Isoperla obscura ( Zetterstedt, 1840 )

Zwick, P & Surenkhorloo, P, 2005, The Mongolian Species Of Isoperlinae (Plecoptera: Perlodidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 253-276 : 269-270

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586261

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Isoperla obscura ( Zetterstedt, 1840 )


Isoperla obscura ( Zetterstedt, 1840) View in CoL ( Fig. 9 View Fig )

Perla obscura Zetterstedt , Insecta Lapponica: 1058.

Material. MONGOLIA; Chövsgöl aimak, Alag Mort, 42 km NO vom Pass Chaldzan Sogotyn davaa, 1900m, Tesijn gol, 14.VII.1968 [KASZAB 1110], 1 f; Bajan-Ölgij aimak; ca 20 km NNW Ölgij , 2100m, 2.VII.1968 [KASZAB 1053], 1 f; Bajan-Ölgij aimak, Ölgij , 1750m, Chovd gol, re[chtes] Ufer; 30. VI.1968 [KASZAB 1046] numerous adults. Selenge aimak, Mandal sum (leg. P. SURENKHORLOO): Khonin Nuga, Eroo sum, Minj River (49°00’N, 108°02’E), 1 m (?), 02.VII.2001 GoogleMaps .

Isoperla obscura View in CoL is widespread in the northern part of the Palaearctic Region ( LEVANIDOVA & ZHILTZOVA 1979) and was previously recorded from Mongolia ( ZHILTZOVA & ZAPEKINA-DULKEIT 1986).

Size. Fore wing length, mm 7.7–9.6 mm, ff 9.0– 12.8 mm ( LILLEHAMMER 1988).

Detailed descriptions of all life stages are available ( BRINCK 1949, 1952, ILLIES 1952, LILLEHAMMER 1988), the species can be recognized by the combination of the following characters: – a narrow lanceolate pale mark between the ocelli is separate from a pale mark at the rear of the occiput ( Fig. 9a View Fig ); – the appendage to male sternite 8 is slender, narrower than long ( Fig. 9b View Fig ); – the penis membrane carries a V-shaped row of sharp broadly triangular teeth and surface is rough on its other side ( Figs 9c, d View Fig ); – female subgenital plate long, approximately triangular, pointed, similar to Kaszabia nigricauda which, however, has a distinctly horseshoe-shaped mark on the head.

The egg ( Figs 9e, f View Fig ) is regularly oval; when dissected from females, eggs are concave on one side, like most European Isoperla species. Collar with straight, slightly irregular rim, base of anchor shallowly arched, chorion about 4 µm thick, at maginification 400 almost imperceptibly punctate. Size of eggs ranges 252–268×169–177 µm in a Mongolian specimen, but 276–289×194–202 µm in a specimen from Norway (Varanger Peninsula, Kongsfjordelv, 9.8.1973, leg. TOBIAS, from Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt).


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