Schistosoma mansoni

Golenser, Jacob, Birman, Ida & Gold, Daniel, 2024, Considering ivermectin for treatment of schistosomiasis, Parasitology Research (180) 123 (4), pp. 180-180 : 180-

publication ID 10.1007/s00436-024-08178-1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Schistosoma mansoni


Schistosoma mansoni

Experiments were performed using the Puerto Rican isolate obtained from NIH. The life cycle of S. mansoni was maintained in ICR mice and Biomphalaria glabrata snails. The snails were raised and kept at 26 °C in aerated aquaria. Mice were routinely infected by subcutaneous injection of about 150 cercariae each. Seven to 8 weeks postinfection, schistosome eggs were extracted from the granulomacontaining livers and hatched by exposure to light. Biomphalaria glabrata snails were infected individually by exposure to 7–8 miracidia each. Cercariae were obtained from infected snails by exposure to light for 1–2 h, starting 4 weeks after snail infection.

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