Celaenorrhinus pyrrha de Niceville , 1889 (new record to China)

Xue, Gou-Xi, Inayoshi, Yutaka, Li, Meng, Zhang, Fu-Ming, Lai, Da-Kun & Tian, Hai-Ying, 2020, New records of Celaenorrhinus pyrrha de Niceville, 1889 and C. munda (Moore, 1884) from China (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae), ZooKeys 985, pp. 61-70 : 61

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scientific name

Celaenorrhinus pyrrha de Niceville , 1889 (new record to China)


Celaenorrhinus pyrrha de Niceville, 1889 (new record to China) View in CoL Figs 1-3 View Figures 1–4

Celaenorrhinus pyrrha de Nicéville, 1889: 181. Type locality: Bhutan; Evans 1949: 95; Eliot 1959: 383; Osada et al. 1999: 188; Kimura et al. 2011: 33; Ek-Amnury 2012: 798; Nakamura and Wakahara 2012: 57; Monastyrskii and Devyatkin 2015: 72.

Material examined.

Material dissected and sequenced: 1♂ 1♀, China, Chongqing, Simian Mountain, 785 m, 16 August 2016, leg. Guoxi Xue [Dissection ID CQ164, CQ165; DNA voucher ID A58, A59]; 1♂, China, Yunnan, Yingjiang, Jinzhuzhai, 27 April 2016, leg. Guoxi Xue [Dissection ID YN25, DNA voucher ID A56]. Material dissected: 1♂ 1♀, China, Chongqing, Simian Mountain, 17 June 2007, 23 September 2007, 500-1,000 m [Dissection ID CQ125, CQ67]; 1♂ 1♀, Thailand, Nan, Doi Phu Kha, 4, 18 October 1991, leg. Inayoshi Yutaka [Dissection ID Th1, Th2]. Material sequenced: 1♂ 1♀, China, Chongqing, Simian Mountain, 785 m, 16 August 2016, leg. Guoxi Xue [DNA voucher ID A57, A60]. Other material examined: China • 1♀, Chongqing, Simian Mountain, 785 m, 16 August 2016, leg. Guoxi Xue; 2♀♀, Chongqing, Simian Mountain, 17 June 2007, 23 September 2007, 500-1,000 m. Vietnam • 1♂, Lam Dong Province, near Dalat City, Nong Trai, 1,200 m, 16 August 2003, leg. Kotaro Saito; 1♂, Dalat City, Nong Trai, 10 September 2008, leg. T. Saito; 2♂♂, Dalat City, Nong Trai, 1,200 m, 12 April 2009, 24 May 2009, leg. Kotaro Saito.

Molecular analysis.

A 658 bp partial COI sequence was successfully generated from each specimen used for DNA extraction (Table 1 View Table 1 ) via PCR and sequencing. The alignment of all the sequences used to perform a phylogenetic analysis is provided in Suppl. material 1. In the NJ tree (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ), the five voucher specimens were clustered into one clade, within which the mean K-2-P distance is 0 (Table 2 View Table 2 ), indicating they belong to the same species.


Male genitalia (Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ). In lateral view, tegumen protruding anteriorly; a small triangular plate at base of uncus; basal half of uncus pointed downwards at approximately 45°, distal half of uncus upturned and then slightly bent downwards, tapered into a sharp point; gnathos sickle-shaped, basal portion wide and elongated; saccus upturned, length about one third of the height of genitalia capsule. In dorsal view, basal half of tegumen semicircular; distal part of uncus widely bifid, tapered and bluntly pointed. In ventral view, left and right parts of gnathos separated. Distal half of valva bifid with a slender, sharply pointed dorsal branch curving downwards in lateral view and inwards in dorsal view, and a short blunt ventral branch. Aedeagus very robust; cornuti anchor shaped, extremely developed and sclerotized. Juxta V-shaped.

Female genitalia (Fig. 7 View Figure 7 ). Papillae anales trapezoidal, covered with short setae. Apophyses posteriors twice as long as papillae anales. Lamella postvaginalis, lamella antevaginalis and antrum merged together, with an elongated plate on each side of ostium. Ostium round, rather large. Ductus bursae short. Bursa copulatrix decorated with longitudinal striae, composed of two big bursae, dorsal side of first one coriaceous, with a longitudinal ridge and a number of transversal grooves.


According to our years of field surveys, and records in the literature ( Evans 1949; Eliot 1959; Osada et al. 1999; Kimura et al. 2011; Ek-Amnury 2012; Monastyrskii and Devyatkin 2015), Celaenorrhinus pyrrha is a rather rare species throughout its distribution range (Fig. 8 View Figure 8 ). In the present study, it is reported from two localities in China: Yingjiang in southwestern Yunnan, adjacent to northern Myanmar; and the Simian Mountain in southwestern Chongqing. The latter is isolated from the known distribution range of C. pyrrha ( Evans 1949; Eliot 1959; Osada et al. 1999; Kimura et al. 2011; Ek-Amnury 2012; Monastyrskii and Devyatkin 2015) and the discovery of this species there is totally unexpected. In the present study, some minor external variations are recognized based upon examined specimens, for example: forewing length ranges from 22.4 cm to 26.0 cm; spaces C and Sc on the dorsal side of forewing may be unmarked, or with one or two small dots above the cell spot. However, we consider these as individual variations rather than intersubspecific differences because they exist in specimens from both Chongqing and Indochina. Genitalia characters of specimens from Chongqing, Yunnan, Thailand and Vietnam are compared for both sexes. According to our observations, the specimens from Chongqing cannot be distinguished by morphological characters, and thus do not represent a separate subspecies. Even so, the geographical isolation of Chongqing compared to other localities is worthy of attention, and C. pyrrha can possibly be expected from Guizhou, Guangxi and eastern Yunnan.














Celaenorrhinus pyrrha de Niceville , 1889 (new record to China)

Xue, Gou-Xi, Inayoshi, Yutaka, Li, Meng, Zhang, Fu-Ming, Lai, Da-Kun & Tian, Hai-Ying 2020

Celaenorrhinus pyrrha

de Niceville 1889