Arastichus capipunctata Gates, Hanson, Jansen-Gonzalez & Zhang, 2022

Zhang, Y. Miles, Gates, Michael W., Hanson, Paul E. & Jansen-Gonzalez, Sergio, 2022, Description of a Neotropical gall inducer on Araceae: Arastichus, gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) and two new species, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 92, pp. 145-172 : 145

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Arastichus capipunctata Gates, Hanson, Jansen-Gonzalez & Zhang

sp. nov.

Arastichus capipunctata Gates, Hanson, Jansen-Gonzalez & Zhang View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 6 View Figure 6–7 , 7 View Figure 6–7 , 21-23 View Figure 21–25


Arastichus capipunctata can be distinguished from all other known species through the bilobed mesoscutum at the posterior margin (Fig. 23 View Figure 21–25 ), and the numerous large punctures on the face (Figs 21 View Figure 21–25 , 22 View Figure 21–25 ). The coloration of both males and females are uniformly brown (Figs 6 View Figure 6–7 , 7 View Figure 6–7 ). Females have three anelli.

Material examined.

Holotype Costa Rica • [1F]; Guanacaste 9km S Santa Cecilia, Estacion Biologica Pitilla , 600 m 18.XII.2010. L. Chavarria leg.; USNMENT01788075; deposited in USNM . Paratypes: [44F, 26M]; same information as holotype; USNMENT01829180-250; USNM. [4F, 4M]; same information as holotype; ANIC. [4F, 4M]; same information as holotype; BMNH. [4F, 4M]; same information as holotype; CNCI. [4F, 4M]; same information as holotype; MNHN. Mexico • [3F, 4M]; Veracruz, San Andres Tuxtlas , Est. Biol. Tropical Las Tuxtlas, 2.III. 2017, 124 m 18°35'22.1"N, 95°5'24.9"W, G. Amancio, A. Aguirre, F. Ozul leg., ex galled fruit Philodendron radiatum ; USNMENT01788065-69; USNM. [1F, 1M]; same information as before; CNIN. [46F, 52M]; same information as before; MZUCR GoogleMaps .


Holotype female. Body length 2.9 mm. Color: Brown except for the following yellow: scape, pedicel, lower face, prepectus, legs (except metacoxa brown), wing veins white to brown (Fig. 6 View Figure 6–7 ).

Head. 1.45 × as broad as high, with large punctures (Figs 21 View Figure 21–25 , 22 View Figure 21–25 ); anterior tentorial pits with epistomal groove extending ventrally. Supraclypeal area glabrous; clypeus bilobed. Lower margin of eyes slightly sunken; malar suture distinct; malar space 0.37 × eye height, asetose beneath eye in elongate microreticulate area; frons protuberant. Preorbital carina absent; intrascrobal area divergent dorsally to laterad anterior ocellus, delimiting shallow equilateral triangular depression in front of anterior ocellus. Ratio of LOL:OOL:POL as 1:2.1:2.5. Vertexal seta 0.45 × eye height; vertexal suture rounded at inner eye margin (Fig. 21 View Figure 21–25 ); occipital margin without transverse, sinuate carina. Head posteriorly lacking postgenal lamina, postgena with ventral depression near ventral margin.

Antenna. (Fig. 6 View Figure 6–7 ) ratio of scape (minus radicle): pedicel: A1: A2: A3: F1: F2: F3: F4: F5: club as 74:14:1:1:2:18:18:18:18:16:16; A1 constricted medially; A2 transverse; one row of MPS on all funicular segments, erect setae at 45° angle to angle to funicular segment, shorter than the funicular segment to which it is attached (Fig. 6 View Figure 6–7 ).

Mesosoma. 1.27 × as long as broad. Pronotum with two sets of setae posterolaterally. Midlobe of mesoscutum 0.88 × as long as broad; smooth, with one pair of adnotaular setae; posterior margin of mesoscutum bilobed (Fig. 24 View Figure 21–25 , arrow). Notauli complete, shallow. Scutellum 0.90 × as long as broad, effaced imbricate, with two pairs of setae; scutellum lacking submedian scutellar grooves, posterior margin rounded. Propodeum raised medially, laterally imbricate, with paraspiracular carina complete. Prepectus triangular, broadly rounded posteriorly, imbricate. Mesepimeron smooth anteriorly. Epicnemium imbricate. Metapleuron without circular fossa that is at least half as wide as propodeal spiracle. Fore wing with ratio of M:PMV:S as 9:1:4 (Fig. 6 View Figure 6–7 ); SMV with three setae on dorsal surface.

Metasoma. Finely imbricate; setose along the posterior edges of each gastral tergite; gastral sternites fused or weakly divided; third valvula extends beyond gaster.

Male. Overall morphology and coloration as in female (Fig. 7 View Figure 6–7 ). Body length 2.9 mm. Antennal ratio of scape (minus radicle):pedicel: A1:F1:F2:F3:F4:F5:F6:club as 25:8:1:2:17:17:17:17:16:9; scape with distinct ventral plaque in apical ½ (Fig. 7 View Figure 6–7 ), funicular segments clavate basally, with whorl of setae extending ~1.5x length of the funicular segment to which it is attached. MPS sparse and located at midlength; clava with basal whorl and apical setae, MPS located at apex (Fig. 7 View Figure 6–7 ). Genitalia: phallobase less than twice as long as broad, digitus with tooth-like projection on anterior margin, aedeagus broad, with apex rounded (Fig. 27 View Figure 27 ).


Both sexes: setation and sculpture variable; sometimes with faint traces of submedian scutellar grooves. Females: length of body 2.9-3.2mm, SMV with 2-3 setae. Males: length of body 2.4-2.9mm.


Named for the distinctive punctate head.


Reared from Philodendron radiatum .


Costa Rica and Mexico.











