Alloxiphia qinlingia Wei, 2021

Sun, Zemin, Niu, Gengyun, Song, Liangdong, Wan, Siying & Wei, Meicai, 2021, Review of Alloxiphia Wei (Hymenoptera: Xiphydriidae), with descriptions of two new species from China, Zoological Systematics 46 (4), pp. 317-322 : 320

publication ID 10.11865/zs.2021405

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scientific name

Alloxiphia qinlingia Wei

sp. nov.

Alloxiphia qinlingia Wei , sp. nov. ( Fig.2 View Figure 2 )

Description. Female. Body length 14.0 mm ( Fig. 2a View Figure 2 ). Black; clypeus, supraclypeal area, a stripe on lower inner orbit and malar space, an elliptical macula on lateral of postocellar area, a long and narrow stripe on postorbit, a small lateral macula on abdominal tergites 2, 4 and 5, narrow posterior margin of tergite 10, a middle short stripe on ovipositor sheath, yellow white. Body hairs silver. Legs black, a small basal dot on fore and middle tibiae, and basal 1/3 of hind tibia white. Fore wing hyaline in basal 2/3 and infuscate in apical 1/3, hind wing hyaline in basal 3/4 and infuscate in apical 1/4, pterostigma black.

Body hairs very short. Clypeus with some large and sparse punctures; frons, ocellar area, inner orbits and supraclypeal area coarsely rugose mixed with irregularly carinae ( Figs 2b–d View Figure 2 ), anterior third of postocellar area rugose, lower half of hind orbit densely punctured with some longitudinal carinae ( Fig. 2c View Figure 2 ), upper part of hind orbit smooth with sparse large punctures, postocellar area largely and temple smooth with some minute punctures ( Fig. 2b View Figure 2 ); lateral slope of mesoscutellum rugose with some small smooth patch; abdominal tergite 1 coarsely punctured, inner margin smooth; tergites 2–5 densely microsculptured, almost mat ( Fig. 2i View Figure 2 ); other tergites more weakly microsculptured toward apex.

Maxillary palpomeres 3 and 4 each more than twice as long as broad, palpomere 5 as long as palpomeres 3 and 4 together, without apical process ( Fig. 2g View Figure 2 ); labial palp stout, palpomere 1 as long as palpomere 3 and 2 times as long as palpomere 2 ( Fig. 2f View Figure 2 ); flat part of malar space shorter than radius of median ocellus; eyes short and broad, inner margins distinctly divergent downwards, distance between eyes at level of antennal toruli slightly broader than longest axis of eye; antenna with 17 antennomeres and about 1.7 times as long as head breadth, antennomeres 1 and 3 strongly bent, length ratio of basal 5 antennomeres about 45: 20: 44: 24: 24 ( Fig. 2k View Figure 2 ), each flagellomere longer than broad and distinctly microsculptured; dorsum of mesoscutellum distinctly narrowed backwards; vein 2r in fore wing meeting cell 1Rs at apex, petiole of hind anal cell clearly shorter than cu-a; claw with a small inner tooth remote from outer tooth ( Fig. 2h View Figure 2 ); ventral margin of ovipositor sheath almost straight, length of ovipositor sheath about 0.41 times as long as abdomen, apical sheath as long as basal sheath; cercus short and almost straight, about 1/5 length of apical sheath ( Fig. 2e View Figure 2 ); sheath in dorsal view gradually narrowed toward apex ( Fig. 2j View Figure 2 ).

Male. Unknown.

Etymology. This new species is named after the type locality, Huayin, located in Mt. Qinling.

Distribution. China (Shaanxi).

Material examined. Holotype. ♀, Huayin , Shaanxi, China, September 2, 2019, Liangdong Song leg.

Remarks. This new species is similar to A. tianmua Wei , sp. nov. from Zhejiang, but differs from the latter by the following: the clypeus and supraclypeal area entirely yellow white, the lateral of postocellar area and hind orbit with distinct yellow white maculae, the abdominal tergite 8 black without lateral white macula, the hind tibia white in basal third, the metabasitarsus black; the apical 1/3 of hind wing and apical 1/4 of hind wing infuscate; the vein 2m-cu remote from 1r-m, the petiole of hind wing clearly shorter than cu-a; the antennomeres 1 and 3 distinctly bent and subequal in length.













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