Alloxiphia Wei, 2002

Sun, Zemin, Niu, Gengyun, Song, Liangdong, Wan, Siying & Wei, Meicai, 2021, Review of Alloxiphia Wei (Hymenoptera: Xiphydriidae), with descriptions of two new species from China, Zoological Systematics 46 (4), pp. 317-322 : 317-318

publication ID 10.11865/zs.2021405

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Alloxiphia Wei, 2002


Alloxiphia Wei, 2002

Alloxiphia Wei, 2002: 856 . Type species: Alloxiphia sexpalpa Wei, 2002 , by original designation.

Description. Small and median-sized ( Figs 1a–b View Figure 1 , 2a View Figure 2 ); maxillary palp slender with 5 palpomeres, palpomere 2 much longer than palpomeres 3 and 4 together, palpomeres 3 and 4 short and subequal in length, palpomere 5 clearly longer than palpomeres 4 ( Fig. 2g View Figure 2 ); labial palp with 3 palpomeres, palpomere 2 much longer than broad, palpomere 3 enlarged toward apex with a distinct sensory disc ( Fig. 2f View Figure 2 ); malar space with a large and deep fovea, upper margin of fovea close to lower margin of eye, flat part of malar space narrower than diameter of median ocellus ( Fig. 2d View Figure 2 ); distance between toruli about 3 times distance between torulus and inner margin of eye; frons and nearby roundly convex with coarse and irregular punctures and carinae, without regular longitudinal carinae ( Figs 2b, d View Figure 2 ); occipital carina and postoccipital carina distinct; head as broad as thorax, roundly narrowed behind eyes and shorter than eye in dorsal view, temple and postocellar area smooth and shiny ( Fig. 2b View Figure 2 ); antenna slender, pedicel longer than broad, antennomere 3 clearly longer than antennomere 4 ( Fig. 2k View Figure 2 ), each antennomere in male more than twice as long as broad; fore tibia usually with 1 apical spur; metabasitarsus clearly shorter than following 4 tarsomeres together, tarsomere 5 not strongly enlarged; claw small with inner tooth short and remote from apical tooth ( Fig. 2h View Figure 2 ); cell R1 both in fore wing and hind wing closed at apex, vein 2r meeting pterostigma almost at apex, vein 2A+3A close to but not touching vein 1A, basal anal cell closed; cells Rs and M in hind wing closed, anal cell petiolate ( Figs 1a–b View Figure 1 , 2a View Figure 2 ); ovipositor sheath shorter than half length of abdomen, ventral margin almost straight, apical sheath slightly shorter than basal sheath ( Fig. 2e View Figure 2 ); male subgenital plate much broader than long, apical margin truncate.

Distribution. China.

Remarks. Alloxiphia Wei is quite similar to Palpixiphia Maa, 1949 and Hyperxiphia Maa, 1949 in general appearance. Palpixiphia differs from Alloxiphia by the maxillary palpomere 5 much shorter than palpomere 4, the labial palp with 4 palpomeres, the last labial palpomere not enlarged toward apex and without sensory disc, the frons and inner orbit regularly carinated, surface almost smooth and not coarsely reticulate, and the female apical tarsomere distinctly enlarged. Hyperxiphia differs from Alloxiphia by the maxillary palpomere 2 about as long as palpomeres 3 and 4 together, the palpomere 5 about as long as palpomere 4, the labial palp with 4 palpomeres, the frons and inner orbit regularly carinated, surface almost smooth and not coarsely reticulate.

After the paper, 5 species of Alloxiphia have been found, all of which are endemic in the Central and Southern China.

Key to species of Alloxiphia Wei, 2002 .

1. Female.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Male .....................................................................................................................................................................................................4

2. Tibiae black without white ring; maxillary palpomere 5 longer than palpomeres 3 and 4 together; dorsum of head without white macula. Sichuan .................................................................................................................................................................. A. inornata Each tibia with a distinct white basal ring; maxillary palpomere 5 not longer than palpomeres 3 and 4 together ...............................3

3. Clypeus, supraclypeal area, lateral of postocellar area and posterior of temple with distinct yellow white maculae, abdominal tergite 8 without lateral white macula; basal 1/3 of hind tibia white, metabasitarsus black; apical 1/3 of fore wing and apical 1/4 of hind wing distinctly infuscate; vein 2m-cu remote from vein 1r-m, petiole of hind anal cell shorter than cu-a. Shaanxi ....................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... A. qinlingia Wei , sp. nov. Clypeus, supraclypeal area, postocellar area and temple entirely black, abdominal tergite 8 with lateral white macula; basal half of hind tibia and metabasitarsus largely white; apical 2/5 of fore wing and of hind wing infuscate; vein 2m-cu interstitial to vein 1r-m, petiole of hind anal cell as long as cu-a. Zhejiang ......................................................................................... A. tianmua Wei , sp. nov.

4. Head behind eyes and all abdominal tergites black entirely; face between antennal toruli with recognizable longitudinal carinae; postocellar area largely polished and smooth, anterior margin only rugose. Hainan ........................................................... A. sexpalpa Head behind eyes with 4 yellow white stripes, lateral of abdominal tergites with distinct white maculae; face between antennal toruli coarsely rugose, without recognizable longitudinal carinae; anterior half of postocellar area coarsely rugose, posterior half sparsely punctate................................................................................................................................................................................................5

5. Tegula, pronotum largely, broad anterior margin of mesepisternum yellow white, basal 4 or 5 antennomeres yellow brown; antennomere 3 1.3 times as long as antennomere 4. Zhejiang ....................................................................... A. tianmua Wei , sp. nov. Tegula, pronotum largely, anterior margin of mesepisternum black, mesepisternum with a small yellow dot near anterio-dorsal angle of mesepisternum; basal 4 or 5 antennomeres black; antennomere 3 2 times as long as antennomere 4. Guizhou ............ A. maculata












Alloxiphia Wei, 2002

Sun, Zemin, Niu, Gengyun, Song, Liangdong, Wan, Siying & Wei, Meicai 2021


Wei 2002: 856
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