glossy. Gonocoxites acuminated with apex pointed or gently elongated and distorted ............................. 10

10. Elytron with reticulation on half or slightly more than half of the width of interval 8, reticulation wanly. Proepisternum hardly visible in dorsal view. Interval 8 of elytron convex and fading at apex. Gonocoxites at apex gently elongated and distorted. Median lobe of aedeagus more massive, with dorsal bulge in apical half. Body length 6.1–7.1 mm. Java .................................. S. curvata sp. nov. – Elytron with reticulation covering interval 8 completely and often also half of width of interval 7, reticulation distinct. Proepisternum distinctly visible in dorsal view. Interval 8 of elytron carinate up to tip of apex. Gonocoxites at apex acuminated with apex somewhat pointed. Median lobe of aedeagus slender, without dorsal bulge. Body length 6.4–7.6 mm. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia (Sumatra, Java) .............................................. S. sulcigera ( Putzeys, 1867)

11. Larger-sized (6.6–7 mm); mandibles distinctly elongated and falcate; wings of clypeus distinct but rounded off; anterior carina on frons developed as distinctly obtuse inverted V; pronotum distinctly longer than wide with margins parallel; elytron elongate with margins parallel. Body length 6.6– 6.9 mm. Bihar, India......................................................................................... S. andrewesi sp. nov.

– Smaller-sized (4.6–5.2 mm); mandibles slightly falcate; wings of clypeus developed as sharp teeth or rounded off; anterior carina on frons developed as nearly right-angled inverted V; pronotum as long as wide or slightly longer than wide. Body length 4.6–5.2 mm ..................................................... 12

12. Head a quarter narrower than pronotum; wings of clypeus developed as sharp teeth; eyes somewhat constricted but not reduced; lateral margin of the pronotum distinctly attenuated anteriorly, disk of pronotum with a paralateral impression basally formed by impressed punctures and with a paramedian cloud-like longitudinal group of punctures of moderate size; proepisternum moderately well visible in dorsal view. Body length 4.7–5 mm. Myanmar.................... S. sagittaria sagittaria ( Bates, 1892)

– Specimens from the Malayan peninsula: frons of the head more rugose. Antennae shorter with antennomeres slightly longer than wide. Pronotum with lateral margin straighter as in the nominotypical subspecies, nearly concave in most of the specimens. Disk with a paralateral and a paramedian group of cloud-like punctures. The shape of the elytron is more elongate and parallel, slightly more than two times longer than wide. The crenulation behind the humerus is more distinct. The female gonocoxite are angular at base. Body length 4.6–5.1 mm. Malayan peninsula .................................................... ............................................................................................... S. sagittaria singaporensis subsp. nov.

– Head a third narrower than pronotum; wings of clypeus rounded off; eyes reduced to a small band; lateral margin of the pronotum indistinctly attenuated anteriorly, disk of pronotum with an extended paralateral and a paramedian longitudinal cloud-like group of punctures of moderate size; proepisternum distinctly visible in dorsal view, conspicuously angled. Body length 5.2 mm. Kaziranga, Assam (North of India) ................................................................................. S. oculiangusta sp. nov.

















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