Sulciclivina oculiangusta, Balkenohl, 2023

Balkenohl, Michael, 2023, Revision of the genus Sulciclivina Balkenohl, 2022 from Asia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Clivinini), European Journal of Taxonomy 915 (1), pp. 1-57 : 49-53

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2023.915.2379

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scientific name

Sulciclivina oculiangusta

sp. nov.

Sulciclivina oculiangusta sp. nov.

Figs 22 View Figs 20–23 , 35, 53


A small-sized species with a long-oval shape of the elytron and distinct but rounded off clypeal wings. Mainly distinguished from all other species of the sagittaria- species group by the reduced eyes, the conspicuously angled proepisternum, and the disk of the pronotum with an extended paralateral and a paramedian longitudinal cloud-like group of punctures. In addition, interval eight of the elytron is reticulated.


The name refers to the small eyes and is combined by the Latin noun for eye in plural (ʻ oculi ʼ) and the Latin adjective for narrow in the feminine form (ʻ angusta ʼ).

Type material


INDIA • ♂; with labels and data: white, black printed “Kaziranga 75m 7.- 9.5.1976 ” / “ Assam, W.Wittmer C.Baroni U. 1976” / “ Clivina attenuata-group det. Balkenohl XI. 1991 ”; NHMB.


MEASUREMENTS. Holotype: body length 5.18 mm, width 1.35 mm; L/W of pronotum 1.06; L/W of elytra 2.02.

COLOUR. Glossy. Piceous. Mouthparts, antenna, elytron, intermediate and hind leg, tarsomeres of front leg fuscous, palpomeres more pale fuscous.Anterior part of supraantennal plate at the margin translucent-fuscous.

HEAD.A third narrower than pronotum. Clypeus with central part distinctly bilobed anteriorly; lateral lobe developed as somewhat rounded tooth, nearly as projecting as central lobes, clypeal wing well developed, rounded, not as far projecting anteriorly as lateral tooth of clypeus, separated from lateral lobe by obtuse notch. Supraantennal plate with wide lateral channel, finely reflexed margined. Supraantennal plate overlapping eye anteriorly by about a third (dorsal view), with the supraorbital carina keeled posteriorly and extended up to hind-eye level, separated from wing by notch. Clypeus transverse and elevated posteriorly, separated from frons by sharp carina in form like an inverted obtuse-angled V. Frons convex, with another but smaller and acute-angled carina like an inverted V, with supraorbital carina short, extending up to posterior gena-level. Clypeus smooth, area between V-like carinae with transverse blunt carinae, frons with two blunt longitudinal rugae at gena-level, clypeus and frons separated from supraantennal plate and supraorbital carina by deep furrow, which is doubled posteriorly; with two supraorbital setigerous punctures at middle of the eye and end of gena-level. With some smaller-sized punctures laterally at level of neck. Eye very small in dorsal view, embedded, somewhat convex in dorsal view, main part situated ventrally where it is developed as convex band with a width of 6–7 ommatidia. Gena distinct, convex, covering around a third of posterior eye in ventral view. Eye conspicuously constricted due to the overlapping supraantennal plate and the genae. Antenna moderately short, reaching just to the middle of pronotum, antennomeres five to ten moniliform (L/W around 1.05). Labrum straight anteriorly but with two fine lobes at middle, with irregular reticulation, six setose. Mandibles sub-falcate, slightly bent upward dorsally. Mentum with irregular fine wrinkles and indistinct isodiametric reticulation, shape of lobe wide-oval, flattened, with sub-marginal carina, with long median carina. Median tooth moderately wide, not as protruding anteriorly as lobe, hollowed out, obtuse angled and bicarinate anteriorly.

PRONOTUM. Disk slightly convex in lateral and distinctly convex in frontal view. Slightly longer than wide, peltate. Reflexed lateral margin smooth, attenuating slightly concave in anterior half, widest behind middle; anterior angle distinct, slightly projecting, posterior angle indistinct, lateral channel moderately wide, sub-foveolate, narrower before and behind posterior setigerous puncture, slightly bent upward at posterior setigerous puncture with a small tooth (lateral view). Median line moderately deep, sharp, subcrenulated, complete. Anterior transverse line crenulated, slightly wider than median line, joining median line, joining declivity at anterior margin. Surface glossy, with micro-punctures, with extended paralateral and paramedian longitudinal cloud-like group of punctures of moderate size, with few transverse wrinkles laterally and basally. Base small but distinct, channel two times as wide as lateral channel, width about a fifth of width of pronotum. Proepisternum distinctly visible in dorsal view, conspicuously angled.

ELYTRON. Shape long-oval. Disk flattened in anterior half in lateral view, distinctly and regularly convex in frontal view. Two times longer than wide, with maximum width behind middle. Reflexed lateral margin smooth but with 2–3 fine notches behind humerus, setigerous punctures in lateral channel with long yellow setae, interrupted at middle by one puncture. Scutellar striole missing; setigerous tubercle at base of first stria, with distinct tubercle at base of third interval, basal declivity with isodiametric reticulation. Humeral tooth situated at base of fourth interval. All striae distinctly deepened, punctuate-striate, one to three free at base, four reaching humerus, one and two free at apex, three and four, and five and six joining apically. Intervals distinctly convex, more convex laterally. Setigerous punctures missing on intervals. Surface of intervals glossy, interval eight with isodiametric reticulation (lateral view), interval seven and eight with indistinct reticulation at humerus, interval eight at apex subcarinate and with indistinct reticulation.

HIND WINGS. Alae somewhat reduced but still folded apically (based on the HT).

LOWER SURFACE. Proepisternum widely margined anteriorly, with dense transverse wrinkles, covered in lateral half with indistinct isodiametric reticulation, in medial half with large-sized punctures. All sternites of abdomen covered with large-sized punctures, with slightly less density at middle.

LEGS. Protibia covered with longitudinal reticulation, with three spines of moderate length, apical spine distinctly arcuate, movable spur nearly straight.

MALE GENITALIA (Fig. 35). Median lobe slender, relatively short in comparison to body size, gently arcuate at middle in dorsal and lateral view, apex with widened, flattened, and distorted spatula. Endophallus towards apex with two groups of bristles. Ventral paramere with somewhat widened velum-like apophysis, apex with two setae. Dorsal paramere with sinus-like shape, distinctly attenuated to apex, with two apical setae.




Sexual dimorphism



Known from the type locality Kaziranga, Assam, in the North of India.


Switzerland, Basel, Naturhistorisches Museum


Natural History Museum Bucharest



















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